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Keto means not counting calories



  • cessi909
    cessi909 Posts: 25 Member
    Would just like to apologise to cessi909, I got side tracked and referred my comments to op, when really my comments were made to losinandmovin, points of view. (It's late and I'm tired). Sorry.

    In reference to actual opening paragraph, kept can be a good way to eat and lose weight. But at the end of the day, it all
    boils down to CICO. People can still gain weight on a keto diet, if they are still over eating.

    Not a worry at all! I appreciate the conversation and had some points I brought up to the woman I was first speaking to but she has now told me “good day” and apparently we are no longer speaking

  • Beautywalk
    Beautywalk Posts: 9 Member
    I have done Atkins in the past, and I am thankful to have learned that my body does well when I eat no sugar or starches. I keep my carb count low (at 60g/day) and naturally the balance is to up the protein. And instead of worrying about fat, I just report saturated fat to myself. I don't eat anything with trans fats. I am now at a max of 1450 calories and back at the gym. I know what works for *ME* I just have to stay with it. The gym is a must. So is tracking and support, like MFP.

    I have a friend online who touts the glory of a "high fat keto" diet. I think that's insane. If one cuts the carbs, the balance goes to proteins or fats. If one cuts carbs, one burns fat. And still needs 100g of protein every day. The math doesn't work as far as nutrition is concerned.

    Fad diets are worth what one can learn from them about how their bodies respond to certain foods. And that's about it. They aren't sustainable.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    The debate section was created to give users a place to RESPECTFULLY debate, please refrain from attacking one another and make sure your posts still show respect for other users regardless of dietary style.

    MFP moderator