lets discuss that friend who eats whatever they want..



  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I work with that friend. A woman in her late 20s. She's able to live on donuts, cheesy pasta, pizza, bacon, and fast food as the majority of her diet. She's currently eating take out from IHOP for lunch today. She might weigh 120 pounds. And never, ever exercises. Hates exercise of any form. My only assumption is that she's such a slow eater that her overall caloric intake must be 'low', combined with a good metabolism?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Why are so many of you looking for excuses? Some people are naturally thin. No, it will not catch up to them when they turn 30+ and no it is not because they eat less and "twitch". Focus on yourself, not them. There is no magic.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Why are so many of you looking for excuses? Some people are naturally thin. No, it will not catch up to them when they turn 30+ and no it is not because they eat less and "twitch". Focus on yourself, not them. There is no magic.

    Don't mind her...

    ...she's one of "those people".

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I used to be jealous of those people. But as we've aged, I am healthier than all of them that I still know and it's because I've been forced to be pickier about what I eat. Poor diet and lack of exercise will cause problems even if you are not overweight.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I have known naturally thin people, my brother is one of them. He ate around 5000 calories a day, maybe 3000 on a light day. He was 6'2 150lbs at age 18. He started lifting, and eating more noe he is 176lbs and so proud of himself lol. I myself was a little less active then him, and ate 1600 maybe 2000 calories through my teens and was 5'8 145lbs by age 18.

    I have a female friend that says she eats all the time, however as a recovering anorexic I know otherwise. I hang out with her often all day, she doesnt eat all day and often claims she is going to eat A LOT for dinner, meanwhile she tells me how paranoid she is of being overweight (she is 5'5" 110lbs though she said she made it up to 115) when we do eat she takes a huge plate and pushes her food around a lot, maybe eating 1/4 of what she took. Then she covers the dish (we eat at her house) and puts it in the fridge saying she lost her appetite and will eat it all and more later. I use to do the same thing, or make sandwiches and go for walks which was just a way to throw them out.

    But yes there are some very thin people that appear to eat a lot. Though i am sure with teen years out of the way and counting their calories we would learn the older people that seem to eat a lot (mostly because they order out) ate still under their daily calories. We also have no idea how much work out said people do.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    I work very hard to be "that friend."


    My family have been going crazy since I came here. They in the start used to make comments like "I thought you wanted to lose weight, why are you eating ice cream!?!?!" and now the comments have changed to "how are you eating ice cream and so much food and losing weight?!?!"

    ^^Yay!! This :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    And stays skinny/lean/healthy.

    The ones I've personally observed are either very tall, don't eat very often so you watch them pig out when you see them eat with you, exercise a lot, play sports, or basicall I would just admit that I didn't see enough of their day to accurately get an idea of what they "really" do.

    So in almost every case something's covered on eat less, move more.

    In my experience anyway, you've hit the nail on the head with making a judgement without knowing for sure what the rest of their daily lives are. When i started to lose weight a few years ago, I started really observing these supposed lucky ones and chatted with them a bit about activities and such and learned that it's not as easy as it seems. My former manager for instance. She's got a nice lean body, even after having a couple kids and is about my age (almost 40). She indulges in sweets every time it's someone's b-day and goes to happy hours and dinners with friends frequently and fully participates in eating/drinking. So what's her secret? She runs and swims and bikes and does races and is active with her family too. And most of the time she does eat pretty healthy.

    It's that whole 80/20 split thing. Be good 80% of the time and indulge 20% of the time and you should be just fine.

    Hell, I've lost almost 90 pounds while still eating chocolate and pizza and such regularly. it's not about WHAT you eat, it's about how much you eat and what you do to make up for the excess calorie intake.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I had a friend like that. She used to only eat a couple of meals a day and was always on the go. Now that she eats more often and moves less she has gained weight. I always thought she was just lucky to be naturally skinny until I realized she ate less than me and was more active than me.

