Honey Boo Boo; your thoughts?



  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    I've seen a few episodes and it's amusing.

    What really upsets me is all the virtiol for this little kid. I've seen so many hateful comments online about how fat and dumb she is, how she's going to end up teen mom with herpes or whatever... she's just a child! To be honest, i think she's a cute kid and I wish the best for her. And if you've ever seen Toddlers in Tiaras her mom was one of the more normal, supportive ones. She didn't seem to be pushing her kid into doing pageants or living vicariously through her.

    I will not stand by 'sketti, though.

    Normal moms don't feed their kids go go juice to keep them energetic during the pageant.

    I said "more" normal. None of those people are normal.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    I always thought to be one of the little pagent girls you had to be pretty and in a certain weight group.... so how this lil girl made it???

    Seriously? You're pathetic. The pot's calling the kettle fat.

    What she said was bad... your comment calling her a fat pot isn't any better either.

    "fat pot" made me laugh! :laugh:
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    I've seen a few episodes and it's amusing.

    What really upsets me is all the virtiol for this little kid. I've seen so many hateful comments online about how fat and dumb she is, how she's going to end up teen mom with herpes or whatever... she's just a child! To be honest, i think she's a cute kid and I wish the best for her. And if you've ever seen Toddlers in Tiaras her mom was one of the more normal, supportive ones. She didn't seem to be pushing her kid into doing pageants or living vicariously through her.

    I will not stand by 'sketti, though.

    Normal moms don't feed their kids go go juice to keep them energetic during the pageant.

    I said "more" normal. None of those people are normal.

    Yep. Agree with that.
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    I have never watched an episode. The few commercials I have seen is more than enough.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I have to wonder if people from the former communist Soviet Union watch this show and think:

    "How in the HELL did we lose the cold war?"
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I think it is shameful that this mother is exploiting this child. I think this kid will never live down the Honey Boo boo personna. I think she is going to grow up confused and troubled, and it will be her mother's fault.

    She will be strung out on drugs by the time she is 15.
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    Let them be them, they know that they are heavy, but it doesn't get to them because they're living their life, and guess what all of you hateful people? They don't give a squat about your opinions!

    But clearly you do. Which is far more entertaining.

    Hee. Exactly what I was thinking.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I don't watch it, but I read interviews about them -- apparently Mama June set up trusts for the girls and they live according to a financial plan -- so they live responsibly - so I mean, yeah. Make fun if these peeps all you want -- they seem happy and are getting paid.

    Yes, they def live responsibly. Just look at them.

    I have a tendency to not mistake how people eat and how they look with what they are worth as people. There are far worse fates in life than eating poorly, being overweight -- particularly if you are happy and loved.


    Do I agree with the things they eat? Not particularly. But you know what, even with all their antics, they're a strong family who really LOVES each other, and as was said before, the mother's putting the money from the show in trust funds, you don't see them moving into a mansion or really changing their lifestyle just because they're 'famous' now. They're not all taking advantage of each other a la the Kardashians, they're not trying to create drama to make headlines, they're just living their lives. I respect that, and I think TV needs a lot more of that.

    I think it's in very poor taste that people judge these people based on looks alone (walrusbeast? really?) if I could only pick one or the other, I'd rather have a family raising their children to be nice, good, decent caring people than healthy. Obviously both would be optimum, but my point remains.

    I could go into a whole rant about how 'reality tv' is anything but and i miss the old days like the first couple seasons of The Real World but I won't.

    editing to add a relevant blog post about the show, which is pretty much how I feel: http://scream26.tumblr.com/post/33554414766/honey-boo-boo-rant

    How do you know what she is doing with the money? Becasue you saw it on TV? News flash, these shows are fake. I don't care if they call it reality. All that Kardashian crap, housewives, pawn stars, all of it is 99% scripted fake garbage.
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    I think it is shameful that this mother is exploiting this child. I think this kid will never live down the Honey Boo boo personna. I think she is going to grow up confused and troubled, and it will be her mother's fault.

    She will be strung out on drugs by the time she is 15.

