Comments on pre-weight loss body



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yup. It happens. Mine does the same. He also does the belly thing.. I'll be laying there and he takes his hand and jiggles me lol.. so you and I seem to be dating twins.

    Haha yep. He knows my belly really bothers me, so playing with it is his way of letting me know that he loves me and my bajiggly paunch. It still bugs me though...

  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    edited December 2017
    And if the guy is legit being an *kitten* hat then yeah it would for me too.. all I said was it needed more context before jumping on the kick him to the curb band wagon
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    Yup. It happens. Mine does the same. He also does the belly thing.. I'll be laying there and he takes his hand and jiggles me lol.. so you and I seem to be dating twins.

    Haha yep. He knows my belly really bothers me, so playing with it is his way of letting me know that he loves me and my bajiggly paunch. It still bugs me though...

    Lol. I assume that's why Dustin does it too.. I can't remember if it bothered me at first or not. I just go with it.. only time it bugs me is if j wake up to pee and I'm still tired and try to go back to sleep and he wakes up and starts jiggling me. It shakes my whole body lol
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I can't comment because I wasn't there to witness it.. thats what i mean, she can choose whatever she wants to do, based on how she feels about it, she can go, she can ask, etc, but without more context, sometimes people can say things thinking they are making a joke and it's really not funny.. im not saying don't give her advice or suggest it's unhealthy, but it's a common thing i have noticed over time on many threads, someone has an issue, talks about it and everyones first reaction is "Kick him to the curb".. Did everyones current partner never say anything dumb or rude or felt disrespectful ever?

    I advise people who are in these situations to give it a lot of thought and make up their own mind. If it were me and this were going on it would be a sign we should not go further. I'm not going to tell someone who has been together for years to break up over 1 dumb comment. People can work things out if underneath it is coming from a place of caring. But if a date or partner makes you feel *kitten* or uncomfortable multiple times then really think hard about being with that person. To me that isn't an awkward caring guy who had a brain fart moment.

    I've been married for 18 years and my dh has never had a habit of saying or doing rude, dumb, disrespectful things. He is not perfect but never had that particular issue. He has told me I am sexy and he loves me at every weight I have been. He told me he wants me to be happy with my weight and healthy. I feel the same about him. So I don't really get accepting "I don't ever want to see you gain weight" comments from a partner.

  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Haven’t talked to him since, but I don’t know how sensitive I’m being. I just don’t get it because I was the living, breathing “before” when I met him.

    I don't think you're being over-sensitive. That kind of behaviour is telling, and should be off putting to any woman imho. But again, you were there, we weren't.

    Have you been dating right from when you met him, or did that come later?

    Yeah pretty much, no “just friends” time or anything. But it’s super casual dating, not like a relationship. So definitely easier to back away from.

    No point in seeing this fool! I would certainly hate to be pregnant around him.......jerk!
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    I don't tolerate disrespect. I'm the same person as I was in the before pictures. If you disrespect her, you disrespect me. Not sure I'd break up over it but I would straighten that *kitten* out in a hurry.

    Exactly. You can stick up for your feelings without just shoving someone out of your life over It.

    That's why I said to ask him what he meant. Listen to his response and then tell him how it made you feel. How can someone show you that they meant well if you just say *kitten* you and thats that.

    No one has a right to be in your life. If someone wants someone out of their life, that's their right. You can kick someone to the curb just because you don't want them in your life. People who think they have a right to a reason that they consider adequate for being kicked out of someone else's life have just demonstrated that they don't respect the autonomy of the person who doesn't want them in their life -- which is a really good reason not to want somebody in your life.
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    Did everyones current partner never say anything dumb or rude or felt disrespectful ever?

    Actually yes, my husband is never rude or disrespectful to me. Don't think he ever has been once in our relationship, and we've been together ten years. He's said dumb stuff (don't we all) but not directed at me, and definitely not about my body, even when I was at my worst. Maybe I am just lucky!

    If a guy said to me what OP's buddy said to her, I would tell him to bug off. A person would have to be either incredibly stupid or incredibly self-centered to not understand that weight and body are sensitive subjects for most people, even very fit and attractive people.

    My first husband was just like OPs guy. Maybe that's why I'm so sensitive about it and probably projecting a little bit.

    My current husband has never once said anything rude, hurtful or disrespectful to me. I purposely looked for a man I knew wouldn't do that. It's simply not in him to be unkind. Do we annoy each other occasionally? Absolutely. Do we disagree and sometimes argue? You bet!

    But it never turns personal or mean. That's the difference.
  • Good_Morning_Glory
    Good_Morning_Glory Posts: 226 Member
    I didn't say it had to be about your body. I said about anything.

    Congrats tho ladies for marrying perfect human beings I guess? Lol..

    in my experience people can say something rude without knowing it came out that way.

    I realize I will not have the popular opinion. But oh well.. the OP understood I was speaking from a general stance so that's all I care about

    Hahahaha!! Perfect my *kitten*. He can be a perfect dick. He would just never go there regarding size or weight. Probably because he has sisters?

    I get what you’re saying. And agree. Because I’ve said things that were construed as hurtful when it wasn’t meant that way. To ME. But we’re all different in our levels of sensitivity.

  • whosshe
    whosshe Posts: 597 Member
    The way he said it is weird. “I don’t ever want to see you look like that again” This sounds red flaggy. Especially since he TOLD you you shouldn't be offended. Why does he think he has say in what you do with your body or how you feel? Weird............