Over 200 New Year New Me Part 27



  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Birthdays (and that birthday "hangover" feeling - let's keep all this crappy eating and celebrating ME going!) are hard! But as we all know, you gotta log it and move on.

    Logging the crap from yesterday:
    Cals - OVER by LOTS. 1999 (what the what?!?! on a weekday?!?)
    Water - Super good (the only thing that was!) - 104 oz
    Exercise - Nada
    Proud - Logged it all. Every chip (and there were lots) and bite of birthday cake. On an upside (for the future at least), there is no more birthday cake in the house for me to eat!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies...

    I am have been in a worldwind of no exercise and eating over calories now for 3 days...This is the longest i haven't gone to the gym since i started...I have been so hungry i had 4 yes 4 brownies..given they were jillian michaels brownies, made with honey and applesauce, but still 4...on yeah the last one was with peanutbutter on top.

    so given, no exercise since saturday, over cals sun - tuesday, TOM here...and.....I am 1 1/2 down since friday...not really sure how that happened..

    I know that I can't keep up like that...maybe my body just needed a little break.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies. I see lots of us have been having some crappy days lately. I been right there with y'all. I like what blue said. Start fresh today and let's make the rest of this week a good week. Let's not let the first couple of days get us down and ruin the whole week. We all have goals we want to meet. Mine became a reality last night. When I tried on the dress for my sisters wedding it was in a more flattering color I guess. When I got it home last night and tried it on I was quite ashamed. Almost wish I would of got a bigger size. BUT I'm going to take it as motivation. I took a picture and anytime I want to snack or give up, I'm going to look at that picture. I will NOT look like that at my sisters wedding. The good news is I only need to lose about 5-10 pounds for it to look good. My goal is to be at 190 which would be about 22 pounds. Totally doable in 3 months. 3 months from Friday. I have committed to working out twice today. I already went this morning and I will do a fitness DVD tonight. Probably 30 Day Shred. Hope everybody has a better day today! :flowerforyou: Be back later!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Today i already know i will be over...I have this party at my house tonight, i still have to get something to bring, plates, drinks, etc...why did i volunteer this month...uggg...

    We are having pizza before...pap muphy's (like a take and bake), usally isn't quite as greasy but i am sure not the best...and of course no exercise cause i got to be running around at lunch...hopefully I will get back in my routine soon.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning!

    Check in
    calories: a little over, ( I failed this weeks challenge - I ate some chips and popcorn)
    water: still not doing good...I reach about 64 oz, but I am usually aiming for 90/100oz
    exercise: light things..cleaned/mopped downstairs all 4 rooms, plus some Mall shopping for schoool clothing
    proud: even thought I ate a couple chips I didn't over do it...I knew when to stop..I feel guilty for eating theim in the first place.

    Elmox, Nancy, Jess, Cris, and LItdeb...I had some bad moment yesterday, but today is a new day..

    Nancy, thanks for the home remedies for hubby...it looks so bad today..but not so bad that he need to see a doctor..Thanks GOD!
    Congats on the new Labtop..I love my laptop more than the desktop because of it portablity..enjoy it:bigsmile:

    Jess, I am in ( if it's a challenge you are throwing at us) in 3 months will be my birhtday..so I am to be at least 30 pounds lighter.. we can motivated each other and help each other through our weak moments..

    back in a few...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb -- parties are FUN! Your house doesn't have to be spotless and the snacks don't have to be perfect. Just take a deep breath to de-stress and enjoy your night. :smile:

    Cris -- I too often fall for the "Well, I already screwed up, may as well screw up more!" line of thought. :noway: It's amazing you were able to stop it! Just think, assuming a "normal" metabolism, 2000 is probably around maintenance cals for you so no harm done. :wink: Have fun on vacation!

    Jess -- Way to use that dress as motivation!

    Blue -- Have fun with your laptop! I love sitting outside while browsing the interwebs. Makes me feel a little bit less like a shut-in nerd. :smile:

    Elmox -- I'm feeling you with TOM. It's killing me. Today seems to have started off better than Monday or Tuesday though so I have hopes that I won't spend the majority of the day doubled over with cramps. At least with mine this month I've been too nauseous to overeat. :drinker:

    myworld -- I think we pretty much all facebook. Feel free to add me BlantoJL@mailbox.sc.edu

    Calories: 1315
    Exercise: I was doubled over in the fetal position for much of the day. Does that count as an ab workout? :tongue:
    Water: I'm not sure. I don't have much logged. But that doesn't really mean anything.
    challenge: I succeeded in not eating any of my most common processed foods (other than bread for breakfast). But I MEGA failed in that I ate *more* processed foods than usual...
    Proud: I went to Kroger last night and spent $37, saved $62 AND got $8 back in vouchers to use on my next purchase at Kroger. :bigsmile: That's $107 worth of groceries for $37! I'm getting good at this.

    edit: oh, spelling.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess, I am in ( if it's a challenge you are throwing at us) in 3 months will be my birhtday..so I am to be at least 30 pounds lighter.. we can motivated each other and help each other through our weak moments..

    back in a few...

