JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    I haven't been posting goals much this week because #1, I don't get up early enough in the morning to do it before work, #2 I've been really busy at work and don't get to it and #3, I've been a little down in the dumps and anxious about next week's MRI. But MAN do I miss it when I don't post! I have been logging on every night to keep up with y'all (except last night because of a Netflix marathon of Stranger Things 2). Know that I think of you every day and am cheering you on from the sidelines! :mrgreen:

    I started today slow. I didn't wake up until 10:00 a.m. I don't know what the heck is going on that I'm having so much difficulty getting up in the mornings. I don't like sleeping that late because I feel like I miss so much of my day. But today, I sipped my coffee and watched the news and a few fishing shows just because I felt like relaxing. I know, fishing shows sound extremely boring, but I am originally from Minnesota, the "land of 10,000 lakes" and I LOVE to fish. It's where I find my serenity. Anyhow....

    Just for Saturday:
    :)So far today, I have cleaned the kitchen including scrubbing hard-to-reach places, decluttered my closet and moved stuff to the new dresser in the spare room, decluttered the shelf of the spare room's closet, swept and got the dust bunnies out from under furniture in the rooms with the hardwood floors, read 4 pages of JFT (very important!) to get caught up on your days!

    For the rest of today, I will:
    1. Drink more water..only have about 32 oz in so far. I'm going to try Joan's red cup trick!
    2. Pick up the basement.
    3. Begin looking at options for rearranging the basement. Right now there is furniture from our old house that we don't have room for upstairs of this house. No rhyme or reason to how stuff is arranged, so it's really wasted useable space that could be whole other level to our house...like a sewing and exercise area, or a den.
    4. Meal plan for next week and make grocery list.
    5. Try to sew if my arm isn't bothering me. (Been watching all these quilting videos and just want to get busy.)
    6. Try to make good choices of food tonight and stop emotional eating!
    7. Relax and watch Netflix later after dinner. Maybe we'll finish Ozark since we're done with the Stranger Things series now.
    8. Bed early enough to read a book for a bit.
    9. Meditate, listen to podcasts or take a bubble bath....something to relax my anxious mind.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday. Wish I would have gotten on here earlier!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 sorry choc free March is not for me...I’ll cheer you on from the sidelines though!

    Never said I was doing it :sweat_smile:

    I will have just had a baby! Going to need all the choc I can get!!

    BWAHAHAHAHA! This made me chuckle out loud! :mrgreen:
  • sccjahab
    sccjahab Posts: 84 Member
    2/3 JFT:
    No pop / no, Log food / yes, Feb. Challange / yes, Eliptical / yes,

    2/4 JFT:
    Log food
    Feb challange
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,111 Member
    JTF, 2/3/18

    1. Up by 7 :)6:30 but I slept until my alarm this morning!
    2. MFP/Quiet time/Journaling :)Just coffee and MFP. Was too excited to really do anything. Lol
    3. Visit with Godmommy @ 8 :)Had an awesome time as my previous post said. Lol. 8 hours, though, is a long time to be cleaning. Lol
    4. Run to store :/By the time I left Godmom's house I was so tired that I plum forgot
    5. Prep dinner/lunch :/Didnt leave Godmom's house until quarter to 4. This was supposed to be done around noon so I could put it in the crockpot for dinner at 6
    6. Have DH put together bookshelf :)He did while I was not home
    7. Put books on shelf :)I came home to the books that were piled on the dresser, lining my shelves by my wonderful DH
    8. Gym(still not sure about this. Might take a rest day) :DCleaned for 8 hours. I think that was a work out enough. I burned way more calories doing that then I would have going to the gym anyway
    9. Nap(also a maybe) :DProbably could have gotten a short one in but I hadn't seen the DH all day and I got home at 4 so I got a cup of coffee on the way home and stayed up
    10. Dinner/Dishes :)Had to change up the dinner plans because I didn't get to make the meatballs. We had One-Pot Caprese Pasta instead. It's one of my favorite non-meat meals.
    11. Quality time with DH :|Kinda. We watched the first half of our hockey game but the DH got so incensed with the refereeing that he turned it off after the first intermission. We ended up getting into an argument because I asked a question that I probably should have known the answer to and he got really frustrated when I wasn't understanding. This has been happening a lot lately. I think it's a result of going off the meds. We are hoping that it clears up when they are fully in my system again.
    12. Read :|Maybe, maybe not. I'm pretty pooped but I might get a chapter or two in. They're really short.
    13. Bed by 11 pm :)Well, it's 10:35 now. So if I finish my list and get right into bed I can probably get some reading time in and still shut off the light by 11 pm.

