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Fast Food Addiction - Can Anyone Else Relate?

Random Thought:
Who here is addicted to fast food? Yesterday, I kind of cheated on my weight loss program and had Burger King for the first time in a while. Now, at that very moment it felt good to have a hamburger again but than later in the evening, I felt disgusting. I felt bloated, heavy, depressed and felt like I didn't want to work out at all. Honesty, since then, I have felt this desire to get more fast food, and even though I was full after I had a meal at Burger King, I still wanted more....that's how terrible my addiction is. Fast Food is the devil haha sorry don't need to be dramatic but for those that are addicted to food, I'm sure you will understand.

Long story short, since November of 2017, I've lost 52lbs. I have a long way to go but when I started my weight loss journey, I was 400lbs. I became highly addicted to fast food. Even though I love to cook and I love all of the healthy delicious foods, I ate fast food about four days a week at least and that's how I became so obese. I wanted fast food every day and yesterday, I got a glimpse of the old me and it kind of scared me because thinking about how much I've worked on myself since then, and how much I can easily gain the weight I loss because of my terrible food addiction. After I had fast food, my mind has been thinking about it ever since. Does anyone else get these thoughts as well?
