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JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    @Bex953172 my oldest daughter was very sassy and one thing I did was threaten to put pepper on her tongue if she was being sassy. The threat worked and I don’t think I ever had to actually do it. One time though we were driving and she got sassy, I asked her if she wanted pepper. She pipes up and tells me I don’t have any because were in the car. Next time I was in a restaurant I took to go packs of pepper. I carried those packets in my purse for years and she knew it
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    edited July 2018
    Saturday's Goals:

    1. Adhere to food plan and stay under goal :| I'm under goal, but I deviated from my food plan. I got an incredible deal on hamburger buns for 25 cents so I had veggie chicken burgers for dinner instead of the risotto I had planned.
    2. Drink 8 cups of water :)
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening :) Almost forgot this tonight, doing it now.
    4. Eat only when hungry :smile:
    5. Grocery shopping :smile:

    JFT: Sunday

    1. Log everything I eat and stay under goal.
    2. Drink 8 cups of water
    3. Physical therapy morning and evening
    4. Eat only when hungry
    5. Make risotto
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    edited July 2018
    JFY (Saturday 7/14/18)
    1) Log all my food :)
    2) Stay close to "in the green" with my calories (Family BBQ today) :/ (Not terribly bad...probably still at maintenance)
    3) Stay close to "in the green" with my sodium intake :/
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke :)
    5) Complete Day 9 in my new Beck Diet Solutions :/ (Completely forgot this)

    JFT (Sunday 7/15/18)
    1) Log all my food
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    4) Drink all my water before having a Diet Coke
    5) Complete Day 9 in my new Beck Diet Solutions
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    @oboeing - that is a lot to take on. Welcome to the group.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    JFT - Saturday July 14
    2L of Water - :/
    Stay in Green by 150 - :/ Over by 110
    Outside 15 Minutes - :/
    Clean and Laundry - :)

    Well yesterday was a bit of a bust! today is my relaxed day but I may need to change that up a bit.

    JFT -Sunday July 15
    2L of Water
    Stay in Green by 150
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Write in journal

    I have the kids today and their Mom has asked for strawberry shortcake. I think we are going to try to find some good berries and maybe a yard sale or two.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Just for Saturday:
    1. Log every bite :)
    2. Write my Day 1 Becks Diet index cards :#Well, I FOUND the index cards, so that's a start, right?
    3. Finish top of quilt and pin the layers together B)The quilt saga continues... I was so excited finishing off the top yesterday! My husband came down and told me he really liked it and thinks @Bex953172 is really going to like it. Then I messed up and sewed the material on backwards...had to rip the long seam out and reattach. Sewed it back on, only to find that I must have cut something too wide because the rows are off. Tried to throw a few little stitches in here and there to make the rows straight which really messed things up. Brought upstairs and ended the night tearing out seams in about six different places. I then laid it out on the couch and walked away so I wouldn't do anything else wrong on it. The "baby" quilt has now grown and is almost the size of a toddler bed now. It's probably a good thing since it's taking me forever to get it done! :wink:
    5. Declutter my closet and move clothes from shelves to dresser in guest room :)
    6. Start another donate box :)
    7. Start reading the 3rd manual for the exams I am taking on Monday. (3 total manuals >800 pages UGH) >:)This is what I'm doing today.
    8. Mail GD's birthday card :)
    9. Remain calm while being umpire between GD and DH. It's so exhausting mentally to be in the middle. :)

    Today I have much to accomplish but realistically I won't get it all done. So, rather than set myself up for failure, I will only list my top goals here today. It makes me feel better when I see smiles or stars than when I have to mark everything with frowns.

    My top goal today is to study for re-certification exams I have to take tomorrow. Study materials include three 800-page manuals of "riveting" reading. I have other things I need to do also, so I plan to set a timer to remind myself to get up and walk away every 60 minutes. I'm thinking I will study for 60 minutes, then take 30 minutes to get something else done (call my mom for our weekly coffee-klatch, laundry, food prep, sewing, etc). I only have three tries to pass these exams, and I have failed once. I really need to pass both of them this time because I don't want to give up another weekend, or even another day, to study and I don't want the stress that comes with it.

