

  • theresabrutout
    Good morning. I'm here for the first time. My friend was yelling at me for my sugars not being under control and I told her I would get back on here and log everything in. Good friend! She's a no nonsense type of woman. So here I am! No pictures to post yet, but I will.

    mamacindy81: I'll keep you in prayer for finding a new house. Believe me, when it's time, the Lord will plop that house right down in front of you and you'll know that it is yours. Just keep trusting Him.

    Not sure what goals I should set for myself this month. My 56th is on Monday. Just feel like I'm falling apart. Diabetes, on oxygen 24/7 because my lungs were damaged in May from pneumonia. But I guess the alternative is NOT breathing - so oxygen is good. :o)

    Ooops - almost forgot.
    Tess - lakewood, OH
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    When I went out to make my WalMart run the rescue truck was sitting in our cul-de-sac. My young neighbor has stage 4 cancer and evidently isn't doing so well. The cancer has spread to her lungs and she was blue this morning. They transported her to the hospital.
    Her husband said it just isn't fair she only 38 and they didn't get a chance to start their marriage before she fell ill. He also cared for and watched his Mother die from cancer.

    so sad

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Congratulations on the weight loss! I’ve been going to yoga for more than a year. I can do downward facing dog now, but it was really hard in the beginning and I injured myself pushing too hard one day, then had to lay off of it for a few months. Take your time and you’ll get there. The three minute plank that Barbie does is a variation of down dog, and I can do it long enough to ask my yoga instructor if this is a plank, but not for more than a few moments.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in SD: Adding to what Gail said, egg white is nearly pure protein from what I’ve been told. I keep hardboiled eggs on hand much of the time, and will often eat one whole egg plus an egg white as breakfast. The dog gets the second yolk crumbled onto his dog food and loves it.:wink:

    Kate in Brooklyn: Good sleuthing to uncover the medicine as the cause of your rage episode. I wonder what the doctor will say. BTW, I think you should take your picture to the doctor’s office when you talk to him/her about the medicine. Kuchen is an old family treat passed down from my German grandma. It is essentially a coffee cake with fruit baked into it and streusel topping. Unfortunately one piece leads to another and another, so I decided to make it into cupcakes to control my portions. The cupcakes are a good way to control quantity, in my opinion. It is a trick I learned from someone else on MFP. I’ll do it that way again. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Great way to use traffic jam time to your advantage. Who cares what anyone else thinks? I might try it today when I take DH to the acupuncturist in Portland. It is a long drive for us, occasionally made longer by traffic jams.:flowerforyou:

    Dab A in CNY: I’m not a kayaker, but spent some time on the river in my inflatable dinghy yesterday. I got a tiller extension for it, and will need to learn a few things about safe operation and timing. Luckily it is an inflatable dinghy, so when I crashed into the side of my boat trying to tie up I did no damage.:blushing: :bigsmile:

    Eileen in San Diego: My mom had some falls like yours at my cousin’s house. Unstable footing, & poor lighting were the main causes of her falls. She ended up with some bruises and skinned spots, but the insult to her dignity bothered her the most. I’ve had one or two experiences similar to that, but not since I started working to improve my health and lose weight. The yoga I’ve been doing is making me stronger and improving my balance.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Thanks for sharing your MS story. It is quite inspiring. DH probably had MS for years before it was diagnosed. The diagnosis was the beginning of a great deal of frustration with unsupportive doctors. Now he’s found two terrific ones, his acupuncturist and his MS doctor. The MS medication he’s on is doing more than just holding the line. It feels like his personality is coming back. Your encouragement helped the situation by giving me the backbone to push for treatment. Thank you for that.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I love the phrase, ”they give him wind.” That is exactly why I avoid beans and lentils!:tongue:

    BJ, SW Ontario: I’m glad you stopped in. Good luck with the project.:flowerforyou:

