So ANNOYED by food pushers at my office!



  • jgal86
    jgal86 Posts: 77
    I think we should take into account how old the OP is. She is only 18!! She also said that the women harassing her were 30-50 years old in age! WOWZERS
  • NumbrsNerd
    NumbrsNerd Posts: 202 Member
    I say this as nicely as possible:

    get over it.

    By asking you to join them in their lunch orders, they're being nice, not sabotaging you.

    The pushiness sounds like it's coming from a different place. How you react matters. If you act upset, they'll continue doing it, likely. If you say, "nah, I don't want to eat that - this salad is great" or "I don't wish I could eat that - I COULD eat it. but I don't want to" perhaps they'll leave you alone. If not, and if you do not enjoy eating with them, stop eating with them. Eat at your desk, take your lunch outside, eat at a different time if possible.

    Eventually, as you lose weight, they'll see that your choices are paying off.

    Edited to add: Now I really want poutine.

    I have got to agree with this one.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    Its only polite of them to ask....if someone was excluded, there may be hard feelings. When someone asks, you have every right to decline politely. I think this is just normal interactions. If you have your willpower and can say no, it shouldn't matter how often they ask.

    However, the waving food in front of your face kinda crosses a line. It was very rude. It would have been acceptable to be rude in return (to an extent, you don't want to get yourself fired!).
  • HacheraTsarine
    HacheraTsarine Posts: 278 Member
    They are definitely trying to sabotage you. I would seek revenge ASAP.

    I think that's how "V for Vendetta" synopsis starts.
  • Tum22
    Tum22 Posts: 102 Member
    They probably envy your willpower. Its always annoying when a thin person won't eat. Maybe they feel like their eating is fun and they want you to join in. My partner does this to me sometimes. I will try to cook myself a meal for the same time his arrives but I have to admit it is often the smell that is most tempting and a salad won't beat hot chicken.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    Hate to break it to everyone but the person eating fast food is rarely jealous of your salad and they probably really aren't jealous of your "healthy lifestyle" in general because the whole healthy, fit and happy thing hasn't clicked for them. It has to happen for everyone in their own time, much like anyone who needs help, they won't accept it or understand it until they want to.

    Be an adult, ignore them. There are many reasons why losing weight and getting healthy is hard and outside influences are one of them but making snide remarks or even joking ones probably won't fix the problem.

    Or heck, join them one day and plan it in, might show them that moderation actually works too... not just eating rabbit food every day. I have yet to really need to eliminate anything from my diet to lose weight. Fast food occasionally isn't ruining anyone's success or health.

    this, exactly.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    If they know it bothers you they will continue to do it...

    As far as waving the chicken tender in your face, I would have personally seen it as a joke and would have played along.
  • Orfygirl
    Orfygirl Posts: 274 Member

    Asking if you want to participate in ordering out can be viewed as friendly. This is a tough one to respond to because responding to rudeness is just hard. Polite people can be easily dealt with--rude jerks, not so easily.

    Some ideas, which require a quizzical look:
    "Did you really just ask me if I wanted to eat your lunch?"
    "Why are you so interested in what I'm eating and not eating?"
    "I didn't really see that, did I? Did you really wave your food in my face?"

    Additional ideas:
    "I'd really rather you kept your meal out of my face" (deal with the behavior)
    "I don't think we need to discuss my food choices."
    <stare at pointedly, saying nothing at all>

    Follow all of these with a totally off-topic conversation starter to another person: "Lisa, did you say your daughter just got her permit?", "Mike, how are you vacation plans coming along."

    This is really tough to handle--and I'd find it impossible if I didn't have something already figured out to say.

    This right here. I work with children all day so when I run into adult acting like children (which is exactly what happened) I treat them the same way. Sometimes they get it and sometimes they don't but either way it is a very appropriate reaction to an inappropriate behavior.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Hate to break it to everyone but the person eating fast food is rarely jealous of your salad and they probably really aren't jealous of your "healthy lifestyle" in general because the whole healthy, fit and happy thing hasn't clicked for them. It has to happen for everyone in their own time, much like anyone who needs help, they won't accept it or understand it until they want to.

