

  • myraknits
    myraknits Posts: 81 Member
    I'm so glad I found you all! What a lovely group! Looking forward to getting to know you better and thanks for the warm welcome. Almost through week 1 and I'm definitely hungry. I just keep reminding myself I did it before. I'm guessing it might take longer now that I'm a little older. Just wondering how much you all exercise? I take a brisk walk with the dog for 30 minutes a day but not a lot more... A little bit of yoga. Just wondering if I need to push it a little more.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,088 Member
    edited November 2017
    myraknits wrote: »
    I'm so glad I found you all! What a lovely group! Looking forward to getting to know you better and thanks for the warm welcome. Almost through week 1 and I'm definitely hungry. I just keep reminding myself I did it before. I'm guessing it might take longer now that I'm a little older. Just wondering how much you all exercise? I take a brisk walk with the dog for 30 minutes a day but not a lot more... A little bit of yoga. Just wondering if I need to push it a little more.

    I think it varies between people, but there are a few of us here who do quite a bit of exercise.

    This was my most recent update ... I'll do another one on Nov 30th ...
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Nov 18 - 162.3 km cycling (507 min) ... November Century!!
    Nov 19 - 3.2 km walking (40 min)
    Nov 20 - 7.1 km walking (88 min)
    Nov 21 - 7.6 km walking (95 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)
    Nov 22 - 10.9 km walking (136 min) + 10 flights of stairs (8 min)
    Nov 23 - 11 km walking (137 min) + 12 flights of stairs (9 min)
    Nov 24 - 7.6 km walking (95 min) + 14 flights of stairs (11 min)
    Nov 25 - 50 km cycling (148 min) + 1.6 km walking (20 min)

    **That's 49 km walking this week ... longest week of walking I've done since I started keeping track January 1, 2015.** :):)

    2017 Monthly November
    Walking Distance (km): 133.8
    Walking Time (min): 1638.8
    Cycling Distance (km): 246.8
    Cycling Time (min): 763.9
    Stairs Climbed Number: 170.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 136.0
    Other Distance: 1.6
    Other Time: 10.0

    Total Distance (km): 382.2
    Total Distance (miles): 237.5
    Total Time (min): 2548.7
    Total Time (hr): 42:28:42

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    Myra - Your 30 min walk will be doing your heart good and the yoga will be helping with strength and flexibility. That's great. For a significant calorie burn you need to be doing a bit more. What do you like doing? Dancing? Swimming? Cycling? Everyone has to find their own best way of burning up a few calories. We have three exercise machines in a spare bedroom and we use them every day. That's not a possible option for everyone I know.
    I find I have to get a minimum of 600 calories a day burnt because I love my food. Even then I have to watch what I eat carefully.
    Good luck in finding some more exercise you enjoy. (I used to hate exercise apart from dancing)

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Chris! Glad to see you back... was getting worried about you. Glad for the raise, glad for the departure of the no-good-nik, and glad you're back, just in general.

    Joyce... glad you got to urgent care and got seen.

    Lenora... thinking of you, dear heart.

    Work just got busier--which is a good thing.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,088 Member
    edited November 2017
    I find I have to get a minimum of 600 calories a day burnt because I love my food. Even then I have to watch what I eat carefully.

    Yeah, I only managed about 300 calories of exercise today ... and it's a bit of struggle to keep the food quantity down. I'm hungry.

    BTW - just shy of 300 calories, for me, is about 50 minutes of brisk walking + 12 flights of 20 stairs, up and down and landings.

    M in Oz

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Felicia sending <3 , so sorry for your loss

    DJ oh my, wrist pain, the worst! Hope you get answers and healing from the doc visit.

    Chris in my book, you are the super hero of your life, glad you jumped back on the wagon, it does feel better to work the strategy doesn't it?

    Rori wtg on your weight loss!

    Having a regular day, food and exercise planned out and ready to plug away at it today. NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,776 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    Felicia~ my deepest condolences and sympathy to you.. so very hard to lose a sibling, or any family member ..
    I was up for about 3 hrs in the middle of the night, just couldnt sleep and I had taken my meletonin... probably because I still go to bed early... need to get in some sort of routine to snap out of it...today I am working 9-6 like the old days, but only because they are shutting the office down tomorrow and thurs to put in new dental chairs.. thurs is our usual day off...we are working every saterday and guess who gets to work those...
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Happy Tuesday, all! Reading only, today. I have a headache behind my eye. Annoying. Tylenol, coffee and a prayer for patience with the kiddos. Ugh. ttfn KJ
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Felicia - so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Barbie - "Seek every opportunity to be active."

