JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • TimeToReduceFat
    TimeToReduceFat Posts: 127 Member
    Saturday status:
    1. Walk for 3 Km ✅
    2. Do sudharshana Kriya 👎
    3. Do not spend more than 30 bucks on food 👎 it came to 33
    4. Use stevia in tea & coffee ✅

    I was also within the calorie limit

    JFT Sunday (2.12.18)
    1. Walk for 3 Km
    2. Do sudharshana Kriya
    3. Do not spend more than 30 bucks on food
    4. Use stevia in tea & coffee
    5. Be within the calorie limit
    6. December challenge

    Things I need to work on gradually:
    1. Be consistent in exercising
    2. Work on saving money
    3. Drink enough water
    4. Reduce sugar in tea & coffee. Use stevia instead
    5. Be within calorie limit & create a deficit
    6. Learn something w.r.t work everyday
  • Caseyloupuckett
    Caseyloupuckett Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi! First time posting jn here.

    Just for today
    No carbs
    Journal everything
    1 gallon of water
    Be kind to myself
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    I will enjoy my holiday celebration today with friends, including trying every food. I will keep it within reason/keep portions small. I will stay under my calorie limit with exercise included.
  • thenewhouse2018
    thenewhouse2018 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel like I am starting over.... Ugh! So one day at a time. Day 1. No sugar!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    Today my only goal is to get the house back on track, which means getting rid of the clutter, putting things away, doing the laundry (and putting it away) reorganise any messy cupboards, clean the rabbit out and polish hoover and mop!
    Then I intend to pamper myself with a bath, shave, pluck eyebrows, exfoliate, moisturise, tan, whiten teeth and paint toe and finger nails.
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    Hi! First time posting jn here.

    Just for today
    No carbs
    Journal everything
    1 gallon of water
    Be kind to myself

    Welcome! This is a great group; very supportive!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Saturday, 12/01/18)
    1) Log ALL my food for the day :)
    2) Go to the gym :)
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water BEFORE having a Diet Coke :)
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day :)

    I had Chinese food for dinner last night which was really good and I managed to stay within my calories, but I could definitely tell this morning that I had tooooo much sodium...rings were tight on my fingers and the scale went up 2 lbs! UGH Oh well, guess I'll be chugging the water today!! lol

    JFT (Sunday, 12/02/18)
    1) Log ALL my food for the day
    2) Go to the gym
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water (more if I can) BEFORE having a Diet Coke
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day
  • Caseyloupuckett
    Caseyloupuckett Posts: 1,037 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    Hi! First time posting jn here.

    Just for today
    No carbs
    Journal everything
    1 gallon of water
    Be kind to myself

    Welcome! This is a great group; very supportive!

    Thanks so much!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    JFT - Saturday Dec 1
    2L of water - 1.5
    Calories in Green - 🙂🙂🙂 finally 186
    Only 1 Evening Snack - 😕 2 but I was hungry and had calories
    5 something at bathroom break - 😂😂😂 I only got a bathroom break yesterday because a friend I trusted stopped at my table and watched it for me,
    5 fruit/veggie - 3/5
    Walk 1 mile - I walked 1.5 km per my phone but not intentionally. I stood and moved for 7 hours straight though.
    Write in Journal 😕 couldn’t keep my eyes open but I sure was grateful for a lot yesterday
    Be Conscious of my choices! Do not disappoint myself! 🙂

    I thought yesterday was going to be a slow day as there were only 45 tables and it was for the local Farmers Market. Let me tell you I was wrong! There must have been 10000 people through those doors! It was at the rec centre, there was a hockey tournament going on, a dance thing, curling and one lady bought 8 ornaments on her way to the gym!

    I got home and was starving, made supper for us and the Grands. Then we bundled up and went to the Santa Claus parade which was pretty amazing for a small town! Michaela doesn’t like the loud noises of sirens and air horns on the trucks and tractors so I had to hold her for almost the full 1/2 hour. I counted 2 hours of walking slow, but I was moving for hours yesterday. Reminds me of my waitressing days, no wonder I could stay thin then!
    We have just finished breakfast, I’m now going to clean up dishes, the beds and then we are setting up the tree and decorating!

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    They had a place set up for pictures last night. This was the best I could getin4pmzl5ebtr.jpeg
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Anyhow, here are my goals for tomorrow, Saturday, 11/30
    1. breakfast with my daughter. She loves to go to panera bread .... so hoping I can eat something light :):'( All we did was go through a drive thru. My daughter just keeps looking down.. can't even look me in the eye. So I know the medication needs to be adjusted. She just wanted to go back to her apartment. She said she would come out, but called at 10 pm ... told me she just "rested" all day, meaning she spent the day in bed. I was so stressed, because I feel helpless. But.. this is a NSV for me ... instead of eating I cleaned!! I got our bedroom all cleaned out, then went and talked to hubby. Hubby does not want to hear about our daughter, because he knows it is a illness, and there is nothing we can do except talk to the doctor. So that started to stress me again ... but.. back to cleaning. My sewing room looks great!
    2. clean house!!! It is a mess, as I've been sewing up a storm. :) Felt good to do thorough cleaning!
    3. put up 1 more tree (yes, I put up 3 trees !!) :) Got the 2 trees up, today I just need to dig out the ornaments, get the other tree out, etc.
    4. work in the yard if it is not storming ... suppose to be near 70 :/ Ended up driving my daughter to a drive through breakfast, so cleaned house instead. But ... got a nice long walk in the evening to look at christmas lites.
    5. mindful eating. Even those weight watchers fudge bars are 100 calories ... so plan, and be mindful, with calories in mind :) Wanted another ice cream bar ... but frozen grapes instead.
    6. concentrate on water! Did not get my water in today at all. :/ Didn't do so well with water though
    7. get back on here .. be accountable :)

