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JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    JFT - Monday May 7
    2L of Water - :)
    Stay in Green - :)
    Outside 15 minutes - :) Almost 1 hour
    Plank Challenge - :) 60.92 seconds
    5K Walk - :( 4.7K my feet and legs are really hurting. I am so tired and achy. I just wanted to get home. Also, my hubby asked me if I could find a route that always kept me on a sidewalk and it didn't quite work for a 5K. I'll try again tomorrow night.
    Do 10 Somethings every hour - :| I did something 4 times, so missed 2
    Write in Journal - :)

    JFT - Tuesday May 8
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Plank Challenge
    Do 10 Somethings every hour
    Write in Journal

    I am so tired. I don't know if it's my diet, too much exercise, or a combination of things. Sunday night I was going to go for a walk, and only managed 1K. Last night was supposed to be 5K and I had to force myself to do it, and I still stopped early. My pace wasn't as fast as it has been either. I think part of it is I need new shoes. Proper ones, not the Walmart special.

    I'll see how I feel tonight, maybe a soak in the hot tub and swimming in the pool will help perk me up and ease some aching muscles. Maybe I just need to take a rest for a day. My fear for that is I will be over on my calories.

    Good news is my hubby will be working days for sure this summer, that means we will actually have time together. He talked last night about taking a weekend away, I'm so excited for that we haven't gone away together since 2015!

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @cschmitz110515 - Oh I actually have Kodiak cake mix! Love it for pancakes on the weekend, thats a great idea to make muffins, thanks! I'm not a big breakfast eater most of the time - but today I was ravenous so I had to add a mini breakfast burrito so I could chew something and really satisfy the hunger.

    @Snowflake1968 - I too am fussy! I'm not a picky eater by any means - but finding a snack I can grab and go is harder than it seems! So I end up eating the same thing over and over. Which is fine, until its boring and I want to just say to heck with it! So I'm trying to be proactive this time around.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    I am so tired. I don't know if it's my diet, too much exercise, or a combination of things. Sunday night I was going to go for a walk, and only managed 1K. Last night was supposed to be 5K and I had to force myself to do it, and I still stopped early. My pace wasn't as fast as it has been either. I think part of it is I need new shoes. Proper ones, not the Walmart special.

    I'll see how I feel tonight, maybe a soak in the hot tub and swimming in the pool will help perk me up and ease some aching muscles. Maybe I just need to take a rest for a day. My fear for that is I will be over on my calories.

    Good news is my hubby will be working days for sure this summer, that means we will actually have time together. He talked last night about taking a weekend away, I'm so excited for that we haven't gone away together since 2015!

    So much I'd like to say to you! Yes, proper shoes with real support will help immensely, especially if you're going to walk on a regular basis. I learned this the hard way, many years ago. Replacing my shoes regularly helps too. I live on the outskirts of my city, and we have no sidewalks. I walk on the shoulder with dog, facing traffic, so I can see cars coming, and I listen for cars coming up behind us (no earbuds for me). When daylight is fading, we both wear reflective gear (vests, LED flashers, high visibility hat (well, not dog, but she has LED collar)). Be safe.

    I am a firm believer in rest days. Rest days are important, to give your muscles time to recover and heal. And usually, you come back even better & stronger. I aim for 2, sometimes 1, rest day per week.

    My hubby and I work different hours Mon. - Fri. He gets home 12:30 a.m. when I'm sleeping, I leave 7:50 a.m. when he's sleeping, and I get home 4:45 p.m. so he's already gone. Fortunately, I have a 9 - 10 minute commute to work, so I drive home for lunch and that's the only time we can be together awake on weekdays. We do have a note system, where we leave each other notes on the kitchen island, so when we each come home, we can see the note. We also text occasionally, usually when he's at work and I'm home. At least we have the weekends together.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Walked outside yesterday
    Drank 4 out of 8 cups of water
    Completed two online lessons
    Pre-logged and stayed within the boundaries

    JFT, 5/8
    Walk out side---
    Drink 8 cups of water
    Online lesson
    Pre-log food
    Start quilt

    Success: I realized last week that my thighs don't rub together anymore!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    I am so tired. I don't know if it's my diet, too much exercise, or a combination of things. Sunday night I was going to go for a walk, and only managed 1K. Last night was supposed to be 5K and I had to force myself to do it, and I still stopped early. My pace wasn't as fast as it has been either. I think part of it is I need new shoes. Proper ones, not the Walmart special.