    Be an adult, ignore them. There are many reasons why losing weight and getting healthy is hard and outside influences are one of them but making snide remarks or even joking ones probably won't fix the problem.

    Or heck, join them one day and plan it in, might show them that moderation actually works too... not just eating rabbit food every day. I have yet to really need to eliminate anything from my diet to lose weight. Fast food occasionally isn't ruining anyone's success or health.

    this, exactly.

    Moderation doesn't work for everyone. Maybe the OP is concerned that caving once will lead to caving numerous times a week. If she says "Yes" on Monday, her co-workers will start asking the rest of the week, too.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Hate to break it to everyone but the person eating fast food is rarely jealous of your salad and they probably really aren't jealous of your "healthy lifestyle" in general because the whole healthy, fit and happy thing hasn't clicked for them. It has to happen for everyone in their own time, much like anyone who needs help, they won't accept it or understand it until they want to.

    Be an adult, ignore them. There are many reasons why losing weight and getting healthy is hard and outside influences are one of them but making snide remarks or even joking ones probably won't fix the problem.

    Or heck, join them one day and plan it in, might show them that moderation actually works too... not just eating rabbit food every day. I have yet to really need to eliminate anything from my diet to lose weight. Fast food occasionally isn't ruining anyone's success or health.

    this, exactly.

    Not everyone has willpower Maybe the OP is concerned that caving once will lead to caving numerous times a week.

    Fixed it for you
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    You can't change other people so try to find a quiet place to eat with people who share your goals!
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves


    Sorry if this offends anyone else...

    This has happened to me many times. I said "no I don't want to be a fat worthless piece of chit like you. You eat what you want you disgusting blob and leave me the F alone."

    Never happened again. lol

    And then a single person slowly started to clap, and then another, until a slowly building crescendo deafened your tormentor, and they slunk off to wallow in their horrible fatness? And a beautiful unicorn came down to carry you off to winsville, where there were low-calorie snacks and adorable admiring groupies?

    Just want to make sure I have a clear picture of this obviously true story.

  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member


    Sorry if this offends anyone else...

    This has happened to me many times. I said "no I don't want to be a fat worthless piece of chit like you. You eat what you want you disgusting blob and leave me the F alone."

    Never happened again. lol

    And then a single person slowly started to clap, and then another, until a slowly building crescendo deafened your tormentor, and they slunk off to wallow in their horrible fatness? And a beautiful unicorn came down to carry you off to winsville, where there were low-calorie snacks and adorable admiring groupies?

    Just want to make sure I have a clear picture of this obviously true story.


    If you are trying to be a female dog, take that chit somewhere else.
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Options bad and my appologies
  • phillybop127
    The next time they taunt you...tell them nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
  • vida130
    vida130 Posts: 7 Member
    Embrace the food pushers they are letting you know you are on the right track! I just laugh and say that I worked out to hard to ruin it!
  • JanMarie2BHealthy
    Just rude to taunt anyone about anything - bullies.

    "Gee, have I offended you?"

    Rude person will laugh, stare or respond.

    "Well, you were darn near to an assault with that chicken finger and aggressive toward me...why did you do that?"

    Sigh and eat your healthy food and become fit and stay strong in your convictions.
  • ShannonS2714
    ShannonS2714 Posts: 135 Member
    I'd say "Well I could eat it, but I really don't want to end up looking like you" :tongue: :laugh:

    This was going to be my answer. Pretty please take a picture of their faces when you say it, though! :happy:
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
    tell them to piss off
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    agree with you. I frequently indulge in cake. I buy the kind with fresh fruit. I eat a strawberry and a peach slice. oh so yummy and they love me for buying it and sharing. I also share salads veggies and cal snacks. stop being so uptight. also my co workers no I get the first bite and only one bite of anything yummy. a bite never hurt anything