

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M - since pavlova is really merangue, is it high in calories? I wouldn't think so. If so, what makes it high? Oh, those pavlovas look so so good. Over Christmas I'm just going to be happy if I maintain my weight. I'm also going to try to limit the number of parties I'll go to. The Newcomer holiday party, the mahjongg Christmas party, we'll probably have a little something for Rummikub, our bowling party (which I'll bring my own food to) but that's IT. Not sure if we're going to have an open house this year like we did last year since we'll have to start putting up the decorations so late. Vince doesn't want to put out the controllers for the computer or extension cords and other things until we get back from VA and seeing TSO. Lovely pics. I love sweet, juicy mango.

    It is loaded with sugar ... that's what makes it hard, yet just a tiny bit sticky. That and the cornflour.

    This one makes 6 servings with 1925kj per serving (460 calories). Now I think that includes the cream and fruit.

    This is the base for the recipe above ... they vary a little bit:

    6 (59g) eggs, separated
    1 1/4 cups (270g) CSR Caster Sugar
    2 teaspoons cornflour
    1 teaspoon white vinegar
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

    Use an electric mixer to whisk egg whites in a clean dry bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating well after each addition, until meringue is thick and glossy and sugar dissolved. Rub a little meringue between fingers. If still "gritty" with sugar, continue to whisk until sugar dissolves. Add cornflour, vinegar and vanilla and whisk until just combined. Spoon meringue onto the foil, using the marked circle as a guide. Smooth sides and top of pavlova. Use a small spatula to forms little peaks around edge of pavlova. Bake in oven for 1-1/2 hours or until pavlova is dry to the touch. Turn off oven. Leave pavlova in oven with the door ajar to cool completely. When completely cold, transfer to serving plate or store in an airtight container until required.

    This one looks pretty simple as well, and uses lemon juice instead of vinegar:



    And this photo, also from the site above, shows how it is hard enough to kind of crack and crumble


    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Machka ~Congrats on achieving your three goals.

    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka[/b] - thank you for the tour of your yard - you are giving me spring fever!!! Do you get really cold winters there or is it more of a maritime climate like we have in the Pacific NW? You are also giving me mango fever, lol. And Pavlova fever!! They both look scrumptious. I knew your weight would come off once you were able to eat normally.

    Our yard gets to be a bit of a jungle. It was actually one of the things that attracted me to the house, but it can be quite a bit of work and at this time of year my gardener (my husband) is so busy with his orchards that he just can't work on our garden at all.

    Our climate is a lot like the pacific northwest ... a lot like Vancouver Island. In fact, Tasmania reminds us of Vancouver Island to some extent and we have said that if/when we move back to Canada, we might want to end up on Vancouver Island.

    Tomorrow is the first day of summer, so all the good fruit is starting to come available. I must go visit the local fruit and veg market. It's a small grocery-like store, open every day about half or 2/3 full of fruit and veg, and the rest are mainly local products ... dairy, honey, etc.

    langman22 wrote: »
    Had the appt with the orthopedic dr today. Guess this picture says it all.

    In cast for 3 weeks.

    Terry crying in VT :'(

    So sorry ... but when it comes off, you'll be well, and it will feel like a Chrismas present!

    Machka in Oz

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Pavlova is my favourite dessert that I can't ever pass by or say no to. I'm not all that fussed on merangues, so for me it is totally different. I never tasted anything like it till I moved to New Zealand, then I was hook line and sinker gone. LOL Topped with fruit and whipped cream, served with a little vanilla icecream... a Christmas treat. I'm not that great at making it, but it's easy to buy in the supermarket around Christmas time. I've never seen that Egg pavlova for sale here, but it might be and I just didn't know where to look for it. I will look next time I'm grocery shopping although I will gain a pound just by looking at it. LOL My hubby thinks it's too sweet, so I end up eating the lot.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Betty ROC - Lovely photograph. Thanks for sharing.

    Felicia - I am sorry for the loss of your sister. You are entitled to your feelings, you have nothing to be sorry for. It is so hard to lose a sibling.

    Michele - I would be ecstatic to be take dance lessons although I'm not sure my ankle could take it. Different strokes, right?

    Machka - Love those mangoes. When they are properly ripened they are so sweet and so juicy.

