3 Ingredient Healthy Cookies!



  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    Side note: To whoever mentioned that everyone now attributes cancer and meat consumption from a stupid documentary. Touche. But isn't it funny how the American Cancer Society has more recently named Processed meat as a carcinogen, in the same category as smoking!? Crazy huh!! :)
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    We can and do eat raw meat. See steak tartare and sushi. Steak tartare even includes a raw egg! Imagine! My poor intestines!

    And my protein recommendations have never ever ever come from state advice (and I say state because i'm in the UK, welcome to a worldwide site, not all of us live in the US). The only thing I see heavily pushed here is fruit and veg minimums funnily enough. And those changed this year from 5 servings a day to 10. So weird when we're all in big meat and dairy's pocket.

    You STILL haven't provided and sources or links to what you think proves your points. Infographics don't count, particularly ones produced by someone with a clear bias.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    _AshLynn wrote: »
    I never suggested any percentage ... This all began because I stated my personal consumption. Then it somehow was misconstrued into my recommendation, and everyone saying that I suggested that for all. The only recommendation I DID suggest for all if you look above....is...Whatever works well for you and your daily life, and is the most reasonable (health, cost effective wise) I.E. Whatever works for you. I am not a preacher at all.

    I don't care to take the time at the moment to get all my articles, hence why I said just google from these sources. But here is a link to a protein article that goes over high and low protein affects.


    Sure people can eat raw meat, sure people can smoke. Do you get lung cancer after you first light up?

    This is what you said earlier after sharing your macros: "I don't want to get too much into the whole Vegan topic, because people tend to get very defensive, but you don't need that much protein in your diet."

    If you didn't mean to be talking about other people, "you" may not have been the best word choice there.

    Later you write "I just was finding more research that suggests 5% protein is a requirement."

    So it appears you're adjusting it even lower, but if you aren't meaning to give specific targets, I understand that. It makes your posts rather confusing though.

    If you're comparing the consumption of raw meat to smoking, then I'm going to ask what that is based on. Are there studies that show an increase in cancer in populations that commonly eat raw meat that has been linked or associated with that particular habit? I'm not aware of any, so I'm curious as to what you base this statement on.

    Either way, it has nothing to do with your earlier claim that we *cannot* eat raw meat that we need to cook it in order to digest it. That simply isn't true, so now you're just making a new claim -- that eating raw meat will cause cancer. Please don't just move the goalposts, let's focus on your initial claim.

    Will you at least acknowledge that you're picking up bad information from at least some of your sources and reflect on how this impacts your overall argument? Humans *can* digest raw meat and in some cultures, it's a significant source of nutrition.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    It's not my job to prove your claims, that's your job. You made them, you back them up. Being unwilling to just makes us question your sources or the truth of what you think.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited October 2017
    _AshLynn wrote: »
    I never suggested any percentage ... This all began because I stated my personal consumption. Then it somehow was misconstrued into my recommendation, and everyone saying that I suggested that for all. The only recommendation I DID suggest for all if you look above....is...Whatever works well for you and your daily life, and is the most reasonable (health, cost effective wise) I.E. Whatever works for you. I am not a preacher at all.

    I don't care to take the time at the moment to get all my articles, hence why I said just google from these sources. But here is a link to a protein article that goes over high and low protein affects.


    Sure people can eat raw meat, sure people can smoke. Do you get lung cancer after you first light up?

    That's a 200 page report. May I ask what specific portions you think support the claims you've made in this thread so we can discuss those?

    I'm not trying to be nitpicky, I'm just passionate about accuracy when people are representing veganism.

    When you think of all the people who will see your posts online, some of them may not be familiar with arguments for veganism, they may not know many vegans. When they see vegans repeating inaccurate information or even being misleading (not saying you are being deliberately misleading, but I've seen it happen in other threads), assumptions take root. Things like "vegans don't understand nutrition" or even "vegans lie." It makes it that much harder for the next vegan to be taken seriously or for valid points about veganism to be understood.

