JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited December 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Things have gone so badly over here. you know when they say it doesn't rain, it pours... well we've just had a bloody tidal wave
    everything was on track, my partner got home, opened a letter that arrived all day, handed me the letter and said "were f*cked now" I read the first line "you have not been awarded your disability benefit, this also affects your carers benefit" so basically that's £600 per month gone.
    I only got the first line read before he walked into the kitchen, flipped out and started punching everything.
    he's now at hospital, he's broken and dislocated his hand and wrist and needs to go for surgery to have a wire put in.

    so not only can we not pay for half the stuff we get, we now cant pay our rent arrears, which means we cant move house, which means well get our notice and then be homeless.

    happy f*cking new year.

    and I thought my biggest problem today was that the washer door fell off and I dont have £56 to replace it! oh and I guess I dont have the money to go to a laundrette either so soon well all have no clean clothes.
    I don't even know where to start, I really dont.

    Oh Bex!!!! Can you file a appeal?? This is my biggest fear with my daughter. Why would they take away his disability???? Praying that you can get this resolved. It makes me sick when someone sits behind a desk determining if they think someone should get the disability ... leave that to the doctors. We had this happen twice with our daughter .... I ran around getting letters from all her doctors, the therapist, and the social worker, even from her friends. I hope you are able to get this decision reversed. So very sorry Bex.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @mytime6630 I'm so glad everyone was here to lift you back up! I'm so grateful for you, this thread, and all the encoruageme,t it brings every one of us. I'm so happy to hear youll be back after all in the new year!!!

    @Bex953172 oh dear!!! I wish there was more I could do from here. Praying for you guys. Im so so sorry - im with Hannah though, theres gotta be some sort of appeals process or something! I'm going to do some research for you because youve got enough on your plate dealing with OH's injury right now. Focus on one thing at a time right now, we are all here for you!!!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @bex953172 oh my word, what a nightmare! Is there anything I can do? I know I’m down in London but if I can help send me a message. Like @AJB1014 I’m also looking online now to see what kind of support there is. Try not to panic. You’re a super smart woman and you will get through this. Just focus on your partner and your kids for this evening and try and stay calm. Hugs x
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT friday
    1. WATER :)
    2. Make breakfast :)
    3. Cook lunch at home :)
    4. Cook dinner at home >:)
    5. Log all food :)
    6. Meal plan/grocery list >:)

    Mehhhh, out of practice with my habits, had a headache and went grocery shopping and spent a fortune on mostly crap!!! Just as expensive to eat junk ad it is to eat healthy. Kinda annoyed at myself but cant undo what is done, gotta make the best of it. Friends coming over nye so i can unload some of this crap then. Keeping it simple today

    1. Water
    2. Log all food
    3. Eat at home
    4. Be kind
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    My next few goals until new year is to:

    1. Get everything back on track
    2. Find a place for everything
    3. Find bullet journal book and pens(?!?)
    4. Make a list of what needs fixing in the house...and fix them.
    5. Think about New Year goals and put them on a big pie e of paper.. a bit like a mood board?
    6. write down a routine for myself and the girls.
    7. DEEP CLEAN. (this includes the oven 😭 )

    Okay this list turned out not to be specific enough and yesterday I just sorta.. pottered around looking busy but not actually doing anything?

    So today I'm going to focus on 2. Find a place for everything and 7. Deep clean so basically tidy up lol!
    so its 9.30 now, I still need to give Casey breakfast so from 10am to 12.00 I want to get everything neatly away. doesn't matter if the rest of the house is a mess just get it away!
    then have lunch and then start the DEEP clean. I'm going to eat that frog and start with the oven (along as I've not used it for lunch)
    then everything needs putting in the dishwasher, clothes need going in the washer, all the sides need wiping, the walls need wiping, the stairs need scrubbing where drinks have spilt, everything needs a polish and then Hoover and mop.

    and if I get all this done then I'm going to treat myself.
    to a bath with my new bath bomb, and I'll lock the kids away if I have to LOL

    extra jobs if theres the time is take the xmas decorations down

    Wish me luck guys LOL

    That is an ambitious list!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    Elbee1 wrote: »
    Friday, 12/28th -- Well, I did not meet my goals, but I still am feeling positive about the future with this group.

