Pets... That's right, I'm one of "those" people...



  • TruckersWifeTruckersLife
    got 1 dog, 5 goldfish, 1 catfish sucker for the fish tank to keep the algae, 2 galahs and 5 chickens and if my hubby gets his way we would have a zoo here he was looking at rabbits and guinea pigs in the pet shop a couple weeks ago. but our dog stays outside in a kennel but got to let him everyday so that he can see everyone and if my hubby is still in bed he goes and wakes him up and then lays on my side of the bed wagging his tail and wacks my hubby in the face with his tail lol:laugh:
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    I'm a "crazy rabbit lady." My husband and I have 2 rabbits--they don't sleep in our bed, but they do live inside our house, are potty trained, know tricks (8 at last count) and have free run of my "office" during the day. They also have their own facebook page. LOL. They are the best.
  • candifeola
    candifeola Posts: 305 Member
    65pound English bulldog named Brutus...I'm completely in love with him
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    My two grand dames sleep with me. We all comfortably share my full sized bed...:D

    I used to have 3 kitties but Kaleeka passed away 2 years ago at nearly 17. She was with me from the moment if her birth until the soul left her eyes. She was my child.

    This is what I wake up to most days...:) Jessica (16 years old) likes having contact with me when we sleep...even if its just a paw in my hand...XD


    The bit of fluff you see near my chest is August (17 years old) spooning against me...:)


    This is my beautiful Kaleeka...:)


    Let's see if this works now...:)

    And this is all of them together right after I had moved in to my previous other words they made themselves right at home...:D


    (as an aside, that's the most editing I've ever had to do on a post!)
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Me! I love my two weimies!
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    Squeee...Weimaraners...they are so gorgeous!
  • 84woolf
    84woolf Posts: 153
    I have 2 dogs, a Border Collie mix & a Pitbull mix...the latter dog is a big lazy oaf & sleeps at the foot of the bed. Tried to wean that off luck. He's 6 & will probably sleep at the foot of the bed 'til the end of his days. The Border Collie has never came up on the bed...thank god. She's large & sheds!
  • kikionna4
    kikionna4 Posts: 308
    I have a Pomeranian/Yorkie mix and she is like 6-7lbs and she thinks she is queen of the castle. She will try and steal our pillows by laying on them it gets pretty ridiculous sometimes lol. She also is the crabbiest sleeper ever. If your toe touches her she is instantly all irritated and growls and gets up and moves somewhere else which really isn't any better of a spot. Most of the time it's worse lol. We call her our crabbity old lady dog. She turns 7 November 8th this year and it seems so crazy! We can't help but love her little butterball self.
  • jaxelrad22
    jaxelrad22 Posts: 118
    my kitty, 2 boxers, and boyfriend all sleep in my full size bed with 3 body pillows and 4 regular pillows... seriously it's like a circus act here every night and it is the best feeling in the world!
  • spider_mark51959
    spider_mark51959 Posts: 2,826 Member
    Oh yes. I definitely qualify! Have one cat who is very dominant and prevents the others from getting on the bed. He takes his spot near his 'daddy"! lol! Yeah a bit crazy but they are family to me. This one pictured here.
  • xox_jen_1991_xox
    My 3 rats sleep in my bed :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    Our hound, who sleeps in a crate overnight, since our cat, sleeps on the bed

  • Sam9690
    Sam9690 Posts: 7
    I have a 110lb Yellow Lab that tries to sneak his way into my full sized bed every night. It's an ongoing battle and one I think he will win eventually.
  • LabAgility
    LabAgility Posts: 120 Member
    My dogs are in my profile pics, but I also have:

    2 horses retired, turned out on family land
    1 house rabbit
    1 pet rat, classroom pet who is currently on holiday with his favorite kid. :-)
  • bubblygoldfish
    bubblygoldfish Posts: 213 Member
    I have a Pomeranian/Yorkie mix and she is like 6-7lbs and she thinks she is queen of the castle. She will try and steal our pillows by laying on them it gets pretty ridiculous sometimes lol. She also is the crabbiest sleeper ever. If your toe touches her she is instantly all irritated and growls and gets up and moves somewhere else which really isn't any better of a spot. Most of the time it's worse lol. We call her our crabbity old lady dog. She turns 7 November 8th this year and it seems so crazy! We can't help but love her little butterball self.

    I know! I have a maltese/yokie and she thinks she can fly! She has no fear of heights whatsoever!