I gained 12 pounds???? Help!!



  • biglouie7504
    biglouie7504 Posts: 23 Member
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    I used to eat way more than I have this week and I weighed myself just now and it says I weigh 12 pounds more than I was last week??! I just started drinking water daily and assumed it would help me lose weight, but I am gaining weight even though Im eating less?? Help????

    Stay off away from scales! focus on staying within your calories count and how your clothes are fitting you :)
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    Well first of all scales are just a TOOL in the whole process. I read earlier you said you felt like you drank a lot with just 20 ounces. 20 ounces is nothing when it comes to being properly hydrated. I am 51yo and recently passed out due to two things. One I did not drink enough water and was out walking a paved path with my family and second I did had to pee which I did. The combination of the two caused me to pass out and I face planted on the hard pavement and broke my face. Teeth broke thru my lower lip and one tooth was broken at the gum line. I looked like I was hit by a truck. It is VERY important to stay hydrated.

    Also I have seen my weight fluctuate 5lbs in a day just from needing to drink more water. You also know if you severely limit your calorie intake it can cause your body to stop losing FAT and store it. You need to EAT HEALTHY and EXERCISE to properly lose weight.

    The other thing to keep in mind is even like myself I have let the weight gain for me over the last 20+ years and you cannot expect it to just fall off like it was melting. The most you should lose a week is about 2lbs. You may experience more in the beginning, but over all 2lbs a week is a good goal.

    Do you exercise at all? Also I may have missed it ,but what is your age? have you been seen by a doctor to eliminate any possible things like thyroid problems that can cause people weight gain.

    Make sure you wear the same clothing and use the same scale if your going to be like me and step on that evil thing way to much. Muscle weighs more then fat so could be muscle growing. Depends on what your doing for exercises.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I swear i said all that... i did say it right? I didn't fall asleep and dream about it?

    You're a mean boy though, remember?!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    pogiguy05 wrote: »
    Well first of all scales are just a TOOL in the whole process. I read earlier you said you felt like you drank a lot with just 20 ounces. 20 ounces is nothing when it comes to being properly hydrated. I am 51yo and recently passed out due to two things. One I did not drink enough water and was out walking a paved path with my family and second I did had to pee which I did. The combination of the two caused me to pass out and I face planted on the hard pavement and broke my face. Teeth broke thru my lower lip and one tooth was broken at the gum line. I looked like I was hit by a truck. It is VERY important to stay hydrated.

    Also I have seen my weight fluctuate 5lbs in a day just from needing to drink more water. You also know if you severely limit your calorie intake it can cause your body to stop losing FAT and store it. You need to EAT HEALTHY and EXERCISE to properly lose weight.

    The other thing to keep in mind is even like myself I have let the weight gain for me over the last 20+ years and you cannot expect it to just fall off like it was melting. The most you should lose a week is about 2lbs. You may experience more in the beginning, but over all 2lbs a week is a good goal.

    Do you exercise at all? Also I may have missed it ,but what is your age? have you been seen by a doctor to eliminate any possible things like thyroid problems that can cause people weight gain.

    Make sure you wear the same clothing and use the same scale if your going to be like me and step on that evil thing way to much. Muscle weighs more then fat so could be muscle growing. Depends on what your doing for exercises.

    Based on information from the previous thread, 20 ounces is a lot more than she was previously drinking - she has a history of not drinking more than a few ounces in a day and trying to drink water it was coming back up at first. So this is a big step in the right direction.
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 403 Member
    Hi OP,
    You almost certainly did not gain 12 lbs, for all the reasons others already mentioned. From what you said you are not eating that much at all. But even if you did by some strange combination of circumstances gain 12 lbs, your priority should be to work on your hydration levels. I remember your other thread about hydration and was really concerned for your well being. Continue working on that first - glad to see you are making some progress with your water consumption.

    Advice to other posters who drink ridiculously large amounts of water - I don’t think it’s helpful to OP to know that people drink 1,000 gallons of water a day. Not that anyone said 1,000 gallons, of course, but some strangely large amounts of water have been mentioned. I think that’s unhelpful, as the OP won’t necessarily realise those amounts are an outlier in the opposite direction, and she may feel like there’s no point even trying to improve her water consumption given she’ll never reach the amount quoted. This is similar to those posters who in response to posts saying “my starting weight is 250 lbs, my goal is 160 lbs, is that ok?” will respond something like “my starting weight was 130 and I felt really gross so my goal weight is 105”. This just obscures the fact that getting to 160lbs would be a major victory, in the same way that the OP drinking just an extra half a litre of water would be a major victory given her starting point.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I swear i said all that... i did say it right? I didn't fall asleep and dream about it?

    You're a mean boy though, remember?!

    We both are. Boy power...?

  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    edited October 2017
    You're also eating a lot of high sodium foods, and your logging looks like it is way off, a lot of under estimated food with generic labels in there.
  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    You said yourself you're still dehydrated...