    I'll see how I feel tonight, maybe a soak in the hot tub and swimming in the pool will help perk me up and ease some aching muscles. Maybe I just need to take a rest for a day. My fear for that is I will be over on my calories.

    Good news is my hubby will be working days for sure this summer, that means we will actually have time together. He talked last night about taking a weekend away, I'm so excited for that we haven't gone away together since 2015!

    So much I'd like to say to you! Yes, proper shoes with real support will help immensely, especially if you're going to walk on a regular basis. I learned this the hard way, many years ago. Replacing my shoes regularly helps too. I live on the outskirts of my city, and we have no sidewalks. I walk on the shoulder with dog, facing traffic, so I can see cars coming, and I listen for cars coming up behind us (no earbuds for me). When daylight is fading, we both wear reflective gear (vests, LED flashers, high visibility hat (well, not dog, but she has LED collar)). Be safe.

    I am a firm believer in rest days. Rest days are important, to give your muscles time to recover and heal. And usually, you come back even better & stronger. I aim for 2, sometimes 1, rest day per week.

    My hubby and I work different hours Mon. - Fri. He gets home 12:30 a.m. when I'm sleeping, I leave 7:50 a.m. when he's sleeping, and I get home 4:45 p.m. so he's already gone. Fortunately, I have a 9 - 10 minute commute to work, so I drive home for lunch and that's the only time we can be together awake on weekdays. We do have a note system, where we leave each other notes on the kitchen island, so when we each come home, we can see the note. We also text occasionally, usually when he's at work and I'm home. At least we have the weekends together.

    Thanks so much for the support.

    Maybe this week I will not push myself so hard with the walking and wait for new shoes. Hopefully next pay. I think a rest day is a good idea. Maybe that's what I'll do tonight. It might be just what the doctor ordered. I haven't walked at night at all yet, but will be in the Fall. I'll make sure I'm prepared for that.

    My husband works seasonal work, so by mid-Winter we have usually had too much time together and are needing a break. Last summer he worked nights Thursday to Monday from 3-11 and I worked days Monday to Friday 8-430. We didn't get a day off together from May to September. I'm looking forward to being able to do some things this summer.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Walked outside yesterday
    Drank 4 out of 8 cups of water
    Completed two online lessons
    Pre-logged and stayed within the boundaries

    JFT, 5/8
    Walk out side---
    Drink 8 cups of water
    Online lesson
    Pre-log food
    Start quilt

    Success: I realized last week that my thighs don't rub together anymore!

    I love all of the quotes that you keep posting.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    It's so quiet on here today. I took a 15 minute walk outside today as a break, just to get warmed up! I think I am going to take @cschmitz110515 advise though and take a rest night. A hot bath and some good tv should fix me right up! I'll swim tomorrow night.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Tuesday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run - aim for 16 laps in 30 minutes. HA HA.
    2. Input two reflections and ALL LATE WORK. Check on summer project and research next year. Email principal about additional photocopies. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Summer Prince.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for 10.
    4. Write discussion post. Review assignment for Week 5. Review audition song.
    5. Gym after school for strength training. Chop more celery. Prep cheese. Dinner - Salad?
    6. Practice audition song. Meds by 7:00. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:00. Alarm set for 5:00.

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Feed cats. Meds, teeth, tea. AM run - aim for 8 laps in 15 minutes; continue to 30.
    2. Input the rest of the reflections. Meeting about summer project. Ask about research next year. Email principal about additional photocopies. Daily Duolingo. Meditation. Read Summer Prince.
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 10 lunges each leg, 70 sec plank, 40 sec forward fold, 20 sec triangle each side, 40 sec down dog, 30 sec crane/tree/warrior 3 each leg, 15 side leg lifts) aim for 2. Steps at school to 7k; aim for 10.
    4. Begin essay for Week 5. Review audition song. Call the Y to ask about student rates. Review standards and assign to units. Check C's assessment grades and contact parent.
    5. Audition at 7:00. Chop more celery. Prep cheese Dinner - Plated 2?
    6. Meds before audition. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:00. Alarm set for 5:00.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Was so tired last night I forgot to check in. Have woken up this morning (actually the middle of the night) at a crazy hour so have lots of time to catch up on here before I work out. Not quite sure how I’ll stay awake later this afternoon though!

