

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Heather said, "I am very cautious with my children not to be a pain. As you all know, I adore my grandchildren and that is the major reason we want to move, but most people I know personally have had a very ambivalent relationship with their parents and often resent them or find them a duty rather than a pleasure. I'm always surprised when my children appear to love me! :o I also tread very, very carefully with my amazing DDIL as she is the iron hand in the velvet glove. I don't want to overstep the mark."

    Exactly how I feel!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Good Morning,

    In the middle of summer again in Ohio. Hot and sticky.

    Woke up yesterday morning at 4 AM. Was at work by 4:30. I have so much to get done! I made a list, starred the most important and time sensitive, and got organized for the day. Wow! It was a great day! BUSY! Just feeling a little more organized ;) I really wish folks would help each other and pay attention to details. I was missing rather important paperwork. Finally called the customer who received a new mower on Friday and asked if my driver had given him certain things. Customer said he thought it was odd, but yes. He had what I was looking for. I was at DR appointment until just before we opened on Friday, I had placed the papers on the folder, but never finished them up. I would think that since the driver has been doing this for 4 years, he would have said something......since this was out of the norm. Luckily for me and us, the customer will be in today to bring me what I need and sign the finance stuffs. I was much relieved after speaking with him, since I had spent several hours looking for those papers! Need to let niece help with some stuffs today. Will figure it out.

    Found Turmeric with black pepper chewables. Have been taking a few days. Not sure I have noticed a difference, but will keep you all posted. I dislike taking pill form. If small enough, can do, but prefer chewables. ;)

    When I was reading your posts I had lots to add, now my mind is blank.

    My youngest daughter and family now live right near shop. Son in law works with me. I rarely see them! Between Daughter's EARLY morning job and kids sports and me working, time slips away. My oldest daughter and her family live an hour away. We probably see any of them about every 1-2 months. As the grands get older, their schedules just get busier. My husband's mom lives next door, so we see her just about every day. She cares for our dogs better than her own family! ;) The rest of his family all live within 3 miles and we only see them if they are at work together! As for grandparents.....I only had one still alive when I was born, my maternal grandmother. We generally only saw her once a year at either Christmas or Thanksgiving. She worked full time (like me), but really wasn't loving and affectionate. She was set in her ways. I loved talking with her though about all her travels. There are several great memories associated with her. My girls are the only grands that ever met my father. The only grandparent they have left alive is my Mom and she is not, nor ever has been a very good parent/grandparent. Alcoholism and hoarding will do that. I hope my grands don't say this about me....They love making memories with me. Dying eggs and egg hunts at Easter, Thanksgiving with homemade cheesecake, and Christmas cookie baking. Those are our special moments. Car shows with the oldest.

    Better get going for day! Love the pictures, stories, successes, and travels. My husband and I will have been married 9 years tomorrow, but have been together 24 years.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    trisH_7183 wrote: »
    MACHAKA. quote
    Glucosamine does seem to help me, but I'm still not sure about the Tumeric.
    I've never tried Melatonin because Valerian works for me, but I know Valerian doesn't work for some people.

    M in Oz

    The directions for Valerian seem odd? Sounds like a lot of capsules needed.
    Very likely it’s just because I know nothing about it. Pat in Oh

    I take one a day. My bottle of Valerian says "take one capsule 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime", and it's 2000 mg.

    Maybe what you're looking at are fewer mg?

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited August 2018
    On the grandparent side of things, my maternal grandfather abandoned my grandmother and my mother when she was two years old, and came back into her life many years later, when she was about 18...we saw him and his eighth or ninth wife (no one knew which, and he wasn't telling) every three or four years, when they'd swan through in a trailer with weird gifts from their travels. One year it was maracas, castanets (which I loved), flutes and bongo drums for all the kids. My father wasn't fond of him, understandably enough, but I liked him a lot, all of us kids did, probably only saw him a half-dozen times, in all.

    My paternal grandmother died when I was very young, and my paternal grandfather was a Pentecostal preacher, who re-married a 16-year-old parishioner with a face like a very sad horse when he was 60. She took care of him into his old age, and deserved everything she got in the will. Couldn't cook worth a flip, made the worst biscuits in the known world. The old man did not approve of me in particular, or most of my father's children.

    My maternal grandmother favored her other daughter (my only aunt) and that daughter's children were her favorite grandchildren. My mother visited her a lot in the last 20 years of her life, once she and my father divorced, but we children never attached to her, really. I was sent to spend a month with her one summer, as punishment for some infraction, and she had no idea what to say to me. It was a lonely and instructive few weeks.

