February 2018 Running Challenge



  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited February 2018
    Long day at work today and tomorrow will be even longer. I thought I would get to the gym as scheduled to run and lift weights. Stopped after 2.7 miles on the treadmill because I wasn't feeling well. My BG was dropping fast and I felt like I might vomit (not a common hypoglycemia symptom for me, but maybe because I'm tired). Sometimes workouts just aren't good. So I skipped the rest of the run and skipped weights.

    Do you check your BG while you run, or you going by feel? I usually go by feel but if there was a way to auto track it while active that would be cool. I have had to abort once or twice and chews some glucose tabs. Makes me pretty annoyed.

    I track SG with a CGM.

    DUDE. I googled that! I have not heard of such a thing (probably would help if I actually kept my doctor's appointments...nah)! I will have to see about getting one. Getting down to 20 is not fun as you likely know...

    Aren't they super expensive? I looked into them and it seemed like insurance would not cover unless you had poor control, and out of pocket was in the hundreds of dollars per month. @midwesterner85 - what's your experience?

    @rheddmobile and @PastorVincent My insurance covers it, but there are co-pays / co-insurance that adds up fast. I spend nearly $200 / month on the co-insurance for sensors, the disposable part. But keep in mind that I have type 1 diabetes, which is a different circumstance altogether than type 2... even type 2's who are taking supplemental insulin.

    ETA: I have an insulin pump integrated with the CGM. I'm actually on the Medtronic 670G system, which has an auto-mode feature to automatically adjust basal (background) insulin and uses an algorithm to 'learn' your response and improve over time.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Am I losing my mind? I thought someone mentioned autoimmune diseases and donating? I am curious about that as I've got one of those things. Lol

    If you are referring to Celiac, and you are in the USA - The Red Cross told me specifically that it was okay to donate. Obviously, I am not a doctor and all that, just repeating blindly what I was told. :)
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Long day at work today and tomorrow will be even longer. I thought I would get to the gym as scheduled to run and lift weights. Stopped after 2.7 miles on the treadmill because I wasn't feeling well. My BG was dropping fast and I felt like I might vomit (not a common hypoglycemia symptom for me, but maybe because I'm tired). Sometimes workouts just aren't good. So I skipped the rest of the run and skipped weights.

    Do you check your BG while you run, or you going by feel? I usually go by feel but if there was a way to auto track it while active that would be cool. I have had to abort once or twice and chews some glucose tabs. Makes me pretty annoyed.

    I track SG with a CGM.

    DUDE. I googled that! I have not heard of such a thing (probably would help if I actually kept my doctor's appointments...nah)! I will have to see about getting one. Getting down to 20 is not fun as you likely know...

    Aren't they super expensive? I looked into them and it seemed like insurance would not cover unless you had poor control, and out of pocket was in the hundreds of dollars per month. @midwesterner85 - what's your experience?

    @rheddmobile and @PastorVincent My insurance covers it, but there are co-pays / co-insurance that adds up fast. I spend nearly $200 / month on the co-insurance for sensors, the disposable part. But keep in mind that I have type 1 diabetes, which is a different circumstance altogether than type 2... even type 2's who are taking supplemental insulin.

    ETA: I have an insulin pump integrated with the CGM. I'm actually on the Medtronic 670G system, which has an auto-mode feature to automatically adjust basal (background) insulin and uses an algorithm to 'learn' your response and improve over time.

    I do not know if I am type 1/2 or any of that (I do have positive dx, and medication and all that). That would require me actually going back to an endo and so on. I know whatever I am I have read blood sugar swings from 20 to 300. Pretty sure that will put me in "mild" range if there is such a thing. Loosing 50 pounds and drastically revamping my diet has it mostly (eerr somewhat, well close enough) under control, so I self-dropped my meds. Though I really need to get a A1C (Or is it AC1?) test again. Problem is I moved and I do not have doctors up here. Been a few years now though so I should probably fix that. And get a cardio doc while I am at it. *sigh*

