

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Ooh look at this home in Coupeville, WA!!! It only has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath, but full basement, shop (for son), and lots of storage downstairs! The sun room looks nice, as well as the den, (we would make it into a library, with our bookshelves in the places the walls are. Thinking that lower bookshelves could go under the windows as well.

    Take a look!
  • DebCountsAll
    DebCountsAll Posts: 471 Member
    Hi Ladies... I just started on MFP 3 weeks ago. I love this program and am excited to join a group of ladies 50 plus. I am 53 a mom of a 11 year old and a competitive sailor. My husband said we needed to loose weight to stay competitive. It was just the incentive I needed, since I was feeling 50 plus and frumpy. Sooooo... I started logging my food each day. I'm eating 6 meals a day and my big goal for the rest of the month is NOT to eat after my 6th meal at 8:00 pm. Not watching TV after dinner maybe quite helpful. Plus if I'm typing or reading on the computer it's hard to eat and type at the same time : ) Are any of you ladies in Northern California?

    I am! I live in Sili Valley :) I am 52 and also a mom to two adult daughters. I lurk here and post very occasionally.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    MARY thanks for that will see what happens when I get there

    Kate UK <3<3
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Hi Sisters, my visit to the grandies was fabulous-just what I needed to get myself charged up again. Had an exciting incident while I was babysitting. Heard sirens and shouts and I went to the front gate to see if there was a fire at the neighbour's house as I could hear a fire engine close by. Just in front of our gate a police woman was handcuffing a man on the ground! I could see police cars everywhere and a fire engine... I thought maybe there had been a drug raid on the house, with people possibly about to run into my daughter's backyard where my grandchildren were playing. I sprinted back to them and brought them inside and locked all the doors. Watched out the window for awhile to try to see what was happening. Eventually found out that the police had been in ahigh speed chase after a stolen car which crashed into another car and started a fire at the end of my daughter's road, three houses down from us, and the offenders had run down the road but one was caught right in front of her house. The road was cordoned off for ages and an amubulance came for the others in the car crash. By the time my daughter and her hubby got back from their run and lunch, all was back to normal !

    My daughter lives in a beautiful part of the country with numerous trails for hiking, biking and running. I did five hours of running/hiking yesterday. Borrowed her collie dog Lucy and ran along the Hutt River Trail then in the afternoon, my daughter and I climbed a beautiful trail following a stream with lots of waterfalls up to Birchville Dam Trig. Also got to watch the finals of the ice skating. Took the grandies to a carnival and fair Sat afternoon. Had a great time. Awesome. Hubby was So Glad to see me when I got home last night. Makes me want to leave more often. LOL.

    NYKaren, I really enjoyed the Rome pictures, especially EROS. Just my type!

    Lisa, I have been through all the laundry room frustration with machine hogs with hapless grown up children living with me. My solution is to keep a basket that I pile their wet stuff into, then I use the machine and do my own laundry and after I'm through, I return their stuff to the machine. Simple fix. Are you too cold or too hot? A battery operated fan or heater, or gas powered might be a good short term solution. I know the best fix will be getting into your own space again.

    RORI, I am envious. Planning my exit too and going to get a date set before too long.

    <3 Wendy

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Sort of a busy day at work, haven't had time for too much lurking, but looks like everyone else is busy also, as this page is quiet today!
    Wendy, so glad you had a good time with the grandkids! And some excitement too! Happy that everyone in your world was safe and secure.
    The hiking sounds awesome, running, well, not so much! lol I fancied being a runner for awhile and was doing well, then had an injury and things just have not been the same since. Now I find I prefer other methods of cardio, ones that are less stress on the joints.
    Rori, I too am envious of your pending retirement! Sounds like you have your plans well laid out.
    That's it for me for now.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    stats for the day:

    rowing machine0 20min, 56aw, 111ahr, 137mhr, 3266meters= 135c
    apple watch- 146c
    arm ski machine- 10min, 42aw, 111ahr, 122mhr, 1490meters= 79c
    Apple Watch- 90c
    various- 17.11min, 2sets of 15ea, w/2-8# weights, 131ahr, 156mhr, 5 diff exercises, = 214c
    Apple Watch- 219c

    total cal 428
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Really cleaned the condo today. I don't always clean the tubs since we're here so little, but I did that today. I am surprised at how well I did getting to where we don't have much food left

    NYKaren - so glad you had such a great time in Rome. Good for you not gaining.

    Becca - that home looks beautiful. What floor is the bathroom on?

    Wendy - what excitement

    Michele soon to be in NC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Michele soon to be in NC, I think its the main floor, then there's a basement. I keep my eyes on a couple of rentals, then they get taken! Neither of us can move quite yet. He has til May on his townhouse, and we can only do it after husband has surgery, and recoups.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,976 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Mia still in MI,
    Welcome back Mia. Everyone has a back slide, now and then. Just get back on doing what you know will help you get along in your journey. It's good that you are listening to what your knees are telling you. That's the first step. I have the up most confidence in you!!
    Have a great Sunday!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member