Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    It would take just slightly larger than avg of the metabolically active organs accounting for most of your RMR to push you higher.
    Shoot - maybe it's all in the brain activity higher than normal!!!!!
    And with hypo - perhaps it could have been 30% higher.

    @heybales I think you just called @Psychgrrl brain too big for her britches :lol:
    *which considering how young she looks* :trollface:
  • JoLightensUp
    JoLightensUp Posts: 140 Member
    It's after midnight here and I'm back from a Christmas party/barbie, catching up on the thread, and guess what I coincidentally happened to choose from the dessert buffet tonight...yep, pavlova. B) Wow, I haven't had it for a while and had forgotten how sweet it is. I feel like I've had a gazillion calories, but it's probably not too bad, especially compared to some of the other cheesecake type stuff on offer. I haven't attempted to log the party stuff yet...too tired, requires too much brainpower, I'll do it tomorrow, I'm off to sleep...zzzz
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    Wow, I'm down to my lowest weight ever this morning, consistently eating around a couple of hundred calories more on a daily average than any time since I can remember without being on vacation! I'm convinced my NEAT has increased significantly due to more energy, and I have to say I'm feeling remarkably good for it being the middle of Dec., which is my hardest time of year.

    And all the food talk has me motivated to try baking gf Christmas cookies. The last time I tried was a disaster, but I found some one-for-one gf baking flour, so I'm going to give it a go. I miss my mon's recipes (from a page inside an ancient package of Betty Crocker baking flour), and the attempts to recreate them with mixes of gf flours was a disaster :/

    I haven't had much success with gf baking attempts either when I tried recreating regular recipes. The best have been these, using Bob's Red Mill GF oat flour and Kerry Gold butter:


    Once again, inherently gluten free recipes come out the best.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Awesome @mph323!!!

    I would need to lose 5 kg to be at my lowest ever adult weight. Not gonna happen. My upper chest is bony enough as it is. That does show how much fat distribution changes with age though, it absolutely was not like that at low weights 20-25 years ago.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    Wow, I'm down to my lowest weight ever this morning, consistently eating around a couple of hundred calories more on a daily average than any time since I can remember without being on vacation! I'm convinced my NEAT has increased significantly due to more energy, and I have to say I'm feeling remarkably good for it being the middle of Dec., which is my hardest time of year.

    And all the food talk has me motivated to try baking gf Christmas cookies. The last time I tried was a disaster, but I found some one-for-one gf baking flour, so I'm going to give it a go. I miss my mon's recipes (from a page inside an ancient package of Betty Crocker baking flour), and the attempts to recreate them with mixes of gf flours was a disaster :/

    I haven't had much success with gf baking attempts either when I tried recreating regular recipes. The best have been these, using Bob's Red Mill GF oat flour and Kerry Gold butter:


    Once again, inherently gluten free recipes come out the best.

    Ooooh, shortbread!! Shortbread happens to be one of the things I am incredibly good at making, so I may need to give this a go.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    Wow, I'm down to my lowest weight ever this morning, consistently eating around a couple of hundred calories more on a daily average than any time since I can remember without being on vacation! I'm convinced my NEAT has increased significantly due to more energy, and I have to say I'm feeling remarkably good for it being the middle of Dec., which is my hardest time of year.

    And all the food talk has me motivated to try baking gf Christmas cookies. The last time I tried was a disaster, but I found some one-for-one gf baking flour, so I'm going to give it a go. I miss my mon's recipes (from a page inside an ancient package of Betty Crocker baking flour), and the attempts to recreate them with mixes of gf flours was a disaster :/

    I haven't had much success with gf baking attempts either when I tried recreating regular recipes. The best have been these, using Bob's Red Mill GF oat flour and Kerry Gold butter:


    Once again, inherently gluten free recipes come out the best.

    Ooooh, shortbread!! Shortbread happens to be one of the things I am incredibly good at making, so I may need to give this a go.