    Yes but I feel like Im doing better. I dont see why id be gaining weight

    Because you're still dehydrated...

    That doesnt explain why im gaining weight

    Yes it does. You're still retaining water because you are dehydrated. No matter how many times you say you don't think that can be true, it is.

    You are a very condescending person. That helps no one.. Something that might be obvious to you isn't to everyone else. And sometimes I repeat things and it comes off as not listening, but I am autistic and have a hard time putting information together. Please stop being so mean to me in my posts.

    There's nothing mean about any of my posts on this thread.

    Yes. There is. Youre very condescending and sarcastic. Id like to ask you to please not talk to me, thanks

    Just because someone tells you something you don't want to hear doesn't mean that they're condescending and sarcastic.

    How would you like it to be explained to you? Because you certainly seem to not be grasping "Your body needs water, you didn't give it water, and now it's holding on to everything for dear life."

    Ive already ignored you and him. You both are toxic, negative myfitnesspal members. Stop commenting on my posts. Thanks.
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    You said yourself you're still dehydrated...

    Yes but I feel like Im doing better. I dont see why id be gaining weight

    Because you're still dehydrated...

    That doesnt explain why im gaining weight

    Yes it does. You're still retaining water because you are dehydrated. No matter how many times you say you don't think that can be true, it is.

    You are a very condescending person. That helps no one.. Something that might be obvious to you isn't to everyone else. And sometimes I repeat things and it comes off as not listening, but I am autistic and have a hard time putting information together. Please stop being so mean to me in my posts.

    There's nothing mean about any of my posts on this thread.

    Yes. There is. Youre very condescending and sarcastic. Id like to ask you to please not talk to me, thanks

    Just because someone tells you something you don't want to hear doesn't mean that they're condescending and sarcastic.

    How would you like it to be explained to you? Because you certainly seem to not be grasping "Your body needs water, you didn't give it water, and now it's holding on to everything for dear life."
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    12lbs in a week sounds very odd! What was your diet like this past week? How much did you eat? Are your scales possibly broken?

    I used a scale at my moms house. It works as far as I know.. :/ I know I didn't eat amazingly but I stayed within my calorie limits (always under the goal, avg of around 1300 calories) and even started drinking water daily. I used to never drink anything really (I was and still am highly dehydrated) and just started so I assumed itd flush extra weight off?

    You're still dehydrated, that's why

    But why would that make me gain weight?? Am I drinking too much water?

    No, your body is retaining water because you're still not drinking enough.

    But I feel like Ive been drinking a ton ): I already had 20 oz today

    You said yourself you're still dehydrated...

    Yes but I feel like Im doing better. I dont see why id be gaining weight

    Because you're still dehydrated...

    That doesnt explain why im gaining weight

    Yes it does. You're still retaining water because you are dehydrated. No matter how many times you say you don't think that can be true, it is.

    You are a very condescending person. That helps no one.. Something that might be obvious to you isn't to everyone else. And sometimes I repeat things and it comes off as not listening, but I am autistic and have a hard time putting information together. Please stop being so mean to me in my posts.

    There's nothing mean about any of my posts on this thread.

    Yes. There is. Youre very condescending and sarcastic. Id like to ask you to please not talk to me, thanks

    You can't be serious right? I found nothing that was said offensive. This is the internet, you should expect some mean people but they weren't being mean. They were trying to help you out by explaining it.

    My apologies if that came off as rude, I did not see you have a mental disability until now.

    TBH out of both those posts, i think this one was worse lol.
    I think it would of been more appropriate just to apologize rather then apologize simply because you discovered she is autistic.

    I didn't apologize because she was autistic or had a mental disability. I didn't even think my first post came off rude but I apologized for saying she can't be serious because she didn't understand, and has a hard time understanding.
  • Lesscookies
    Lesscookies Posts: 48 Member
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    AlexKerr12 wrote: »
    This may sound stupid but are you weighing yourself at the start of the day? before any food/liquid intake? and are you weighing yourself with the same items of clothes on (or naked)? I can pick up a few pounds during but by the next day I am back to what I was the previous morning.

    I wore my shoes this time and did it at about 4:15pm . Does it make that big of a difference?

    I would recommend only weighing yourself once every morning after using the restroom. If you're wearing the same clothing or lake of that would be a good idea. I weigh myself naked first thing in the morning after using the restroom. If I gain weight I know the reason way it's because what I had the day before. I'm thinking you've been weighing yourself in the mid afternoon where the weight of the body is still in your system plus the shoes you're wearing which can be an extra 1 or 2 pounds maybe even more especially if you're also wearing socks with them.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    I swear i said all that... i did say it right? I didn't fall asleep and dream about it?

    Sometimes it's not what is, it's said it's how.

    And whoever gave me a "woo" for pointing out that she may have difficulty understanding verbal cues due to autism... explain why it's woo. My brother is autistic and has these difficulties in his 30s. Is that "woo" also? Man or woman up and explain how and why.