    Yesterday was a nice day. My youngest son came over in the morning and hung out for a bit while he was waiting for his brother to wake up to go fishing with him. My oldest son works shifts so has a different sleep schedule from his brother. Finally my YS gave up and went without him, but it was nice having coffee outside on the deck with him. Then I gave my GD a ride to work and we stopped off for a Starbucks (I had a hibiscus tea refresher). We had a much needed chat on the way, so that was good.

    Just for Sunday:
    Journal every bite
    One session of Body Groove (being mindful of back and hip)
    Food Prep for week
    Meal Plan for week & make grocery list
    :star::star: Study for tomorrow's recertification exams
    Quilt top (goal is to finish the top)
    Podcasts - Half Size Me (finding I'm getting hooked on these. Very insightful) and try one new one
    Write Becks Day 1 index cards
    Pick out the week's outfits, iron and set aside
    Bed EARLY. Unplug by 9:00 and sleeping by 10:00.

    Have a fantastic day everyone! :heart:


  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Monthly Challenges:

    July 1: Water :star: / Walk/Move :star: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star:
    July 2: Water :star: / Walk :star: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :( [/quote]
    July 3: Water :( / Walk :star: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :( [/quote]
    July 4: Water :naughty: / Walk :naughty: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star: [/quote]
    July 5: Water :star: / Walk :naughty: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :naughty:
    July 6: Water :neutral: Not as much as I wanted but not bad / Walk :naughty: but to be fair, I had PT and was pretty sore / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star:
    July 7: Water :star: / Walk :star: / Mindful Eating: :star: / Planning :star:
    July 8: Water :star: / Walk :naughty: / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star:
    July 9: Missed logging
    July 10: Water :star: / Walk :naughty: / mindful eating / :neutral: / Planning :star:
    July 11: Water :star: / Walk :naughty: / Mindful eating :naughty: / Planning :star:
    July 12: Water :star: / Walk :star: not an actual walk, but I did make conscious effort to get up from my desk and move more than normal. Less Sitting. / Mindful Eating :star: / Planning :star:
    July 13: Water :naughty: / Walk :naughty: / Mindful Eating :naughty: / Planning :naughty:
    July 14: Water: ⭐ / Walk ⭐ / Mindful Eating ⭐ Planning :naughty:
    July 15: Water / Walk / Mindful Eating / Planning

    Be the change you wish to see in the world
    2018 Theme: Persistence and Determination
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member

    Just for Saturday:
    1. Log every bite :)
    2. Write my Day 1 Becks Diet index cards :#Well, I FOUND the index cards, so that's a start, right?
    3. Finish top of quilt and pin the layers together B)The quilt saga continues... I was so excited finishing off the top yesterday! My husband came down and told me he really liked it and thinks @Bex953172 is really going to like it. Then I messed up and sewed the material on backwards...had to rip the long seam out and reattach. Sewed it back on, only to find that I must have cut something too wide because the rows are off. Tried to throw a few little stitches in here and there to make the rows straight which really messed things up. Brought upstairs and ended the night tearing out seams in about six different places. I then laid it out on the couch and walked away so I wouldn't do anything else wrong on it. The "baby" quilt has now grown and is almost the size of a toddler bed now. It's probably a good thing since it's taking me forever to get it done! :wink:
    5. Declutter my closet and move clothes from shelves to dresser in guest room :)
    6. Start another donate box :)
    7. Start reading the 3rd manual for the exams I am taking on Monday. (3 total manuals >800 pages UGH) >:)This is what I'm doing today.
    8. Mail GD's birthday card :)
    9. Remain calm while being umpire between GD and DH. It's so exhausting mentally to be in the middle. :)

    Today I have much to accomplish but realistically I won't get it all done. So, rather than set myself up for failure, I will only list my top goals here today. It makes me feel better when I see smiles or stars than when I have to mark everything with frowns.