    I happen to think that the oat flour shortbread is superior to wheat flour shortbread. Especially when made with good butter (which you will have thanks to your country's wonderful dairy practices) and raw sugar.

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    Wow, I'm down to my lowest weight ever this morning, consistently eating around a couple of hundred calories more on a daily average than any time since I can remember without being on vacation! I'm convinced my NEAT has increased significantly due to more energy, and I have to say I'm feeling remarkably good for it being the middle of Dec., which is my hardest time of year.

    And all the food talk has me motivated to try baking gf Christmas cookies. The last time I tried was a disaster, but I found some one-for-one gf baking flour, so I'm going to give it a go. I miss my mon's recipes (from a page inside an ancient package of Betty Crocker baking flour), and the attempts to recreate them with mixes of gf flours was a disaster :/

    I haven't had much success with gf baking attempts either when I tried recreating regular recipes. The best have been these, using Bob's Red Mill GF oat flour and Kerry Gold butter:


    Once again, inherently gluten free recipes come out the best.

    Ooooh, shortbread!! Shortbread happens to be one of the things I am incredibly good at making, so I may need to give this a go.

    I happen to think that the oat flour shortbread is superior to wheat flour shortbread. Especially when made with good butter (which you will have thanks to your country's wonderful dairy practices) and raw sugar.

    Yep, butter in abundance. I remember early on in my MFP days seeing references to grass-fed butter, and one of our run of the mill brands being hailed as a premium and thinking 'wait, Anchor do a fancy butter?', then 'oh wait, that's normal butter from normal cows that eat grass like they're meant to' :D

    Butter price here has sky-rocketed again, but I go through so little it hardly matters. I will probably splash out on the good stuff if I make the shortbread though.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Oh, also, NZ's dairy practices are far from wonderful, environmental nightmare really, but at least our cows get to frollick in the sunshine and eat grass while they pollute our waterways.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    Wow, I'm down to my lowest weight ever this morning, consistently eating around a couple of hundred calories more on a daily average than any time since I can remember without being on vacation! I'm convinced my NEAT has increased significantly due to more energy, and I have to say I'm feeling remarkably good for it being the middle of Dec., which is my hardest time of year.

    And all the food talk has me motivated to try baking gf Christmas cookies. The last time I tried was a disaster, but I found some one-for-one gf baking flour, so I'm going to give it a go. I miss my mon's recipes (from a page inside an ancient package of Betty Crocker baking flour), and the attempts to recreate them with mixes of gf flours was a disaster :/

    I haven't had much success with gf baking attempts either when I tried recreating regular recipes. The best have been these, using Bob's Red Mill GF oat flour and Kerry Gold butter:


    Once again, inherently gluten free recipes come out the best.

    Ooooh, shortbread!! Shortbread happens to be one of the things I am incredibly good at making, so I may need to give this a go.

    I happen to think that the oat flour shortbread is superior to wheat flour shortbread. Especially when made with good butter (which you will have thanks to your country's wonderful dairy practices) and raw sugar.

    You take that back! Traditional shortbread is perfect and unbeatable! And Scottish butter is obviously the best there is. Obviously. Also, as the resident Scot, my shortbread is the best.*

    *I could be lying, I don't remember when I last made shortbread, it was good though.

    No takey back-seys. I can't have regular shortbread, so it's all academic anyway.

    Besides, oat shortbread IS the original shortbread. You Scots were making it with oats just fine and then decided to copy the fussy nobility and use wheat flour instead. Pfeh.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    Wow, I'm down to my lowest weight ever this morning, consistently eating around a couple of hundred calories more on a daily average than any time since I can remember without being on vacation! I'm convinced my NEAT has increased significantly due to more energy, and I have to say I'm feeling remarkably good for it being the middle of Dec., which is my hardest time of year.

