Should i buy a treadmill?



  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Because people use MyFitnessPal to track calories, and are here for weight loss (99% of users) - So if that person is here for fat loss, he is buying a treadmill for fat loss. If his diet is not in check, he will not achieve fat loss, whether he has a treadmill or not.

    That is why it comes back to it, because you people are obsessed with cardio for a weight loss tool.

    Well, it is an assumption that 99% of users are here for weight loss because there are many people that are here for different reasons. No, not everybody is obsessed with cardio for a weight loss tool. Please go back to your thread:

    and stop hijacking a thread about treadmills.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    okay my diet is in check and i am a she not a he get it right and im a girl i dont want to be a body builder sure i dont want flubby arms but i dont want to have huge muscles that are noticeable when ever i walk out my front door

    Well then you have the complete wrong idea of what lifting weights does. Good luck, see you in a few months when you've not changed. If you think lifting weights just makes you muscular, we wouldn't have an obesity problem in the world and every female would look muscular.

    Educate yourself would be a great start.
  • I do lift weights I just dont lift 200lbs at a time and i know lifting weights is beneficial i just dont want to be a body builder
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I just got a treadmill in April and love it. I also live in Wisconsin and do not enjoy the outdoors in winter.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I do lift weights I just dont lift 200lbs at a time and i know lifting weights is beneficial i just dont want to be a body builder

    If becoming a bodybuilder was easy, many more people would be bodybuilders - Do you have ANY idea how hard it is for a woman to gain muscle? Let alone gain visible muscle that people can see, which is the impression you have.

    Weight Lifting has many more benefits than you think, it helps you retain muscle, increase strength, if in a caloric surplus helps you gain muscle which in turn makes you burn more calories, etc.

    I am not demonizing cardio, but as a fat loss tool (which lets be honest, why the MAJORITY do it) it is a poor investment in time. And as I've said in many threads, if you enjoy it, or its for health reasons sure, do it.

    I'm not even offering unfriendly advice, i'm trying to help you make better decisions.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you can buy what is called a bike trainer. basically it turns your bike into a stationary bike. there are a few brands and different types out there. personally, i'm going to be getting myself a CycleOps trainer for the winter, as i like riding my bike, but cycling in the cold outside is not something i like or want to do.

    as for running in the cold. well, there is not bad weather, just the wrong clothing. i understand you live in wisconsin, so maybe in the really extreme cold weather, you might want to stay in. but as you get conditioned to the cold, you will find you... get used to it. it's just like skiing or doing winter sports. you wear the long underwear, and then some sweat pants. at least, thats what i wear on the bottom. i'll layer up top more, wearing an underarmor, and then a longsleeve shirt, then a sweatshirt.

    footwear are important. wear a couple of pairs of warm socks, and trail running shoes, as they have better grip. be mindfull of where you step as well.
  • sid4567
    sid4567 Posts: 8
    Why use a treadmill? Do strength training and cut calories. You'll look and feel better than doing cardio.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Why use a treadmill? Do strength training and cut calories. You'll look and feel better than doing cardio.

  • I do lift weights I just dont lift 200lbs at a time and i know lifting weights is beneficial i just dont want to be a body builder

    If becoming a bodybuilder was easy, many more people would be bodybuilders - Do you have ANY idea how hard it is for a woman to gain muscle? Let alone gain visible muscle that people can see, which is the impression you have.

    Weight Lifting has many more benefits than you think, it helps you retain muscle, increase strength, if in a caloric surplus helps you gain muscle which in turn makes you burn more calories, etc.

    I am not demonizing cardio, but as a fat loss tool (which lets be honest, why the MAJORITY do it) it is a poor investment in time. And as I've said in many threads, if you enjoy it, or its for health reasons sure, do it.