    My top goal today is to study for re-certification exams I have to take tomorrow. Study materials include three 800-page manuals of "riveting" reading. I have other things I need to do also, so I plan to set a timer to remind myself to get up and walk away every 60 minutes. I'm thinking I will study for 60 minutes, then take 30 minutes to get something else done (call my mom for our weekly coffee-klatch, laundry, food prep, sewing, etc). I only have three tries to pass these exams, and I have failed once. I really need to pass both of them this time because I don't want to give up another weekend, or even another day, to study and I don't want the stress that comes with it.

    Yesterday was a nice day. My youngest son came over in the morning and hung out for a bit while he was waiting for his brother to wake up to go fishing with him. My oldest son works shifts so has a different sleep schedule from his brother. Finally my YS gave up and went without him, but it was nice having coffee outside on the deck with him. Then I gave my GD a ride to work and we stopped off for a Starbucks (I had a hibiscus tea refresher). We had a much needed chat on the way, so that was good.

    Just for Sunday:
    Journal every bite
    One session of Body Groove (being mindful of back and hip)
    Food Prep for week
    Meal Plan for week & make grocery list
    :star::star: Study for tomorrow's recertification exams
    Quilt top (goal is to finish the top)
    Podcasts - Half Size Me (finding I'm getting hooked on these. Very insightful) and try one new one
    Write Becks Day 1 index cards
    Pick out the week's outfits, iron and set aside
    Bed EARLY. Unplug by 9:00 and sleeping by 10:00.

    Have a fantastic day everyone! :heart:


    I can't imagine having to raise a grandchild at this stage of my life. My MIL is 74 and still raising one granddaughter that just turned 18. I loved car chats the most when my girls were young. They seemed to always open up more in a car than they did anywhere else and it always felt like we made a move forward. I hope that the same occurred for you, it sounds like you have been having a bit of stress with her and your hubby.
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    @oboeing I cannot even imagine sitting in traffic 2 hours a day and doing all that you do! Oh my goodness, how could a person not moan and groan? LOL! Welcome to our little family here! There are so many insightful people with so many different life experiences, and a huge amount of support from all. I have to say, it's amazing to me that you put in 93 hours a week, have only one day off and you spend time prepping food! I don't know that I would even get out of bed! :mrgreen:

    it's tempting not to... haha. i do use that day (and friday morning as well) to catch up on my sleep for the week. it's not great for a set schedule, but i find i can't make it on ~4.5 hours 2 nights a week without spending 8-10 hours sleeping on my day off.... i've just learned that i'm my own worst enemy and i need to make healthy living a priority. workouts are getting squeezed in when i can, and i just want to be the best me i can be. (i turn 40 in a few months and have another 25 pounds to drop before then, so there's that motivation to hit it!) and thank you, i'm happy to be here!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    @PackerFanInGB I never saw the post regarding the quilt lol!!!
    You know I have days when I crochet where nothing goes right, I lose count, I lose my place in the pattern, I do too many or two little stitches and notice about 4 rows later and I have to pull out all the stitches I've done! The worst is when I fall asleep mid way through and when I wake up I have no idea what row or stitch I'm on lol!
    And then I have to count the rows and if I'm working "in the round" which is basically rather than going back and forth you start in the middle and go round and round then it's almost impossible to know where you're up to it you've not put a row marker in lol

    Putting it down and walk g away is the best thing to do lol
    I'm so excited to see it :smile:
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Not sure I'm going to stay under calories today...

    You know that feeling when it's 4 pm and you have 24 calories left for the day...yeah, that's where I'm at. There was a Terra chips incident. Currently sipping on some sparkling water and deciding whether to spend my last calories for "dinner" on tomatoes, radishes, or cucumbers.