    And all the food talk has me motivated to try baking gf Christmas cookies. The last time I tried was a disaster, but I found some one-for-one gf baking flour, so I'm going to give it a go. I miss my mon's recipes (from a page inside an ancient package of Betty Crocker baking flour), and the attempts to recreate them with mixes of gf flours was a disaster :/

    I haven't had much success with gf baking attempts either when I tried recreating regular recipes. The best have been these, using Bob's Red Mill GF oat flour and Kerry Gold butter:


    Once again, inherently gluten free recipes come out the best.

    Ooooh, shortbread!! Shortbread happens to be one of the things I am incredibly good at making, so I may need to give this a go.

    I happen to think that the oat flour shortbread is superior to wheat flour shortbread. Especially when made with good butter (which you will have thanks to your country's wonderful dairy practices) and raw sugar.

    You take that back! Traditional shortbread is perfect and unbeatable! And Scottish butter is obviously the best there is. Obviously. Also, as the resident Scot, my shortbread is the best.*

    *I could be lying, I don't remember when I last made shortbread, it was good though.

    No takey back-seys. I can't have regular shortbread, so it's all academic anyway.

    Besides, oat shortbread IS the original shortbread. You Scots were making it with oats just fine and then decided to copy the fussy nobility and use wheat flour instead. Pfeh.

    I do like an oat cookie, I'll give you that. Raisin and oat especially. I like oats in my crumble, uh, crumb. And porridge. I'm Scottishing hard over here. I even like haggis and that has oats in it too!

    Imagine that nutty oat-y goodness with all the butter that is the glory of shortbread.

    You're welcome.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    It's 27 C and I am baking a potato for lunch, because my goddamn avocados won't ripen (yes, I have one in a bag with apples, still as green as when I put it in there two days ago). I'm going to buy a couple of bananas today to sacrifice to this ripening cause. Which is going to involve finding the energy to leave the house, which I am hoping potato and beans will give me.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    Wow, I'm down to my lowest weight ever this morning, consistently eating around a couple of hundred calories more on a daily average than any time since I can remember without being on vacation! I'm convinced my NEAT has increased significantly due to more energy, and I have to say I'm feeling remarkably good for it being the middle of Dec., which is my hardest time of year.

    And all the food talk has me motivated to try baking gf Christmas cookies. The last time I tried was a disaster, but I found some one-for-one gf baking flour, so I'm going to give it a go. I miss my mon's recipes (from a page inside an ancient package of Betty Crocker baking flour), and the attempts to recreate them with mixes of gf flours was a disaster :/

    I haven't had much success with gf baking attempts either when I tried recreating regular recipes. The best have been these, using Bob's Red Mill GF oat flour and Kerry Gold butter:


    Once again, inherently gluten free recipes come out the best.

    Ooooh, shortbread!! Shortbread happens to be one of the things I am incredibly good at making, so I may need to give this a go.

    I happen to think that the oat flour shortbread is superior to wheat flour shortbread. Especially when made with good butter (which you will have thanks to your country's wonderful dairy practices) and raw sugar.

    You take that back! Traditional shortbread is perfect and unbeatable! And Scottish butter is obviously the best there is. Obviously. Also, as the resident Scot, my shortbread is the best.*

    *I could be lying, I don't remember when I last made shortbread, it was good though.

    No takey back-seys. I can't have regular shortbread, so it's all academic anyway.

    Besides, oat shortbread IS the original shortbread. You Scots were making it with oats just fine and then decided to copy the fussy nobility and use wheat flour instead. Pfeh.

    I do like an oat cookie, I'll give you that. Raisin and oat especially. I like oats in my crumble, uh, crumb. And porridge. I'm Scottishing hard over here. I even like haggis and that has oats in it too!

    Imagine that nutty oat-y goodness with all the butter that is the glory of shortbread.

    You're welcome.

    I will. Oat cookies. If you're not making cookies with butter you're doing it wrong.
  • JoLightensUp
    JoLightensUp Posts: 140 Member
    I'm sorry y'all, but my dad was a pastrycook (third generation) - he made the best shortbread. :p ***Ducks and runs***