What are your Top 5 foods or items that make your life easier?



  • ChelleTrell
    ChelleTrell Posts: 49 Member
    1. Just gonna lump these all together: MFP, Apple Watch, food scale, bathroom scale. I honestly enjoy logging everything.
    2. Jenny Ford videos I found on Amazon that got me into the habit of working out at home consistently. I would like to join a gym one day but for this time in my life working out at home is better for me.
    3. My new fancy baking sheets that roast up veggies perfectly.
    4. Vega Protein powder.
    5. Cado chocolate ice cream. Chocolate ice cream made from avocados! Best non-dairy ice cream I’ve ever tasted.
  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    Food scale
    Ninja blender
    Mixed vegetables
  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    Bathroom scale
    Strawberry protein powder
    Skim milk
    Feozen fruit
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    Food Scale
    Youtube fitness videos- got rid of my excuse that the gym is too expensive
    Weighing daily
    Trader Joe's- super cheap, low calorie foods that actually taste good and require extremely little prep/cooking on my part. Basically wipes out any excuse I have for not sticking to my calories.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Equipment wise
    1. Apps - MFP, Libra, Pacer, Map My Walk
    2. Scales - bathroom and kitchen
    3. Air Fryer
    4. Bluetooth headphones for when I am walking
    5. Physiotherapist to keep me walking

    1. Vegetables and lots of them
    2. Greek Yoghurt
    3. Chicken and Turkey
    4. Cauliflower rice (with broccoli and garlic for extra yum)
    5. Dark chocolate for a daily treat
  • Deviette
    Deviette Posts: 978 Member
    - Judo dojo
    - MFP
    - Light creme fraiche (which now gets added to all the "creamy" sauces)
    - Frozen pizza (because, when I cba, there's always a decent meal in the freezer to save me from a takeaway)
    - Food scales
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    1. Just gonna lump these all together: MFP, Apple Watch, food scale, bathroom scale. I honestly enjoy logging everything.

    Me toooo - I keep a half assed bullet journal too where I note stuff about food and weight and patterns.
  • DarianJP
    DarianJP Posts: 95 Member
    1. Coffee!/ Sugar free Torani coffee syrups
    2. Giant bags of frozen chicken breast tenderloins
    3. Frozen vegetables
    4. Apples because they’ll last a month in the fridge
    5. Comfy shoes to walk in
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    Quest bars and sardines
  • Garnet2727
    Garnet2727 Posts: 11 Member
    1. Yoga instructor who comes to my house. I have some embarrassment and mobility issues. Doing yoga at home is perfect for me.

    2. Instant Pot. Just got the thing last month. I'm cooking more than I have in my entire life and making some healthy, good tasting food.

    3. Cold red grapes - great sweet snack!

    4. Steel cut oats. I'm of an age where I need FIBER. These are a great for breakfast. I make a week's worth in my IP every Sunday.

    5. Boiled eggs. One as a morning snack helps me keep from getting too hungry.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    My food diary
    My food scale. It keeps me honest
    My friends and family
    The forums with oh so many ideas
    Past accomplishments and realizing that I want to continue down the road of success.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    1- Calorie deficit or plus depending on current goal
    2- Bathroom scale
    3- Wine or vodka, got to still enjoy life
    4- Hitting fibre goal
    5- Weekly calorie goals
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    1. MFP
    2. The gym
    3. Protein bars and powder
    4. Food scale
    5. Egg whites
  • ExistingFish
    ExistingFish Posts: 1,259 Member
    1) Gym membership, with childcare. Unfortunately I'll be losing this for a bit. Hopefully I'll be fine.
    2) Food scale. I've had it for YEARS, it's a workhorse and the best way to measure your servings.
    3) Protein powder. I'd never hit my protein goals without it.
    4) MFP - face it, I lose weight when I track my food. Even if I "try" to eat the same thing without tracking, I quit losing weight.
    5) Amazon Music
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    1. All my Apps: Weight Watcher App, Water Tracker, Fitbit, Daily Weight, and as of this week MFP!
    2. Tools: Treadmill, Fitbit, Food Scale, Pinterest (for storing my recipes), and my kitchen that I love to cook in!
    3. Food: Quest Bars, Premier Protein, eggs, chicken, ground turkey, fruit, spices and the occasional dark beer.
    4. Husband: Can't do this without his awesome support! <3
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    Trying to stick with 5 things, since that was the charge. :wink:
    1. MFP - all the stuff, but mostly the group fitness challenges
    2. Swimming pool for aquasize and laps
    3. Custom insoles for my tennies (made a WORLD of difference in my workout and daily life)
    4. YouTube videos for everything from recipes to yoga workouts
    5. Flavored sparkling water (makes the wine go much further) :blush:
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    MFP - The friendships, support and info here have done so much for me

    My Actifry Air fryer - In the early stages when I thought I wanted something greasy, it got used a lot.

    Food scale - no explanation required

    Gym membership - it got me interested in group fitness and I have met so many like-minded people there

    HaloTop, Coolway, Breyers Delight - a girl needs her ice cream and these get me by
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    1 - 9Round. I love my workouts there, I can't wait to go back. It's fun hard work, abit of therapy & I burn more calories in 35 minutes than I do in twice the time at the gym. Plus I have a heart rate monitor that helps a lot.

    2 - Profile by Sanford. Their keto diet plan (& 9Round) has helped me lose over 55 pounds (over 140 if you count the weight I've gained back) in about 6 months. I love their protein bars & their shakes taste great with just using water, which is rare. Their wireless scale automatically logs my weight, so I don't have to remember it.

    3 - Synergy chiropractic spine & joint center. Maybe this should be #1, because before Synergy, my plantar fasciitis had nearly crippled me. I was walking like a 90 year old hunchback & it gave me hip & back problems. With their Active Release Therapy (ART), it got rid of the pain & gave me my life back.

    4 - MFP. With the ease of logging in food & exercise, and the forums, nutrition help, motivation & support from fellow MFPers, it makes it easier knowing that what I'm going through isn't unique & I'm not alone.

    5 - Brooks Glycerine running shoes. I love them & they are the perfect shoes for me & my orthopedic inserts.

    6 - The Chicago Cubs. November 2nd 2016 (and early November 3rd) was the happiest day of my life, without exaggeration. Sure I have kids & the days they were born are up there, but I only had to wait 9 months for them & about the same for my wedding day, but I've been waiting nearly 50 years for them to win the world series so I could tell all the people with their jokes to go *kitten* themselves. I was pretty much crying for two days, especially watching the highlights & the commercials.

  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Top 5 items/habits for me:

    Food Scale
    Cromometer app
    Meal Prepping (does that count? lol)