    Yrs but sheesh... apparently it makes you a bad person if you state the obvious.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    As long as people watch it, shows like that will remain on the air. I can't even watch the commercials for the show. Just seems like glorified stupid to me.

    exactly. Wish people would stop watching so we can get some decent shows back on TV these days
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I always thought to be one of the little pagent girls you had to be pretty and in a certain weight group.... so how this lil girl made it???
    Did you really just call a little girl ugly and fat?
    If the shoe fits....
    You are awful.

    I don't watch the show, but those two comments were pretty darned low.
    Hold on a minute. Honey Boo Boo is fat. Her age is irrelevant. She lives in a household full of obese people. Their diet is terrible. They don't exercise. They give this little girl "Pageant Crack" which is a huge dose of sugar and caffeine to make her act a cheery in front of the judges. It is only logical that she is fat and stating that she is fat is nothing more than being minimally observant.

    I would also go a step further and say that she seems to be behind the curve on her speech, grammar, and annunciation. She is constantly in performance mode. I don't think we ever get to see the real child. I truly feel sorry for her because I think her academic advancement has been stunted to the point where she no longer sets learning goals for herself. She sees being a dumb redneck as a thing to be proud of and because she is learning this at such a young age and being rewarded for it I think it will be hardwired in to her.

    As for calling her ugly well she is a little girl so I don't ever think of them as being ugly or not ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder it is such an objective thing I won't really comment on that one.
  • elledeery
    elledeery Posts: 866
    Everytime you watch Honey Boo Boo a brain cell (or fifty) dies!
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    I have never watched it and never will
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I always thought to be one of the little pagent girls you had to be pretty and in a certain weight group.... so how this lil girl made it???
    Did you really just call a little girl ugly and fat?
    If the shoe fits....
    You are awful.

    I don't watch the show, but those two comments were pretty darned low.
    Hold on a minute. Honey Boo Boo is fat. Her age is irrelevant. She lives in a household full of obese people. Their diet is terrible. They don't exercise. They give this little girl "Pageant Crack" which is a huge dose of sugar and caffeine to make her act a cheery in front of the judges. It is only logical that she is fat and stating that she is fat is nothing more than being minimally observant.

    I would also go a step further and say that she seems to be behind the curve on her speech, grammar, and annunciation. She is constantly in performance mode. I don't think we ever get to see the real child. I truly feel sorry for her because I think her academic advancement has been stunted to the point where she no longer sets learning goals for herself. She sees being a dumb redneck as a thing to be proud of and because she is learning this at such a young age and being rewarded for it I think it will be hardwired in to her.

    As for calling her ugly well she is a little girl so I don't ever think of them as being ugly or not ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder it is such an objective thing I won't really comment on that one.

    QFT, When she is 18 and ready for college she won't be smart enough to get into University of Phoenix online. If her mother's IQ was the temperature outside you would freeze to death without proper gear and she is going to be just as dumb. I see a lot of fast food jobs and eating in her future.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    I can't even make it through a commercial without wanting to throw a brick at my TV, shove a red hot poker in my eyes and bleach in my ears. :grumble:
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Hold on a minute. Honey Boo Boo is fat. Her age is irrelevant. She lives in a household full of obese people. Their diet is terrible. They don't exercise. They give this little girl "Pageant Crack" which is a huge dose of sugar and caffeine to make her act a cheery in front of the judges. It is only logical that she is fat and stating that she is fat is nothing more than being minimally observant.

    I would also go a step further and say that she seems to be behind the curve on her speech, grammar, and annunciation. She is constantly in performance mode. I don't think we ever get to see the real child. I truly feel sorry for her because I think her academic advancement has been stunted to the point where she no longer sets learning goals for herself. She sees being a dumb redneck as a thing to be proud of and because she is learning this at such a young age and being rewarded for it I think it will be hardwired in to her.

    As for calling her ugly well she is a little girl so I don't ever think of them as being ugly or not ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder it is such an objective thing I won't really comment on that one.