    Anyways thanks for the heads up above this tech. Doubt I am a candidate for it, but cool to know it exists.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    02/01/2018 - 7.2 MPH for 7.2 Miles @ 4% grade
    02/02/2018 - Shoe Shopping
    02/03/2018 - 17 miles @ 9:50
    02/04/2018 - Family trip to DQ instead
    02/05/2018 - 10 miles at 10:04 pace
    02/06/2018 - Meetings and such
    02/07/2018 - 7.5 MPH for 10 miles @ 4% grade
    02/08/2018 - Meetings
    02/09/2018 - 7.5 MPH for 10 miles @ 4% grade
    02/10/2018 - Shoe shopping - again
    02/11/2018 - 10 miles @ 9:01 pace
    02/12/2018 - 10 miles @ 9:33 pace
    02/13/2018 - 10 miles @ 9:22 pace
    02/14/2018 - Rest
    02/15/2018 - 7 miles @ 8:31 pace
    02/16/2018 - 7.5 MPH for 8 miles @ 4% grade
    02/17/2018 - Nada
    02/18/2018 - Car Show with son
    02/19/2018 - 11 miles @ 9:29
    02/20/2018 - 15 miles @ 9:45
    02/21/2018 - 9 miles @ 8:41
    02/22/2018 - 9 miles @ 8:49
    02/23/2018 - 9 miles @ 8:48

    Big Hairy Audacious Goal: Sub 4 hours in Pittsburgh 2018!

    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    03/17/18 - Shamrock Shuffle Half Marathon + 5k + 1mile
    04/07/18 - Achilles 9.3 Challange (10k and 5k back to back)
    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.
    05/12/18 - Glacier Ridge 50k Trail Ultra (I must hate myself)

    2020 - Disney World Dopey! (if can raise funds)

    Today was supposed to be a rest day, and tomorrow a long run, but the weather was 60 degrees today and weather looks really yucky tomorrow, so I ran. Might move long run to Sunday.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    edited February 2018
    Saw this at the shoe store where I got my wife's new Brooks:

    Not sure she ever really said that, but she should have! :lol:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    girlinahat wrote: »
    So, I have a timing issue...

    On 3/17 I am signed up for a Half Marathon followed by a 5k followed by a 1 miler. The course is rumored to have many steep hills. So while it will be my first official HM, I am not planning on getting my fastest possible time.

    The big question I need figure out is that I am scheduled to donate blood 3 days before. I usually react badly to donations and take time to recover (sometimes cannot even drive home)

    So now I am worried that I am donating to close to the race. But the drive is at my work so it is very convenient. UGH. Not sure what to do. Not like I can move the blood drive or the race. No one ever asks me about scheduling these things. *sigh*

    I am also O Neg, the ‘Universal Donor’. I am also CMV negative, meaning my blood gets prioritised for neonatal usage. It is probably the only way I will ever get to be a superhero….

    As to when you should donate then race – I would move one of them I’m afraid. I know from experience I can’t run the day after donating, and interestingly having had a blood test three weeks after donating, my iron levels were STILL below normal, suggesting I would fare badly in a race as well.

    Now I’m a strong believer in donating all you can (I’d rather you left some of it in me until I didn’t need it anymore) but there will be other blood drives. Are there any permanent sites you can go to? By the way, in this country I doubt you’d be able to donate given what you’ve said about your medical history, but then again, I wouldn’t be allowed to donate in your country either (it’s them bonkers cows that did it!!!)

    I'm also CMV negative, and I've also been a blood transfusion recipient in the past which is what started me donating in the first place, although I had to wait a year after receiving the transfusions before I could start donating.

    over here no person who has RECEIVED blood since 1 January 1980 can donate. I find it pretty arbitrary, as if you had a transfusion on say 31st December 1979 you'd be allowed to donate. (I'm told I received blood at birth, but because it was BEFORE the deadline, I'm a donor) Again, it's the cows.

    Kudos to all people who are able to donate who do.

