February 2018 Running Challenge



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @shanaber - I think you did great for a sick person in the heat! Congratulations on your finish and I love your bling! At the St Jude 5k I had the same issue with teams of walkers side by side, very annoying. They gave out instructions in the packet pick up for what corral to get in depending on pace, and I very conscientiously got into the one just a little bit faster than my PR, and then turns out no one but me read the memo and I was completely walled in by walkers! It seems like this is a bigger problem with bigger races.

    @ddmom0811 Wow your daughter is gorgeous! Sounds like the smiling served you well. Congrats on making it through the pain to finish.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I made it through my HM on Sunday and it was tough. Between travel and being sick I was so not ready. It was a beautiful sunny morning and while it was good to sleep in a bit, the later start (7:45) made for a warmer run. I think it was mid 60's by the time we actually got going and mid 70's at the end. On the good side it was incredibly clear and the views were spectacular of the wetlands and ocean.
    Knowing I would be running slower I started back a wave from where I would have normally. It was a good thought but it really didn't work out well. Even though I was slower and had to walk at times, I was constantly having to dart around people who would walk 3, 4 or 5 across, or just stop with no warning. There was even a couple of ladies and a man with a jogging stroller although they announced no strollers or dogs on the course. On one of the narrower parts of the course around mile 5, they were bumping into slower people with the stroller and would all stop to do something for the baby but not pull to the side - they just stopped in the middle leaving all the runners behind them to have to stop because they couldn't get by. I was so happy to finally get past them! I ran the 1st 5k a little over my normal race pace and then started to not feel well. I was coughing and had an upset stomach and just didn't want to have to throw up. At this point I was seriously asking myself what in the heck I was doing out there and why did I think this was a good idea! I managed to eat some gummy bears and felt a bit better but was afraid to try anything more. For this race you basically have two loops - on that goes up and back to the wetlands and another that goes north west along the ocean (PCH) and back. The section coming back from the wetlands loop is slightly down hill as is going outbound on the PCH loop so those sections felt pretty good. By the time I hit the turn around on PCH about mile 8.5 I was really getting tired and had to start walking more. Also on this section you are running slightly uphill, right into the sun and it felt so hot and dry. There were many water stations and everyone was dumping water on themselves as much as drinking. By about mile 10 or 11 all I really wanted to do was sit down but I knew if I stopped that would be the end for me so I just kept going. I did manage to run in the last mile or so to the finish line. My time was a good 30 mins over my time from last year and 40 mins over my HM PR.
    I will run it again next year - hopefully healthy and trained for it.
    I looked at my HR over the entire race and from the very beginning it was high for me (130's) and never really came down during the race even when I was walking. I thought this was pretty strange since I never felt like I was really pushing my cardiac level because my legs just felt so tired. I also ended up with a big blister on my heel - the first I have ever had in almost 6 years of running... I could feel it, even tried to get a bandaid at the aid station, but it didn't really hurt until afterwards.
    Edited to add - I am so very sore and tired after this race. I can ever remember feeling the beat up... I guess that along with the HR are indicators of just how 'not ready, not healthy' I was for this race.

    Before the race I was really looking forward to beer on the beach (tents in the first picture). After the race it was the last thing I wanted. So I had my banana and chocolate milk and called it done!
    Requisite bling photos... 2nd medal is for running the SF HM consecutively with Surf City. Additionally for being a legacy for the race now, I also got a cotton t-shirt (not shown). I bought the hat (finally a HM hat!) and I got a previous years tech shirt for $10 (also not shown)!
    01/01......6.64......6.64 - + Strength Training
    02/03......0.00......4.23 - Expo
    02/04....13.41....17.64 - Surf City HM
    02/05......4.21....21.85 - + Agility


    My completed and upcoming races. Let me know if you will be running them too.
    07/23/17 - San Francisco 1st Half Marathon
    10/14/17 - AIM for the Cure Melanoma 5K Walk/Run
    12/16/17 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/04/18 - Surf City Half Marathon

    07/22/18 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon

    Great job pushing through a hard race! Hope your blisters heal soon. :)
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,714 Member
    @ddmom0811 – Congrats on your HM. You look more liked your daughter’s little sister than her mom! If I had waved at every car that passed on my HM this past Saturday, that would have been 6, maybe 7, vehicles – even though the roads were open to traffic. I think I saw more cattle and horses than people.
    @shanaber – Congrats to you also for finishing you HM. I’ve been that miserable before where I’ve just wanted to sit down and let whatever came along pick me up. It’s no fun but you kept going – kudos to you! Nice swag too!
    @amymoreorless – Hope you are on the upswing soon!

    Rest day for me today so I did a 30-minute lower body workout at home this morning.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    edited February 2018
    @shanaber and @ddmom0811 - Way to push through the tough stuff!
    @KatieJane83 - Well, yeah, of course!
    @7Lenny7 - Kody rockin' the ice beard! Brrr!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    02/01/18 :::: 5.0 :::: 5.0
    02/02/18 :::: 0.0 :::: 5.0
    02/03/18 :::: 7.4 :::: 12.4
    02/04/18 :::: 3.2 :::: 15.6
    02/05/18 :::: 3.8 :::: 19.4
    02/06/18 :::: 3.1 :::: 22.5

    Nothing too exciting to report here. Another 5k on the treadmill. Keeping ahead of my goal of 5k per day on average for February so far.

    @karllundy hope you all are feeling better soon. May spring come early to us all.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    No run today, meetings and such :(
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ thanks. That was a 5k PR from a year ago as my reference. I have no real clue what my 5k pace would be now, but I'm assumint it would be faster