'you're fat therefore you were eating too much food'... NO



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    That's fine, if people haven't heard that then it's not as big an issue as I thought, which is a good thing. I've heard and read it a LOT and it pisses me off, and I (obviously incorrectly) figured other people would get it. Actually, not totally incorrectly, as others in here HAVE got it, but still.

    People have misinterpreted and gone on tangents - this is the internet and that happens. Don't really care. Wouldn't have chimed back in except to clarify a couple things that I don't want to be accused of promoting because I don't believe in them.

    Miscommunication, miswording of a legit concern on my part ....whatever. Storm in a teacup and I couldn't really care less about peoples interpretations of it and writing me off as an idiot or whatever, I know where I was coming from and I've spoken about it with people before.

    Differing opinions make the world go round and clearly there are many of those here... we all know how we got fat and what we changed to get thin again, so hey.

    You got overweight because you ate too much food.

    U mad?
  • jaggerhawks
    jaggerhawks Posts: 187 Member
    That's fine, if people haven't heard that then it's not as big an issue as I thought, which is a good thing. I've heard and read it a LOT and it pisses me off, and I (obviously incorrectly) figured other people would get it. Actually, not totally incorrectly, as others in here HAVE got it, but still.

    People have misinterpreted and gone on tangents - this is the internet and that happens. Don't really care. Wouldn't have chimed back in except to clarify a couple things that I don't want to be accused of promoting because I don't believe in them.

    Miscommunication, miswording of a legit concern on my part ....whatever. Storm in a teacup and I couldn't really care less about peoples interpretations of it and writing me off as an idiot or whatever, I know where I was coming from and I've spoken about it with people before.

    Differing opinions make the world go round and clearly there are many of those here... we all know how we got fat and what we changed to get thin again, so hey.

    You got overweight because you ate too much food.

    U mad?

    She madd
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    That's fine, if people haven't heard that then it's not as big an issue as I thought, which is a good thing. I've heard and read it a LOT and it pisses me off, and I (obviously incorrectly) figured other people would get it. Actually, not totally incorrectly, as others in here HAVE got it, but still.

    People have misinterpreted and gone on tangents - this is the internet and that happens. Don't really care. Wouldn't have chimed back in except to clarify a couple things that I don't want to be accused of promoting because I don't believe in them.

    Miscommunication, miswording of a legit concern on my part ....whatever. Storm in a teacup and I couldn't really care less about peoples interpretations of it and writing me off as an idiot or whatever, I know where I was coming from and I've spoken about it with people before.

    Differing opinions make the world go round and clearly there are many of those here... we all know how we got fat and what we changed to get thin again, so hey.

    For some strange reason, I have a sneaking suspicion you just did not understand what you read, due to errors in deductive and/or inductive reasoning.

    Oh wait, I got it! It's because this forum is part of my fitness pal, a program designed around COUNTING CALORIES. It's therefore QUITE PROBABLE that most of the advice here regarding weight loss will involve DETERMINING THE PROPER AMOUNT OF CLAORIES IN YOUR FOOD AND EATING ACCORDINGLY TO REACH YOUR GOALS.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    This is the strangest thread I've read today. Congratulations, OP.
  • sdonovan4
    sdonovan4 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm not fat i'm just big boned
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    I, too, think the OP implied VOLUME - eating a large amount of 'food' does not necessarily automatically equal large amount of calories.

    You can eat smaller VOLUME, and still consume a TON of calories. Milkshakes, an easy way to get in over 1000 calories in a glass - vs drinking water - same VOLUME - guaranteed if you have 3 milkshakes a day vs 3 large glasses of water, you're bound to gain weight, and that's just ONE example. Add in mayo laden, cheese laden, butter laden anything, and you've got calorie dense foods that pack on the pounds, with small volume.

    Anyhow - we could use a thousand examples here, I get what the OP was implying, and agree 100%. I've eaten both ways, calorie dense, and non calorie dense, same amount of food by volume, and lost weight one way, gained it the other. Pretty simple if you ask me.

    I agree and I think this probably arose in response to people telling others that since they are fat enough to need to lose weight, they should have no trouble shoveling enough healthy food in their gullet to make their calorie goal for the day. Some people got fat by eating four candy bars and a take way meal with a giant pop everyday while skipping the rest of their meals. It takes some adjustment for those people to get used to eating more times a day and eating enough volume of healthier foods to hit calorie goals.