    Tuesday goals:
    - morning workout ✅
    - 12k steps ✅
    - 2ltr water ✅
    - 15 mins outside exercise ✅
    - Stick to calorie goal ✅
    - Call conveyancing guy :/ I called during my lunch hour but the guy was on lunch too!
    - Type up children’s stories :| only a couple, still lots to do
    - Finish clothes online shop :/ maybe today?
    - Amazon order ✅
    - Early night ✅

    Wednesday goals
    - morning workout
    - Pick up items for afternoon topic lesson on way to work
    - 15k steps
    - 3ltr water
    - 15 mins outside exercise
    - Stick to calorie goal
    - One planned snack only during afternoon planning
    - Call conveyancing guy
    - Type up children’s stories
    - Parents eve p @ 6
    - Early night

    @Snowflake1968 sounds like you do need a little more rest and some quality time with your hubby. And reduced stress (physically and mentally) will no doubt help with weight loss.
    @toaljasa - great NSV re thigh rub! As we head in to summer it’s perfect timing. I’ve always had narrower hips and carried weight on my inner rather than outer thighs. I could never wear shorts and in skirts the rubbing and chafing was terrible. When I lost the weight losing this was a definite bonus! And I now have a little thigh gap and wear shorts and short skirts all the time - who knew?!
    @clicketykeys Good luck with the audition!!
    @HGSmith0920 - how are you feeling? Did you take another test? Hope things are ok.

    Hope you all have some sunshine coming your way and wish you all a v happy Wednesday x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    So as promised I said I’d get back on track today!
    Goals for Weds
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - No chocolate
    - May challenge (I’ve achieved this every day so far!)
    - Exercise

    Have a good day everyone!
    It’s 6am here, after this bottle I’ll probably get an hour nap before the others get up!
    So tired!
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Just for today...I commit to not let the things I don't control get to me.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 5/8/18

    1. LOG ALL FOOD :DKind of spiraled out of control. The DH bought me a bottle of soda and it just went downhill from there.
    2. Eat the food I brought for lunch yesterday! :)Kept me full all afternoon too
    3. Pay more attention to what you are doing at work :)Yesterday was a much better day at work. A was there to cover for L and she is great. I learn so much from her. She's been in banking for 20+ years and is just an awesome, smart, and really kind person.
    4. Ask questions even if L thinks you are stupid :)Asked A a lot of questions but L seemed to have been in a much better mood yesterday as well.
    5. Work 815-515 :)Left at 4. It was nice!
    6. Spend lunch outside :)Spent about 20 minutes sitting at a table out in the sun. It was pretty awesome!
    7. 2 cups of coffee at work :)Was a bit too much I think. Had some nerves when I got home
    8. Bring clothes to change into :)Brought them but because I left early I didnt need to them. Came home and changed instead
    9. Get hair done :):):):)LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! Plus the woman who did it was awesome! We chatted and had some great conversation. And it was pretty inexpensive.
    10. Leftovers for dinner/DO THE DISHES!! :)Decided to try and heat up dinner in a frying pan instead of using the microwave and I think it worked out well. The DH didnt complain and everything for heated through nicely. Ended up having to do two sinks full of dishes and had to let something soak. I will do that this morning and then I will have a clear sink!
    11. DH time :)Didnt get home from getting my hair done until late so it wasn't as long as I would like but it was quality.
    12. Tech off by 10:15 :)Right around there I think.
    13. Night routine :/Was too tired. Plopped in bed and fell asleep very quickly
    14. Bed by 11 :)Pretty close

    Had a MUCH better day yesterday then I did on Monday. It helps that A was there. I learn so much from her. Got my hair done yesterday. I will post a picture sometime today. I adore it! It feels so much lighter. Apparently, I have A LOT of hair. Lol. I have to get ready for work in a few so I will make goals quickly and then sign off.

    JFT, 5/9/18

    2. Take picture of with new hair
    3. Work 815-515
    4. 2 cups of coffee at work
    5. Ask questions/pay attention!!
    6. Look at company's products
    7. Bring lunch!
    8. Pick up plates after work
    9. Clean kitchen/living room/take out trash/bathroom
    10. Eat dinner
    11. Go to Walmart
    12. Tech off by 1030
    13. Bed by 12

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    @Faebert Thank you for asking! I'm going to go to my doctors office on Thursday and get a blood test done. The tests have come back negative but I really think I might be because I have a bunch of the symptoms. I'd rather be extra careful then not careful enough. I'm feeling okay except for the random bouts of nausea that I get. They never last very long but they can be kind of disconcerting. Lol.

    Two week wait :)

    From last missed period I always waited 2 weeks. I was pregnant but my body hadn’t produced enough of the hormone that turns the strip blue!