    I'm O+, CMV+. I'd donated 5 gallons by time I found out my paternal grandfather died of CJD complications. So, no more donating for me. I can't read the death certificate, but I'm assuming it says the varriation he had. I'd planned on donating again once they came up with a test. But I've since married a (recovering) addict. So I'm still out. Cows (maybe pig brains) and drugs. :smiley:
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Okay, Strava question. A few months ago I hooked my New Balance rewards account to Strava. I get NB reward points for all my recorded runs. I received two $20 off discounts this way and I am now a "Gold" member. :)

    I just found out you can connect Strava to your Walgreens account and get Walgreens reward points for running. This is fantastic! Does anyone know of any other Strava related discounts I am missing?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    I just found out you can connect Strava to your Walgreens account and get Walgreens reward points for running. This is fantastic! Does anyone know of any other Strava related discounts I am missing?

    Really? I did not know about this!
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    2/1 5miles
    2/2 14.1miles!!
    2/3 5miles
    2/4 rest
    2/5 6.5miles
    2/6 4miles
    2/7 9.03miles
    2/8 7miles
    2/9 13.1miles
    2/10 rest
    2/11 4miles
    2/12 5miles
    2/13 5miles
    2/14 7miles
    2/15 10miles
    2/16 12miles
    2/17 5miles
    2/18 rest
    2/19 6.95miles
    2/20 5miles
    2/21 9.11miles
    2/22 5miles
    2/23 14.25miles!

    So I thought it was going to be warm this morning but it was a chilly 45 degrees. I think the dampness from the fog made it seem colder.

    I found some new trails to run and it was a little slow going since I kept running into dead ends, but it made for a more interesting run. My pace was pretty slow and my heart rate stayed pretty steady. Overall I felt pretty good at 14 miles. Makes me think maybe, just maybe I could start marathon training?!

    I was freezing after my run though. It took me hours to feel warm again!

    3/18/2018 Shamrock half marathon
    10/7/2018 Crawlin Crab half marathon
    11/18/2018 Norfolk Harbor half marathon
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    Okay, Strava question. A few months ago I hooked my New Balance rewards account to Strava. I get NB reward points for all my recorded runs. I received two $20 off discounts this way and I am now a "Gold" member. :)

    I just found out you can connect Strava to your Walgreens account and get Walgreens reward points for running. This is fantastic! Does anyone know of any other Strava related discounts I am missing?

    That’s great! I’m already receiving money from Dick’s for linking my Garmin!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @PastorVincent Yah, I was referring to celiac. Guess I need to keep using my panic attacks as the reason I don't donate.

    My blood pressure was 130/90 at the docs today. Chalking that up to anxiety (I swear I am not as neurotic as I sound..) I have a home machine and whenever I take it at home I'm 115-120/70. They didn't say anything about it being high or having concerns so guess I won't either.

    I accidentally took a nap when I meant to run. So I guess I needed sleep more than a run? Tomorrow I will run first, lift second.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    So I called the vampires and asked them about it and they said "as long as you stay hydrated" that it would be fine. Honestly thinking the advice to reschedule the donation given in this thread is probably better. *sigh*

    Another way we are all so different! I feel perfectly fine after donating. I haven’t run a race the day after, but I’ve certainly continued on with my training without a break. I’m pint sized too. 5 feet tall and 115 pounds.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Ha! I am in "get free stuff" mode. Any New Balance fans out there?

    I just signed up to be a shoe wear tester. Free shoes! Maybe... I have not been chosen to wear test yet. I requested to try a pair of 860V9. We will see...

  • KeepRunningFatboy
    KeepRunningFatboy Posts: 3,055 Member

    February Training:
    02.01.18 - 10 m. 8:53 pace
    02.03.18 - Run: 11.2 m. 8:28 pace; Bike Trainer: 88 minutes.
    02.04.18 - run 1 m. Bike Trainer: 60 min. Chest congestion
    02.05.18 - Run 1: 3 m @ 9:10 pace. Run 2: 7 m @ 8:45 pace.
    02.06.18 - Run 3.5 m.
    02.07.18 - Run 3.1 m.
    02.08.18 - Run 1: 3.1 m. Run 2: 8 m. @ 8:26 pace
    02.09.18 - Run 8 m. Hills @ 9:13 pace.
    02.10.18. - Run 6.3 Bike 1 hour
    02.11.18 - Run 9.6 miles (51.50 for the week) and Indoor Bike Trainer for 1 hour. (Ride 4 of month)
    02.13.18 - Run 10 m. @ 8:35 pace. Indoor Bike Trainer - 45 minutes.
    02.15.18 - Run 9.3 m. @ 8:45 pace.
    02.16.18 - Run 9 m. Bike 8 m. Swim 1/2 mile.
    02.17.18 - Run 6.2 m. Bike - 85 minutes.
    02.18.18 - Run 5.5 m. swim 15 laps
    02.19.18 - Run 6 m.
    02.20.18 - Run 9.3 m.
    02.22.18 - Run 7 m.
    02.23.18 - Run 10 m.

