New calorie goal got me STARVING 😭



  • OOODINA777
    OOODINA777 Posts: 18 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Old, you say, OP? Riiiight. I'm 62, 100+ pounds lighter, 3" shorter, and would lose way too fast for decent health on 1300 gross calories. (And I don't get gazillions of calories of daily activity or exercise, either. I'm a li'l ol' retired woman!)

    Eat more, lose slower, feel better, be healthier.

    Much mahalo!!! And thank you for the encouragement!!!
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Eat more. Listen to your body cause it’s trying to tell you something. True weight loss can’t happen overnight.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    With your stats, you could eat more and lose weight. My guess is that you're also not doing anything with your exercise calories...when you move more you can eat more as well.

    Did MFP give you that target? Is it for 2 Lbs per week? What did you put for your activity level?

    Yes 2 lbs per week. I changed my weight as I lost some... hence the new calorie goal. I also do workout to eat more lol. The days that I dont... OMG.. hanger 😂😭

    Choose a more reasonable goal and you'll get more calories per day. It will help.
  • OOODINA777
    OOODINA777 Posts: 18 Member
    Wjames43 wrote: »
    1300 is a bit to low and will leave you hungry and probably fatigued. Go for a graduall weight loss which will be more sustainable 😎

    Mahalo!!! 😎🤙
  • OOODINA777
    OOODINA777 Posts: 18 Member
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    With your stats, you could eat more and lose weight. My guess is that you're also not doing anything with your exercise calories...when you move more you can eat more as well.

    Did MFP give you that target? Is it for 2 Lbs per week? What did you put for your activity level?

    Yes 2 lbs per week. I changed my weight as I lost some... hence the new calorie goal. I also do workout to eat more lol. The days that I dont... OMG.. hanger 😂😭

    Choose a more reasonable goal and you'll get more calories per day. It will help.

    Thank you!!! I guess 2lbs a week is unreasonable when I am dealing wit starving and burning out... looks like I will have to adjust it to 1lb per week?!
  • OOODINA777
    OOODINA777 Posts: 18 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    With your stats, you could eat more and lose weight. My guess is that you're also not doing anything with your exercise calories...when you move more you can eat more as well.

    Did MFP give you that target? Is it for 2 Lbs per week? What did you put for your activity level?

    Wish the OP would come back and say what she's doing for movement/exercise. Given the wishy washy comment "I try to get as much exercise as I can", I'm thinking in reality it's not much.

    Lot of beach and hiking... which is not much to some I guess lol...
  • OOODINA777
    OOODINA777 Posts: 18 Member
    My answer from your other thread:

    I'm 5'9", 180 lbs and can lose on 2000 calories per day. Eat more.

    I didn't realize I posted twice 😁
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,879 Member
    OOODINA777 wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    With your stats, you could eat more and lose weight. My guess is that you're also not doing anything with your exercise calories...when you move more you can eat more as well.

    Did MFP give you that target? Is it for 2 Lbs per week? What did you put for your activity level?

    Wish the OP would come back and say what she's doing for movement/exercise. Given the wishy washy comment "I try to get as much exercise as I can", I'm thinking in reality it's not much.

    Lot of beach and hiking... which is not much to some I guess lol...

    I don't think your exercise is being dissed, here. Some of us who've been around here for a while get a little cynical, and have sometimes seen non-specific statements like "I try to get as much exercise as I can" be sort of a wishful-thinking code for "I'm going to start doing exercise pretty soon now, I swear". ;)

    Hiking is exercise, and if "beach" means things like walking, running, swimming, volleyball, etc. (as opposed to say, entirely sunbathing ;) ), then that's exercise, too.

    It helps us give good advice if you're specific, like "I go hiking in the park twice a week for an hour or hour and a half, though it's pretty flat terrain" or "I go to the beach once a week and swim for about half an hour, and play some volleyball for maybe an hour". Exercising is fine; so is not exercising . . . but those choices would affect what advice we might give about calorie goals.

    Best wishes!
  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    I'm losing weight eating an average of 1800 cals a day and I currently weigh 214 lbs started at 243 lbs losing on average 1-2 lbs a week.
  • Dani9585
    Dani9585 Posts: 215 Member
    You got a lot of helpful answers on your other (identical) thread. I saw you said that it double posted.... Maybe go check out that other one again?
  • cloudsongs
    cloudsongs Posts: 8 Member
    Always hit your protein goal, especially since you are also working out. To increase satiety, increase the amount of fat you eat and decrease the amount of carbohydrates/sugar. I did OMAD a couple days after I started IF and it went a lot smoother than accepted since I never went over 20g of carbs when I started.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    (Staff note: we merged two identical discussions together, apologies for any continuity errors)
  • asadali317
    asadali317 Posts: 25 Member
    you don't need to starve yourself. drink plenty of water and eat vegetables
  • asadali317
    asadali317 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5ft 2, 233lb and my daily goal before exercise is 1640

    My furniture would have teeth marks if my goal was that low

    your comment made me laugh xx
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Bann554 wrote: »
    OODINA777 Listen to the responses. You're too low if you're starving! Losing weight is not about starving. Depending on what you eat, and when you eat are more important. Check out Dr. Jason Fung, on YouTube. His talk on Theraputic Fasting - Solving the Two Compartment Problem explains calories, fat and how they impact weight loss. You don't have to do IF, but it's a great video that helped me to put things in a realistic perspective.

    fung has been debunked and a calorie deficit is what drives weight loss. not fat .