    That would be "enunciation".
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I don't watch it, but I read interviews about them -- apparently Mama June set up trusts for the girls and they live according to a financial plan -- so they live responsibly - so I mean, yeah. Make fun if these peeps all you want -- they seem happy and are getting paid.

    Yes, they def live responsibly. Just look at them.

    I have a tendency to not mistake how people eat and how they look with what they are worth as people. There are far worse fates in life than eating poorly, being overweight -- particularly if you are happy and loved.


    Do I agree with the things they eat? Not particularly. But you know what, even with all their antics, they're a strong family who really LOVES each other, and as was said before, the mother's putting the money from the show in trust funds, you don't see them moving into a mansion or really changing their lifestyle just because they're 'famous' now. They're not all taking advantage of each other a la the Kardashians, they're not trying to create drama to make headlines, they're just living their lives. I respect that, and I think TV needs a lot more of that.

    I think it's in very poor taste that people judge these people based on looks alone (walrusbeast? really?) if I could only pick one or the other, I'd rather have a family raising their children to be nice, good, decent caring people than healthy. Obviously both would be optimum, but my point remains.

    I could go into a whole rant about how 'reality tv' is anything but and i miss the old days like the first couple seasons of The Real World but I won't.

    editing to add a relevant blog post about the show, which is pretty much how I feel: http://scream26.tumblr.com/post/33554414766/honey-boo-boo-rant

    How do you know what she is doing with the money? Becasue you saw it on TV? News flash, these shows are fake. I don't care if they call it reality. All that Kardashian crap, housewives, pawn stars, all of it is 99% scripted fake garbage.

    Newsflash, I don't watch the show. I do read the business sections of magazines and newspapers -- which is where my info came from: http://businessinsavannah.com/bis/2013-02-18/mama-june-sets-trust-fund-honey-boo-boo#.UfqAeW2P-m8

    It's not what they portray on the show that makes them any more of one thing than the other -- it's what they seem to do or not do when cameras AREN'T around. More to the point: they set up trusts and don't go out and live extravagantly buying new houses and cars. Your primary argument is that they aren't somehow responsible -- which you are basing solely on what you see on the show, which as you point out, probably isn't reality, but scripted for ratings. Um, duh.
  • thatsillyshana
    I love Honey Boo Boo and her family! They're so nice and some of my friends met them and told me how respectful and kind they were. I love that they know they are rednecks and embrace it! I really think they are great role models when it comes to accepting yourself and being who you are no matter what. I used to watch the show, but I don't have cable anymore, so I just get to read the gossip online.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    Hold on a minute. Honey Boo Boo is fat. Her age is irrelevant. She lives in a household full of obese people. Their diet is terrible. They don't exercise. They give this little girl "Pageant Crack" which is a huge dose of sugar and caffeine to make her act a cheery in front of the judges. It is only logical that she is fat and stating that she is fat is nothing more than being minimally observant.

    I would also go a step further and say that she seems to be behind the curve on her speech, grammar, and annunciation. She is constantly in performance mode. I don't think we ever get to see the real child. I truly feel sorry for her because I think her academic advancement has been stunted to the point where she no longer sets learning goals for herself. She sees being a dumb redneck as a thing to be proud of and because she is learning this at such a young age and being rewarded for it I think it will be hardwired in to her.

    As for calling her ugly well she is a little girl so I don't ever think of them as being ugly or not ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder it is such an objective thing I won't really comment on that one.

    That would be "enunciation".
    What if I was referring to the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary of her conception of Christ? Sure it wouldn't have made much sense in the context that I provided but it could have been the case.

    Just kidding you are correct I did misspell that but I was typing it out pretty fast and because it is the correct spelling of a different word spell check did not help me out on that one. I do try to catch stuff like that before posting but nobody is perfect.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I love Honey Boo Boo and her family! They're so nice and some of my friends met them and told me how respectful and kind they were. I love that they know they are rednecks and embrace it! I really think they are great role models when it comes to accepting yourself and being who you are no matter what. I used to watch the show, but I don't have cable anymore, so I just get to read the gossip online.

    She wasn't always so nice. Theft by taking and contempt of court...
