JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 24



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    My goal is to reach 10% body fat by year end... actually by 12/30 because that is when my Dexa is scheduled. I'm going to list weight and BF% based on my scale, which is going to fluctuate at times as diet changes. On some days - and I know when those are based on diet - it will be inaccurate.

    Round 22:
    Day - Weight - BF% - Comment
    11/9 - 149.6 lbs. - 16.8% - scale is reading higher than actual BF%

    11/10 - 148.4 lbs. - 15.9% - scale is still higher than actual BF%, but getting closer to actual

    11/11 - 147.2 lbs. - 16.9% - scale is higher than actual BF%, this time not expected

    11/12 - 148.6 - 16.8% - scale is still showing higher than actual BF%, still not entirely expected. I have a theory as to what is driving the incorrectly high BF%.

    11/13 - 148.6 lbs. - 18.5% - Yesterday was a re-feed / glycogen replenishment day. I'm surprised weight did not also increase, but expected BF% to be unreliable. I expect it to remain that way for the next 2-3 days.

    11/14 - 147.2 lbs. - 16.4% - Depending on whether I eat a lot of fibrous green vegetables today, BF% will either stay pretty stable by tomorrow morning or will decrease. I may find it hard to feel full without lettuce or green beans... but since scale BF% is just artificially high if I eat them and real BF% is not truly much different, I'm probably going to eat greens if I'm hungry anyway.

    11/15 - 146.4 - 15.6% - No veg yesterday, scale is closer to a correct BF%.

    11/16 - 146.2 lbs. - 14.9% - No veg yesterday again, and BF% is almost right where I would expect Dexa to come up. The idea that eating low carb green / fibrous veggies would affect the scale BF% so much is a relatively new revelation. Thinking back, the last Dexa was 0.3% lower than the scale on that same day (that is extremely close); and my scale is ALWAYS higher than any other measurement method or device - including other bio-electric impedance devices, which are always super low. When that last Dexa was taken and it was almost the same as the scale, I had not eaten plants for 45 days prior (except coffee, tea, and small quantities of seasonings and sauces). I still plan to eat some low carb (net carb) fibrous veggies while I continue to strive for 10% BF by 12/30, but will do take breaks occasionally to get a better idea of where Dexa will come in.

    11/17 - 147.8 lbs. - 13.9% - Slight weight increase, not sure why... probably water weight. Another day without veg and BF% is spot on as close as I'm going to get to being real. Tomorrow is going to be high again based on today's planned diet.

    11/18- 146.0 lbs. - 15.4% - Did not expect weight to decrease, but expected reported BF% to rise.

    Round 23:
    Day - Weight - BF% - Comment
    11/19 - 145.8 lbs. - 13.5% - Did not expect BF% to drop this much this fast.

    11/20 - 147.6 lbs. - 16.2% - Both increases were expected based on yesterday's food plan. Should see decrease over the next few days until Fri. morning, which will go back up again.

    11/21 - 147.0 lbs. - 15.7% - Expected a small decrease. Expect another small decrease tomorrow.

    11/22 - 146.6 lbs. - 15.3%

    11/23 - 145.6 lbs. - 14.8% - Will be higher tomorrow.

    11/24 - 147.2 lbs. - 14.4% - Did not expect BF to decrease, but maybe that is delayed...

    11/25 - 145.8 lbs. - 15.2% - There is the delayed fat storage.

    11/26 - 145.2 lbs. - 15.7% - Did not expect another rise in BF%, but I can only assume it is continued delayed fat build. Tomorrow will be higher probably of both weight and BF.

    11/27 - 146.4 lbs. - 17.0% - Increases expected.

    11/28 - 150.4 lbs. - 14.6% - Had a spontaneous free meal yesterday and paying for it with weight gain - meal itself was probably around 4-5 lbs., including water in food... so this is about right.

    11/29 - 149.4 lbs. - 14.9% - For this round, I'm going to make a few changes. I'm not sure exactly what to expect at the beginning, but should have lower BF% by the end of the 10 days.

    11/30 - 146.2 lbs. - 14.9%

    12/1 - 144.4 lbs. - 14.7%

    12/2 - 144.8 lbs. - 13.3% - I'm thinking this is about right again for BF%, but let's see if that holds for the next few days without changes that affect the scale calculation.





  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Weight: 201 Lbs on March 14th 2017
    R14 HW 198.2 LW 192.6 Total weights Average: 194.9
    R15 HW 195.4 LW 191.8 Total weights Average: 193.7
    R16 HW 194.6 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 192.8
    R17 HW 192.5 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 191.7
    R18 - I followed the thread but didn't record my weights as I had no access to a reliable Scale
    R19 - HW 192.2 LW 190.4 - I Can't record Average as I didn't post for 1/2 of the days
    R20 HW 189.8 LW 187.4 Total weights Average: 188.9
    R21 HW 189.8 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.3
    R22 HW 189.6 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.8
    R23 HW 191.8 LW 188.4 Total weights Average: 189.7

    I was really upset and disappointed by my results in the last 2 rounds. I'm gonna do my best to be MUCH better on this round.

    Goal for this round: Get back on track, lose the bloating and see 186.something again.

    Weight on Nov. 29th: 190.0

    R24 (11th Round for me)


    11/29 - 190.0
    11/30 - 191.2
    12/01 - 190.4 - 1st day of a new month and I have high hopes that I'm going to do better this month!
    12/02 - 190.6

  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    Back again! I started midway through Round 2 at 153.9 on 4/29. For this round I'd like to get below and stay below 140. Started at 162 something back in early March so I'm down over 20 pounds but haven't lost in a couple of months. I am aiming to reach goal of 139 before New Years. It's been verrry slow the last couple months.

    11/28 142.6

    11/29... 142.2 decent drop, headed to gym today. Think I need some lemon water and ellip I revised my goal to reach 139 before New Years. That's 3 pounds and I haven't been losing for some time so that and a goal of returning to very clean eating. Happy Losing, ya'll.
    11/30.. 140.2 Some loss must have been from salt but happy nonetheless. Ellip today... salad and protein.
    12/01... 140.2 no exercise yesterday except for mopping, :lol: Today, gym.

    12/02... 142.6 water, for sure... had a great workout yesterday and some drinks last night.

  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    R07 SW 229.7
    R08 On vacation
    R09 SW 235.6
    R10 SW 230.3
    R11 SW 230.3
    R12 SW 229.7
    R13 SW 227.0
    R14 SW 226.6
    R15 SW 225.9
    R16 SW 225.9
    R17 SW 225.3
    R18 SW 223.3
    R19 SW 224.4 Sick

    R20 Average Weight 222.5
    R21 Average Weight 222.3
    R22 Average Weight 220.8
    R23 Average Weight 221.5 (new workout)

    I've decided that I am going to eat at maintenance/refeed for 2/7 days a week, which is why I am going to start using my average weight. I want to offset hormonal changes that occur when losing weight for extended periods of time that can make it harder to lose and maintain weight and I'm hoping to alleviate potential emotional stress of constantly being in a deficit.

    11/29--222.2 Still bouncing up and down. Need to mentally stick with it and not let the number on the scale derail my efforts.
    11/30--221.1 Went out after work and had a couple of drinks, which I rarely ever do. Got home and fell asleep at 7 without eating any dinner. Feeling a little foggy this morning, I don't expect to get much done at work today.
    12/01--222.6 My manager's retirement lunch was yesterday, so between extra sodium from lunch and the fact that I barely drank anything yesterday, this bump in weight was totally expected.
    12/02--221.5 Up and down. Getting back to plan. Eating at maintenance today. Going hiking today.