Clearly CICO has no bearing on my recent weight loss



  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    This is the least restrictive method to lose weight.

    You are still clearly eating in a calorie deficit to lose weight, there is no defying that fact it comes down to a calorie deficit. Can't lose weight without being in one. Good for you for finding something that worked for you!

    There is a big difference between "MUST lose in a calorie deficit" and "can't lose unless you have a calorie deficit". The 1st statement is a fact, then second, not as much so. If the second were true, then no weight loss drugs would ever work and I do think there are some out there that do work, maybe with really bad side effects, but it shows that it can be possible to lose some without the CICO calculated deficits.

    Those pills that really do help are amphetamines. They reduce appetite and cause restlessness. CICO.

    Don't they also tend to damage the heart? Or am I misremembering?
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    blambo61 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    This is the least restrictive method to lose weight.

    You are still clearly eating in a calorie deficit to lose weight, there is no defying that fact it comes down to a calorie deficit. Can't lose weight without being in one. Good for you for finding something that worked for you!

    There is a big difference between "MUST lose in a calorie deficit" and "can't lose unless you have a calorie deficit". The 1st statement is a fact, then second, not as much so. If the second were true, then no weight loss drugs would ever work and I do think there are some out there that do work, maybe with really bad side effects, but it shows that it can be possible to lose some without the CICO calculated deficits.

    Those pills that really do help are amphetamines. They reduce appetite and cause restlessness. CICO.

    Don't they also tend to damage the heart? Or am I misremembering?

    yes. that's why they had to pull the OG Hydroxicut off shelves, and new Hydroxicut is just caffeine and capsaicine, like every other diet pill.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited October 2017
    sarahthes wrote: »
    blambo61 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    This is the least restrictive method to lose weight.

    You are still clearly eating in a calorie deficit to lose weight, there is no defying that fact it comes down to a calorie deficit. Can't lose weight without being in one. Good for you for finding something that worked for you!

    There is a big difference between "MUST lose in a calorie deficit" and "can't lose unless you have a calorie deficit". The 1st statement is a fact, then second, not as much so. If the second were true, then no weight loss drugs would ever work and I do think there are some out there that do work, maybe with really bad side effects, but it shows that it can be possible to lose some without the CICO calculated deficits.

    Those pills that really do help are amphetamines. They reduce appetite and cause restlessness. CICO.

    Don't they also tend to damage the heart? Or am I misremembering?

    Lil' bit. :wink: I believe there's at least one regular poster with permanent heart damage from Phentermine. Don't know who it is, though.
  • sgtx81
    sgtx81 Posts: 466 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    sgtx81 wrote: »
    What would be the point of logging if it didn't include your calories and macros? I assumed common sense would lead people to include those metrics in their log. And for ppl who plateau at 6 months or whatever though logging calories, they are either not being accurate or they are not accounting for the fact that the less they weigh, the fewer calories they need, so if they haven't been adjusting their intake accordingly they will notice a decline in weight loss and will eventually see it stop altogether.

    I don't believe I have ever seen anyone claim that keto increases metabolism. All I have ever seen is that it curbs appetite and causes the body to burn fat and protein for fuel instead of carbs. It may increase metabolism with increased physical activity, but more than that it changes how the metabolism functions.

    Everything short of liposuction is based on a caloric deficit. Different paths to the same goal. CICO is it, barring some disease or condition.

    Baring some disease? CICO is immutable or it isn't.

    you responded as i was editing... check it again
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    Math? Not a thing.

    Thermodynamics? Not a thing.

    Laws of energy conservation? Not a thing.

    Gluten-free? You might be on to something there......

    If there is more gluconeogenesis doing LC or IF, then thermodynamics demands there be a metabolic advantage doing those things. Any process, including gluconeogensis ins't 100% efficient in energy conversion, so that alone proves that what you eat and possibly when you eat does make a difference.

    Look at long-term results.