Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    A couple of thoughts come to mind from this...

    1. The "2 day refeed with lots of carbs" is very consistent with my personal experience.

    2. We see this all the time on MFP - people are terrible at figuring out their actual maintenance calories when they are outside the normal healthy body fat zones. In actual practice, most people who are (say) 20% overweight (technically obese) will use the usual calculators to figure out maintenance and end up eating at a meaningful caloric surplus instead.

    To your 2nd point, exactly that. Maintaining a larger frame will mean eating a lot more to support it. If they were to choose maintenance based on their ideal/reference/goal weight, they would be seeing a deficit if they're overfat. And ultimately, that's the goal.. to lose excess fat weight and maintain an optimal weight within reason (neither underfat or overfat) long term AKA for the rest of their lives.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    anubis609 wrote: »
    anubis609 wrote: »
    There was some epic Twitter kittenry yesterday with lchf fanatics amidst a showdown between Tim Noakes and Alan Aragon.

    It all started because the BJSM has been taken over by zealots who apparently think the amount of followers you have is meaningful data.

    Ha, yes. I witnessed it in real time. Noakes quoted me in response to my tweet to someone else that brought up insulin out of nowhere when he was "disgusted" with Alan's reply to Tim. Then I ended up having a circular debate with Noakes because he's equating the concept of "high carb diets" to packaged/refined treats, where my argument is that his definition should be the forefront of context when he's using that term because I have yet to see the case where fruit and vegetable carbs alone caused insulin resistance if they were in a eucaloric or hypocaloric state.

    ETA: This was also the root cause of my paper writing procrastination :tongue:

    Oh, now I have to go back and read it in full.

    Because my *favorite* LCHF strawman is high carb = packaged/refined treats

    The entire LCHF narrative is goal post shifting and strawmanning the hell out of rebuttals. Tim said that humans are exposed to "high carb" since CONCEPTION... that sounds truly difficult.


    I. can't. even.

    Trufax. I low carbed (moderately low, no starches, but ate berries) through my last pregnancy. Just veg, dairy, and meat (was still a meat eater then).

    But see, then there's that pesky breast milk thing. That stuff is just brimming with da ebil sugarz.
    kimny72 wrote: »
    @anubis609 Well, I mean, if you're going to be picky and expect people to define terms and such..

    So I guess American fetuses are showing evidence of exposure to Doritos and Frosted Flakes? Weird.

    Lol. The thing is I do eat low carb most of the time, and I'm ketotic via acetone breath testing, but I'm macro agnostic when it comes to keeping "the law of keto." I don't care what the macro composition of anyone's diet is if it works for them, so long as protein is appropriate. When someone isn't in a hypercaloric state, there's no chance in hell they're going to develop obesity from a thermodynamic standpoint. Insulin's job isn't to regulate blood glucose. It's to meter fatty acids in response to substrate and cellular energy status. But that's beside the point. In a normal metabolism, no one develops insulin resistance if they're in a healthy weight range and body fat level.

    To challenge the whole "insulin makes you fat because carbz are the devil" people like the Abs & Ice Cream guy on youtube and the twinkie diet guy improved their health markers, reduced fat mass, and lost overall weight eating just those things because of an energy deficit, and the rest of nutritional science recognizes this, so they use them as extreme examples.

    And even if Noakes wanted to use the extreme euphemism to say people are exposed to crap food earlier in life, he can't blindly call them insulin resistant. Jimmy Moore is the king of ketards pushing low protein and unlimited fat consumption to the brink of morbid obesity and will continuously blame hormones for his size when he boldly claims to eat to satiety and not worry about calories. His fasting insulin shows that he is truly insulin sensitive, which ironically allows people to store fat much easier than someone with insulin resistance.

    And damn it all to hell, I've brought my daily hell into this thread. My apologies and condolences. Lol. Let's go back to animals and flip flops/jandals

    Yeah, at a deficit, and especially if I didn't have a lot of exercise cals to play with, I was lower carb too. Like you, I just didn't hail it as The One True Way. When I was still overweight, I was possibly a bit insulin resistant and did seem to do better on low carb (I possibly maybe have PCOS). Once I hit a bit below top of normal BMI that disappears (shock, horror), and the lower carbs were purely because there wasn't a lot of room left after fat and protein. My carb intake, needless to say, has gone up considerably at maintenance cals.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Sooo, I chucked a pav recipe into the recipe builder. One serving is less than 200 cals, and is only half an egg white (for some reason I always think there's 5 billion egg whites in a pav, I've never actually made one).
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    edited December 2017
    The twins are now fully on their ketogenic raw diet (not taking any chances with Mario's kidneys, even though the full diagnostics came back fine, dehydration shouldn't have caused elevated creatine, he could well be at the very early stage of renal insufficiency, so no dry for him). Toby is on da ebil carby dry food for his crystals, because he won't eat the prescription wet food. The plus side of moving to meal feeding is that I can better monitor how much butter ball Toby gets. He is living proof that low cal food in excess does not result in weight loss (though he has only been on it a month, and I'm going purely on visual).
  • dancefit2015
    dancefit2015 Posts: 236 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Snickers is just overfed.. he's on a higher protein diet now but when I got him, the cheap stuff was what he got and well.. 63yb71rtmssq.png

