The SWaT Team Challenge - Month 2



  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Way to go everybody! pmjsmom your doing great! Already halfway to your goal. Your ahead of schedule. I need 9 more miles by Tuesday to make my halfway mark. Gonna be out and about tomorrow but probably doing some walking along the way. I might take my pedometer with me if I don't forget! lol

    I did the 4 fast miles from the Walk slim series. I like the fast paced workouts and that one's fast.

    Everybody have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Sandara--I'm trying to get ahead in case things happen later the way they did last time!

    I actually did another 5 miles--the 3 mile WATP for Abs and the 2 mile Walk n' Tone--mainly because we're going to a baseball game tonight and i want a calorie cushion--just in case!

    I only worked 1.5 hours today so I had the time to get more walking in.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    My husband is being funny tonite! He says we should make a new workout video called "Shop away the pounds" guaranteed to make your wallet lighter.

    I asked him for some money so I could get to working on it but he wouldn't contribute! lol

  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Screeched to a stop today as both knee's went out on me yesterday night. I did get 2 whole blocks in, whoopy. I am taking today off icing and motrin. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    This heat wave is a kill'n me:devil: did a total of 5 miles with the dvd, and one mile outside, I nearly melted:laugh:
    :flowerforyou: megamom:flowerforyou: hope ya feel better tomorrow, get some rest
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Sandara--I'll help with that video! LOL! (LOVE your kitty pics--I'll have to post a couple of mine later!)

    Megamom--Sure hope your knees are feeling better! Take it easy until they do.

    Plumsgrl--You're doing great!

    I've gotten 3 miles of the 4 Mile Super Challenge in so far. I hope to get in at least another 4 miles--we'll see.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi everyone, well I managed to do another 6 miles tody really had to convince myself to do the last 2 on the dvd (I kept hearing Leslie saying "let's go legs", the dvd was off!):laugh:
    well I hope everyone is doing better today, pmjsmom, I think you're pushing me -thanks, I needed that!:tongue:
    megamom, hope the knees are better- if they're still sore, keep resting up, till ya feel better:flowerforyou:
    Sandy-keep on walking (in doors) just don't get heat stroke:wink:
    happy trails, y'all,
  • WOW you all are doing GREAT! No miles probably for me today. I like to take Sunday's time. I found a way to shake up my routine a little bit when I am outside walking. The subdivision I walk around is 1 mile around the whole thing (measured in my car) and around some parts of it there are cement road block...every time I come to one I do 10 push ups on it, and I do 5 on the next one and then I rotate. I go around 2 or 3 times so I end up getting 60 or more done. MY ARMS ARE SO SORE! But I LOVE it!

    Hope I can get more in this next week or I won't make my goal. But my goal for last month was 50 and so as long as I get past that then I will be HAPPY!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I ended up not getting any more miles in yesterday. We had unexpected visitors and it just wasn't possible to get in another workout.:ohwell:

    I ate too much of the ice cream they brought with them, too. I am so glad today is a new day!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Everybody is really doing great with their walking. I think Monday is our half-way point for this month's challenge and some of you are already ahead. I think I gotta get about 5 more in to end up on target for the end of the challenge.

    pmjsmom - I ate ice cream too yesterday (sugar-free) but still not calorie free. In fact we were on the road yesterday and I ate out all day long. It's probably the first time I have eaten evrey single one of my exercise calories. lol But this morning I'm down 2 lbs so I guess walking 4 miles (just regular walking) in the heat yesterday did the trick.

    Plumsgrl - it is so hot & steamy here, you and plum be careful walking outside.

    Megamom - give the legs time to heal, you don't want to do any long-term damage.

    Families-R-Forev - I've always taken days off, even during the week. My work schedule just doesn't allow me to walk every day and it's worked out just fine for me.

    Everybody have a relaxxin Sunday!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Did the Walk Off Weight 4 mile this morning and that will probably be it for the day.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Got in mine for the day too! Did the 4 mile punch up your walk.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    My local Target had a fresh supply of WATP videos tonight. I got a 2 mile dvd The Big Burn and a 3 mile Walk off 10 lbs. They even had the kits with the firm band and the one with the waist band. Gonna hafta go back before they sell them all! My husband's gonna kill me! lol Not really he's been very supportive of all my walking just as long as he doesn't have to do it too! :laugh:
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    ok so I woke up this early am and walked Plummy for a mile, then did 2 miles with Leslie and went back to bed!:noway:
    woke up around noon had a couple of donuts, eggs and ice coffee with almond milk, saw what my cal intake was and decided to do more walking, just finished my last walk total of 7.5 miles today, and ahead of schedule (amazing what guilt will do to the mind) :bigsmile:
    hope everyone had a great weekend:flowerforyou:
  • ok so I woke up this early am and walked Plummy for a mile, then did 2 miles with Leslie and went back to bed!:noway:
    woke up around noon had a couple of donuts, eggs and ice coffee with almond milk, saw what my cal intake was and decided to do more walking, just finished my last walk total of 7.5 miles today, and ahead of schedule (amazing what guilt will do to the mind) :bigsmile:
    hope everyone had a great weekend:flowerforyou:
    Well Holy Cow that is GREAT walking!!! I pushed myself to do 4.5 and I will have to do more tonight. I am doubtfull that I will make my goal but I will try!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good weekend. It's storming here, so nice to be able to get a walk in anyway. :smile:

    I did the WATP - 2 mile big burn. It's a very good 2 mile workout with the boosted walking intervals.
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Well I did 3.6 miles on the treadmill tonight!!! But it's not looking to good for me making my goal :noway: but I will keep trying none the less :drinker:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I got absolutely NO miles in today (I only count walking for fitness, though--it's not that I sat all day! LOL!) My dds were blasting music and talking and I just could not get into a workout with them so loud. I have discovered that I am very much a creature of habit and do not like my schedule to be messed with!
  • My600PdLife
    My600PdLife Posts: 57 Member
    Look at my little lady go, she's almost to the end. Yay!!!!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    worked 12 hours today so only 4.5 miles- but still ahead of my game plan!
    can't wait to see the numbers on the scale tomorrow for my weigh -in, not sure what to expect:tongue:
    happy walking!
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