Ambushed with a "Friendtervention" Today

So my friends cornered me to complain that they never see me because I'm always working out. The thing is that my workout schedule hasn't changed that much in two years. I switched yoga studios so, instead of taking three yoga classes and eight gym classes each week, I take 11 yoga classes and two gym classes + the Senior yoga class I teach. Time wise, it's basically the same schedule.

They had no problems two years ago. And when I started spending more time on my BF last year, they were completely supportive. But then, my steroid dose was lowered a few months ago and I lost a big chunk of my "steroid weight." And now they have a problem with the amount of time I spend at the gym/yoga studio.

I don't get it. Did they just not believe me two years ago and now only believe me because the weight came off? Maybe they just notice more because I'm constantly inviting them to take a class with me at my new studio (most of the time, they say no). I could use a bit of perspective here because I honestly can't understand why they're suddenly so "concerned."


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How much weight have you lost, in what time frame?
  • ssurvivor
    ssurvivor Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. During the intervention, I listened carefully to my friends and asked questions. There is something I'm missing and like @NadNight mentioned, they are withholding something from me.

    Without going into too many details, I think that the time I spend on my BF is the real issue; but they don't want to say that he's the problem because they were more than supportive when I finally committed to him. In fact one of the arguments was that I didn't need to workout because I "already have a good BF."

    What I heard was that the primary issue is that I'm no longer available all day everyday to them. I always make room for them, but I can't do everything they want me to do. One friend sees me as his connection to the outside world so he's always asking me to use my connections to help him with this or that. Two others like to drop by my house without notice and usually, I'm on my way out, on my way in or resting after a three-class day. When that happens, I'll suggest we get together on another day, but they end up either cancelling at the last minute, standing me up, or showing up so late that I make other plans.

    The fourth is the only one who knew me before I got sick so she wasn't really into the intervention (the other three had her set it up) but, now that we're getting older, I can tell that she is worried about me "outshining" her (lately, all of her compliments about my appearance come with a dose of side eye - as if I purposefully tried to look better than her).

    For the record, it may seem like my activity schedule is a bit obsessive, but I'm working on my CYT200 (yoga teacher training) and I'm careful to take two days/week off - even if there is a class I really want to take on the sixth day. Plus, because of my personal circumstances, it's sometimes easier for me to take two or three classes in a day. I don't do anything else most days so I think of my classes as my job.

    Oh, and I've never been one to talk about working out all the time or try to push my lifestyle on others.
  • ssurvivor
    ssurvivor Posts: 142 Member
    How much weight have you lost, in what time frame?

    The MD lowered my steroid dose at the end of November and I've lost a bit more than 30 lbs since then.
  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    OP, it's not reasonable for them to expect you to drop everything every time they feel like showing up. I think if I were you, I'd just keep doing what I was doing. I'd make times to be available to spend time with them, and they can take it or leave it. I personally believe a minimum of once a week is fair amount to spend time with friends and still nurture the friendship. More is great, but not always possible.
  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    Also, OP, I think most friends (good ones) have a universal understanding that there are some things/times in life where friends have less time to give. I think your certification would be an example of this. It's like if someone has tons of exams, they have less time to give to much else, and most friends are capable of being patient and understanding about this. Another example would be if a friend has a newborn baby. As long as a reasonable effort is made, because nurturing our friendships is important, then it is what it is. Also, these people may just need to gain some maturity, perhaps? Or you may even find yourself drifting apart from these friendships in time, and that is also fine.
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    To me, I don't think you are taking too many classes. As long as your body can handle it, gym/yoga it up! It is unrealistic for them to think they can just drop in whenever they want and expect you to make time for them. I find that to be disrespectful. Those 2 friends seem to think their time is more valuable than yours. I agree with what a previous poster said that perhaps they need to mature. People grow and change and sometimes friends get lost as priorities shift. I say just do what is best for you and if they are truly your friends, they will understand that. If not, then bye Felicia.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    do these friends train? maybe they want to attend your yoga class.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Maybe they are tired of being invited to your yoga classes. It would be annoying to constantly be invited to yoga (or church or checkers or waterskiing or anything else that was my friend's specific interest rather than a mutual interest.)