Random compliments from strangers



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I am always giving compliments to people IRL. Again, not catty or rude compliments, but very sincere ones - if I like their hair, their clothes, something they do, something the say, etc. I love seeing them smile and most appreciate the gesture.
  • DesireeNL
    DesireeNL Posts: 220 Member
    Doesn't happen a whole lot but I just smile and say thanks :-) It doesn't mean they want something from you or you have to engage in a conversation, usually they just move on minding their own business anyway.

    There was an older lady who came up to me at the bus stop and said she just HAD to tell me that my hair colour was so beautiful and asked if it was my natural colour. (I'm a ginger) That was really sweet of her and it made me smile. And it was a good reminder to give more compliments myself, knowing how nice it feels to get one!

    I've only experienced one weird situation, when I was in the US at the mall, having a slushee/slurpie (don't remember what those things are called) and playing around with my phone while waiting for someone. Some guy came up to me, sat at my table and started telling me how beautiful my hair was and how it looked like silk and how I looked like an angel. Yes it was creepy. He did try to ask me out on a date. Turns out he was 18 or 19, and I'm 32 O_o When he started to touch me (hand on my shoulder) I stopped it right there and told him to keep his hands to himself. Luckily he got the message and left.
  • nursenelson
    I get a lot about my hair, and it makes my day. People that have to tell me they love the colors I have, or that my make up is nice, makes me feel nice about myself. If I see someone that has a really nice dress, shoes, shirt, anything, I will let them know that I think its pretty and I like it.

    I get compliments on my hair and makeup too!
    and I also compliment someone if I think they have nice shoes or a cool purse etc

    Usually a Thank - you is the best thing to say