How to politely tell a coworker that their comments make me feel bad?

elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
So I have a coworker who has started to make comments about me having a large butt every time I bend down to get something. Not sure how to tell them nicely that it hurts my feelings. Anyone have a suggestion?


  • amberellen12
    amberellen12 Posts: 248 Member
    Obviously typo!
  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,857 Member
    edited May 2018
    Just start singing Baby Got Back and tell her to stop being jealous!

    But in all honesty, I understand your hesitation about going to HR. Just be honest with her and tell her it hurts your feelings and you wish she'd stop. If she doesn't, then it's harassment, and you really should consider HR seriously as an option.
  • krose4514
    krose4514 Posts: 72 Member
    I agree with other posters who are saying you should feel no obligation to respond “nicely” - it’s totally inappropriate! That said, I also understand not wanting to create tension with someone you have to work with. Could you try something along the lines of “I’m sure you’re just joking, but your comments about my body hit a nerve for me” ??
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    “Ouch! That was a nasty thing to say. There won’t be a repeat, will there?”

    I worked in a nasty snipey office and once the office gossip slung out a zinger. I zinged right back, “Gossip!” I said it with a smile but I could tell from her eyes that it hit home. She never insulted me to my face again. Though I left that office years ago and she’s retired she still looks up my profile on LinkedIn once in a while.

    Tiger, stripes I guess.