JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 27



  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,762 Member
    edited January 2018
    This is such a fantastic idea doing a 10 day challenge. Gutted I didn’t find this the other day. Roll on round 28 so I can join in! All the best everyone

    @MakingItHappen2017 You can join now. No need to wait until next round.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    12/29: 82.8kg 182.5lbs
    12/30: 82.8kg 182.5lbs
    12/31: 82.5kg 181.8lbs
    1/1: 82.3kg 181.4lbs
    1/2: 82.7kg/182.3lbs
    1/3: missed measuring :neutral:
  • Day/Weight/Comment

    1/1….163…. celebrations are done…..now to start over and start eating clean again, start tracking again, and start some type of exercise. After I lost 10 pounds after I joined MFP on January 1st last year I was able to keep it off until recently. Need to get back to my original and want to lose another 10 and keep it off…..of course more weight would be great but I want to maintain it and change my lifestyle more permanently so that I don’t keep having to lose the same pounds over and over again!!
    1/2 …..162 Back to work for me today.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    Weight: 201 Lbs on March 14th 2017
    R14 HW 198.2 LW 192.6 Total weights Average: 194.9
    R15 HW 195.4 LW 191.8 Total weights Average: 193.7
    R16 HW 194.6 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 192.8
    R17 HW 192.5 LW 190.8 Total weights Average: 191.7
    R18 - I followed the thread but didn't record my weights as I had no access to a reliable Scale
    R19 - HW 192.2 LW 190.4 - I Can't record Average as I didn't post for 1/2 of the days
    R20 HW 189.8 LW 187.4 Total weights Average: 188.9
    R21 HW 189.8 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.3
    R22 HW 189.6 LW 186.8 Total weights Average: 188.8
    R23 HW 191.8 LW 188.4 Total weights Average: 189.7
    R24 HW 193 LW 190.0 Total weights Average: 191.5
    R25 HW 192.2 LW 189.8 Total weights Average: - I Can't record Average as I didn't post for 1/2 of the days
    R26 HW 196.2 LW 191.6 Total weights Average: 194.2

    R27 (14th Round for me)

    So the last round was a real kick in the teeth. I never thought I'd see those numbers again. The New Year is right around the corner though and I have my will power back so I know I'll do well eventually. The fact that I'm posting on here and being honest is a huge deal. I used to always hide my defeats. It's nice to be able to show them and be accountable and still remain determined. I broke a rib (no exercise allowed for 6 weeks!) and I've got TOM visiting this round.

    12/29: 197.0 I've gained exactly 10 lbs back over this holiday season. Oh well at least it's not 10 added on to what I was when I started! I'll lose it again. TOM is also skewing the results by a pound or two. Means I prob won't see my goal by Jan 1, but I'm feeling good about the rest of January!
    12/30: 196.8
    12/31: 195.6
    1/1: 197.6
    1/2: 197.4 Holiday indulgence is still catching up with me.
    1/3: 197.8 WHY?!?!?!?

    Really try to push water. It could be water retention in part. :)
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    @nikki062181 and @SheilaBoneham - I would jump in but I’m in a 100 day challenge on Facebook that runs 1/1 - 4/11.

    @MakingItHappen2017 jump in NOW! You don’t have to wait.

    @junodog1 I wondered what happened to you. It’s good to see you back!

    @brightresolve I have to say lemon squares sound so good to me! I love the sweet/sour of them but after no grain products or sugar for almost 6 months, I think they would not agree with me. Are they all gone now?

    Well isn't that an awesome challenge to be a part of. I hope you enjoy it. :)
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    Curlychip wrote: »
    If anyone cares to join a 2nd group for additional winter month accountability, I joined a winter challenge group today for the months of January - April. It would be awesome to see a familiar face. My second group to help me get through the holiday months is just wrapping up, and I needed something else. Weigh in is once a week. I just thought I'd share. :)

    I'm there, too, @nikki062181 ;-)

    I’m in the other one that is just January! April seemed too far

    Well, that's alright. As long as we continue to stay on track and push ourselves.:) We've got this.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    If anyone cares to join a 2nd group for additional winter month accountability, I joined a winter challenge group today for the months of January - April. It would be awesome to see a familiar face. My second group to help me get through the holiday months is just wrapping up, and I needed something else. Weigh in is once a week. I just thought I'd share. :)

    I'm there, too, @nikki062181 ;-)

    Yay! It's so nice to have familiar faces. :)