Women and jealousy



  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    My freshman year of college, the school over admitted women, so, along with 8 other girls, got placed to live in a men's dorm. Trust me, that year dissuaded me of any gender stereotypes. Those young men were as catty, gossipy, and jealous as any group of women I'd ever known.

    hahaha so true.

    I've worked in a male dominated field all my life, and men are the biggest divas.

    Men are the ones who start wars.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    My freshman year of college, the school over admitted women, so, along with 8 other girls, got placed to live in a men's dorm. Trust me, that year dissuaded me of any gender stereotypes. Those young men were as catty, gossipy, and jealous as any group of women I'd ever known.

    hahaha so true.

    I've worked in a male dominated field all my life, and men are the biggest divas.

    Men are the ones who start wars.

    I work in a queer male dominated field. I agree, men are less stable, more catty, and generally bigger divas than women are.

    We constantly need to be told we are useful. We invented jars just so we can open them for girls.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    "There will always be someone prettier, younger, thinner and richer". It's a very old saying. And with maturity, you realize that people's lives are often not what they appear to be. Everyone, no matter how pretty, has their own crosses to bear. I never wish to be like anyone else because I cannot know their sorrows.
    Take it from an older lady. You will never be happy comparing yourself to others. Go for your own personal, unique best.
    Oh and if you have a significant other who regularly compares you to others of the opposite sex and/or stares openly...that is abusive. Period.
    Lol.... id like to know the SAME thing about myself. I do beieve its insecurity more than anything for me. When I was thin, I felt very beautiful and confident...not so anymore.:-(
    Yes...I HATE this about myself. It feels aweful. This is why I REALLY NEED to get in shape and loose weight so I wont be like that....or SOMETHING like that...a litle exaggerated, but YEP. :-[
  • cst573
    cst573 Posts: 103 Member
    Oh and men very much so feel jealousy...generally it's over possessions

    ^^ Thats a very true statement^^
    Absolutely true.... and it is an overwhelming monster to overcome....NOT FUN AT ALL.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    Women on here seem to let their claws out more than women I know in real life.. Strange to me lol. My friends are NOTHING like this haha.
    I was surprised when I joined here, but if I get snapped on, I snap back XD