    Not that I think for one minute that it can't be done. It just requires some discipline and learning to listen to all of the body's hunger cues.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    ahem. I never referenced morality. Just because a word has been used in a religious/moral context, doesn't mean it doesn't have a valid basis - as defined by merriam webster:
    Definition of GLUTTONY
    : excess in eating or drinking
    : greedy or excessive indulgence

    And seriously? this is getting - or rather has gotten for some time - way out of hand. :noway: people talking about "Stop making Excuses" and this kind of argument are really pointless. No one is making excuses - not that I have seen. This is just crazy - just because someone says "simply eating a ton of food is not what made me fat, eating too much of the wrong kind of food did" all of a sudden, the 'holier than thou crowd' has to come out attacking such a simple fact. I swear, some people have nothing better to do than to stir the pot and pick a fight. Bullies abound... :drinker:

    Please see bolded, you said it yourself, too much food.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I, too, think the OP implied VOLUME - eating a large amount of 'food' does not necessarily automatically equal large amount of calories.

    You can eat smaller VOLUME, and still consume a TON of calories. Milkshakes, an easy way to get in over 1000 calories in a glass - vs drinking water - same VOLUME - guaranteed if you have 3 milkshakes a day vs 3 large glasses of water, you're bound to gain weight, and that's just ONE example. Add in mayo laden, cheese laden, butter laden anything, and you've got calorie dense foods that pack on the pounds, with small volume.

    Anyhow - we could use a thousand examples here, I get what the OP was implying, and agree 100%. I've eaten both ways, calorie dense, and non calorie dense, same amount of food by volume, and lost weight one way, gained it the other. Pretty simple if you ask me.

    I agree and I think this probably arose in response to people telling others that since they are fat enough to need to lose weight, they should have no trouble shoveling enough healthy food in their gullet to make their calorie goal for the day. Some people got fat by eating four candy bars and a take way meal with a giant pop everyday while skipping the rest of their meals. It takes some adjustment for those people to get used to eating more times a day and eating enough volume of healthier foods to hit calorie goals.

    Not that I think for one minute that it can't be done. It just requires some discipline and learning to listen to all of the body's hunger cues.

    You don't have to eat massive volumes of "clean food". This is just more BS from the "clean eating" crowd.

    I have yet to see a definition for clean food that actually holds up to scrutiny.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    I like the, "I ruined my metabolism by dieting..."
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    ahem. I never referenced morality. Just because a word has been used in a religious/moral context, doesn't mean it doesn't have a valid basis - as defined by merriam webster:
    Definition of GLUTTONY
    : excess in eating or drinking
    : greedy or excessive indulgence

    And seriously? this is getting - or rather has gotten for some time - way out of hand. :noway: people talking about "Stop making Excuses" and this kind of argument are really pointless. No one is making excuses - not that I have seen. This is just crazy - just because someone says "simply eating a ton of food is not what made me fat, eating too much of the wrong kind of food did" all of a sudden, the 'holier than thou crowd' has to come out attacking such a simple fact. I swear, some people have nothing better to do than to stir the pot and pick a fight. Bullies abound... :drinker:

    Please see bolded, you said it yourself, too much food.

    Still think you're missing the point. at least my point. I've had people give me big eyes and "OMG are you going to eat ALL THAT??" when I sit in front of a massive salad, filled with various veggies, maybe a chopped apple and some chicken. My response is 'HELL YES!" calories? eh - let's say probably around 400 ish depending on varying ingredients. I'm not a clean eating nazi by any stretch, however, I DO know that veggies, fruit, and lean meats, are less calorie dense than some of the fast food options, so yeah, if I am hungry and am watching calories, I'll opt for a large salad filled with various yummy things to fill me up without blowing my calories for the day.

    And personally, I HAVE seen the looks, heard the comments, know what SOME people think, when they look at a fat person. They truly do visualize massive amounts of junk food being consumed by said person. My comment above, was taken a bit out of context - when I said 'too much of the wrong kind of food' I meant in an average diet, consuming too many fast food meals for example - to blow out my calories for the given day or days. That is not the same as saying someone sat down to 4 supersize quarter pounder meals (or even 2) 2-3 times a day - and yet this is what SOME people envision when they see an overweight person.

