

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Regarding Walker's Shortbread.... we can get them here as well and they can't be beat!

    Machka - I admire your strength in rationing Walker's and making them last. At our house they disappear quickly. DH blames the dogs, lol. Dogs know better tho, he'd never share them and they rarely get people food unless it's carrots. :D

    - hope you are feeling better! Did you take the other job or are you still in the consideration stage? I thought it was neat they called you in to work but I'm like you, would need more "lead time" to tie up loose ends if going that route.

    Heather - bet you'll have a wonderful lunch with your friend! Neat to get the scoop on the difficult friend, lol. So glad your good friend will remain close by.

    -- BBRRR!! Keep warm and I like that sock idea for your hand in the cast. I have heard of potato candy - my SIL makes it and everyone raves. Potato is a vegetable so it's healthy food, lol. >:)

    Wendy - thank you for sharing the summertime photos! Did Honey ever reconcile herself to being an elf? Hope your ears get better. Have you tried taking antihistamines like benedryl or similar for a couple days? Not sure if that would help but it might. I remember when mine would plug and when people talked it sounded like they were in a barrel and very muffled. That did come in handy sometimes, lol.

    Chris - so, so sorry for the loss of your friend and your ankle injury. Is there a memorial service planned for him that you can somehow attend - if you would wish to? I'm sure you have a lot of good memories of him. Again, ((((HUGS))))

    Chilly SW WA State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Turns out that pretty snow was actually quite tricky to drive in this a.m. I went very slowly and reminded myself that I was putting the miles behind me--scary :# but others had longer and more difficult commutes today so I am having a strong cup of coffee and catching my breath before the rest of my day begins.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi there, I'm on the train on the way back home. Had a lovely visit with my friend. Unfortunately DH and I had a row this morning because he didn't want to be dragged away from his writing to deposit me at the station. :o:'( I had already told him that I would drive myself. Grrrr!!!! Anyway I said I would get a taxi back, >:) but he is coming to pick me up. Make up and mend time. <3
    Drank some wine with lunch, but ate sparingly. Will be careful for dinner tonight.
    Much love to everyone, Heather UK XXXXXX
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    langman22 wrote: »

    Wendy, The dog picture would make a cute Christmas card. It should have a funny caption under it. lol
    Melt in double boiler:

    Have a great day ladies, Terry in very cold VT ( only 11 degrees right now and only going to get up to 13 today and I can only get one glove on because of the cast!)

    I was planning to get some Christmas cards made up featuring Crazy-eyed Honey. LOL. Can anybody think of a funny caption?

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    langman22 wrote: »

    Wendy, The dog picture would make a cute Christmas card. It should have a funny caption under it. lol
    Melt in double boiler:

    Have a great day ladies, Terry in very cold VT ( only 11 degrees right now and only going to get up to 13 today and I can only get one glove on because of the cast!)

    I was planning to get some Christmas cards made up featuring Crazy-eyed Honey. LOL. Can anybody think of a funny caption?

    What about "I'll be glad when the holidays are over so I can take off this stupid hat."
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,735 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    M in OZ: I LOVE shortbread cookies and haven't eaten one in ages. One leads to many more. I can't digest real butter, and do fine with margarine BUT real butter is what is available out there in the stores so I don't get to eat shortbread unless I make it myself. My mom used to make shortbread cookies and I haven't hunted down the recipe because I know darned well I'd eat the whole batch and want more. :embarassed:

    Sue in WA: I hope the rescheduled surgery goes well and your DH has an easy recovery. :heart:

    Becca: I don't know where you found the photo of the 1950's woman getting frozen long johns off of the clothes line, but it sure brought back some memories. My grandma wore shoes like that. :smiley:

    Chris in MA: I'm so sorry that you are hurt and also have lost someone who was once a part of your life & is still important to you. I hope you heal well and quickly, both body & heart. :broken_heart::heart:

    Wendy: Love the dachshund Christmas Elf! I hope you're feeling better soon. :star:

    Barbie: I love your definition of "obsessed." :smiley:

    Allie: Glad you are feeling better. :smile:

    Heather: Sorry that you & DH had a row. I hope all is well now. :flowerforyou:

    Our next-door neighbor had her home appraised yesterday. I wonder whether she is getting ready to sell and move. She has lived here longer than anybody else. In fact, she and her ex were the very first residents 20+ years ago. When we moved here, we were the third occupants in the complex. I could be jumping to an altogether wrong conclusion, and she may be getting ready for a home improvement project or to refinance. We will eventually see.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    All well with DH. He got over himself. ;)
    Back to happy. Crazy how we get ourselves in a knot. He does get over it quicker these days since he has been doing Mindfulness. :D

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    All well with DH. He got over himself. ;)
    Back to happy. Crazy how we get ourselves in a knot. He does get over it quicker these days since he has been doing Mindfulness. :D

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX

    Great news!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katka, Ah, from one of my many Facebook old lady sites! Reminded me of when I stopped using a dryer in California, and my clothes would bake on the line. Sons jeans could literally walk to their rooms! When they started school morning's in stiff jeans, they walked around like zombies, until they softened!