    Adorable :heart: I want a kitty :cry: and @Psychgrrl I love the "The Princess Bride" themed names!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Sooo, I chucked a pav recipe into the recipe builder. One serving is less than 200 cals, and is only half an egg white (for some reason I always think there's 5 billion egg whites in a pav, I've never actually made one).

    Half an egg white? But a pav is a giant meringue. I make meringues and half an egg white won't even get you a "p".
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    My lot are grain free exclusively wet (though we did get a treat box from our online supplies place and that has some dry as a treat) but they do enjoy raw. I just don't have the freezer space with me also buying my meat in bulk and freezing. Nowhere for a second freezer to go so for now they get the best wet I can afford.

    And as if he knows I'm talking about him the demon has come for a snuggle.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    edited December 2017
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Snickers is just overfed.. he's on a higher protein diet now but when I got him, the cheap stuff was what he got and well.. 63yb71rtmssq.png

    Adorable :heart: I want a kitty :cry: and @Psychgrrl I love the "The Princess Bride" themed names!

    Lol he's a giant baby. He's more dog than cat in terms of wanting affection...except he'll nip at your calves if you try to ignore him when he's asking for something. That and having 28 lbs on your chest when he's kneading you before going to sleep is kind of breathtaking - literally :lol:
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Oh, on the meringues, I should add that they aren't very calorific at all. They're one of my go tos for something lower calorie but still delicious. I've done Eton mess with Greek yoghurt instead of cream, delicious and macro friendly!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Sooo, I chucked a pav recipe into the recipe builder. One serving is less than 200 cals, and is only half an egg white (for some reason I always think there's 5 billion egg whites in a pav, I've never actually made one).

    Half an egg white? But a pav is a giant meringue. I make meringues and half an egg white won't even get you a "p".

    I think this recipe is for the flatter variety, so only three egg whites. Really, any decent pav should have six. Though, doing the smaller one, chances are everyone will actually eat two servings, leaving no leftovers to tempt me. And I really do think I can handle one egg white...
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Sooo, I chucked a pav recipe into the recipe builder. One serving is less than 200 cals, and is only half an egg white (for some reason I always think there's 5 billion egg whites in a pav, I've never actually made one).

    Half an egg white? But a pav is a giant meringue. I make meringues and half an egg white won't even get you a "p".

    I think this recipe is for the flatter variety, so only three egg whites. Really, any decent pav should have six. Though, doing the smaller one, chances are everyone will actually eat two servings, leaving no leftovers to tempt me. And I really do think I can handle one egg white...

    Sigh! I thought this was supposed to be a "diet" site; not an "I now want Terry's Oranges and to eat a Pavlova and be terrorised by cats" site. I suppose the prevalence of vicious felines (vicious; not vintage) explains the tendency of so many discussions to degenerate to *kitten*.

    And why do *I* think that I've let the home team down by not having a PAV since I started logging on MFP?!?!?! I wonder if they sell them in the frozen food section :blush:
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Sooo, I chucked a pav recipe into the recipe builder. One serving is less than 200 cals, and is only half an egg white (for some reason I always think there's 5 billion egg whites in a pav, I've never actually made one).

    Half an egg white? But a pav is a giant meringue. I make meringues and half an egg white won't even get you a "p".

    I think this recipe is for the flatter variety, so only three egg whites. Really, any decent pav should have six. Though, doing the smaller one, chances are everyone will actually eat two servings, leaving no leftovers to tempt me. And I really do think I can handle one egg white...

    Sigh! I thought this was supposed to be a "diet" site; not an "I now want Terry's Oranges and to eat a Pavlova and be terrorised by cats" site. I suppose the prevalence of vicious felines (vicious; not vintage) explains the tendency of so many discussions to degenerate to *kitten*.

    And why do *I* think that I've let the home team down by not having a PAV since I started logging on MFP?!?!?! I wonder if they sell them in the frozen food section :blush:

    Yes, you really should have pav!! You should also just make a fresh one (you could make a mini one, so there's not so much temptation). And pav is diet food, egg whites (and a crap ton of sugar...)!!