    Sue - That must have been a difficult decision.

    Today was a disaster at work. Trying to teach someone else things that I have never been trained on. What do they say? Fake it, till you make it. New employees, no shows, a full truck and no other manager in until 11 a.m. We did our best.

    My boss decided to share with me that his wife was retiring early "The toxic environment is impacting her health negatively" "Her boss is a world class b**ch who doesn't respect her and throws her under the bus often" Hmmmm.......sounds familiar, doesn't it? I didn't trust my lips not to get me in trouble so I just said I had to go and got out of there.

    Had to take Harmony and her Mom to dance. Harmony practiced the song for her Christmas concert at full volume all the way there and also on the return trip. So cute. The dance studio owner talked to me about Keira and her competitive ballet. She told me Keira was born to dance. I think we know that Keira was about 3 when she had a total melt down in the middle of the living room. When Jheri asked what was wrong her reply was" I need a dance teacher, Mommy. My pirouette is broken and I don't know how to fix it."

    Jheri said their job today wasn't as exciting as yesterday's event. The girls both have Naloxone kits in their vehicles. I wanted to get one for the store but my boss vetoed that. Not sure why because we have at least one person every year overdose (usually in the bathroom but sometimes in the parking lot)

    So, trying out Larry's medical green stuff. I was vaping so I don't know if the heat was too high or what. Any way I take a puff and go into an asthma attack. Meanwhile Larry is yelling at me to puff because I am wasting it. I turned it off and went and got my rescue inhaler. I turned it on and continued. Larry then cracked up about the situation. Might be quite a learning curve for me. Lol. Apparently it was supposed to help me relax I think that benefit flew out the window with the asthma attack. Not doing this unless I have the next day off.

    Had quite a text conversation with my Creedin (my 16 yr old grandson). He sent me a photo of the new girlfriend . She is very cute. We also discussed music , art, and climate change. He challenges me and I love that about him. So smart, so handsome, so witty. This Grandma is one of his biggest fans.

    Turning in so I am shopping ready in the morning. I want to get most of my Christmas list done. I have to send a parcel to B.C. and want it to make it there before the big day. It is so sad that they won't be coming this year. I hope they handle Christmas kindly for each other and the boys. It is costly for air tickets for them all and they obviously can't share a vehicle coming here. Perhaps next year will be better. Trying to support both of them but sometimes just want to hide from this.

    Sharon in Lethbridge (not so relaxed)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Love the cardinal pic, makes me happy!

    I'm looking forward to a positive day at work and then off to exercise, the weather is turning cold so I think I will be back at the gym! Is tomorrow December?!? Time for new goals?!?!? Yippee

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Okie ~ Congrats on your weight loss! :)
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Thanks Carol! I’m pretty excited!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,024 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Machka, your yard is beautiful. Obliviously you have a green thumb. My dad was good at gardens. My sister got his green thumb.

    Thanks! But it isn't me. I haven't done a single thing out there. Oh wait ... I did sweep some of the leaves and debris off the sidewalk and steps once. I wouldn't have the faintest idea where to begin.

    It was mostly like that when we moved in, and all the credit for any improvements to it have to go to my husband. He's been working in orchards and gardens for the past 12 years or so.

    He gives me a small heart attack each winter when he prunes the roses. I come home from work, and they are mere sticks of their former selves. But within about a month, we've got all sorts of bushes, and soon after that they are full of roses.

    And the proteas (two different kinds) in one of the photos are an ongoing battle because they're so big and just seem to take over..

    langman22 wrote: »
    Well dr office called and my appt for taking the cast off is Dec 18th. Yeah! Only 2 weeks instead of 3! Here is a picture of the painting my DD did on my cast when I had surgery a few years ago. Looking forward to spiffing this purple one up for Christmas. We hope everyone is in a good place today.

    That's good to hear! :)

    M in Oz

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2017
    Terry in VT "Janet, I like the tree. Is that a white cardinal? Never seen one before. They are beautiful. "

    Love the Berry Boop cast .

    No, the one cardinal is a female, they're not as colorful as their partners. ☺,

    Janetr OKC
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Janet, I was looking for something new to make for Christmas and came across these ornaments made from vintage costume jewelry and thought of you. Have you ever made anything like this?
