Losing weight and gaining Muscle

Hey guys i started my journey to lose 50lb and be at 200lb... At the same time I want to gain muscle mass... Make them gains! So I wanted to know the best approach... Any tips or motivational speeches, Let me know.. I'm new too this bodybuilding lifestyle.. "So lets go and lets grow"


  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    On the photo you do seem to have some fat to lose (I hope you're not offended, not my intention). The good news is since you seem to be new to lifting combined with the fat you have, you're in prime position to lose fat and gain muscles. However, once you get lean and you're no longer a newbie lifter, unfortunately losing weight and building muscles will be almost impossible unless you're on gear or have freak genetics. Once you're lean, the only option for you to build muscles at that point (if we remove gear into the mix) will be either through bulking and cutting cycles or with body recomp.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time is difficult. The body needs extra calories in order to build muscle, but losing weight requires we eat less calories. People who are new to lifting, returning to lifting from a long time off, or carrying lots of fat can gain some muscle while losing weight (some, not necessarily a lot).

    The best things you can do to support your goal are to have a smaller deficit, follow a progressive lifting routine (unless you have prior training and education it's best to pick one built by an expert), and eat adequate protein.

    If I were you, I would personally focus on just getting to the gym, and cutting the garbage foods out. Not saying you eat them but if you do (cupcakes, cookies, donuts, soda, chips, etc..) just cut them out, drink tons of water and get on a workout program. Once you maintain a consistent routine, diet, and gym time... then you can start counting calories and experimenting with what works for your body the best. Once you get in the groove 6-8 maybe 10 weeks in, you'll see improvements in fat loss and you'll look better. Once you lose some fat, I would recommend going into a slight caloric surplus by 200 or 300 calories a day. Just so you can put on muscle. You'll figure it out, everyone on here will help you along the way!

    He should start counting calories now. His fat loss is going to come down to being in a calorie deficit. While he can gain some newbie gainz as he begins losing weight, all he needs to do is pick a structured program, ensure his diet contains adequate protein to support weight loss, and keep his calorie deficit on the less aggressive side.

    He certainly does not have to restrict all his foods to 'clean foods' that I think your are describing. Its not necessary, while he can choose to eat nutrient dense foods and still can eat other things he enjoys while losing weight.

    eta: OP the following link contains many structured programs depending on your lifting experience.


    Counting calories is tedious for those who've been in the game a long time, for beginners... I would not recommend it, clean up the diet, get on a good program, get into a routine of making better choices... Consistency will lead to results, and results will boost self esteem, then that's what gets people addicted. But I hear ya

    I would recommend it. With a food scale, weighing all food items, and logging religiously. No skipping, cheating, or forgetting. Most people have zero idea what an actual serving looks like. Weighing and logging teaches this.

    The newbie may learn this valuable skill and be able to not log later on, as they get better at it. I have found I will probably need to do this forever to maintain, because I am NOT good at eyeballing portions.


    I have been doing this now, gahhh 4 years and I still count. I am always counting them in my head anyways why not just log them to be sure. lol
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time is difficult. The body needs extra calories in order to build muscle, but losing weight requires we eat less calories. People who are new to lifting, returning to lifting from a long time off, or carrying lots of fat can gain some muscle while losing weight (some, not necessarily a lot).

    The best things you can do to support your goal are to have a smaller deficit, follow a progressive lifting routine (unless you have prior training and education it's best to pick one built by an expert), and eat adequate protein.

    If I were you, I would personally focus on just getting to the gym, and cutting the garbage foods out. Not saying you eat them but if you do (cupcakes, cookies, donuts, soda, chips, etc..) just cut them out, drink tons of water and get on a workout program. Once you maintain a consistent routine, diet, and gym time... then you can start counting calories and experimenting with what works for your body the best. Once you get in the groove 6-8 maybe 10 weeks in, you'll see improvements in fat loss and you'll look better. Once you lose some fat, I would recommend going into a slight caloric surplus by 200 or 300 calories a day. Just so you can put on muscle. You'll figure it out, everyone on here will help you along the way!

    He should start counting calories now. His fat loss is going to come down to being in a calorie deficit. While he can gain some newbie gainz as he begins losing weight, all he needs to do is pick a structured program, ensure his diet contains adequate protein to support weight loss, and keep his calorie deficit on the less aggressive side.

    He certainly does not have to restrict all his foods to 'clean foods' that I think your are describing. Its not necessary, while he can choose to eat nutrient dense foods and still can eat other things he enjoys while losing weight.

    eta: OP the following link contains many structured programs depending on your lifting experience.


    Counting calories is tedious for those who've been in the game a long time, for beginners... I would not recommend it, clean up the diet, get on a good program, get into a routine of making better choices... Consistency will lead to results, and results will boost self esteem, then that's what gets people addicted. But I hear ya

    Well this is your opinion and you are on a calorie counting site. The only way to ensure compliance especially being a beginner is to count calories, etc.. The things he learns now about calories, nutrition, fueling the body properly and how to lose weight the tediousness of things can taper down as he gets more knowledge and more comfortable, especially when he gets to maintaining his weight.

    If I may, you are speaking a lot of 'broness' on this site, I've read your other comments on other threads. The MFP process works, so let him or others do the process and learn for themselves.

    I practice what I preach, and it works for me. So I only pass on what works, it may not work for everyone and I understand that. But, I would also let someone know if something didn't work, or I think it's not beneficial. At the end of the day, it's trial and error, what works for you may not work for me, vice versa.. This is also a form of social media, I'm here to pass on knowledge and help others, just like everyone else. "broness" lol, I like that

    We don't need to preach we are simply helping others use the tools correctly and accurately and in a way that help them reach success. Nonetheless, we have all been brand new at this at one point or another rather that is losing weight or lifting weights, etc. we don't really get to decide what is right or wrong, we help them let them ultimately decide for themselves.

    If this did not work or was a complete was of time, I would not (we, as in all of us that have been newbies and in OP's shoes before) encourage or recommend doing something useless and unnecessary.
  • GainsLevelIncreased
    usmcmp wrote: »
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    Counting calories is useful for newbies. There was a recent thread about “foods that surprised you”, meaning calorie count was very high...usual things like peanut butter. Counting brings those things to light. Someone may not understand how real portions look. Calorie counting helps with that. Discounting it because it’s tedious is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. “Tedious” is relative.

    I'm more about working them in, showing them the gym and making better choices in the kitchen first. Then once they get into a routine of making better choices, then have them learn how to count calories... that's just me I guess, I'm not saying your wrong, I'd just go about it a little differently.

    And he comes back in 2 months wondering why he hasn't lost weight because he cut out 500 calories worth of pizza per week, but replace it with 1,000 calories worth of granola and nuts because they're "healthy". We don't even know what his choices are, maybe he's on a completely "clean" diet and is gaining weight. In the end it really comes down to calories and personally I'm going to keep eating "garbage" foods all the way up to this bodybuilding competition just like I did last time.

    Well I hope he has a mentor to show him exercises in the gym, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. If he doesn't lose any weight, but cuts out *kitten* foods. He'll actually build some muscle, and then do a caloric deficit by 200-300 calories then when the weight comes off, he'll actually have baby muscles. And good luck with that competition mate