    Agreed I thought WOO ment to cheer about things. not as an insult.
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,028 Member
    I swear i said all that... i did say it right? I didn't fall asleep and dream about it?

    Sometimes it's not what is, it's said it's how.

    And whoever gave me a "woo" for pointing out that she may have difficulty understanding verbal cues due to autism... explain why it's woo. My brother is autistic and has these difficulties in his 30s. Is that "woo" also? Man or woman up and explain how and why.

    Agreed I thought WOO ment to cheer about things. not as an insult.

    Seems to be both on this board, and I don't know if there was ever any clarification from admins if the woo button was meant as a flag or a cheer. "Woo" has become a popular word used to explain anything pseudoscience-related so that's probably the reason for the double usage of the button.
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    edited October 2017
    If you weigh yourself, then drink a pint of water and weigh yourself again, you will gain 1 pound. If you use a different scale and weigh yourself again, you might get a number that is +/- 12 pounds. Two scales that are 5 lbs off in different directions will give you a weight that is 10 lbs different.

    Bathroom scales aren't the most accurate things on the planet, but most are generally consistent with themselves.

    If you did not drink water before but started to drink water now, it will take your body some time to adjust to your new level of intake, so it may do some odd things like try to retain every ounce. It is currently recommended that women living in temperate climates consume approximately 11.5 cups of water per day, including any water consumed in their food. A typical woman will achieve approximately 2.5 cups of water consumption from their food. If you like soup, you probably get a little more from food.

    Generally, the recommendation seems to be that you should drink approximately 8 cups, or half a gallon of water per day in your beverages.

    I would say: work your way up to it and give your body time to get used to the idea of having the recommended intake of water. If you have any health concerns or medical symptoms, please consult with a medical professional, be it a nurse helpline that most insurance companies provide or make an appointment with your doctor.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I swear i said all that... i did say it right? I didn't fall asleep and dream about it?

    Sometimes it's not what is, it's said it's how.

    And whoever gave me a "woo" for pointing out that she may have difficulty understanding verbal cues due to autism... explain why it's woo. My brother is autistic and has these difficulties in his 30s. Is that "woo" also? Man or woman up and explain how and why.

    Agreed I thought WOO ment to cheer about things. not as an insult.

    Seems to be both on this board, and I don't know if there was ever any clarification from admins if the woo button was meant as a flag or a cheer. "Woo" has become a popular word used to explain anything pseudoscience-related so that's probably the reason for the double usage of the button.

    The admins specificied that it means both in the official announcement when the Woo button was put into place, though they've later said that they're open to changing or clarifying it.

    See: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10570889/new-community-reaction-woo#latest

    And also: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/comment/40719354/#Comment_40719354
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    I swear i said all that... i did say it right? I didn't fall asleep and dream about it?

    Sometimes it's not what is, it's said it's how.

    And whoever gave me a "woo" for pointing out that she may have difficulty understanding verbal cues due to autism... explain why it's woo. My brother is autistic and has these difficulties in his 30s. Is that "woo" also? Man or woman up and explain how and why.

    Agreed I thought WOO ment to cheer about things. not as an insult.

    Seems to be both on this board, and I don't know if there was ever any clarification from admins if the woo button was meant as a flag or a cheer. "Woo" has become a popular word used to explain anything pseudoscience-related so that's probably the reason for the double usage of the button.

    The admins specificied that it means both in the official announcement when the Woo button was put into place, though they've later said that they're open to changing or clarifying it.

    See: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10570889/new-community-reaction-woo#latest

    And also: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/comment/40719354/#Comment_40719354
    I think it's good that the reaction buttons only contain positive connotations. I think negative reactions should be explained in a well thought out post.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    davidylin wrote: »
    I swear i said all that... i did say it right? I didn't fall asleep and dream about it?

    Sometimes it's not what is, it's said it's how.

    And whoever gave me a "woo" for pointing out that she may have difficulty understanding verbal cues due to autism... explain why it's woo. My brother is autistic and has these difficulties in his 30s. Is that "woo" also? Man or woman up and explain how and why.

    Agreed I thought WOO ment to cheer about things. not as an insult.

    Seems to be both on this board, and I don't know if there was ever any clarification from admins if the woo button was meant as a flag or a cheer. "Woo" has become a popular word used to explain anything pseudoscience-related so that's probably the reason for the double usage of the button.

    The admins specificied that it means both in the official announcement when the Woo button was put into place, though they've later said that they're open to changing or clarifying it.

    See: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10570889/new-community-reaction-woo#latest

    And also: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/comment/40719354/#Comment_40719354
    I think it's good that the reaction buttons only contain positive connotations. I think negative reactions should be explained in a well thought out post.

    Okay? It might be best if you posted that feedback in the thread that's specifically for feedback that I posted instead of derailing the thread here to talk about it. The mods are unlikely to see it here.