    This is terrible for animals and that is why it concerns me so much.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    We can digest raw meat just fine it's the parasites we don't want so as humans with fire cook meat.
  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    _AshLynn wrote: »
    I never suggested any percentage ... This all began because I stated my personal consumption. Then it somehow was misconstrued into my recommendation, and everyone saying that I suggested that for all. The only recommendation I DID suggest for all if you look above....is...Whatever works well for you and your daily life, and is the most reasonable (health, cost effective wise) I.E. Whatever works for you. I am not a preacher at all.

    I don't care to take the time at the moment to get all my articles, hence why I said just google from these sources. But here is a link to a protein article that goes over high and low protein affects.


    Sure people can eat raw meat, sure people can smoke. Do you get lung cancer after you first light up?

    This is what you said earlier after sharing your macros: "I don't want to get too much into the whole Vegan topic, because people tend to get very defensive, but you don't need that much protein in your diet."

    If you didn't mean to be talking about other people, "you" may not have been the best word choice there.

    Later you write "I just was finding more research that suggests 5% protein is a requirement."

    So it appears you're adjusting it even lower, but if you aren't meaning to give specific targets, I understand that. It makes your posts rather confusing though.

    If you're comparing the consumption of raw meat to smoking, then I'm going to ask what that is based on. Are there studies that show an increase in cancer in populations that commonly eat raw meat that has been linked or associated with that particular habit? I'm not aware of any, so I'm curious as to what you base this statement on.

    Either way, it has nothing to do with your earlier claim that we *cannot* eat raw meat that we need to cook it in order to digest it. That simply isn't true, so now you're just making a new claim -- that eating raw meat will cause cancer. Please don't just move the goalposts, let's focus on your initial claim.

    Will you at least acknowledge that you're picking up bad information from at least some of your sources and reflect on how this impacts your overall argument? Humans *can* digest raw meat and in some cultures, it's a significant source of nutrition.

    My post was very vague. Me saying you don't need that much protein isn't restricting or suggesting anything at all. After you asked for facts I posted WHO who recommended 5% protein consumption would be the basic need. How didn't I back that up?

    I also didn't suggest an actual research study for raw meat and smoking. It was a comparison. Like the sky is as blue as the ocean. Pretty simple. It was not a declaration. Did I say that raw meat causes cancer? Nope. But I made a comparison to something that was cool in society for a while, but now is a huge "no-no." But raw meat and gut bacteria don't go well together. I didn't realize I needed a resource and reference guide very sentence I posted. Noted I will post with sources from now on.

  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    Treece68 wrote: »
    We can digest raw meat just fine it's the parasites we don't want so as humans with fire cook meat.

    Sure the parasites are the issue. Maybe if we had shorter digestive tracks or a higher acidity level in our stomachs it wouldn't be a problem. Hm...pretty sure that would pertain to carnivore....which we aren't
  • _AshLynn
    _AshLynn Posts: 134 Member
    _AshLynn wrote: »
    I never suggested any percentage ... This all began because I stated my personal consumption. Then it somehow was misconstrued into my recommendation, and everyone saying that I suggested that for all. The only recommendation I DID suggest for all if you look above....is...Whatever works well for you and your daily life, and is the most reasonable (health, cost effective wise) I.E. Whatever works for you. I am not a preacher at all.

    I don't care to take the time at the moment to get all my articles, hence why I said just google from these sources. But here is a link to a protein article that goes over high and low protein affects.


    Sure people can eat raw meat, sure people can smoke. Do you get lung cancer after you first light up?

    That's a 200 page report. May I ask what specific portions you think support the claims you've made in this thread so we can discuss those?

    I'm not trying to be nitpicky, I'm just passionate about accuracy when people are representing veganism.

    When you think of all the people who will see your posts online, some of them may not be familiar with arguments for veganism, they may not know many vegans. When they see vegans repeating inaccurate information or even being misleading (not saying you are being deliberately misleading, but I've seen it happen in other threads), assumptions take root. Things like "vegans don't understand nutrition" or even "vegans lie." It makes it that much harder for the next vegan to be taken seriously or for valid points about veganism to be understood.

