dairy or soy milk



  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I don’t like soy because there have been a lot of studies on hormone issues among other things, so I go with almond milk instead.

    Unless you have a specific medical condition that has your doctor recommending you avoid soy, there's no reason to eliminate it for this reason. Soy is one of the most studied foods ever and meta-analysis of the studies show no reason for people to avoid moderate soy consumption.

    Yes you are correct, my doctor recommended that I do not take it for some of my hormone issues, specifically fertility. I know a lot of the studies are old from the 90s that were anti-soy, but I play it safe and like almond milk just as much.
  • Cat3141
    Cat3141 Posts: 162 Member
    Personally, I drink unsweetened soy milk which is very low in sugar (even lower than "original" which is often sweetened). But, if you really prefer dairy milk, or affording soy milk is an issue for you, you might ask your doctor whether that amount of sugar makes a difference.

    Also note, fortified soy milk is the only plant-based milk that is nutritionally equivalent to milk. All of the other plant-based milks are substantially lower in protein. If you like almond/cashew/coconut/rice milk, there is nothing wrong with enjoying them, it's just something to keep in mind.
  • WhereIsPJSoles
    WhereIsPJSoles Posts: 622 Member
    I feel like it would matter how much milk you’re drinking in a day to know if it was significant. If you only have one cup (my soy milk has 6g of sugar per cup) then the difference is negligible between dairy milk and soy. And if that were the case I would just keep the milk you like and budget the rest of your sugar allowance around it. If you’re a person who drinks like 3 cups a day maybe cut down or look into alternatives or mix together...
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    GoldenEye_ wrote: »
    I really wanted to let this go, but I'm just too curious. Why al the woo's for my reply? Am I not allowed to prefer the taste of soy milk? Is cow milk not originally intented to grow baby cows into healthy, strong, big cows? I'm really just stating my personal preferences here?

    I thought you worded your post very well. It was clear that you were stating personal preferences.

    I prefer the taste of soy to cow's milk too. I don't drink much milk of any kind but when I do it's almond or soy. Other than cheese I'm not a fan of dairy.
  • tuolon
    tuolon Posts: 107 Member
    Now, i consume both soy and dairy milk. Last year, I was a vegan for a year. It was hard because everyone puts dairy milk in their products. It is unavoidable at times. I definitely had to cook everything from scratch.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I'm curious what peoples thoughts are on which to drink, I'm pre diabetic, I switched from 1% dairy milk to original soy milk, because it's lower in sugar. I'd rather drink dairy, it's cheaper and I like it better, but I'll stick with which ever is better for me.

    Since you'd prefer cow's milk, I'd suggest checking your sugar levels after regular dairy and see if the impact is significantly different than soy. My mother is diabetic and she drinks a lot of cow's milk without problems.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 514 Member
    I don’t like soy because there have been a lot of studies on hormone issues among other things, so I go with almond milk instead.

    I tried almond milk, I didn't like it. I do like and drink chocolate almond milk though

    I imagine it varies by brand, but Blue Diamond chocolate almond milk has 20 g of sugar per cup, compared to 12 g per cup for dairy milk, so that seems counterproductive to your goal.

    True, I figure it's healthier then dairy chocolate milk, but I've never compared the 2.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I don’t like soy because there have been a lot of studies on hormone issues among other things, so I go with almond milk instead.

    I tried almond milk, I didn't like it. I do like and drink chocolate almond milk though

    I imagine it varies by brand, but Blue Diamond chocolate almond milk has 20 g of sugar per cup, compared to 12 g per cup for dairy milk, so that seems counterproductive to your goal.

    True, I figure it's healthier then dairy chocolate milk, but I've never compared the 2.

    "Healthier" is a term that can have a variety of meanings. If your goal is reducing sugar, this wouldn't be the healthier. Are there other measurements you have in mind?
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 514 Member
    GoldenEye_ wrote: »
    I did not "woo" your reply, but I can't imagine that anyone is thinking you're not *allowed* to have preferences. It's just that when you express your preferences, people are also allowed to express their opinion of them. Even our personal preferences can draw a reaction from others.
    vingogly wrote: »
    Since MFP made the bad decision to add a woo button, people appear to be using it to "punish" people they disagree with or dislike for reasons of their own. Ignore them.

    Thanks. I personally only use the woo button for broscience or simply very rude posts. Everyone is different and everyone has different preferences, so 'woo'-ing everyone with a different opinion seems a bit off to me and in this case it made me wonder. Thanks again for the clarification so far.

    I was always under the assumption that woo was short for woohoo, i.e. something to hoot about, but it seems that on here it's something negative, too bad.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 514 Member
    All my Dr said about dairy was consume in moderation, I eat/drink about 3-4 servings of dairy a day, if I drink cow milk. I'll ask my Dr if that's too much. Thank you all.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I don't see a reason to stop drinking milk unless you have a medical condition or personal preference that would keep you from drinking it. I have a lot of diabetics in the family; Dad drinks big glasses of 2% milk and it doesn't seem to affect his blood sugar.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Relser wrote: »
    My mother's oncologist said that soy milk, and how it's processed is a known contributor to cancer, so there's that. I dislike pretty much all milk so I'm safe there.

    In what way? Soy milk is made by soaking and grinding beans, boiling the results, and then straining out particulates. It's also the basis of tofu, so I'm unsure how solid the link between the production of soy milk and cancer can be as I'm not aware of any good evidence linking tofu consumption to higher cancer rates.

    If it did the Japanese would all be dead...deep fried tofu strips on noodle broth is the bomb

    Love deep fried tofu, it's so good in soups!