June 2018 Running Challenge



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    VUA21 wrote: »
    For all the new runners in the thread, as we head into summer do not forget to watch the DEW POINT before planning your runs. Dew point is a better predictor than relative humidity on how bad the weather is going to impact your run. Here is a handy chart:

    SRC: http://througharunninglens.blogspot.com/2012/07/dew-point-and-runners-what-is-it-and.html

    Thank you. I'll be traveling to London in July and that will be useful. I live in the desert on a mountain, so dew point is generally a non issue here. Now the 105° temp today, yeah, that isn't much fun.

    The cynic in me (I'm British, all we talk about is the weather) will say that come July you'll probably be looking at humidity of 100%, cold weather and plenty of rain.......
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @JulieS3103 what an accomplishment! 25 minutes off of a HM is ginormous! Way to go!
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    June 1 – 9.51 miles (4.5 miles of hill repeats)
    June 2 – 7.82 miles (trails)
    June 4 – 5.02 miles
    June 6 – 5 miles
    June 7 – 5.07 miles
    June 11 – 7.09 miles

    @jele30 – Wow! That’s quite a year-over-year improvement in your 10K time. Congratulations!
    @ddmom0811 – How cool that you had running buddies in Kansas City. That accountability of having someone else waiting for you does wonders to consistency.
    @orphia – Congratulations on getting your 50K done! Loved that smile on your face!
    @MegaMooseEsq – Kudos to you for getting up early on a Saturday morning at your husband’s retreat and running the run! Cute medal!
    @5BeautifulDays – How funny that your sister placed ahead of you. Hope you can find a 5K where it’s just you and you can run your own race. Are there any close by? In my area, it seems there is one almost every weekend within a reasonable driving distance.
    @BruinsGal_91 – That puffin is so darn cute!!
    @polskagirl01 – Those flowers are so pretty! Thank you for sharing with us. It looks like a great place to run.

    I didn’t get any running in this weekend. Too many family obligations on Saturday and I just wasn’t feeling it yesterday. I extended today’s 5-miler to 7 this morning to make up for a little bit anyway.

    Upcoming Races:
    June 16 – Run the Gate 5K
    June 21 – The Beaver 10K
    September 1 – Iron Mountain 16-Miler
    September 7-8 – Blue Ridge Relay
    October 20 – Cherokee Harvest Half Marathon
    November 11 – Rock n Roll Vegas Half Marathon
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    JulieS3103 wrote: »
    I ran the HFM Maritime Half yesterday in Manitowoc, WI. It was a great event, very well organized and nice volunteers. The flat course was out and back along Lake Michigan so the view was awesome. It was 59F, 83% humidity and 5mph wind. It's a small race and I really liked that as we started I didn't feel stuck trying to get around other runners, there was plenty of room for everyone. I saw my husband a lot of times since he was able to drive to multiple areas and hop out of the car to cheer. I felt really good until about mile 11-12 and I slowed down a little. My left foot had started to hurt so I kept looking at my pace because I knew I was going to be close to my time goal and just kept trying to convince myself to go faster. I ran 2:15:18 which is over 25 minutes faster than my Green Bay Half time last year! I am thrilled that all my hard work is paying off.
    Congratulations! It sounds like a beautiful race to run.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @JulieS3103 Well done!! Cool that your husband was able to be there in lots of places too :)
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    edited June 2018
    Awesome job @JulieS3103! Tremendous progress to shave off 25 minutes!!!!

    Edited because cross-posted with above - nice job on the hilly and humid 5k, and that must have been an emotional day for you too.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    edited June 2018
    Very inspirational @mbaker566. Such a good cause. Glad you are feeling better.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    6/1 – 0
    6/2 – 2
    6/3 – 2
    6/4 – 2
    6/5 – 2
    6/6 rest day
    6/7 – 3
    6/8 – 2
    6/9 – 2
    6/10 –rest
    6/11 – 3

    18 of 50 miles
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    @5BeautifulDays – How funny that your sister placed ahead of you. Hope you can find a 5K where it’s just you and you can run your own race. Are there any close by? In my area, it seems there is one almost every weekend within a reasonable driving distance.

    Our times were identical (I think she may have hopped over the start line a little ahead of me), so we think she just placed in front of me alphabetically. It didn't really matter to me, I just thought it was funny. There are loads of races (more than one a weekend if I'm willing to drive 20-30 minutes) around here, so I'll definitely do one just for me soon. I'm still getting my legs back, and I was never very fast, but I'd love to see a 36 minute 5K by the end of the year, for sure.

    @JulieS3103 That sounds like a great race! Flat, a nice breeze, and support from your hubby? Perfect! Congrats on the PR!

    @mbaker566 That must have been a very emotional run for you. Congrats on the speed improvements!