    Upcoming Events:
    3.04.18 - Little Rock Marathon
    4.07.18 - Yakima River Marathon

    February Goal:
    Run: 200 miles, Bike: 10 rides, Swim: Start Program
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    edited February 2018
    Long day at work today and tomorrow will be even longer. I thought I would get to the gym as scheduled to run and lift weights. Stopped after 2.7 miles on the treadmill because I wasn't feeling well. My BG was dropping fast and I felt like I might vomit (not a common hypoglycemia symptom for me, but maybe because I'm tired). Sometimes workouts just aren't good. So I skipped the rest of the run and skipped weights.

    Do you check your BG while you run, or you going by feel? I usually go by feel but if there was a way to auto track it while active that would be cool. I have had to abort once or twice and chews some glucose tabs. Makes me pretty annoyed.

    I track SG with a CGM.

    DUDE. I googled that! I have not heard of such a thing (probably would help if I actually kept my doctor's appointments...nah)! I will have to see about getting one. Getting down to 20 is not fun as you likely know...

    Aren't they super expensive? I looked into them and it seemed like insurance would not cover unless you had poor control, and out of pocket was in the hundreds of dollars per month. @midwesterner85 - what's your experience?

    @rheddmobile and @PastorVincent My insurance covers it, but there are co-pays / co-insurance that adds up fast. I spend nearly $200 / month on the co-insurance for sensors, the disposable part. But keep in mind that I have type 1 diabetes, which is a different circumstance altogether than type 2... even type 2's who are taking supplemental insulin.

    ETA: I have an insulin pump integrated with the CGM. I'm actually on the Medtronic 670G system, which has an auto-mode feature to automatically adjust basal (background) insulin and uses an algorithm to 'learn' your response and improve over time.

    I do not know if I am type 1/2 or any of that (I do have positive dx, and medication and all that). That would require me actually going back to an endo and so on. I know whatever I am I have read blood sugar swings from 20 to 300. Pretty sure that will put me in "mild" range if there is such a thing. Loosing 50 pounds and drastically revamping my diet has it mostly (eerr somewhat, well close enough) under control, so I self-dropped my meds. Though I really need to get a A1C (Or is it AC1?) test again. Problem is I moved and I do not have doctors up here. Been a few years now though so I should probably fix that. And get a cardio doc while I am at it. *sigh*

    Anyways thanks for the heads up above this tech. Doubt I am a candidate for it, but cool to know it exists.

    @PastorVincent You are most definitely a type 2.

    Type 1 is an auto-immune disorder where your pancreatic beta cells (islets of langerhans) are killed because our immune system thinks they are foreign bodies.

    Type 2 is a metabolic disorder usually related to obesity.

    When a type 1 loses weight, there is no change in the type 1 condition... we still make no insulin regardless of how much or little we weigh.

    ETA: You are talking about the Hemoglobin A1C test. The HbA1C is supposed to provide a rough average of BG control over the preceding 3-4 months (about the average life of red blood cells). BG leaves trace evidence on our red blood cells, which this test uses.

    My highest known BG was 938 mg/dl (hospital lab test) and lowest was too low to measure with available technology at the time (somewhere less than 20 mg/dl).
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Okay, Strava question. A few months ago I hooked my New Balance rewards account to Strava. I get NB reward points for all my recorded runs. I received two $20 off discounts this way and I am now a "Gold" member. :)

    I just found out you can connect Strava to your Walgreens account and get Walgreens reward points for running. This is fantastic! Does anyone know of any other Strava related discounts I am missing?

    And..now I cant find the link to connect Strava to the Walgreens Balance Rewards program. I am losing my mind apparently? Anyway, I did connect MFP to my Walgreens account and scored some rewards points that way. :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @PastorVincent Yah, I was referring to celiac. Guess I need to keep using my panic attacks as the reason I don't donate.