    That's a phrase that often echoes through my mind. I live up to it in some contexts – walking to the grocery store and choir practice and wherever else I'm going that's within walking distance. So whenever I can combine activity with whatever else I'm doing anyway, I do.

    Unfortunately it hasn't yet prompted me to develop a habit of "unnecessary" activity. It's still far too easy for me to prioritize other things. But I'm working on it! One step at a time.
    /Penny, procrastinating on activity at thet07190.gif
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,400 Member
    Chris - good to see you back here! Happy for you that the bad boss is gone and you got a raise - good stress relief right there!

    Rori - I think you have the ideal job - I admire anyone who can work from home. I tend to get too easily distracted unless it's something that I really, really want to do. Thanks too for the reminder about long term health care insurance. I'm going to call our insurance guy - several years ago he mentioned there were all kinds of different plans out there with deductibles, etc. I don't feel like paying for more insurance but if it's affordable might be nice to have a little back up if our savings gets tapped hard.

    I do well at logging in our expenses, not so good at logging in what I'm eating, althought lately I've been using Fitday to see how much calcium I'm getting- MFP doesn't appear have enough columns to add that, unfortunately. I hadn't paid much attention to calcium intake before I had my DXA scan last month (bad me, I know) but now am paying better attention. Trying to get as much from food intake as possible, I think I read somewhere that excess calcium can contribute to kidney stones? Yikes, been there-done that. :s Need to make sure I drink plenty of water.

    Something else I track is when (and how much) our puppy poops :# . She is pretty much housebroken but still surprises us now and then. She doesn't like the rain but when I know she needs a potty break before she goes to bed based on what she's eaten and expelled each day, I make her stay out and walk in the dark until she produces. >:) Going to pick up a raincoat for her when I'm in town tomorrow. Now that she is pretty much full size and a bit on the chubby side, I'm backing off a tad on her food intake which should help.

    - glad you are back safe and sound, sorry about your sister - good that you were able to visit her this fall. Sending hugs and prayers your way and hope your niece is doing OK.

    Sending healing thoughts to all of you with bone fractures!

    Still concerned about Lenora - and where is Tere? Leigh? Hope we hear from these gals before Christmas.

    Nice and rainy today. Heading out for a haircut later this morning.

    Have a good day everyone!

    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,657 Member
    Back from Israel. Busy at work today and very tired tonight. It doesn't look like I gained.

    Unfortunately, my sister died on thanksgiving. We are thankful that she is no longer suffering, but that she died on thanksgiving has been hard for my niece.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

    so sorry....
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: Your DH's pill holder is the most elaborate one I've seen. I'm fortunate that I don't take many prescriptions but I have quite a few vitamins and supplements. DH has two pill caddies that provide two week's worth of pills at a time and takes a number of prescriptions and also vitamins & supplements. I have one that says am and pm, but it is used as once a day for two weeks. Now the dog has his own--morning and evening. He has his own pill cutter, too. He's a good old dog and worth the trouble. :heart:

    Rori: I have heard that elephants, mules & horses have very long memories. It was sweet that Arrow came to me, and amazing that he decided to be a good boy. Longfellow's poem sums his character up quite well although he isn't female, "There was a little girl,. Who had a little curl,. Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good,. She was very good indeed,. But when she was bad she was horrid." :ohwell: He is horrid less often than in the past.

    Chris in MA: You have been missed! I am glad to see that you are back and thrilled that your work life has improved. :smiley:

    Felicia: So sorry for your loss. I'm sorry that your sister passed on Thanksgiving. :broken_heart::heart:

    Myraknits: I exercise more now than I ever did in the past but I'm not remotely close to athletes like Barbie, Machka and Pip. I take yoga classes several times a week, use an exercise bike regularly, and ride a friend's horse one or more times a week. This activity level is something I've worked up to and it keeps me healthier and happier than I've been for a very long time. The trick to a good exercise plan is that it is enjoyable and weather proof. In the Pacific NW, where I live, that means that it includes quite a bit of indoor exercise. :ohwell:

    Lanette: I take time-release alondrate once a week for bone density. It is working very well for me. In fact, my bone density is improving. I was very surprised to discover that. I thought the best I could do was hold my own. It takes diet, weight bearing exercise & medicine to accomplish that miracle. :bigsmile:

    Our housecleaner is scheduled to come today. I need to get dressed and ready for her. There are one or two things that she needs to do differently. I hoped to go to yoga but this is a higher priority.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) I just finished reading "Strong Women, Strong Bones" written by the same author as "Strong Women Stay Young". I highly recommend it. I can possibly get one or more copies of the book on Paperback Swap for someone who wants it. If you would like the book, send me a personal message with your first and last name and mailing address, and I'll have the book sent to you as long as there are copies available.