    From my own perspective, until I started logging here (as many others have said!) many people have no concept of the calorie content of food. Having a large shake, a bacon double cheeseburger, and fries, can blow your calories for the day. I wouldn't consider that a LARGE volume of food - at least not a Crazy large amount. Not all fat people are downing fast food meals 3 times a day plus massive amounts of candy bars and bags of chips. Yet there are people out there who will look at a fat person and assume that is what they are doing. Again, if a person eats a normal diet, all but for a large milkshake every day, that would gain them 1 lb per week- 52 lbs in a year, over 100 lbs in 2 years. to say that they ate too much food would be rather silly, in that circumstance. They didn't, they had an over abundance of calories for their expenditure. Anyhow - I think in a way, we are all saying the same thing, and at the end of the day, agree, but for one thing. That is, that some people seem to think that because THEY don't look at people thinking that they are sitting down eating massive amounts of junk food causing them to be fat, that NO one thinks that. Biggest problem in this thread is tunnel vision and people assuming that their thought patterns are the only ones experienced by the rest of the world. I accept that there are both sides to the view, and that there are people on both sides with both trains of thought, and that comments are made by people who are thin, but have no concept of calories in/calories out, because they haven't had to worry about it. Those people, will judge based on what they think they know, which turns out to be not much. But they judge nonetheless.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member

    In all seriousness though, I got fat from eating stuff I shouldn't have and not moving as much. Bottom line, yes I have been fat all my life, but in ways it's my own fault, particularly after my mom died. I admit I stand up and take responsibility for it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    to say that they ate too much food would be rather silly, in that circumstance. They didn't, they had an over abundance of calories for their expenditure.

    That's what "ate too much food" means.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    hmmmmmmmmm a bit brave in my humble opinion...
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    to say that they ate too much food would be rather silly, in that circumstance. They didn't, they had an over abundance of calories for their expenditure.

    That's what "ate too much food" means.

    Not to everyone. Obviously. We will agree to disagree. if said example switched out a protein shake for the milkshake, it may take longer for the one to gain the extra weight, but he still would. And the amount of food would be the same Roughly.

    My definition of 'too much food' is based on quantity/volume. "too much FOOD".
    It sounds like your definition of 'too much food' is based on CALORIES

    Two completely different views. really they do not mean the same thing AT ALL.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    to say that they ate too much food would be rather silly, in that circumstance. They didn't, they had an over abundance of calories for their expenditure.

    That's what "ate too much food" means.

    Not to everyone. Obviously. We will agree to disagree. if said example switched out a protein shake for the milkshake, it may take longer for the one to gain the extra weight, but he still would. And the amount of food would be the same Roughly.

    My definition of 'too much food' is based on quantity/volume. "too much FOOD".
    It sounds like your definition of 'too much food' is based on CALORIES

    Two completely different views. really they do not mean the same thing AT ALL.

    Yes, to everyone.

    "Eat too much food" means "once you have eaten a quantity of food sufficient to maintain your weight, you continue to eat more food."

    It necessarily means more calories. It also means volume. Whatever food you consume after you've had enough food is too much food.

    That's what people mean when they say it. They mean that you keep eating even after you've had enough.
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    to say that they ate too much food would be rather silly, in that circumstance. They didn't, they had an over abundance of calories for their expenditure.

    That's what "ate too much food" means.

    Not to everyone. Obviously. We will agree to disagree. if said example switched out a protein shake for the milkshake, it may take longer for the one to gain the extra weight, but he still would. And the amount of food would be the same Roughly.

    My definition of 'too much food' is based on quantity/volume. "too much FOOD".
    It sounds like your definition of 'too much food' is based on CALORIES

    Two completely different views. really they do not mean the same thing AT ALL.

    Yes, to everyone.

    "Eat too much food" means "once you have eaten a quantity of food sufficient to maintain your weight, you continue to eat more food."

    It necessarily means more calories. It also means volume. Whatever food you consume after you've had enough food is too much food.

    That's what people mean when they say it. They mean that you keep eating even after you've had enough.

    LOL. OK - Find me the public definition that meets what you listed above, and I will concede. To me, it just looks like we have different opinions. Let me let you in on a secret, just because someone disagrees with you, does not mean that they are wrong - or that the rest of the world is wrong. I'm simply saying that people view it differently. For you to state that the whole world agrees with you, is a bit pompous. Like I said, if you can prove this is the generally accepted view, instead of your opinion, I will stand corrected. I also find it amusing that you assume that everyone magically knows when they have had enough calories. People on here will or should, but I wouldn't say the general population does.


    Edited to add: You can overeat salads, and still LOSE weight.. too much food is just too much food. not calories. Too much food does not equal weight gain.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    to say that they ate too much food would be rather silly, in that circumstance. They didn't, they had an over abundance of calories for their expenditure.

    That's what "ate too much food" means.

    Not to everyone. Obviously. We will agree to disagree. if said example switched out a protein shake for the milkshake, it may take longer for the one to gain the extra weight, but he still would. And the amount of food would be the same Roughly.