    I got through soooooo many pregnancy tests lol!

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    JFT for Tuesday
    :p Up at 06:00 and off to work early HA – but I am waking up earlier so I will continue making the little steps toward this goal of shifting my wake up time.
    :) 10K steps
    ;) stick to pre planned food mostly but …
    :) 15 minutes in the sun
    :) Re-join just give me 10 days
    :) Balance Load for special pay
    :/ Dayton Ohio Tax letter - waiting on info from TM
    :) Status review of upgrade testing
    :/ Belly dancing video - too many chores, late form work, feed store on way home
    :) Eat 2 -3 Fruits

    Quick post to update goals

    JFT for Wednesday
    Belly dancing video (has to be done twice)
    Eat 5 veggies
    10K steps
    15 minutes in the sun
    Dentist appt
    Compose three work letters

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    Email principal about additional photocopies.
    I'm not a teacher so I'm curious? Do you have a yearly budget of photocopies and need to have more?
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    JFT - Tuesday May 8
    2L of Water - :( Not quite only 6. I was so cold in the afternoon at work thanks to the AC that I had a tea and that made me miss a bottle of water.
    Stay in Green - :) Yes without much exercising!
    Outside 15 Minutes - :) Yes took a walk at lunch, hope to do that more often
    Plank Challenge - :) Yes 60.52
    Swim? - :( Took advice and rested
    Do 10 Somethings every hour - :( No, i did it once. I was too tired and sore yesterday
    Write in Journal - :)

    JFT - Wednesday May 9
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Plank Challenge
    Do 10 Something's every hour
    Write in Journal
    Maybe swim, still sore so may see how I feel later

    I feel more rested today, my feet and legs are still sore so may take another rest day today. I did manage to stay in the green though with my calories! The scaled moved this morning! 192.6, I think I'll add it on my check-in even though it's not Sunday.
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Tuesday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories :)
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake :(
    5. Go to the gym :)
    6. Finish 3 orders from my shop :)

    JFT (Wednesday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water before allowing myself a Diet Coke
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Stay "in the green" with my calories
    4. Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    5. Go to the gym
    6. Finish 4 orders from my shop
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,589 Member
    Recap T 5/8
    1) Walked dog 3.4 mi 1:02:23 / happy dog & happy me B) / forgot to stretch after :s
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 16,402 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 54 floors (see #4) :smiley:
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan & NO evening snacking / monitor usual = Yes! Net calories green, sodium red (leftover Chinese food), sugar -13 (some fruit, power muffin, but also unplanned small portion of ice cream cake in office for manager's granddaughter's 5th bday ~ don't get me started!), fiber & protein good & 17c water ~ actually felt thirsty! :smiley:
    4) Evening at least 3 - 4 to-do's = folded hubby's clean work shirts :smiley: don't understand why he doesn't do this :# / washed dishes :smiley: / wrote up notes from Easter dinner :smiley: reference for next year / packed 3 boxes of Easter decorations & stored in basement :smiley: yes, I still had Easter decorations out :p
    5) Unplug 9:15 :smiley: / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :( more like 10:35? (walk or workout before work W a.m.)

    JFT W 5/9
    1) Walked dog before work in off + on sprinkles + beat the rain / 3.43 mi 1:01:05 / remembered to stretch / happy dog & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / trying to move up leader board of workplace step challenge
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / monitor usual
    4) Evening: wash towels / at least 1 - 2 to-do's
    5) Unplug 9:15 / floss / retainers / charge Fitbit / bed & TV off 10:15 (weight machine / circuit training R a.m. before work)
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Tuesday Recap
    1. Pick up Egyptian Goddess for mothers day gift >:) Sat outside for lunch and day dreamed my break away. No car today, will go tomorrow.
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Be kind to yourself :)
    4. Meds AM and PM :)
    5. Give dog meds :)
    6. 5 wall push ups every bathroom trip :)
    7. Brainstorm some more snacks/meals for this week - getting kind of bored with what I've been eating the past 3 weeks. Boredom with my food usually leads to poor choices. :) Still need to do some more searching and planning
    8. Grill chicken and sausage tonight :)
    9. Pick up bronze order :)
    10. Touch base with mortgage broker :) Let the phone tag begin

    JFT Wednesday
    1. Dont let the madness get to you!
    2. Be kind to yourself
    3. Lots of water today - headache
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Give dog meds
    6. 5 squats every bathroom trip
    7. Enter all memories to 365 days of happy from 2016 box
    8. Eat lunch outside