Women and jealousy



  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Not all of us are :smile:
  • Happy_10yr
    Happy_10yr Posts: 287 Member
    Root Cause Analysis Dept.
    Mothers with daughters: your daughter isn't going to believe you when you tell her shes beautiful one moment and the next moment look at yourself in the mirror and tear yourself apart. Father's, I think share the bulk of that responsibility and also-- leading by example towards her mother and her-- teaching his daughter what respect is.

    We men step up and do that, we nip a lot of this societal, pop-culture claptrap in the bud.

    I think this is worth a bump too.
  • Dreaaa
    Dreaaa Posts: 319 Member
    if thats the case, women just hate on each other, they have to be the most prettiest, most best dressed in the room. They just have to. and if another girl is prettier than her, most likey she wants her to die in an aweful subway accident.

    I can honestly say some girls are like. but not all. ;)
    although... if she starts flirting with my man I might have those thoughts in my head. lol
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Women are more expressive in general when compared to men. So why focus only on the negative feeling of "Jealousy"? Women are also more compassionate, selfless, loving, emotional etc. Men might also be all of the above, but are generally not too expressive of thier feelings..

    Disclaimer: These are my thoughts and my understandings. And i am saying in general, there are exceptions ofcourse :tongue:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I went out with a guy I was seeing and his friend one night for dinner and the guy I was seeing opened the door for another girl (I wouldn't have minded anyway, but she was also on crutches and her boyfriend just dropped her at the curb and didn't help her at all) and his friend watched for my reaction. When I didn't have one, he asked, "You aren't jealous that he opened the door for another girl?" Apparently the girls he dates would have started a cat fight over something so stupid.

    I will admit to having moments of jealousy, but I'm level-headed enough to see it for what it is and not let it affect my judgement - especially when a nice guy is just being a nice guy.

    *blink blink*

    Definitely must be from the younger generation. In my generation, it is customary for men to open doors for women. Not just their own woman.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    I don't think most jealous people are born that way. I think jealousy comes from life experiences in which someone has left them feeling that they can't take things at face value. That can be in their family of origin, or could just be baggage they are carrying from past relationships.

    The key for everyone who experiences feelings of jealousy is to try and figure out where it's coming from so they can put it into perspective. That's always the challenge....

    Are you dragging old baggage into a new situation? Or is your current relationship with an untrustworthy *kitten*? That is the million dollar question... (the other million dollar question is am I going to get this thread locked for saying *kitten*...)

    (edited to fix typo)
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    I don't get jealous if another woman looks hot. I don't even get jealous if my husband thinks another woman looks hot. I get jealous if he thinks she looks hotter than me. But I wouldn't get annoyed with her, I'd get annoyed with him :-D
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    True but we dont live in the same era as a Roosevelt

    Eleanor would roll over in her grave if she saw the state of the world today.

    I feel bad for the young women growing up today to be constantly bombarded with the shallow messages the media sends out to women.... poor girls...... thank god i am old lol

    Right. Because there were no societal pressures on women in the 1940s, '50s, '60s or '70s.

    Right ...

    there were they just had deeper meaning then who is skinny with big boobs and who is "hot"

    I would rather have grown up in an ear worrying about my civil rights as a woman then what the scale or pants size says
    would be nice to go somewhere with out sex thrown in my face too.
    There's a bridge in Brooklyn you might have some interest in purchasing. PM me for where to send the money.
  • ShellyBrowne
    ShellyBrowne Posts: 27 Member
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    You guys dont get jealous much because look at how many beautiful women marry ugly *kitten* guys!!!
  • ShellyBrowne
    ShellyBrowne Posts: 27 Member
    True but we dont live in the same era as a Roosevelt

    Eleanor would roll over in her grave if she saw the state of the world today.

    I feel bad for the young women growing up today to be constantly bombarded with the shallow messages the media sends out to women.... poor girls...... thank god i am old lol

    Right. Because there were no societal pressures on women in the 1940s, '50s, '60s or '70s.

    Right ...

    there were they just had deeper meaning then who is skinny with big boobs and who is "hot"

    I would rather have grown up in an ear worrying about my civil rights as a woman then what the scale or pants size says
    would be nice to go somewhere with out sex thrown in my face too.
    There's a bridge in Brooklyn you might have some interest in purchasing. PM me for where to send the money.

    I want in on that deal - easy money...
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I love how every one says SOME women get jealous....... implying that they are not jealous

    Everyone gets jealous it is all in how you deal with it

    Not over some other woman's looks. Sorry.
  • MyChange4Life
    I love how every one says SOME women get jealous....... implying that they are not jealous

    Everyone gets jealous it is all in how you deal with it

    Some people don't get jealous. I'm one of them but then again I've been married for years and secure in myself and my relationship and never felt the need to be jealous.
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Yeah, generally that's true, I think. I feel it's lack of confidence caused by the pressure of being a certain way, acting a certain way, pent up frustration because women generally can't express their angst with one another the way a man can.

    Partly because women can also take offense very easily, partly because the problem is a little petty or irrational. Also because some women play games, the ones who understand the games play back, creating tension and further game playing and cattyiness. The ones who don't understand the game create confusion, and that's a recipe for disaster too.

    But I've known some crazy jealous guys too. But with them, they don't usually call the people such and such a name and never talk to them again. It sucks because I've lost a few friends because their girlfriends hate me, even though I am absolutely no threat, because my friend sees me as a boy, or a sister if I'm wearing shoes or something, I dunno, pink
  • Bernadettez530
    I personally believe jealousy is a trait that is developed or possibly natural to a person. On a scale of 1-10 my personal jealousy radar is at a 1. I don't know why, it's just who I've always been, I don't honestly care about another woman's opinion of herself or of me. When I look in the mirror I see beautiful. When I am out with my husband, and kids, I feel that I am the most beautiful woman in the world. Not because that is who I am in the world's eyes, but because that is who I am in my eyes and in my families eyes, in my children's eyes, and in my spouse's eyes. On the contrary if I see a woman who I believe is beautiful I am only merely fascinated with her beauty, I don't compare myself to her. Because to me people are like flowers, we are all beautiful, and eventually if we are lucky enough, we might just get picked. But much like flowers some people prefer roses, and some daisy's, I prefer snap dragons, just because I can pull their heads off and make them talk :laugh: I can definitely be annoyed by other women, and being annoyed and being jealous is two different things :flowerforyou: .
  • liftingheavy1
    cause a majority of women are built on emotion that is why, it is that estrogen. :)
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    This certainly was an interesting read on more than one level.

    I agree with everything Rml_16 has said, in fact I think I have a girl crush on her right now.
    I agree with the Eleanor Roosevelt quote, it is timeless.
    I disagree strongly with the statement that all females have been wired to focus on appearance. I was brought up to become an academic with basically no focus on outer attributes - and that's partly why I'm here right now.

    Oh the meandering evolution of threads...