    My blood pressure was 130/90 at the docs today. Chalking that up to anxiety (I swear I am not as neurotic as I sound..) I have a home machine and whenever I take it at home I'm 115-120/70. They didn't say anything about it being high or having concerns so guess I won't either.

    I accidentally took a nap when I meant to run. So I guess I needed sleep more than a run? Tomorrow I will run first, lift second.

    Not a doctor, but those blood pressure readings I think are in the normal range.

    Oh, and it’s a known fact that blood pressure readings taken by a doctor can be up to 10% higher. My mums always saying hers shoots up. So you are indeed normal in that regard!!!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Long day at work today and tomorrow will be even longer. I thought I would get to the gym as scheduled to run and lift weights. Stopped after 2.7 miles on the treadmill because I wasn't feeling well. My BG was dropping fast and I felt like I might vomit (not a common hypoglycemia symptom for me, but maybe because I'm tired). Sometimes workouts just aren't good. So I skipped the rest of the run and skipped weights.

    Do you check your BG while you run, or you going by feel? I usually go by feel but if there was a way to auto track it while active that would be cool. I have had to abort once or twice and chews some glucose tabs. Makes me pretty annoyed.

    I track SG with a CGM.

    DUDE. I googled that! I have not heard of such a thing (probably would help if I actually kept my doctor's appointments...nah)! I will have to see about getting one. Getting down to 20 is not fun as you likely know...

    Aren't they super expensive? I looked into them and it seemed like insurance would not cover unless you had poor control, and out of pocket was in the hundreds of dollars per month. @midwesterner85 - what's your experience?

    @rheddmobile and @PastorVincent My insurance covers it, but there are co-pays / co-insurance that adds up fast. I spend nearly $200 / month on the co-insurance for sensors, the disposable part. But keep in mind that I have type 1 diabetes, which is a different circumstance altogether than type 2... even type 2's who are taking supplemental insulin.

    ETA: I have an insulin pump integrated with the CGM. I'm actually on the Medtronic 670G system, which has an auto-mode feature to automatically adjust basal (background) insulin and uses an algorithm to 'learn' your response and improve over time.

    I do not know if I am type 1/2 or any of that (I do have positive dx, and medication and all that). That would require me actually going back to an endo and so on. I know whatever I am I have read blood sugar swings from 20 to 300. Pretty sure that will put me in "mild" range if there is such a thing. Loosing 50 pounds and drastically revamping my diet has it mostly (eerr somewhat, well close enough) under control, so I self-dropped my meds. Though I really need to get a A1C (Or is it AC1?) test again. Problem is I moved and I do not have doctors up here. Been a few years now though so I should probably fix that. And get a cardio doc while I am at it. *sigh*

    Anyways thanks for the heads up above this tech. Doubt I am a candidate for it, but cool to know it exists.

    @PastorVincent You are most definitely a type 2.

    Type 1 is an auto-immune disorder where your pancreatic beta cells (islets of langerhans) are killed because our immune system thinks they are foreign bodies.

    Type 2 is a metabolic disorder usually related to obesity.

    When a type 1 loses weight, there is no change in the type 1 condition... we still make no insulin regardless of how much or little we weigh.

    ETA: You are talking about the Hemoglobin A1C test. The HbA1C is supposed to provide a rough average of BG control over the preceding 3-4 months (about the average life of red blood cells). BG leaves trace evidence on our red blood cells, which this test uses.

    My highest known BG was 938 mg/dl (hospital lab test) and lowest was too low to measure with available technology at the time (somewhere less than 20 mg/dl).

    Ah yes... HbA1C.. numbers are like 7 and 8 and stuff right? I think that was where I was (maybe 7?) last time I bothered to show up at the Endo doc.

    And my Pancrease is failing just not out for the count yet. So doe that mean type 1? I probably should get back to the doc some day.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @girlinahat I had a doc tell me I was too high & pre hypertension once at like 135/80 so I guess I assumed anything over the 120 was high. I've had some take the reading at the end and its always lower. Like why don't more do that?