    <3 Barbie
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Some one said yesterday that I really needed to wear my boot to bed. S I tried that yesterday. Wad surprised that not only did I go to sleep but I think I slept pretty well. Only problem was that when I got up to g potty, I wore m horseshoe on my right foot. Big mistake! Oh the pain it gave me in my back.

    Felicia, I a, so sorry about your sister. A family can rationalize all we want that she is no L ver suffering, homecoming to be with God on thanksgiving day and all that. But when it comes down to it, your sister died and every year you will remember that when you sit and celebrate on such a thankful day.

    Oh that boot. It helps but oh what it does to you negatively. To go to bed, you have to take those industrial strength Velcro strap off, get out of it using only one hand, put your Jammie's on with only one hand and then put the boot back on with only one hand. I didn't want to ruin my good blankets so I had to find something to put on my bed. I'm sorry to say my good blanket and nice quilt just landed in a heap on the floor at the end of y bed.

    Joyce, indiana
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Rori, Yippee! The scales are good to you this holiday season.

    Chris, sorry to hear you have been having some problems but good news about the raise. I find that I am affected by the change in seasons, especially from Fall to Winter. I’m not much of a winter person and don’t ski or anything so Winter comes with being more house bound on the weekends. I’m so proud of you for identifying what you need to do and taking steps to do it. Financial problems are draining and especially around this time of year when everywhere you go people are trying to get you to buy something. One year when I was having financial issues I ended up just giving people little redeemable cards, made out of scrape paper, with things I could do for them (babysitting, cleaning, etc.) Not sure how far away your family is but maybe this is an option for you. My family seemed to like them. Hang in there girl, you have this and are on your way to feeling better. ((HUGS))

    Michele, not sure what a closed hand is, but congrats any way.

    DJ, sorry you have decided to not use your tree anymore. Can you store it all decorated so that all you would have to do next year is bring it from where you stored it?

    Felicia, I am so sorry about your sister. When someone dies on a holiday, each holiday afterwards reminds you of them so it is extra hard. I hope you had a nice time in Israel and that you will feel like sharing when you can. ((HUGS))

    Evelyn, hope you are feeling better soon. ((HUGS))

    Myraknits, I’m the last person to ask about exercising as I don’t. My goal was to start exercising with kettlebells but hurt my wrist so had to put that off. I know everyone here has encouraged me to exercise and that it has many benefits. I think you need to do what you think you can and not beat yourself up if you aren’t perfect at it. Walking is a step in the right direction. As far as being hungry, that started to pass for me after about a month. I do leave enough calories to have a snack at night as that is the time I feel like eating the most. Just find what works for you as everyone is different.

    Machka, of course you are hungry, this is the season when food is in your face everywhere! lol

    Allie, hope you find your sleeping groove soon. Can you slowly start to go to bed a little later. Maybe 15min increments?


    Wendy, your hiking plan sounds interesting. And you are ahead of the game with your Dec goals.

    Joyce, sorry you are having trouble with the boot but I’m glad you were able to sleep. Yes, doing things with one had is the pitts. You don’t realize until you don’t have them how much you really do with 2 hands.

    Mmartin, welcome to the group. Seems like you have started with an attainable goal. Wishing you strength, will power and luck. Remember, no one is perfect. What do you want us to call you?

    Well I thought my appt with the orthopedic specialist was today and I might be getting this *(^*%&^%* half cast off. I am so ready. But my appt is tomorrow. Good thing I checked.

    Work has been crazy busy and I’m trying hard to catch up. Wow, just being out 2 days and I’m so far behind. No one does the bulk of my job when I’m out. I’d like to put our tree up this weekend but will have to have some help. Maybe when DD takes a break from writing her paper I can have her bring up the bins and tree.

    Well lunch time is over so back to the grind. Wishing everyone a good rest of their day.

    Terry hard at work in VT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,657 Member