    Progress, not perfection, right? Maybe I can work out some and earn some wiggle room.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    At the end of a very indulgent non-planning, non-tracking weekend here. Did loads of exercise (3 hours +) on Saturday but even with that I reckon ive gone well over the last 48 hours! Not going to stress - it was a mini holiday and I’ll be back to my usual programme tomorrow.

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - Make sure kids are packed and ready for 8am ✅
    - Hot yoga @10
    - Heath food store ✅
    - Tan and pampering ✅
    - New phone? Wait until after holiday
    - April, May and June challenges. Am intentionally not pre-logging this weekend as heading to see my boyfriend so meal plans unknown >:) see above!

    Nothing for Sunday

    Goals for Monday
    - morning workout
    - early to work to give report to S
    - April challenge
    - May challenge
    - June challenge
    - July challenge
    - Leave on time to take M to vet
    - check suitcase situation
    - Early night

    See you all back here tomorrow x
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    Not sure I'm going to stay under calories today...

    You know that feeling when it's 4 pm and you have 24 calories left for the day...yeah, that's where I'm at. There was a Terra chips incident. Currently sipping on some sparkling water and deciding whether to spend my last calories for "dinner" on tomatoes, radishes, or cucumbers.

    Progress, not perfection, right? Maybe I can work out some and earn some wiggle room.

    I’m right there with you and I have a big meal planned. I’m not stressing either, I may go for a walk later and if I don’t I’m fine with that too
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    JFT, 7/14/18

    1. Take nap :star:
    2. Put table away >:)
    3. Clear off other table :DI did but then it got cluttered again last night. Lol
    4. Change litter box :star:
    7. Start laundry >:)Doing this now though
    8. Take Matt dinner :star:
    10. Make shopping list :star:
    13. Aldi's :star:
    14. Take out garbage :DI changed it but I didnt actually take it out. I will do this today
    15. Bed whenever :star:1:30am or something.

    I think that's it seeing as it's already 3:47pm. Lol

    Had a really good day yesterday. Spent the morning with a friend and her 3 and 1yo. We spent like 3 hours at the park. Boy was I tired! Got to spend my DH's break with him. Spent the evening cleaning and on my tablet.

    This morning D was supposed to come to get his stuff at 10. Didnt actually get here until 11:45. They are supremely pissed at me. I dont know the full story but apparently, we cost them a large sum of money because they didnt come back. I know that this won't be the end of our friendship but it might put a damper on it for a while. D and I have had a few fallouts over the last 15 years. We always bounce back. I can tell that they are pissed because they won't let me help them. Instead of only making one or two trips with me helping, they'd rather spend all day doing it. Oh well. There's nothing I can do about it now I guess. I need to figure out a few things to do today though.

    I can't wait for the DH to get home tonight. He'll probably be home around 8:30.

    Okay, anyway.

    JFT, 7/15/18

    1. Finish laundry
    2. Do dishes!
    3. Meal plan
    4. Meal prep
    6. Food in the crock pot
    7. Nap

    I guess that's it for the day.

    You sound sad from your post.
    Big hugs for you.

    Don't let them get to you. Things happen and if they want to spend the day being pi$sy then let them. Don't let them damper your day!

    Make sure you don't emotionally eat! I hope you sound happier when you come back. Sounds like you really need cuddles from your DH!
    But you can have my virtual hug for now 🤗
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Oh, @Bex953172 Thank you for the virtual hugs! I really needed it. I've been in a funk all day. You are so right! I am definitely in need of cuddles. I haven't really done much of anything. I've been dragging. Really sleepy and just down. I feel like I lost one of my best friends. I know that everyone was wrong on different fronts. IDK I kinda knew it was too good to be true. Idk...Lol

    But thank you for thinking of me!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan

    - 45 minute lunch break
    - Stop work at 6pm
    - French podcast, article, Duolingo, book
    - French vocab on flashcards
    - Start reading article
    - Get tested on verbs