    JFt, Sunday
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water!! Need to make this a priority
    3. get out the rest of the christmas stuff
    4. vacuum, scrub floors
    5. do laundry -- I think I have like 8 loads! So far behind!
    6. plan weeks menus
    7. call my friend ... we've been playing phone tag all week
    8. try again to call my niece
    9. MINDFUL EATING. Think of how I want to look/feel next summer.
    10. remember emotional eating does not fix the problem. Find distractions, or just feel what needs to be felt.
    11. get back on here, be accountable
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited December 2018
    I love you beauties!!! Such a great thread.. A Happening place...

    we love you to!! Such a great inspiration to all of us!

    Thank you so much for your encouragement and support during probably the scariest evaluation I've ever had in all my years of working. It went really well.

    So glad your evaluation went well. See ... the thoughts that go through are head are never accurate. Wait for the facts! I knew it would be a good review --- you are a valuable asset to any company.
    I am so sorry about the falls though!! YOU be careful!! That is scarry! I tend to have very low blood pressure, and get light headed from time to time. My doctor told me at some point I would probably need a pacemaker. But you could also have inner ear problems ... I hope you get this all checked out!
    I hope you have a restful day today, and feel better. And so happy about the job review!
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Today my only goal is to get the house back on track, which means getting rid of the clutter, putting things away, doing the laundry (and putting it away) reorganise any messy cupboards, clean the rabbit out and polish hoover and mop!
    Then I intend to pamper myself with a bath, shave, pluck eyebrows, exfoliate, moisturise, tan, whiten teeth and paint toe and finger nails.

    That is what I did yesterday... it makes us feel so much betterrr when the house is organized! And sounds like you plan to pamper yourself ..... you will look/feel georgeous! All things again to make us feel good! Great job ... I hope you have a great day!

    And a big welcome to any newcomers! You will love this thread ... so many positive, encouraging friends on here!
  • Denisa_Lxndr
    Denisa_Lxndr Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everybody :)

    So my goals for 03.12.2018 would be:

    ]Eat oatmeal in the morning
    Drink maximum 2 cups of coffee
    Eat polenta with mushroom steak for lunch
    Eat potato&corn chowder for dinner
    Go to the dancing class
    Walk at least 30 minutes
    Cook for Tuesdsay rice with baked mushrooms and a salad
    NO soda or chips allowed
    Eat at least 2 fruit.
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Went to see Brandi Carlile with my sisters last night-amazing concert. But I didn't get home until well after midnight with all the snow so I'm posting now.

    @PackerfaninGB It's nice to see you on here again! I'm always inspired by your strength during rough days <3

    Check in (Saturday):
    Sleep 8 hours ✅ had a great sleep
    Drink 80 oz. of water ✅
    Work out 30 minutes ✅
    Do something UNproductive to unwind from the week ✅
    Follow the Mayo Clinic Diet 2-week plan (DAY 6, 8 to go!) ✅
    Track and post here ✅

    For Tomorrow (Sunday):
    Sleep 8 hours
    Drink 80 oz. of water
    Work out 30 minutes
    Follow the Mayo Clinic Diet 2-week plan (DAY 7, 7 to go!)
    Track and post here
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    Oh my god.. You did it!
    You beat the habit of a lifetime by cleaning instead of eating!
    I'm so proud I wish I could hug you!

    You must beel so good about that! You need to remember that feeling when you feel like eating again!

    I know it's only one day, but you proved to yourself that you are stronger than your emotions and habits!

    Well done!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hi! First time posting jn here.

    Just for today
    No carbs
    Journal everything
    1 gallon of water
    Be kind to myself

    Heyyyyy! Howdy! Hello! Hi ya! Aloha! What's up my Sista... Lol…!
    Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!!!
    Glad you chose to join us. Enjoy your journey.. Hi five. Proud of you.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Today my only goal is to get the house back on track, which means getting rid of the clutter ✔️ putting things away✔️, doing the laundry✔️ (and putting it away) reorganise any messy cupboards❎, clean the rabbit ❎out and polish❎ hoover✔️ and mop❎!
    Then I intend to pamper myself with a bath, shave, pluck eyebrows, exfoliate, moisturise, tan, whiten teeth and paint toe and finger nails.❎❎❎❎❎

    So I did okay, I ran out of steam at about 3.30pm. And I took a nap.. On the stairs LOL! I was sat on the bottom step (it's got 3 curved steps as it's on a corner so theyre quite wide them ones) and one of my daughters soft toys were on the stairs and ta-daaa a pillow for me haha

    The stairs is my go-to place for peace from everyone but still be available if needed. My OH is usually upstairs or out and the kids are stopped by a childgate from the lounge to kitchen (which is where the stairs are)

    Anyway so yeah had a nap there..
    Not quite finished everything. Put most the laundry away and there's still some drying some in th washer and some waiting to go in but only a few clothes to put away.
    Going to mop tomorrow, easier when the kids aren't in full stop.