    I have a friend in the same boat. She's working too much to be as active as she was before and it's starting to catch up with her. She was SUPER active when we were younger though, always on at least 3 teams at any given time. I don't know how she managed everything.
  • wannabeadancer27
    In middle school, I remember a couple of girls in my "group" who ate candy constantly, grazed on junk food all day, and totally pigged out during lunch time. And they were both rail thin. I'm talking walking skeletons here.
    Would I want that kind of metabolism? Yes. But would I still value the quality of food over the quantity of food? hell yes. I'd still try and eat organic and grass fed meat, and avoid synthetic food. It's just nice to have one day where I don't look bloated.
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    This describes my husband. He can eat whatever he wants, he loves sugar! He is skinny and he used to beer work out but now his job requires it. He is 5'10 and 150 lbs.
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    Not work out I mean instead of beer workout lol
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    don't eat very often so you watch them pig out when you see them eat with you

    I think it's mostly this. I even do it to myself to some extent, easing up on my normally more restricted diet when eating in social situations so I don't look like a weirdo. When you see a skinny person eat a lot in front of you, they probably didn't eat anything else that day and don't eat that way all the time.
  • wonderbolt
    I had two of those friends.

    It turns out both of them had eating disorders and I was so jealous of them that I hadn't noticed :(
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I was naturally slim when I was young and ate whatever I wanted (could have lived on chocolate alone I loved it so much lol). People used to say, if you keep eating like that you'll get fat, which I found stange as that is how I had always eaten. I didn't actually start putting on weight till I started doing silly fad diets like my friends. My conclusion is that I was eating when I was hungry, stopping when I was full and without even knowing it eating the correct amount of calories to maintain my weight. Probably my metabolism was higher too as I was younger. People who are really skinny probably think they are eating a lot and you may see them when they are having one big meal but they will be eating a calorie deficite without even realizing it.
  • saranevans
    saranevans Posts: 63 Member
    My best friend/ roommate is like that. She is tall and skinny, not super active but she did used to do sports in high school, etc. She's kinda vegetarian also so she does try to be healthy for the most part but there are those moments when she'll go with me to have my "cheat meal" and she'll eat the entire menu and I'm sitting across from her like..

  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I was naturally slim when I was young and ate whatever I wanted (could have lived on chocolate alone I loved it so much lol). People used to say, if you keep eating like that you'll get fat, which I found strange as that is how I had always eaten. I didn't actually start putting on weight till I started doing silly fad diets like my friends. My conclusion is that I was eating when I was hungry, stopping when I was full and without even knowing it eating the correct amount of calories to maintain my weight. Probably my metabolism was higher too as I was younger. People who are really skinny probably think they are eating a lot and you may see them when they are having one big meal but they will be eating a calorie deficit without even realizing it.

    This was basically my story, except I didn't ever try fad diets or put on weight. I got sick of people telling me "it would catch up to me" and started tracking what I ate, from which I learned I actually ate a reasonable amount of food for someone my size. Having never dieted to throw myself off, eating when I was hungry and what I was hungry for I seem to be able to naturally regulate my intake. It wasn't always consistent, but it averaged, so maybe 2600 calories one day and 1500 calories the next, it still averaged to a normal amount of food, but it *looks* like a lot of food to someone who would notice (i.e. someone who is dieting).
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Why are so many of you looking for excuses? Some people are naturally thin. No, it will not catch up to them when they turn 30+ and no it is not because they eat less and "twitch". Focus on yourself, not them. There is no magic.

    Don't mind her...

    ...she's one of "those people".


    So are you! xo!
  • Crossfit113
    I'am that friend but i was really skinny gaining muscle is just as hard as losing weight for the over weight people i had to work my *kitten* for it ..but there are people who can eat whatever they want without getting fat and in the same time they can easily gain muscle they are few but they are really lucky
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    I've got 2 of them.

    Chris is 35, eats whatever he wants, pigs out on McDonald's anytime he wants (which is often), never goes to the gym. 5'7", 145, and abs anyone here would turn green with envy over. How he does it at 35 (when most of us have really started to pack on a few pounds) is amazing and disgusting at once.

    James is 24, 6'0", 160. I was out with him Tuesday night and I gained three pounds just watching all that he ate. At least he doesn't have the chiseled washboard abs like Chris, but it sure is smooth with nary a bit of body fat in sight. But maybe I'll excuses it at 24.

    But Chris at 35? No way. Just disgusting.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I'am that friend but i was really skinny gaining muscle is just as hard as losing weight for the over weight people i had to work my *kitten* for it ..but there are people who can eat whatever they want without getting fat and in the same time they can easily gain muscle they are few but they are really lucky
