Snap Judgments



  • sw33tp3a1
    sw33tp3a1 Posts: 5,065 Member
    _MistahJ_ wrote: »
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    Those women that say they are all 50 Shades and the moment you touch their butt it's vanilla again, I figure the fantasy is better than the reality.

    Christian Grey IS vanilla.

    I'm assuming you read his version of their story :#
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    • People that listen to certain genres of music typically tend to have similar personalities as other people who listen to the same genre.
    • People who are overly into certain sports suffer from a low IQ and are generally uninteresting.
    • People who say they don't judge others are full of it because to judge is to be human. We all do it on some level because it helps our brains process information in the here and now.
    • People who don't appreciate art are very sad, lonely people.
    • People who cat call others are overcompensating and putting on bravado to make up for the inadequacy they feel.
    • People who are societally quiet aren't shy; they're people watching and I want to be as far away as possible because I don't like being observed.
    • People who eat entire bags of potato chips have no self control. (I.E. this is me because that's what I just did, lol)

    Again, I know most of these are not true, but my brain does what it wants.
  • FLBlackMax
    FLBlackMax Posts: 1,283 Member
    I assume that any couple that same side sits - are mouth breathers
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    Those women that say they are all 50 Shades and the moment you touch their butt it's vanilla again, I figure the fantasy is better than the reality.

    Can you please explain to me the fascination with those novels? They sound terrible, IMO.
  • toned_thugs_n_harmony
    toned_thugs_n_harmony Posts: 1,001 Member
    If you're reading this I assume I just wanted your time

    you want my time? take it!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    If I hear a human say "With all due respect ... ", I immediately snap to the judgement of "That a-hole has less than zero respect for the addressed parties".