    @seanevan10 I let depression and life keep me away from running for over a year. I'm glad you're back and getting lots of good support! Keep it up!

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @seanevan10 i like treadmills. i watch movies or tv shows and i get lost in the story and barely know i'm running
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    For all the new runners in the thread, as we head into summer do not forget to watch the DEW POINT before planning your runs. Dew point is a better predictor than relative humidity on how bad the weather is going to impact your run. Here is a handy chart:

    SRC: http://througharunninglens.blogspot.com/2012/07/dew-point-and-runners-what-is-it-and.html

    Thank you for this! This will be my first spring/summer running regularly and I've been struggling to figure out how to gage the weather ahead of time. It didn't occur to me to watch the dew point instead of relative humidity.

    Congrats on your first race! Yay!!!

    Dew point is key, but for summer running also pay attention to:

    UV index - you will be out in the direct sun for a while - and UV does not care about clouds you can be burned very badly on an overcast day. Most sunscreens will fail in sweaty conditions so pay attention to that too. Get good eye protection from UV too if you can (some people can not run with sunglasses on). You only get one set of eyes, so take care of them.

    Also remember that shirts have UV protection ratings too. Do not assume that you can not get burned while wearing a shirt. It can happen. Things that look opaque to our eyes are transparent to UV.

    Running at different times during the day usually avoids the UV risk nicely. Check a site like Dark Sky that gives hourly UV ratings.

    Clouds - Direct sun makes temps FEEL warmer than they are, clouds help reduce the FEEL of temps.

    Temperature - This one is obvious :) Ideal running temperature is in the 55F ballpark for most people. The farther you get from that number, the harder your run.

    Rain - A light rain is great, hail and lightning not so much. :) If you run trails remember that rain == mud. So be prepared for that.

    Over time you will learn what conditions are bad/good for you specifically.

    If you can afford it, buy the better "heat gear" style clothing. It helps A LOT but it is very very expensive in many places.

    No dew point, rain or clouds here. We just have temperature. And sun. Lots of sun. I refer to it as the glowing ball of doom this time of year.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Wow, @JulieS3103 that's a great improvement! Congratulations!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    For all the new runners in the thread, as we head into summer do not forget to watch the DEW POINT before planning your runs. Dew point is a better predictor than relative humidity on how bad the weather is going to impact your run. Here is a handy chart:

    SRC: http://througharunninglens.blogspot.com/2012/07/dew-point-and-runners-what-is-it-and.html

    Thank you for this! This will be my first spring/summer running regularly and I've been struggling to figure out how to gage the weather ahead of time. It didn't occur to me to watch the dew point instead of relative humidity.

    Congrats on your first race! Yay!!!

    Dew point is key, but for summer running also pay attention to:

    UV index - you will be out in the direct sun for a while - and UV does not care about clouds you can be burned very badly on an overcast day. Most sunscreens will fail in sweaty conditions so pay attention to that too. Get good eye protection from UV too if you can (some people can not run with sunglasses on). You only get one set of eyes, so take care of them.

    Also remember that shirts have UV protection ratings too. Do not assume that you can not get burned while wearing a shirt. It can happen. Things that look opaque to our eyes are transparent to UV.

    Running at different times during the day usually avoids the UV risk nicely. Check a site like Dark Sky that gives hourly UV ratings.

    Clouds - Direct sun makes temps FEEL warmer than they are, clouds help reduce the FEEL of temps.

    Temperature - This one is obvious :) Ideal running temperature is in the 55F ballpark for most people. The farther you get from that number, the harder your run.

    Rain - A light rain is great, hail and lightning not so much. :) If you run trails remember that rain == mud. So be prepared for that.

    Over time you will learn what conditions are bad/good for you specifically.

    If you can afford it, buy the better "heat gear" style clothing. It helps A LOT but it is very very expensive in many places.

    The main reason I got my own treadmill is because I am very sensitive to changes in the weather, especially in the summer. I cannot tolerate heat very well. About 75 degrees is my maximum; anything higher than that and I simply cannot. I have severe IBS and heat and humidity actually make it act up really badly. Sucks.