    Saturday 12/29th JFT
    *make wise choices... big challenges-- my son & his wife have invited us over for dinner. This is the first time they have done this. We are so thrilled! They just moved closer to us (1 hour away). They have lived across the country from us and have only been married 2 years. We are so happy to have them closer to us!!!
    After dinner, we are going to a movie. I haven't been out to a movie theatre in at least 6 months... maybe longer. That will be a challenge, too... We used to always have snacks at the movies.

    Hoping all of us meet our goals today & that we make it a great day!

    The thing that I really love about this group and posting goals each day is that some days you hit them all and sometimes you don’t. It reminds you that you are trying and it keeps the thoughts in your head of what you want to accomplish. Being accountable the next day to say how you did makes you try harder most of the time. The friendships are the icing on the cake!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,100 Member
    OMG Bex! No!!! Is there a way to appeal it? I'm not sure what his disability is but can he get a note from a doctor or something? I'm not sure how it works in the UK. There must be something you guys can do! Do you have social services? Kinda of like housing assistance?

    yeah I intend to appeal but that can take months, by which time our landlord would have told us to move.
    well the assessment take everything into account, so his medical history. he has personality disorder and generalised anxiety disorder and is in the process of getting diagnosed with agoraphobia.
    as you might know I do everything for him, cook all his meals and make his drinks, run him baths and try get him out the house and try keep him calm.
    they scored us 0 on everything, even interacting with others.. I mean what the hell. his response today is the exact response I have to stop him doing when out and about, if he takes the funnies to something then you're done for!
    but because he "appeared well" they think he's fine, or be ause he's "physically able" they dont see it as disabled enough.

    all I can do now, is appeal, and wait and in the mean time sign on to income support which is low money (a bit like job seekers) but you dont have to search for work.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Things have gone so badly over here. you know when they say it doesn't rain, it pours... well we've just had a bloody tidal wave
    everything was on track, my partner got home, opened a letter that arrived all day, handed me the letter and said "were f*cked now" I read the first line "you have not been awarded your disability benefit, this also affects your carers benefit" so basically that's £600 per month gone.
    I only got the first line read before he walked into the kitchen, flipped out and started punching everything.
    he's now at hospital, he's broken and dislocated his hand and wrist and needs to go for surgery to have a wire put in.

    so not only can we not pay for half the stuff we get, we now cant pay our rent arrears, which means we cant move house, which means well get our notice and then be homeless.

    happy f*cking new year.

    and I thought my biggest problem today was that the washer door fell off and I dont have £56 to replace it! oh and I guess I dont have the money to go to a laundrette either so soon well all have no clean clothes.
    I don't even know where to start, I really dont.

    I’m so so sorry. I hope you can get everything sorted fast and Ash heals fast.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,100 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Things have gone so badly over here. you know when they say it doesn't rain, it pours... well we've just had a bloody tidal wave
    everything was on track, my partner got home, opened a letter that arrived all day, handed me the letter and said "were f*cked now" I read the first line "you have not been awarded your disability benefit, this also affects your carers benefit" so basically that's £600 per month gone.
    I only got the first line read before he walked into the kitchen, flipped out and started punching everything.
    he's now at hospital, he's broken and dislocated his hand and wrist and needs to go for surgery to have a wire put in.

    so not only can we not pay for half the stuff we get, we now cant pay our rent arrears, which means we cant move house, which means well get our notice and then be homeless.

    happy f*cking new year.

    and I thought my biggest problem today was that the washer door fell off and I dont have £56 to replace it! oh and I guess I dont have the money to go to a laundrette either so soon well all have no clean clothes.
    I don't even know where to start, I really dont.

    Oh Bex!!!! Can you file a appeal?? This is my biggest fear with my daughter. Why would they take away his disability???? Praying that you can get this resolved. It makes me sick when someone sits behind a desk determining if they think someone should get the disability ... leave that to the doctors. We had this happen twice with our daughter .... I ran around getting letters from all her doctors, the therapist, and the social worker, even from her friends. I hope you are able to get this decision reversed. So very sorry Bex.

    oh thank you that helps alot, I'll go to his Drs first time I'm able to. he's only under the GP though, he's been referred for psychotherapy in the past but after his first assessment when the woman didn't even know what personality disorder was it didn't exactly fill him with confidence.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,100 Member
    thank you everyone, I only posted that like an hour ago and you've all zoomed to the rescue, thanks for the links!
    it's exactly what I needed

    also going to citizens advice, see what I can do in the meantime. I'll have to ring all the debts and get them put on hold j think until we reassess our money.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT friday
    1. WATER :)
    2. Make breakfast :)
    3. Cook lunch at home :)
    4. Cook dinner at home >:)
    5. Log all food :)
    6. Meal plan/grocery list >:)