    Niece and I have done some further vague planning. She will make the pavlova, since she has done this before. Christmas Day would not be the time discover I have inherited my mother's total lack of pavlova-making skill. We will have nibbly things (I don't know what these are yet, probably fruit and cheese) and throw some things in the direction of the bbq (corn on the cob, haloumi, asparagus if there's still any about, roasted potatoes). And lots of wine.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Sooo, I chucked a pav recipe into the recipe builder. One serving is less than 200 cals, and is only half an egg white (for some reason I always think there's 5 billion egg whites in a pav, I've never actually made one).

    Half an egg white? But a pav is a giant meringue. I make meringues and half an egg white won't even get you a "p".

    I think this recipe is for the flatter variety, so only three egg whites. Really, any decent pav should have six. Though, doing the smaller one, chances are everyone will actually eat two servings, leaving no leftovers to tempt me. And I really do think I can handle one egg white...

    Sigh! I thought this was supposed to be a "diet" site; not an "I now want Terry's Oranges and to eat a Pavlova and be terrorised by cats" site. I suppose the prevalence of vicious felines (vicious; not vintage) explains the tendency of so many discussions to degenerate to *kitten*.

    And why do *I* think that I've let the home team down by not having a PAV since I started logging on MFP?!?!?! I wonder if they sell them in the frozen food section :blush:

    Meringues are usually in our supermarkets bakery section... One big store has brought out a fancy thing for Christmas covered in choc and salted caramel drizzle, which is in the freezer. My brain doesn't understand - to me, that's going to be detrimental to the meringue texture
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Sooo, I chucked a pav recipe into the recipe builder. One serving is less than 200 cals, and is only half an egg white (for some reason I always think there's 5 billion egg whites in a pav, I've never actually made one).

    Half an egg white? But a pav is a giant meringue. I make meringues and half an egg white won't even get you a "p".

    I think this recipe is for the flatter variety, so only three egg whites. Really, any decent pav should have six. Though, doing the smaller one, chances are everyone will actually eat two servings, leaving no leftovers to tempt me. And I really do think I can handle one egg white...

    Sigh! I thought this was supposed to be a "diet" site; not an "I now want Terry's Oranges and to eat a Pavlova and be terrorised by cats" site. I suppose the prevalence of vicious felines (vicious; not vintage) explains the tendency of so many discussions to degenerate to *kitten*.

    And why do *I* think that I've let the home team down by not having a PAV since I started logging on MFP?!?!?! I wonder if they sell them in the frozen food section :blush:

    Meringues are usually in our supermarkets bakery section... One big store has brought out a fancy thing for Christmas covered in choc and salted caramel drizzle, which is in the freezer. My brain doesn't understand - to me, that's going to be detrimental to the meringue texture

    That's what I thought too, hence the make fresh.

    I was going to strength train before dinner, but it's too damn hot. I will do it in the morning.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    @livingleanlivingclean - As long as the machine is calibrated and you are coming in at right time - very accurate.

    When a unit on truck drives up to the gym for free or cheap readings, or a mall - be wary.

    They know full well that if people hadn't planned - they are invalid readings - no food for at minimum 4 hrs, longer is better because if still digesting food - you are expiring CO2 purely for that reason, not only the metabolizing of fuel. And no working out day prior is better too - no higher metabolism dealing with repair or replenishment.

    So going to gym for free/cheap readings means they know they are bad - and likely haven't calibrated their unit, or are about to and want to get some final money in before that process.

    I wouldn't trust a place like that even if they did just do the process and I'm first the next morning. Who knows what other sloppy stuff they'll be doing?

    Now, if gym required signup and gave you sheet for what was required of you - eh, maybe. I'd still ask if they ever went to the mall or some corp business office and ran spur-the-moment tests for people.

    Mine has always been at the start of a VO2max test, so sitting not reclining, and 5 min not 15, and tons of wires hanging off body instead of just nice face mask. But I calm down quick, if HR is indication, so I figure pretty decent even if not true RMR.
    And since at hospital heart unit - very immovable unit.

    Good to know. I had mine done before my VO2 max as well and they were quite firm on the instructions about eating, drinking and exercising beforehand when I set up the appointment. They talked about how the calibrate the machines. I had it done at the campus's fitness lab. Interestingly enough, my RMR was 25% higher than the average for my age, gender, weight and height. I wonder how that intersects with my hypothyroidism.

    Sounds like you had some tech's used to doing studies.

    It would take just slightly larger than avg of the metabolically active organs accounting for most of your RMR to push you higher.

    Shoot - maybe it's all in the brain activity higher than normal!!!!!

    And with hypo - perhaps it could have been 30% higher.