    So today I attacked my husbands bathroom, and spiffied my bathroom. In anticipation to son's coming and probably won't notice. Doesn't it normally take people visiting to prompt people to give their homes a good scrub down? Well it does for me. I even dusted that bendy water pipe from the wall to the toilet!

    Told my nuke son to call me last night. Saturday is his adventure on Uber cabs, two planes to here! He has been studying hard these days, even putting in a 13 hr day in class studying. The teacher bought them pizza. He seems to be lapping it up like an excited puppy though! He sounded healthy too! He bringing his "blues" to wear to his High School visiting his teachers, plus we want a picture of all three sons in their blues. Maybe even getting DIL in there too! Should be fun all the boys fiddling with their uniforms getting them perfect.

    Well I have been watching what I'm eating these days. Haven't stepped on the scale to check. Wore jeans I haven't been able to button, yesterday which was cool. Fitted jeans are just plain wrong, and the button bothered me! By the afternoon I was in sweat pants though.

    I have a form from my TOPS magazine showing the whole year with places you can put if you've lost weight for each week. It should be fun to fill out!

    Sorry for your fall Chris, and my condolences on your friend.. (((Hugs))))
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,735 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member

    The things a dog will do to get extra holiday treats.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Hey all! Happy Thursday!
    Chris- Give yourself time to mend. Focus on making healthy food choices (or as healthy as you can while friends are cooking for you). Just remember you are expending more energy trying to move around, so you probably won't gain like you think you will. Rest!
    Barbie You are truly an inspiration in your ability to make good choices in unhealthy party situations! Whoot!
    Wendy- Caption for your HOney pic: "How many shopping days until Christmas?"
    Becca- Your scrub down story reminds me of when my DD was in first grade and wrote about me during her "journal" time at school. "My mom is cleaning. That means company is coming." I found it funny, and a bit embarrassing. It sounded like I never clean EXCEPT if people are coming. Congrats on your jeans fitting better!
    Shortbread cookies- Another one of my favorites; but I think it is because they were my dad's favorites. I am tasting the memories rather than the cookie! I typically make pecan shortbread cookies only in April. I ship some out to each of my siblings, and a couple of aunts and cousins who associate them with him also get a package of them.
    Weepy holidays- I don't think I am overly weepy during the holidays. Certain songs, movies or food will summon the tears, though. Over the years of missing my parents, I have thought a lot about the "eating" during these times. I think for many of us; we DO tend to be "eating" our memories. Those foods that our mothers/grandmothers made, that are now only made during holidays or family gatherings. It sometimes feels as if we are trying to fill the void with a familiar taste, as if we are also inhaling our loved ones. I only have two or three of my mother's recipes; my older sis has the rest, and that is okay.

    My glutes and upper arms are getting a good work out with shoveling, lately. I am being careful. Wearing my knee brace and also my ankle supports for good measure. The YakTraxx are keeping me from slipping. I was out last night and it was bitter cold. The snow was that wonderful sparkly light and fluffy stuff. It was like shoveling fairy dust! Magical. But COLD!!

    DYS and I are going to see The Last Jedi tonight! So excited. Yes, we are those kind of people who wait patiently/impatiently for the next sequel. Bigger theaters have been running all kinds of all day Star Wars marathons and I told DYS that if he wanted to do that with a friend and skip going with me, he could do that. He said "I HAVE to see every opening with you. You introduced me to it. It's tradition." :'(:*<3 My kid loves me. As I sit here, typing this, he is building a light saber. LOL! He got the sound and light component online and has built the sword pommel and the sword himself. I am impressed with his ingenuity; yet kind of freaked out by his geekiness. LOL

    Almost time for kiddos to get up. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    I want to see The last Jedi too! We love science fiction although I don't read any of it.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    Took four of the grandkids to a musical this morning. A production for kids called Rock Nativity. The Christmas Story in song featuring rock music. They all like it. I take them about four times a year to different plays. My daughter laughs and says I'm turning them into "theater snobs." lol Choir concert for a different grandchild tonight and then a busy busy weekend. But no running although the urge to go out and do a few miles is strong right now. I instead have to sew some Christmas outfits for a couple of the kids. I am pretty far behind in my sewing so I'd better get with it.

    Singing and Sewing in Houston,

    My DD and I still like to go to plays. Terry
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Condolences to the Karens and Chris on the loss of close ones. Hugs all round.

    Ryenday, congrats on the stock photos! How does that work anyway?

    Nothing new to report here-- it is just so very cold outside.