    Regarding extended family, I'm the ninth of ten kids (blended family) and I'm close with only one, my baby sister. She's close with me and the brother next up from me. On that subject, Richard Bach said it best: “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.”

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,972 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    kevrit wrote: »
    Hi all! Been traveling nonstop for the last 7 days! No catching up here! Lol. We drove 1800 miles in those 6 days to arrive in Roswell New Mexico. We have a hosting job here. First time. Will try it to see if we will continue doing this or not.

    Have to go, just wanted to check in.

    RV Rita in Roswell New Mexico

    My husband and I are very interested in your experience hosting as we have considered trying it. Let us know :)

    Janetr OKC

    HOSTING we had orientation yesterday. Hosting will be a piece of cake. North Eastern New Mexico needs 5 hosts right now. So look up New Mexico State Parks volunteering. Pm me if you want more info.

    RV Rita
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    Evelyn - Travelling in Canada is so very expensive. I am in Alberta and from New Brunswick. I have been looking for flights home and it's just not reasonable.

    Heather - Lovely pics of your grandchildren. I don't blame you for wanting to be near them

    Wendy - I have been an empty nester since 2009 when both girls moved out within 2 weeks of one another. They have both been back twice over the years. My eldest and her husband were flooded out of their apartment in 2012 with an almost one year old. They came to stay in July and left in November. In September that year the youngest moved back for a couple months as well. They all moved out again on November 5th. It was loud, noisy and crowded and oh so quiet when they all left again. We don't have room now if any of them wanted to move back since we downsized considerably.

    Allie - I love that you and your neighbour help each other out. We have finally gotten to know our neighbours a little bit this summer. It seems its the first time since we moved to Alberta 20 years ago that we have friendly ones.

    Kelly - What is King Cake? Baby in cake after cooking? I am not familiar with New Orleans customs. On the subject of Apples - today on the radio they were talking about apples and for the first time in 50 years the Red Delicious has been bumped out of the number one chosen apple for the Gala.

    Lisa in AR - Love the Chicken Little reference, I have felt like that with co-workers several times in my life.

    Kylia - Happy Anniversary tomorrow

    I just love all the stories of Grandparents and family dynamics.
    The pictures I shared yesterday were my Maternal Grandparents. My Mom was an only child so the only grandchildren were my brother and I. Needless to say, we were quite spoiled. My Dad was very poor with money although he worked extremely hard he never could get ahead. He was a "jack of all trades", and was a licensed General Contractor. Many evenings after he came home from work, he would gobble his supper down and we would be off somewhere fixing something for someone. He never charged enough for these jobs usually doing it for the price of gas to get there and whatever part might be needed. At the visiting hours following his death my brother and I heard over and over. "Your Father built my cupboards, I remember one stormy night our furnace went out and we called your Father, I had to have your Father fix my dryer, he kept that thing going years past when it should have been put out to pasture". It was remarkable the number of lives he touched just by doing for others. My Grandmother was a school teacher in the one room school days, she retired the year I was born when they closed the last one room school in the area. She tried substituting for a year but didn't like teaching just one grade. My Grandfather was a heavy duty mechanic. I was so fortunate to have them in my life for a long time.

    My paternal grandparents lived in a neighbouring town. They had 7 children, every Sunday we would visit one Aunt or Uncle or another. I am the youngest Granddaughter on that side. There are only three boys younger than me. The oldest Grandchild was a year younger than my Dad. My Grandfather passed when I was turning 7 in 1974, but my Grandmother lived until 1997. He was a woodsman and then later a carpenter. He, my Dad and two Uncles built the McCain houses of McCain foods. This was quite a thing in the area where I grew up. She was a hard woman, and spent some time in psychiatric facilities over the years. They were married when she was very young and he was quite a bit older. She tried to suffocate my youngest uncle when he was a baby and at one time tried to stab my Grandfather. She wasn't this way when I knew her she was just very hard to please. I spent a lot of time with her because she was so lonely so I ended up being spoiled by her too until I reached my teen years. When I became interested in boys she became very judgmental of me. I still did my duty, but didn't like it as much. She developed dementia and spent her last years in a nursing home.

    Love these trips down memory lane, I need to get some of these things written down so my girls know their history.

    Tracey in a clear sunny Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Karen - How she warms the heart. <3<3<3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    I love toddlers....their plump little arms and legs and quick smiles! Love the red hair too.

    Carol in GA