    Cindy: Good luck finding property that meets your needs and your budget. Tax values and market values have a relationship. It is often a sale that initiates the bump or sag in tax assessments around here. Our property was actually lowered in tax value a couple of years ago, but I notice prices are rising again, and I’m sure the tax value will adjust upwards again as a result of someone else’s sale of similar property. :flowerforyou:

    Busy day today. DH goes to the acupuncturist, and we need to get moving.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Good day friends
    Reading all the posts is so ...... addictive! Sharing our joys, victories and challenges. Priceless. I have been struggling to lose my weight over the past few years, increasing my workouts, but not noticing all the titbits I keep popping in every now and then. Thus it doesnt work. Reading about everybody's experience is an eyeopener...... in spite of many challenges you ladies have knocked off pounds, knocked in strength and appear to be smiling if not possibly whistling as u go through each day.
    This picture of the smiling ladies waiting to support me through my ups and downs is such a fabulous carrot dangling at the end of my day, I find myself striding through the little hiccups I face, like the chocolate in the fridge......
    I just learnt my sisters, father in law had a heart- attack this morning. May God bless him.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie will try no desserts, no caffeine
    :flowerforyou: Janie how's the new book?
    :flowerforyou: skuehn48 thanks for the protein tip.
    :flowerforyou: Megblair just go ahead n bite the dog...... it will go down :)
    :flowerforyou: therabruton you are so positive, god bless
    :flowerforyou: Poerva14 hope your new bath brings loads of fun
    :flowerforyou: Katla great to hear of all your boating (?) and the strength
    Today was good with Jillian Michaels 30 days shred..... tough but feel victorious later :)
    Wishing everyone a great day
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Pictures from kayaking



    Deb A from CNY
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Good Afternoon All,

    It was great timing with the posts about the pedometers. I just ordered the Omron and should have it by Friday, I hope! At my work building they had marked off a couple of different walking paths of various lengths. Some are outside and some inside. I've been trying to make sure to get away from my desk each day and take a walk. I had gotten in the habit of just eating lunch at my desk so I rarely moved around.

    It was a beautiful weekend and I was able to get in some kayaking on Saturday morning and spent Sunday with my sister and we took a couple of the dogs for a walk at her local park. We walked about 1 1/2 hours.

    * Welcome to all the new people.

    * Vicki - Congratulations! What a great accomplishment.

    * Barbie - I used to line dance 3 times a week but most of the places have shutdown. There is a local line dance troup in the area and they hold free lessons once a week and a workshop once a month. I try to make those when possible. They are planning on going on a dance cruise next May.

    *Deb A - Kayaking in the Adirondacks sounds wonderful!

    * For those in pain or suffering (physically and/or emotionally) my prayers are with you.

    Question - is there an easy way to post pictures? I haven't been able to find anything that I could use. Thanks!

    Keep on keeping on....

    Tina from MD
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Ok Deb, how did you do that?? Beautiful pictures.
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Tina- I opened an account on photobucket.com (free) and uploaded the photos there. Once they are uploaded, click on the picture you want to post. On the lower right chose IMG. Copy and paste that code to the post where you want the pic. Delete up to [IMG and then change the IMG at BOTH the beginning and end to img. I hope this makes sense. I'm not very good at explaining. :blushing: This is the first time I got it to work.
    Deb A in CNY
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Good afternoon

    This is my 3rd week of getting up early every morning and going for a walk. I think my body is finally adjusting to the earlier wake up time. I don't walk far but I think it's a good way to start my day.

    I too have a fitbit and wear it on my bra. It seems to register my steps quite well but I do end up with a few imaginary flights of stairs. I'm not sure how that happens. I do like seeing my patterns and where I can do more.

    Deb - those pictures....it looks like sooooo much fun

    Joyce - you are truly an inspiration. thanks for sharing your story.

    Sorry I don't have much time to respond to everyone....I only get 30 min for lunch at work :noway:

    Back to work...

    Have a great day everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from Ontario
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Sandy- My fitbit registers a lot of flights of stairs from the hills I walk. That may be what is happening with yours.

