The SWaT Team Challenge - Month 2



  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Hi Everyone!

    I found a great website I wanted to share with you. All kinds of interesing walking info. (calculators for cal. , how to figure speed, walking workouts)

    The most exciting thing I came across was at the bottem of the homepage called the googlemap pedometer. There is a thing called Maybe we can add this into our monthly challenge somehow. Maybe we could all map our walks and have the same ending location. Just throwing out ideas to keep this interesting.

    Hope to hear what everone thinks.

    Have a Great Day guys!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I found a great website I wanted to share with you. All kinds of interesing walking info. (calculators for cal. , how to figure speed, walking workouts)

    The most exciting thing I came across was at the bottem of the homepage called the googlemap pedometer. There is a thing called Maybe we can add this into our monthly challenge somehow. Maybe we could all map our walks and have the same ending location. Just throwing out ideas to keep this interesting.

    Hope to hear what everone thinks.

    Have a Great Day guys!

    That sounds cool, can you share the link?
    I have been slowed way down by my knee issues and finally have decided to go to the doc. 2 months is long enough to mess with it and now that it is in both knee's......... So I am still managing some walking but much, much slower and not as far, :sad:
  • maynard46
    maynard46 Posts: 134
    Hi Everyone!

    I found a great website I wanted to share with you. All kinds of interesing walking info. (calculators for cal. , how to figure speed, walking workouts)

    The most exciting thing I came across was at the bottem of the homepage called the googlemap pedometer. There is a thing called Maybe we can add this into our monthly challenge somehow. Maybe we could all map our walks and have the same ending location. Just throwing out ideas to keep this interesting.

    Hope to hear what everone thinks.

    Have a Great Day guys!

    That sounds cool, can you share the link?
    I have been slowed way down by my knee issues and finally have decided to go to the doc. 2 months is long enough to mess with it and now that it is in both knee's......... So I am still managing some walking but much, much slower and not as far, :sad:

    Im really sorry about your knees. I understand how it feels to want to do something and your body just doesn't let you. I have on going foot problems that will never go away too. :angry:

    Just can't give up RIGHT!

    I think I seen a setting on this for 1 mile = 10 miles or more. Can't remember where though. I will look later. I want to get off the computer and actually walk today!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I found a great website I wanted to share with you. All kinds of interesing walking info. (calculators for cal. , how to figure speed, walking workouts)

    The most exciting thing I came across was at the bottem of the homepage called the googlemap pedometer. There is a thing called Maybe we can add this into our monthly challenge somehow. Maybe we could all map our walks and have the same ending location. Just throwing out ideas to keep this interesting.

    Hope to hear what everone thinks.

    Have a Great Day guys!

    Sounds interesting . . . gonna hafta check it out! Thanks
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I found a great website I wanted to share with you. All kinds of interesing walking info. (calculators for cal. , how to figure speed, walking workouts)

    The most exciting thing I came across was at the bottem of the homepage called the googlemap pedometer. There is a thing called Maybe we can add this into our monthly challenge somehow. Maybe we could all map our walks and have the same ending location. Just throwing out ideas to keep this interesting.

    Hope to hear what everone thinks.

    Have a Great Day guys!

    Great website! I don't know how I ever missed it. (I love's SO informative!)

    You know, a while ago I used to use to figure how many miles I'd walked and also to find walks in my new--at that time--neighborhood. I'll have to get back there.

    Did 4.5 miles today--2 this morning and then 2.5 this afternoon. Gonna try for a whole 5 miles tomorrow.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Planned to do more than the 5.5 miles I did today, my back's still hurting for some reason. I got adjusted today but it still feels "stuck" and sore- maybe I should be going 2x a week. I'll see how I feel in the am.
    happy walking!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Started off my morning with the 2 mile Big Burn. Hope to do more this evening.
  • Families_R_Forever
    Sweet I am going to check that website out later today! I need to use that map thing. Anyways I managed 5 miles today and maybe going to do a toning video later...ttyl
  • butterfly08uk
    Just did a charity walk 5k... lovely
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I did manage to get in a few more miles this afternoon! I did the WATP 3 mile walk off 10 lbs and then the 2 mile Big burn.

    Hope your all having a wonderful hump day!

    Has anyone heard from our walk leader Rob? I hope he is just on vacation or something.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Just did a charity walk 5k... lovely

    Way to go! I want to try one sometime. I missed the Walk for Life at work :cry:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good for you, Butterfly! I used to do the Relay for Life and I really miss it! I'm going to have to find a team for next year.

    Plumsgrl--are you feeling better? I sure hope so!

    Today I did 2-1 mile walks in the morning and then did the 5 Mile Advanced Walk this afternoon.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi all!
    my backs better today, thanks for checking on me pmjsmom:flowerforyou:
    Did the fat burning walk 2 miles at a time separated by 4-5 hours X3 plus walking with Plummy one mile
    so total of 7 miles. I thought I would try to keep my metabolism up as much as possible , but since I work 12 hour shifts Sun-Mon it might be a little hard- I'll have to see.
    Rob's around- saw a few friend requests he sent, so I sent him a message yesterday-no reply:ohwell:
    Happy walking (and loosing)!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Started off the morning with a short one mile walk!

    Everybody have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Just did a charity walk 5k... lovely

    Way to go! I want to try one sometime. I missed the Walk for Life at work :cry:

    I always shy away from the 5K walks because I'm afraid I won't make it. I guess I could set that as a goal. How much training does it take for a person to walk 5K? For that matter, how many miles are there in 5K? Help?!? LOL
  • Luneytoonz
    Luneytoonz Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I found a great website I wanted to share with you. All kinds of interesing walking info. (calculators for cal. , how to figure speed, walking workouts)

    The most exciting thing I came across was at the bottem of the homepage called the googlemap pedometer. There is a thing called Maybe we can add this into our monthly challenge somehow. Maybe we could all map our walks and have the same ending location. Just throwing out ideas to keep this interesting.

    Hope to hear what everone thinks.

    Have a Great Day guys!

    Sounds interesting . . . gonna hafta check it out! Thanks

    I'm gonna check it out. Always looking for new ideas.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I always shy away from the 5K walks because I'm afraid I won't make it. I guess I could set that as a goal. How much training does it take for a person to walk 5K? For that matter, how many miles are there in 5K? Help?!? LOL

    5k equals 3.10615569 miles. (Was gonna write more but I need to run an errand for my dd. Be back later.)
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    You know I feel really great, although I may not make my goal, I think I overestimated myself!!!! I am proud that I am exercising everyday, no matter what type it is!!!! Today I walked a whopping 6 miles outside on the trail and it was so great!!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    QueenB--you are doing great! In fact, I think we ALL are! I haven't stuck to a workout program like this in ages. It's so easy and fun to just walk.

    Today I did the 2-1 mile videos from the realage website this morning and the 1 and 2 Mile WATP videos (the ones where she uses the weighted balls). I do wish I could find the 3 Mile one available for download. (I got these from a friend who converted her vhs tapes to computer files--don't ask me how because I haven't the slightest idea! LOL!) (I like the downloads because I mostly use a netbook and don't have a dvd drive for it.)

    I have tomorrow off and don't know yet what I'm doing--I hope to get some shopping done.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I always shy away from the 5K walks because I'm afraid I won't make it. I guess I could set that as a goal. How much training does it take for a person to walk 5K? For that matter, how many miles are there in 5K? Help?!? LOL

    5k equals 3.10615569 miles. (Was gonna write more but I need to run an errand for my dd. Be back later.)

    Hey we could all do that easy!