    My definition of 'too much food' is based on quantity/volume. "too much FOOD".
    It sounds like your definition of 'too much food' is based on CALORIES

    Two completely different views. really they do not mean the same thing AT ALL.

    Yes, to everyone.

    "Eat too much food" means "once you have eaten a quantity of food sufficient to maintain your weight, you continue to eat more food."

    It necessarily means more calories. It also means volume. Whatever food you consume after you've had enough food is too much food.

    That's what people mean when they say it. They mean that you keep eating even after you've had enough.

    LOL. OK - Find me the public definition that meets what you listed above, and I will concede. To me, it just looks like we have different opinions. Let me let you in on a secret, just because someone disagrees with you, does not mean that they are wrong - or that the rest of the world is wrong. I'm simply saying that people view it differently. For you to state that the whole world agrees with you, is a bit pompous. Like I said, if you can prove this is the generally accepted view, instead of your opinion, I will stand corrected. I also find it amusing that you assume that everyone magically knows when they have had enough calories. People on here will or should, but I wouldn't say the general population does.


    Putting a little flower after a post where you call someone pompous doesn't make you something other than rude.

    When someone says you "eat too much food" it means that you continue to eat food after you've had enough food to maintain your weight.

    That's just how it is. Period, end of story. No one in the history of ever said "you eat too much food" and meant it the way you keep saying it.
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    to say that they ate too much food would be rather silly, in that circumstance. They didn't, they had an over abundance of calories for their expenditure.

    That's what "ate too much food" means.

    Not to everyone. Obviously. We will agree to disagree. if said example switched out a protein shake for the milkshake, it may take longer for the one to gain the extra weight, but he still would. And the amount of food would be the same Roughly.

    My definition of 'too much food' is based on quantity/volume. "too much FOOD".
    It sounds like your definition of 'too much food' is based on CALORIES

    Two completely different views. really they do not mean the same thing AT ALL.

    Yes, to everyone.

    "Eat too much food" means "once you have eaten a quantity of food sufficient to maintain your weight, you continue to eat more food."

    It necessarily means more calories. It also means volume. Whatever food you consume after you've had enough food is too much food.

    That's what people mean when they say it. They mean that you keep eating even after you've had enough.

    LOL. OK - Find me the public definition that meets what you listed above, and I will concede. To me, it just looks like we have different opinions. Let me let you in on a secret, just because someone disagrees with you, does not mean that they are wrong - or that the rest of the world is wrong. I'm simply saying that people view it differently. For you to state that the whole world agrees with you, is a bit pompous. Like I said, if you can prove this is the generally accepted view, instead of your opinion, I will stand corrected. I also find it amusing that you assume that everyone magically knows when they have had enough calories. People on here will or should, but I wouldn't say the general population does.


    Putting a little flower after a post where you call someone pompous doesn't make you something other than rude.

    When someone says you "eat too much food" it means that you continue to eat food after you've had enough food to maintain your weight.

    That's just how it is. Period, end of story. No one in the history of ever said "you eat too much food" and meant it the way you keep saying it.

    I am sorry if you think I was being rude - but implying that your opinion is the only one that could ever have any truth to it and the rest of the world agrees with you, without anything to back it up - well I am at a loss for words to describe that view other than what I used. And obviously you are discounting my personal experience then, and having seen this behavior myself. I, on the other hand, never said that people don't have views such as yours, I just said I know that there are VARYING views on this subject, and I accept that. You're not accepting of that fact, and are stating as fact, your opinion, without any facts to back it up, other than your opinion.

    You don't like when people disagree with you, I get it, but that doesn't change the fact that you should at least ACCEPT the fact that there are people out there who have different views and beliefs than your own. Assuming your view and belief is the only one out there - is - well - ... OK - I'll refrain from saying it, as nothing more apt comes to mind, and I have no intention of being rude.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    At this point, I have decided that this thread is "much ado about nothing." The OP's writing hurts my brain. It's like she has tried to place as many words in a sentence that she can that might possibly relate, as if she might somehow communicate a cohesive thought. She writes 3 or 4 paragraphs in one post that say, literally, nothing at all, and leaves it completely open to interpretation. Yet, she continues to fail to fully clarify what she means. It's like she's smoking a big fat blunt right before typing out every post.

    It's too late at night for me to continue to try and make sense of it. I'm out.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    You don't like when people disagree with you, I get it

    I don't like it when people say things that are nonsensical and wrong, particularly when they do it in a snobbish rude way. There's a difference ;)