    Katla- My DH and I ended up with kayaks a few years ago because we wanted to get into boating but could afford to buy either a power boat or a sailboat. In the end, I am glad we went this route as we are definitely getting more use out of the kayaks and we are getting good exercise as well!! We both love being on the water. The serenity it has added into my life has literally been a life-saver. Work last year was so stressful that I truly needed to "bottle" the silence, beauty, and serenity from the time on the water. Isn't it great to be strong enough (and confident enough) to be able to handle your boat alone? Getting stronger and healthier has more far-reaching consequences for us than we may realize.

    Deb A in CNY
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Happy Hump Day –

    Such a strange summer. We are back to rainy season here in Delaware – it has been cool and damp for most of the week. The one good thing is that we could turn the air conditioning off again. Our news folks have stated this is the rainiest summer on record. Can you imagine if we got all of this moisture in the winter? We would be snowed in all season.

    So far I have done very well with my exercise and food goals this month.

    One of my biggest obstacles can be late afternoon or after dinner snacking. I can do good all day and then can sabotage the whole day right before bed. I was wondering what tools/tips do any of you have that you can share that helps to eliminate those cravings. I can do good all day and then can sabotage the whole day right before bed. The one thing I have found that can work for me is to go to bed, as funny as that sounds I have never eaten in bed, so if I go to lay down in bed to read or watch tv that does keep me from eating, but need some help for those times I don’t make it to the bed.

    :smile: Melfitnesspal – I use a fitbit and usually keep it on the center or my bra. I’ve lost too many when they are attached to my pants.
    :smile: Genealace – is lace making that same as tatting? My grandmother use to tat and I still have some of her tatting supplies.
    :smile: Etak17 – love the visual of you losing it!!!
    :smile: Rhonda – I totally understand your sentiment about feeling like you should be able to eat anything after working out, unfortunately our metabolisms are not the same as when we were teenagers (at least mine is not).

    Hope everyone's week is progressing well.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    To all who read my MS story and especially Katla, over the years my neurologist has wondered if it really MS I have since my 1 lesion has never changed. I do have all the symptoms, spinal tap shows it, all other tests show it, she episodes, etc. From the very beginning the neurologist has been a rock along side me. Being a nurse when I was in the hospital with my first attack, my own family doctor asked me which neulologist I wanted. Without any hesitation I chose this lady. It's hard to understand but she thinks out loud when she is with you. She just doesn't write thinks things down but you know what her thought processes are because she is thinking them. She may not be looking at you while she is thinking but you know. She goes to all the neurology conventions and comes back and tells me what she learns. she keeps me in the loop.

  • Subzeromambo
    Subzeromambo Posts: 27 Member
    I am back from kayaking, canoeing, camping around Mt. Hood in Oregon. We had 16 people on our annual family re-union camping trip. Three generations of wonderful people. I did not do well on the diet front but I still lost 2 more pounds!

    Short on time...I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the last few weeks of summer.
  • sunbaby2013
    Just a "Bump" to say HELLO to all. I was MIA yesterday.....with the little Grandboys, here all day. Was only able to log my food. Busy today just catching up.


    Darla from Ohio
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Tina- I opened an account on photobucket.com (free) and uploaded the photos there. Once they are uploaded, click on the picture you want to post. On the lower right chose IMG. Copy and paste that code to the post where you want the pic. Delete up to [IMG and then change the IMG at BOTH the beginning and end to img. I hope this makes sense. I'm not very good at explaining. :blushing: This is the first time I got it to work.
    Deb A in CNY

    Thanks. I created the account and will try working with it tonight when I get home.
  • salmon0
    salmon0 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Happy Hump Day
    Glad to see most of you are well and working hard to achieve your goals, even in babysteps. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Thanks to all who kept me in their thoughts, as my evil companion :devil: has gone for now, (it's amazing and it only took me having a 16 hour nap and a couple of happy pills)