    Mehhhh, out of practice with my habits, had a headache and went grocery shopping and spent a fortune on mostly crap!!! Just as expensive to eat junk ad it is to eat healthy. Kinda annoyed at myself but cant undo what is done, gotta make the best of it. Friends coming over nye so i can unload some of this crap then. Keeping it simple today

    1. Water
    2. Log all food
    3. Eat at home
    4. Be kind

    Is it wrong that I was just thinking about being the Grands out for a sleepover to help us get rid of a lot of junk in our fridge?
    I need to buy healthy groceries too.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Things have gone so badly over here. you know when they say it doesn't rain, it pours... well we've just had a bloody tidal wave
    everything was on track, my partner got home, opened a letter that arrived all day, handed me the letter and said "were f*cked now" I read the first line "you have not been awarded your disability benefit, this also affects your carers benefit" so basically that's £600 per month gone.
    I only got the first line read before he walked into the kitchen, flipped out and started punching everything.
    he's now at hospital, he's broken and dislocated his hand and wrist and needs to go for surgery to have a wire put in.

    so not only can we not pay for half the stuff we get, we now cant pay our rent arrears, which means we cant move house, which means well get our notice and then be homeless.

    happy f*cking new year.

    and I thought my biggest problem today was that the washer door fell off and I dont have £56 to replace it! oh and I guess I dont have the money to go to a laundrette either so soon well all have no clean clothes.
    I don't even know where to start, I really dont.

    Oh Bex!!!! Can you file a appeal?? This is my biggest fear with my daughter. Why would they take away his disability???? Praying that you can get this resolved. It makes me sick when someone sits behind a desk determining if they think someone should get the disability ... leave that to the doctors. We had this happen twice with our daughter .... I ran around getting letters from all her doctors, the therapist, and the social worker, even from her friends. I hope you are able to get this decision reversed. So very sorry Bex.

    oh thank you that helps alot, I'll go to his Drs first time I'm able to. he's only under the GP though, he's been referred for psychotherapy in the past but after his first assessment when the woman didn't even know what personality disorder was it didn't exactly fill him with confidence.

    When this happened to my daughter, I literally drove to the disability office, demanded to speak to someone, and handed them all the letters. I am so sorry you have to go through all this, especially with 3 little ones you also take care of. Massive hugs to you, and I hope soon they will reinstate his disabilty. <3
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    JFT - Friday December 28
    2L of water - 😈 not even 1
    Calories in Green - 😈
    5 fruits and veggies - 2/5
    Stay conscious of my actions. Do not disappoint myself! - 😕 it could have been so much worse.

    JFT - Saturday December 29
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    5 fruits and veggies
    Stay conscious of my actions. Do not disappoint myself!

    I went to Jasmyne’s wedding my yesterday with Kaitlyn. It was a beautiful, intimate wedding. I wasn’t expecting it to be as formal as it was and felt very underdressed. I’ll post a pic.

    My goal for today is to clean my house and then play with my Cricut some more. I can’t wait until I can afford some vinyl to play with.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    @Bex953172 Praying love! If you guys need anything, we'll do what we can to help!

    @Snowflake1968 All three of you looked gorgeous! Is it bad that I tend to shove all the junk into my husband? Lol.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,799 Member
    @Bex953172 Praying love! If you guys need anything, we'll do what we can to help!

    @Snowflake1968 All three of you looked gorgeous! Is it bad that I tend to shove all the junk into my husband? Lol.

    I’ve been shoving into my husband too, for years, but I’ve been thinking lately that he is needing to lose some weight and cut back on the sweets. I think he’s getting to a 2XL shirt size again
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    It's already after 130. I should probably make some goals...

    JFT, 11-29-18

    1. Log all food
    2. Wash last few dishes
    3. Shower
    4. Shopping
    5. Spend time with the DH
    6. Make dinner!
    7. Clean up living room
    8. Work on outline

    A bit of an ambitious list but some of it can be posted off to tomorrow if need be.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    @Bex953172 Praying love! If you guys need anything, we'll do what we can to help!

    @Snowflake1968 All three of you looked gorgeous! Is it bad that I tend to shove all the junk into my husband? Lol.

    I’ve been shoving into my husband too, for years, but I’ve been thinking lately that he is needing to lose some weight and cut back on the sweets. I think he’s getting to a 2XL shirt size again

    The DH is an XL so I understand. Lol