anyone with big weight to shed!



  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I started the 4th of august. I have been sticking to the plan, staying under my calories, and eating less processed food, more protien and whole grains, and exercising regularly. Today is the 6th of Sept I have lost 12 pounds so far, look alot thinner than I did a month ago, and feel alot better then I have in a while. I hope that everyone else is having success also. Remember to eat to live, not live to eat. I have also noticed that I crave the good foods now, and alot of the things that I used to like to eat taste bad now. It is either too salty or sweet. Take for instance: one day I went to mcdonalds and got a sausage biscuit cause I was really low on my calories for the day. It tasted like crap. I felt like i was eating a salt sandwich... needless to say I wont be doing that again for a long time if ever. Another instance: my girlfriend and I went to cracker barrel for dinner one night. It was our splurge night, so for dessert I got a pice of the carrot cake with a scoop of ice cream on the side and we split it. I had the greatest sugar rush that I have ever experienced. I was bouncing off of the walls. And to think that I used to eat a whole dessert and it not phase me, well that is just insane. I actually stayed under my calories that night cause when i got home I was soo tired after the sugar wore off I slept the entire night.(i am usually up all night cause I work nights)

    Just remember to keep working at it and never give up and all of us can reach our goals!!!
  • ibbsters
    ibbsters Posts: 4 Member
    hello there, i would like to join. im new and have not made any friends yet. and this thread sounds like the perfect place to start. im looking to lose about 70pound at the moment. im 23 stone at the moment. altho i used to be 34 stone 6 years ago...
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    hello there, i would like to join. im new and have not made any friends yet. and this thread sounds like the perfect place to start. im looking to lose about 70pound at the moment. im 23 stone at the moment. altho i used to be 34 stone 6 years ago...

    How much is a stone?
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    hello there, i would like to join. im new and have not made any friends yet. and this thread sounds like the perfect place to start. im looking to lose about 70pound at the moment. im 23 stone at the moment. altho i used to be 34 stone 6 years ago...

    How much is a stone?

    One stone is 14lbs or 6.35 Kg :smile:
  • Hi Amber! I need to lose about 100 lbs and would love to join your support group!!!

  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    I started in the begining of April with 136 lbs to lose to get me to a healthy BMI. As of today I still have 98 lbs to go to get me to that weight! The summer months I slowed way down because living in Oklahoma it gets HOT and my AC was not working right so it was too hot to do my DVDs inside and too hot to walk, so I swam as much as I could while continuing to eat well! Our weather is cooling down again so YAY I can start walking and doing my DVDS. I am bound and determined to take this weight off! I have 3 kiddos, 12, 10 and 5, I am bound and determined to be here for them as long as possible and to set a good example for them! I'm sooo in!!
  • BBELL6848
    I know you guys have started this group already, can I still join? I'd like to lose 80-90 lbs and I need any help I can get!
  • registerednut
    Congrats to everyone with your weight loss! I need to loose 65-75lb's... I hear you, I have lost 70lb's twice in my life and have gained it twice right back, this time I am in it for good also feel that a support group is a great idea! I enjoy hiking and will like to start running once my body lets me. Weight loss is so much work it is truly one day at a time.
  • Damage483
    Hello everyone. I can't help but feel the positive vibes and hope to share and read about everyone's successes. I am hoping to lose 85-100 lbs on this journey. Good luck to all and keep up the good work. :)
  • ebert5150
    ebert5150 Posts: 135 Member
    I started at 278 and my goal is :-(
  • Jenny_Gentry
    Count me in! I'm brand new to this site, thanks to my sister, and have about 80-85 lbs to lose. It seems like a daunting task, but I think I'm finally ready. Almost two decades of having weight issues, and I'm more than ready to be done!
  • Doordie
    oh yeah 100 plus just starting out.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    70+ lbs here... :-)
  • stacevengeance
    I'm trying for around 70-80 lbs. I've lost 10 already but I just can't get motivated to exercise. This sounds awesome!
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I need to loose about 72 lbs. to reach my weight loss goal. I just recently started back on my diet and exercising 2 weeks ago when i checked my blood pressure and it was a little high. Count me in.
  • dindivt
    I need to lose 68lbs so I can get back into my skinny clothes. Its funny how you think that you can do it all on your own but you do really need the support especially from people who know what you are going through not just your family or friends. Granted Ive only been using this site for a day but I already feel hooked. Hopefully I am this excited and inspired in two weeks as I am today.
  • jojo0909
    jojo0909 Posts: 115 Member
    Count me in, too. This will be a very long journey for me, but I am up to it!
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Hi, Group! Just found this thread and it's perfect for me!! My goal is to lose 125 lbs. I'm down 20, so partway there!! Been doing this since mid-August.

    Would love to have some more buddies!

    Maria (a.k.a. The Lima)
  • Dionne2010
    Im sooo in! im workin on 100, when i get that finished i will see what else i feel i need! baby steps!
  • kelligurl
    kelligurl Posts: 1 Member
    I've had two kids in two years, and now I'm looking to lose about 75 pounds. I really want to feel healthy and have the energy I need. Plus, if I decide to have another kid in the future, I really want to be in shape before it happens. I just found this site and think it's awesome. I'm looking forward to make great friends on our common quest for a better lifestyle.