    Oo and we decorated for Xmas on the 30th Nov, il send pics in the morning!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Hello! I'm back! It's been a bit of a stressful week and I can tell by the scale. The DH's car is shot. Most of the electrical is screwed up. I'm going to file a claim with our insurance company tomorrow. This weekend has been wonderful though. We have a decent amount of money in the bank so we have been spending some of it on Christmas. We have our very first Christmas tree ever. The DH did not have very good Christmas' growing up and is still haunted by bad memories. But this year he isn't working and isn't stressed out(other than the car) and is actually really excited. We did a whole bunch of decorating yesterday. I took the day off tomorrow so we bought some extra stuff and are going to do some decorating at my parent's house on the sly. We are also taking over their kitchen so that we can bake cookies. Mom is working so hard this year that I know she won't really want to do anything for the season so we thought that we would help her out. I know that she will appreciate it and the DH and I will have fun.

    I saw a number on the scale that I never wanted to see again...170. I've put on 20lbs since I started working again in March. It also hasn't helped that except for tonight I think we ate out or got take out every night last week. We also had all sorts of junk food and very little water. I keep saying this but it is time to buckle down. I was really saddened by that number. It's no wonder I dont really fit in any of my work clothes anymore.

    We finished all the junk food in the house today. The only candy that is left is the candy canes on the tree. Lol. I'm going food shopping super early tomorrow. I need to pick up cookie ingredients as well as actual food. Lol. I am also going to put food in the crockpot for dinner. I thought about doing it all of last week and just never actually did it. That needs to change. I am no longer a housewife. I work full time now and have for the last 8 months. Apparently, I still haven't made the right habits that will stick so that I can get back into this whole weight loss thing. I want to do it in a healthy way. I need to figure out a way to make it stick. I do have a few really good habits that I mostly follow but apparently not enough.

    So onward and upwards!

    JFT, 12-3-18

    1. Up at 6
    2. Store by 6:30
    3. Work on straightening the living room/bedroom
    4. Put the skirt around the tree
    5. Put dinner in the crock
    6. Take over Mom and Dad's house
    7. Bake cookies but be sensible when tasting
    8. Have fun decorating with the DH
    9. Do laundry!
    10. Dinner/Dishes
    11. DH time
    12. Bed early!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Wow so much to catch up on and lots of newcomers too! Good to see everyone and hope we are all doing well.

    I had a lovely birthday surprise from the bf. Drove over to his place Friday afternoon and he said we had time before the flight and to stop stressing. We eventually set off in my car towards Heathrow and then he started giving nonsensical directions and I got stroppy! Eventually we ended up at a 5* spa hotel about 20 miles from the airport so it was all a big tease but a gorgeous surprise. The place had a gym, pool, steam room etc as well as the spa. Ate so much indulgent stuff over the two days but also got in lots of exercise (nsv was discovering I can run 5k - woohoo! Managed it both sat and sun) and a great massage treatment. Picked up the girls at my parents’ place yesterday afternoon and there was cake and pie and i decided to just roll with it! No regrets as I am back to it today and know I will get back on track. I’ve made two cakes to take into work and am posting here for accountability that I will not eat any of them. I’ve had my celebration and will stay focused ahead of a dinner out with colleagues on Thursday, which I will log and account for!

    So today I’ve turned 40. The last few years have been quite a rollercoaster but I’m grateful for many things - including this very group!

    Monday goals
    - morning workout
    - finish cakes (fill/ice) ✅
    - take cakes and chocolates to work
    - buy fruit for the class and milk on way to work
    - buy batteries
    - home lunchtime for car and protein shake
    - pick up delivery
    - finish decorating house (all except the tree which I’ll buy on Friday)
    - early night

    Have a great day all x
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Busy end to the week so I am staying up far too late right now. Why do weekends go so fast!

    Check in (Sunday):
    Sleep 8 hours ✅
    Drink 80 oz. of water ✅
    Work out 30 minutes :( day got away from me
    Do something UNproductive to unwind from the week ✅
    Follow the Mayo Clinic Diet 2-week plan (DAY 7, 7 to go!) ✅
    Track and post here ✅

    For Tomorrow (Monday):
    Up with alarm
    To work on time
    Drink 80 oz. of water
    Work out 30 minutes
    Follow the Mayo Clinic Diet 2-week plan (DAY 8, 6 to go!)
    Track and post here