    Had an awesome day, not so awesome of a night. Arguments and our team lost because of cruddy refereeing. But the DH and I are fine now. I just have to keep dumb questions to myself. I just dont often think they are dumb or it's a question that had been answered by someone talking 2 minutes before. There is something wrong with my cognition I think. We're hoping getting the meds fully back in my system will help. So about a month and I should be back to normal. I know that it is really bothering the DH. We've had quite a few arguments over the last few weeks and we are not a couple that fights...like at all. I just want to be my normal self again. I am really liking this new amount of energy I have. It's helping me to set some new habits for myself. They say it takes 4 weeks to create a habit and I'm going on 2 so far.

    So, on to JFT 2/3/18,

    1. Up by 7:30(probably earlier)
    2. Coffee/MFP/Breakfast
    3. Church
    4. Gym
    5. Lunch
    6. Run to the store(but probably after the game starts)
    7. Send out resume to 3 companies
    8. Look at story
    9. Clean microwave and behind it
    10. Move boxes
    11. Clean kitchenette
    12. Organize Tupperware on shelf
    13. Go through leftovers in fridge(freeze vs. trash)
    14. Dinner/Dishes
    15. Hockey/Quality time with the DH
    16. Read
    17. Bed by 11

    Sheesh! This one is really long. Although several of these things I can probably get done relatively quickly. Lol. I can probably get the kitchen stuff done in an hour because the DH is working kinda late so I'll have all afternoon to myself. Lol.

    I hope everyone has a great night and I'll see you in the morning!

    A little bit of fighting isn’t bad! It’s just how you deal with it and work through it.
    Mental health can have a bigger impact than you think. My depression has strained the family for four years! And I’ve not even seen it, to me it became the norm, that’s how our family was, and now I’m coming out of it finally I can see the true impact it has had and our relationships between eachother are really growing and improving now.

    But we are strong as a family because even though I put everyone through *kitten* l, everyone stuck by me! We made a way through even if it meant a few arguments along the way! Well, a lot of arguments lol!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    1) Clean out my closet - donate or trash what doesn’t bring me joy.
    2) Iron and press so that what is hanging is ready to wear.
    3) Put away all clean laundry.
    4) Plan what I will wear to work for the upcoming week so that it is not a depressing scramble each morning to find a decent professional outfit.
    5) Take a moment to express gratitude for having time today to take care of me, for having a weeks worth of work clothes ready to go.

    I absolutely LOVE this list of goals. I cannot tell you how many times I have told myself I should do #1-4 but then don't. It always makes my mornings hectic and crabby when I have to dig for something to wear and then take time to iron it! This is a great list, and I hope you don't mind, but I'm adding this to mine! :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    Just for Saturday:
    :)So far today, I have cleaned the kitchen including scrubbing hard-to-reach places, decluttered my closet and moved stuff to the new dresser in the spare room, decluttered the shelf of the spare room's closet, swept and got the dust bunnies out from under furniture in the rooms with the hardwood floors, read 4 pages of JFT (very important!) to get caught up on your days!

    For the rest of today, I will:
    1. Drink more water..only have about 32 oz in so far. I'm going to try Joan's red cup trick! :)
    2. Pick up the basement. :)
    3. Begin looking at options for rearranging the basement. Right now there is furniture from our old house that we don't have room for upstairs of this house. No rhyme or reason to how stuff is arranged, so it's really wasted useable space that could be whole other level to our house...like a sewing and exercise area, or a den. :)
    4. Meal plan for next week and make grocery list. :)
    5. Try to sew if my arm isn't bothering me. (Been watching all these quilting videos and just want to get busy.) :s
    6. Try to make good choices of food tonight and stop emotional eating! :s
    7. Relax and watch Netflix later after dinner. Maybe we'll finish Ozark since we're done with the Stranger Things series now. :)
    8. Bed early enough to read a book for a bit. ;)
    9. Meditate, listen to podcasts or take a bubble bath....something to relax my anxious mind. :) YouTube quilting videos.