    This is terrible for animals and that is why it concerns me so much.

    Well it is difficult to answer multiple people at once on a forum for sure. Hence why I feel as though I am going back and forth on different things. I will pull out a certain portion of said document for you!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    _AshLynn wrote: »
    Treece68 wrote: »
    We can digest raw meat just fine it's the parasites we don't want so as humans with fire cook meat.

    Sure the parasites are the issue. Maybe if we had shorter digestive tracks or a higher acidity level in our stomachs it wouldn't be a problem. Hm...pretty sure that would pertain to carnivore....which we aren't

    Nobody is saying we're carnivores.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    _AshLynn wrote: »
    _AshLynn wrote: »
    I never suggested any percentage ... This all began because I stated my personal consumption. Then it somehow was misconstrued into my recommendation, and everyone saying that I suggested that for all. The only recommendation I DID suggest for all if you look above....is...Whatever works well for you and your daily life, and is the most reasonable (health, cost effective wise) I.E. Whatever works for you. I am not a preacher at all.

    I don't care to take the time at the moment to get all my articles, hence why I said just google from these sources. But here is a link to a protein article that goes over high and low protein affects.


    Sure people can eat raw meat, sure people can smoke. Do you get lung cancer after you first light up?

    This is what you said earlier after sharing your macros: "I don't want to get too much into the whole Vegan topic, because people tend to get very defensive, but you don't need that much protein in your diet."

    If you didn't mean to be talking about other people, "you" may not have been the best word choice there.

    Later you write "I just was finding more research that suggests 5% protein is a requirement."

    So it appears you're adjusting it even lower, but if you aren't meaning to give specific targets, I understand that. It makes your posts rather confusing though.

    If you're comparing the consumption of raw meat to smoking, then I'm going to ask what that is based on. Are there studies that show an increase in cancer in populations that commonly eat raw meat that has been linked or associated with that particular habit? I'm not aware of any, so I'm curious as to what you base this statement on.

    Either way, it has nothing to do with your earlier claim that we *cannot* eat raw meat that we need to cook it in order to digest it. That simply isn't true, so now you're just making a new claim -- that eating raw meat will cause cancer. Please don't just move the goalposts, let's focus on your initial claim.

    Will you at least acknowledge that you're picking up bad information from at least some of your sources and reflect on how this impacts your overall argument? Humans *can* digest raw meat and in some cultures, it's a significant source of nutrition.

    My post was very vague. Me saying you don't need that much protein isn't restricting or suggesting anything at all. After you asked for facts I posted WHO who recommended 5% protein consumption would be the basic need. How didn't I back that up?

    I also didn't suggest an actual research study for raw meat and smoking. It was a comparison. Like the sky is as blue as the ocean. Pretty simple. It was not a declaration. Did I say that raw meat causes cancer? Nope. But I made a comparison to something that was cool in society for a while, but now is a huge "no-no." But raw meat and gut bacteria don't go well together. I didn't realize I needed a resource and reference guide very sentence I posted. Noted I will post with sources from now on.

    Yeah, when you're calling something harmful (which is very different than saying something is a certain color), it's helpful to have a source that backs that up in some way. It's still a chance of topic from your initial claim that humans can't digest raw meat, but it looks better when you have a reasoning or information behind more controversial or unproven claims.

    I appreciate you clarifying that you were not attempting to offer suggestions or recommendations for protein intake.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    _AshLynn wrote: »
    Treece68 wrote: »
    We can digest raw meat just fine it's the parasites we don't want so as humans with fire cook meat.

    Sure the parasites are the issue. Maybe if we had shorter digestive tracks or a higher acidity level in our stomachs it wouldn't be a problem. Hm...pretty sure that would pertain to carnivore....which we aren't

    If the parasites are the issue, then why was the claim that we need to cook meat in order to digest it?

    These are two separate things.