    I'm not even offering unfriendly advice, i'm trying to help you make better decisions.
    yes i know what you are talking about i did a lot of weight lifting back in January and looked better than i stopped and then i started lifting again so yes i do understand what you are talking about but most my weight is in my thighs and my butt so i need my cardio as well
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Cardio has nothing to do with losing weight in your butt or thighs.
  • you can buy what is called a bike trainer. basically it turns your bike into a stationary bike. there are a few brands and different types out there. personally, i'm going to be getting myself a CycleOps trainer for the winter, as i like riding my bike, but cycling in the cold outside is not something i like or want to do.

    as for running in the cold. well, there is not bad weather, just the wrong clothing. i understand you live in wisconsin, so maybe in the really extreme cold weather, you might want to stay in. but as you get conditioned to the cold, you will find you... get used to it. it's just like skiing or doing winter sports. you wear the long underwear, and then some sweat pants. at least, thats what i wear on the bottom. i'll layer up top more, wearing an underarmor, and then a longsleeve shirt, then a sweatshirt.

    footwear are important. wear a couple of pairs of warm socks, and trail running shoes, as they have better grip. be mindfull of where you step as well.
    Im not worried about the cold i can handle that its just that the sidewalks are always slippery in the winter and its even hard to walk without slipping
  • Cardio has nothing to do with losing weight in your butt or thighs.
    what i dont understand is how weightlifting benefits any other part of your body expect your arms
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Cardio has nothing to do with losing weight in your butt or thighs.
    what i dont understand is how weightlifting benefits any other part of your body expect your arms

    For one, you've obviously never weight lifted properly.

    Squat is the best full body exercise you can do, and works your glutes, hamstrings, quads - which in turn overtime gives you the perfect butt and thighs you want.

    Cardio does NOT burn fat. A calorie deficit does.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Cardio has nothing to do with losing weight in your butt or thighs.
    what i dont understand is how weightlifting benefits any other part of your body expect your arms

    you should google squats and dead lifts.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    Only you can answer that question.
  • DRJ311
    DRJ311 Posts: 58 Member
    It depends. I guess if running is your thing, then by all means get one. I got one thinking, "OK, this will be my cardio workout!" But after a couple months of use, I found other workouts to be more beneficial for my goals, and burn more calories. (IE Circuit training, lifting,)
    I also found that I liked being outside when running/jogging/walking. I get so bored with a treadmill. I guess you can get used to it if you absolutely cannot get outside, then a treadmill is good to have.
  • Cardio has nothing to do with losing weight in your butt or thighs.
    what i dont understand is how weightlifting benefits any other part of your body expect your arms

    For one, you've obviously never weight lifted properly.

    Squat is the best full body exercise you can do, and works your glutes, hamstrings, quads - which in turn overtime gives you the perfect butt and thighs you want.

    Cardio does NOT burn fat. A calorie deficit does.
    ha yeah i prob dont lift weights properly ive only lifted in phy ed where i learned nothing
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I'm from Wisconsin as well and had a treadmill given to us this winter. I was VERY thankful for it! It's what started my husband running (he's not big on running outside), and if I don't get my run in before it turns dark, I can just go down in the basement and do it. I don't prefer it to running outdoors, but I tell you's been a definite advantage having it!
  • MzPix
    MzPix Posts: 177 Member
    I purchased one on sale at Dunhams about 2 years ago for about $600. That was an extremely high ticket item for my family, but it was worth it at the time. Since then we have moved to a smaller house and now it sits in a corner completely unusable with a few boxes sitting on it and lots of fabric hanging on it. If we had room for it, I would still use it.

    I loved having a treadmill in the home because at 120 pounds over my goal weight, I found great benefit in it. I was nowhere near ready to try jogging at a 3.0 in public. With COPD, the heat and humidity would completely ruin my attempts outdoors. And during allergy season, I had no excuse not to jog. I’m still about 85 pounds over my goal weight. I still have COPD and allergies. But now I can’t jog inside because of space issues.

    You do not have to justify to anyone why you want one, why you prefer to run indoors, or why you want to run in the first place. If you enjoy running and you want to do so in your home, and you can afford the treadmill in your budget, then go buy the darn thing and have fun!