    Needless to say, my favorite time of year is Fall. Love those cool temps and drier air. :smile:
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    6/1 = 4 miles
    6/2 = 5.5 miles
    6/3 = 10 miles
    6/4 = 3 miles
    6/5 = forced rest day (stupid work)
    6/6 = 13 miles
    6/7 = Vinyasa yoga class
    6/8 = 12 miles
    6/9 = rest day
    6/10 = 8 miles
    6/11 = 4 miles & 45 minutes strength training

    A few new tunes on my running playlist. Thanks for the suggestions. :)

    150 goal miles / 59.5 miles complete

    Upcoming Races (so far):
    6/23/2018 -Fit Foodie 5k
    10/10/2018 -Tough Mudder Half
    10/27/2018 -Hill Country Halloween Half Marathon
    1/26/2019 -Fitbit Topical 5k
    1/27/2019 -Miami Marathon
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @mbaker566 - wow! Well done on the race, but must have been tough emotionally.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    For all the new runners in the thread, as we head into summer do not forget to watch the DEW POINT before planning your runs. Dew point is a better predictor than relative humidity on how bad the weather is going to impact your run. Here is a handy chart:

    SRC: http://througharunninglens.blogspot.com/2012/07/dew-point-and-runners-what-is-it-and.html

    Thank you for this! This will be my first spring/summer running regularly and I've been struggling to figure out how to gage the weather ahead of time. It didn't occur to me to watch the dew point instead of relative humidity.

    Congrats on your first race! Yay!!!

    Dew point is key, but for summer running also pay attention to:

    UV index - you will be out in the direct sun for a while - and UV does not care about clouds you can be burned very badly on an overcast day. Most sunscreens will fail in sweaty conditions so pay attention to that too. Get good eye protection from UV too if you can (some people can not run with sunglasses on). You only get one set of eyes, so take care of them.

    Also remember that shirts have UV protection ratings too. Do not assume that you can not get burned while wearing a shirt. It can happen. Things that look opaque to our eyes are transparent to UV.

    Running at different times during the day usually avoids the UV risk nicely. Check a site like Dark Sky that gives hourly UV ratings.

    Clouds - Direct sun makes temps FEEL warmer than they are, clouds help reduce the FEEL of temps.

    Temperature - This one is obvious :) Ideal running temperature is in the 55F ballpark for most people. The farther you get from that number, the harder your run.

    Rain - A light rain is great, hail and lightning not so much. :) If you run trails remember that rain == mud. So be prepared for that.

    Over time you will learn what conditions are bad/good for you specifically.

    If you can afford it, buy the better "heat gear" style clothing. It helps A LOT but it is very very expensive in many places.

    No dew point, rain or clouds here. We just have temperature. And sun. Lots of sun. I refer to it as the glowing ball of doom this time of year.

    Stop your complaining, it is a "dry heat" - you know just like a convection oven. :lol:
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @PastorVincent it's interesting about dew point, but our weather forecasts only ever show humidity. And when i look for one that DOES show dewpoint, I get this:

    Bristol; current temperature 25 degrees C; humidity 37%; dew point 10 degrees. Can you explain what that means?

    I do know that the UK tends towards high humidity. And when I was in Australia a few years ago, in Cairns when it was 36 degrees C (96.8F) it was so humid you could barely breathe, but in Alice Springs at 46 degrees C (114F) and dry, it was pretty comfortable.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    For all the new runners in the thread, as we head into summer do not forget to watch the DEW POINT before planning your runs. Dew point is a better predictor than relative humidity on how bad the weather is going to impact your run. Here is a handy chart:

    SRC: http://througharunninglens.blogspot.com/2012/07/dew-point-and-runners-what-is-it-and.html

    Thank you for this! This will be my first spring/summer running regularly and I've been struggling to figure out how to gage the weather ahead of time. It didn't occur to me to watch the dew point instead of relative humidity.

    Congrats on your first race! Yay!!!

    Dew point is key, but for summer running also pay attention to:

    UV index - you will be out in the direct sun for a while - and UV does not care about clouds you can be burned very badly on an overcast day. Most sunscreens will fail in sweaty conditions so pay attention to that too. Get good eye protection from UV too if you can (some people can not run with sunglasses on). You only get one set of eyes, so take care of them.

    Also remember that shirts have UV protection ratings too. Do not assume that you can not get burned while wearing a shirt. It can happen. Things that look opaque to our eyes are transparent to UV.

    Running at different times during the day usually avoids the UV risk nicely. Check a site like Dark Sky that gives hourly UV ratings.

    Clouds - Direct sun makes temps FEEL warmer than they are, clouds help reduce the FEEL of temps.

    Temperature - This one is obvious :) Ideal running temperature is in the 55F ballpark for most people. The farther you get from that number, the harder your run.

    Rain - A light rain is great, hail and lightning not so much. :) If you run trails remember that rain == mud. So be prepared for that.

    Over time you will learn what conditions are bad/good for you specifically.

    If you can afford it, buy the better "heat gear" style clothing. It helps A LOT but it is very very expensive in many places.

    No dew point, rain or clouds here. We just have temperature. And sun. Lots of sun. I refer to it as the glowing ball of doom this time of year.

    Stop your complaining, it is a "dry heat" - you know just like a convection oven. :lol:

    Except we don't get freshly baked chocolate chip cookies when we open the front door. There's no reward like with the oven. HAH