    I know several of us commited to it before. So I we need to really push each other. I've got my cousin all over my butt! I HAVE to loset his weight to look good in this dress. I refuse to have it altered and let out or have to wear big panties. I did my workout this morning. Jillian is going to kick my butt tonight and tomorrow morning. Thinking SPIN class tomorrow evening, and SPIN Saturday morning. We WILL do this!

    LilDebbie- Hope you get back in the swing of things soon. You probably just burnt yourself out. Your body is forceing you to rest!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - Those are soom good deals..I got me a 3.00 one a kroger to use...i was soo made cause i had a 4.00 one and it expired :sad: Thanks for the words on the party tonight...My house is always a mess i have tried moving all the mess upstairs so at least people won't see it :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I love hearing about your bargans!

    MyWorlds-I have facebook as well. Feel free to add me lilboh02@gmail.com

    Blue-Congrats on the laptop that's awesome! You will just need to get a wireless router or modem, not sure what it's called. If you go to best buy or call your service provider they could probably help you out.

    Cris-Have lots of fun on your vacation!

    Elmox-You still stayed under 2000 calories and that's the good news. Probably didn't do as much harm as you think. Just start today fresh. Make the rest of the week a great week!

    Sorry, realized I didn't comment earlier. My memory is not so good sometimes!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie - Those are soom good deals..I got me a 3.00 one a kroger to use...i was soo made cause i had a 4.00 one and it expired :sad: Thanks for the words on the party tonight...My house is always a mess i have tried moving all the mess upstairs so at least people won't see it :smile:
    I agree with Julie. Don't stress about everything being perfect, just have fun!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - Those are soom good deals..I got me a 3.00 one a kroger to use...i was soo made cause i had a 4.00 one and it expired :sad: Thanks for the words on the party tonight...My house is always a mess i have tried moving all the mess upstairs so at least people won't see it :smile:
    I agree with Julie. Don't stress about everything being perfect, just have fun!

    I am going to try...

    The fun part is going to get the kids to stay up stairs....serena will be good (hopefully) , but the little one gets out of her room every night and it this going bacvk and forth putting her back in her room. Hubby is going to be upstairs with them...we will see how it works out :smile: with that....
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I brought some leftover chili that I have frozen for lunch today. Don't think it's going to unthaw in time. Makes me want to go out to lunch but I know I must not go out to lunch!! Gonna spend half my lunch unthawing this brick! :indifferent:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Blue: Congrats on the laptop for your birthday. Sounds like you have an awesome brother!

    myworld: Feel free to look me up on Facebook. My email address is whinney24@yahoo.com

    My friend brought me a big banana chocolate chip muffin this morning as a surprise since she had an errand near my work. That was so sweet of her. But, after I started eating it, I looked up the calories...640! I ate about 3/4 of it and threw the rest away. Add the muffin to the iced mocha I had before she showed up and I'm at almost 1,000 calories for breakfast. Whoa! At least she brought me Diet Dr. Pepper to go along with my muffin.

    All of that being said, I'm not worried because I've planned the rest of my food for the day and should be just fine! Whew!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 388 (all exercise cals)
    Sodium: Over by 1379 (frozen pizza for dinner)
    Water: 84.5 oz.
    Exercise: 45 minutes of tennis with mom and sister.
    Proud: I planned my frozen yogurt into my day, so I was able to have dessert after tennis.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi all ... I didn't catch up on everything but I think I missed another birthday ... Happy Birthday ELmox! :drinker: :drinker:

    I'm not tracking right now ... just too much going on with my health and work, but I will check in from time to time and will get back on track soon I hope. I think I've been doing ok food-wise.

    I had my myelogram yesterday - that kind of sucked, but wasn't as horrible as I was afraid of. The test itself is a little painful but short - they numb up the surface of your skin but it still hurt deep inside when they stuck the needle in the area around my spinal cord - plus they had to do it twice because she picked a bad spot initially. Several times I got pretty painful zingers down my sciatic nerve all the way down my left buttcheck and leg - not so much fun. But worse was afterwards. I was in the hospital for 4.5 hours for the test and then several hours of 'observation' - I was on my back and feeling pretty good during that time. When I was released I was overjoyed to jump up and run to the bathroom (no way I was having someone else hold a bed pain for me when I wasn't allowed to get up or sit up ... so I held it for at least 2 hours) ... but then I got super dizzy and nauseous, and a headache. I guess that is a normal possible side-effect of the test so had to spend the rest of the day on my back at home and only get up to pee .... pretty darn boring. Today I feel better - just a tiny bit woozy and headachy - but my back is really sore where they stuck me with needles and my butt and hamstring is sore where I got those zingers. Hopefully they will go away soon. I'm at work - but not very comfortable and didn't sleep well. I'm SICK OF not feeling 100%! It isn't helping my exercise or diet either.
  • blkgrlwithdreams
    Hey everyone! Just checking in.. not too much new going on, just waiting to see the changes in my body that I feel in my mind & soul!

    calories: almost 1500
    water: 100+
    exercise: 20 mins Level 1, Day 2 30 day shred!! :)
    proud: Excited about all the compliments I'm getting!!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hey Blk - We're over at the new thread for the week. Come and join us!

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Hey Blk - We're over at the new thread for the week. Come and join us!