    I came very close to achieving my 60 min. power walk. (59 mins.) :ohwell:
    Thank goodness I was out this morning because it has started to rain and we are expecting thunder storms all evening.
    I love sunny mornings and stormy nights. :bigsmile:

    Got to try and catch on some of the chores I missed yesterday. :ohwell:
    Hope everyone is having a good day (Remember you were able to get out of bed)

    “One’s friends are that part of the human race with which one can be Human.” George Santayana

    Sonja in Big Sky Country - Northern Alberta
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Hi all,

    We leave for vacation on Friday and just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello to all of you before we leave. DH decided to work half a day on Friday, so we’ll probably get on the road about 2PM. The drive to the Outer Banks is about 6 hours, and we are staying at a motel at the half-way point so we can get onto the island early and beat out most of the traffic that comes in later in the day.:devil:

    I started a new DVD this week for ABS. I do two ten minute programs on Tuesdays and Thursdays, along with my running on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This morning I woke up with a sore lower back. Maybe I’m doing the crunches wrong? Not sure, but was expecting my abs to be sore (which they are) but not my back too.:grumble: I took some Tylenol and did my run today, which seemed to loosen me up a bit, but the soreness is back now that it’s afternoon. I’ll see what happens after I continue doing the reps. I’m hoping my back will get stronger. I was getting too used to the strength programs and wanted to switch it up a bit. I also want to tighten the belly as much as possible (if that’s EVEN possible at my age). :noway: Age, children, and a hysterectomy have all taken its toll!:ohwell:

    :heart: As always, I want to extend a warm welcome to all of the newcomers. You will feel the love and support of all who post on this thread. I know I do!

    Consistent logging (Pretty good except on vacations)
    Drink at least 9 glasses of water a day (90%)
    Find an exercise class I enjoy (NOT YET!!!)
    LOWER SODIUM FOODS (Working on it!)

    GOALS FOR AUGUST: Same as July! Still looking for that exercise class!!!

    Congrats to all on their success, and (((hugs))) to all who are struggling. Hang in…..it gets better!

    Lucy in DE. :bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    Keeping up with my steps -12000 minimum and flights of stairs - 20 minimum. (I love my FitBit and I where mine in my bra too. ) Yesterday I decided to get back to planks and squats. I used to do 100 squats a day but that was a while ago. I did 20 yesterday and I don't hurt so today will be 50. I was able to hold the plank 30 seconds. Not bad for being so out of it. I hope to get back to the 2 minute mark. (man I used to tremble and sweat when I did that.)

    Bodi and Ritter are being fur boys as usual and giving me all the joy and love that comes with fur babies.

    Yesterday would have been my mom's 89 birthday. I miss her so much. My dad called just to chat because it was her birthday.

    I hope you are all doing great.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    evening ladies,
    Lucy- have a great time, I have always wanted to go to the Outer Banks..
    Deb A- love the pictures, I sooooo would love to do that..
    I am really tired, ate way under my calories and MVP yelled at me.. I stuffed myself with salad, and hummus and apple and things of that sort, and figured a dry bowl of cereal would finish me off.
    so thats what I had..
    my pedometer has 13,500 and my fitbit has 10,000+ so I really dont care tonight which is which..
    gonna go to bed early tonight and tomorrow im off from work, will go to the gym and run some errnads
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening ladies:flowerforyou:

    Finally got caught up on all the posts! I love reading about everyone and everything going on. Just wish I had more time to reply to everyone:cry: . I keep you all in my thoughts and wish everyone the very best that life has to offer!!!

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello, it's been a long gloomy day again here in NC, no rain, just dark skies:grumble: . I do much much better when the sun is shining. This is Aug. and it's usually sunny, highs in the high 90's and humid, I will take that any day over the gray gloomy days. I don't even feel like I've had summer yet:sad: ! Sorry for not being very perky tonight:blushing: .

    Enjoy your evening:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee in icky NC