I'm going to kill my husband



  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    Women ask that seeking concurrence, not opinion. All guys know this. Lol besides... if he truly hates the color he'll tell you.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    He's trolling you.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    People who refuse to make decisions, don't have to take responsibility for those decisions and also reserve the right to complain that someone else made the wrong decision.

    Since he doesn't care how you remodel the house, do it exactly how you want it. That way, when you get divorced later, he either has to live in your ideal house, or you don't have to remodel it so that it works well for you.

  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member
    we are remodeling our house,

    Was this his idea or did you decide that's what YOU wanted and bulldoze ahead?

    EVERY-SINGLE-TIME I ask him for an opinion his answer is: whatever I don't care......

    I bet you have a history of doing what you want no matter what his opinion is; so he quit giving it.

    but then, if he doesn't like what I pick, once its done he complaints soooo much that I have to start all over again (of course without know WTF he wants...)

    It sounds like you have poor taste and are possibly colorblind.

    I think I should divorce him LOL:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway:

    Life is short. You're not happy. And he deserves a better wife.
    Cut him lose. Make his day and give him a divorce.
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    I agree with Donald. Do you listen to him when he does answer? Did you really want his opinion, or were you really looking for him to say he loved whatever you picked?

    Next time pick it, do it, and then in your sexy's outfit invite him in the room to christen it. From your profile, he will probably not even notice that you painted the entire room pink, I know I wouldn't. (Note - that is the idea, you are appealling to what he really wants.)
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    I think we are married to the same man!! Mine says the exact same thing! He finally just said, he doesnt like making decision, and I can do whatever I want, he will complain either way. Geeeeez!

    So, now I say, no opinion, no complaints.

    Lol, I bet it's like the sierra.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    It is likely that he, along with many other men, just don't want to listen to a women’s indecisiveness for hours. So he closes off and just lets you figure out what color you want since you are not really going to listen to him anyway.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I can get opinions out of my husband about décor, thank goodness, most of the time. Other things (where to eat, what to do) are much harder.thing is, I'm generally happy with whatever and he can whinge about anything. So I know exactly where you're coming from OP, just in different fields.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    If you got married in New Mexico you could've gotten a 2 year temporary marriage.
  • TiffanyMeairs
    TiffanyMeairs Posts: 24 Member
    When my husband doesn't care I opt for pink every time :)
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    This is how I deal with my husband; We were remodeling the room that will be the nursery before we were even pregnant. I picked out a wall colour, flooring and some of the furniture. Then I asked him something along the lines of "What's that wood stuff that goes on top of the floor and at the ceiling called? Should we have that too?" I know what it's called but me asking him gave him the opportunity to feel like he had some control, some knowledge that I didn't and really empowered him to make a decision and then even afterwards, helped me pick out a wardrobe and a matching chair with footstool. I'm not patronizing him because I know it's difficult for him to make a choice but I also know how helpful he likes to be when I need it so playing to his strengths is improving areas where he might not be so strong. It showed when we went to remodel the bathroom and he had already picked out the bathtub, wallboard and yes, more molding. =) Then we were able to sit and pick out together the sink and cabinets after a tiling disaster. I wanted river stones, river stones wouldn't work so we had to make a split decision on what to do and I don't make them that quickly either. Now we're working on the kitchen, we've got tentative plans on a 3-D modeler and he has said that it looks nice but that since I never let him cook the kitchen was really my domain. I appreciate it because I really do love cooking and playing house wife, so next I'm going to make him a "man cave" in one of the spare rooms in the house.

    My point is that if he says he "doesn't care," give him a reason to care. If you are doing everything and dominating everything it can really make a man feel emasculated. It might be acting if you walk into a room and sigh and say in a wispy voice "Honey I just don't know what colour to paint this room... I know you like this piece of furniture, light fixture, big painting, could you help me pick some colours that you think would tie it all together?" Then when he makes a choice, don't disregard them, get some paint swatches in the colours he said, shades you like so he can hold them in his hands and tell him "Here are the colours YOU picked out. Which one do you like best?" Let him be dominate and manly and in charge.

    You could always put on some lingerie in the colour you want, go into the room to be redone and ask him if the colour looks good in there. He won't soon forget that moment when he walks in and sees the walls each day.

    Enough rambling! Best of luck!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    This is how I deal with my husband; We were remodeling the room that will be the nursery before we were even pregnant. I picked out a wall colour, flooring and some of the furniture. Then I asked him something along the lines of "What's that wood stuff that goes on top of the floor and at the ceiling called? Should we have that too?" I know what it's called but me asking him gave him the opportunity to feel like he had some control, some knowledge that I didn't and really empowered him to make a decision and then even afterwards, helped me pick out a wardrobe and a matching chair with footstool. I'm not patronizing him because I know it's difficult for him to make a choice but I also know how helpful he likes to be when I need it so playing to his strengths is improving areas where he might not be so strong. It showed when we went to remodel the bathroom and he had already picked out the bathtub, wallboard and yes, more molding. =) Then we were able to sit and pick out together the sink and cabinets after a tiling disaster. I wanted river stones, river stones wouldn't work so we had to make a split decision on what to do and I don't make them that quickly either. Now we're working on the kitchen, we've got tentative plans on a 3-D modeler and he has said that it looks nice but that since I never let him cook the kitchen was really my domain. I appreciate it because I really do love cooking and playing house wife, so next I'm going to make him a "man cave" in one of the spare rooms in the house.

    My point is that if he says he "doesn't care," give him a reason to care. If you are doing everything and dominating everything it can really make a man feel emasculated. It might be acting if you walk into a room and sigh and say in a wispy voice "Honey I just don't know what colour to paint this room... I know you like this piece of furniture, light fixture, big painting, could you help me pick some colours that you think would tie it all together?" Then when he makes a choice, don't disregard them, get some paint swatches in the colours he said, shades you like so he can hold them in his hands and tell him "Here are the colours YOU picked out. Which one do you like best?" Let him be dominate and manly and in charge.

    You could always put on some lingerie in the colour you want, go into the room to be redone and ask him if the colour looks good in there. He won't soon forget that moment when he walks in and sees the walls each day.

    Enough rambling! Best of luck!

    point about giving him a hook in taken. otherwise,
  • KidTarget
    KidTarget Posts: 12 Member
    Yeah, you could always do what a friend of mine wife did to him to break him of the habit. When they were repainitng their living room she asked what color he'd like. He responded that he didn't care, so she picked to color, pepto bismal pink. After that he was gives his input.
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    This is how I deal with my husband; We were remodeling the room that will be the nursery before we were even pregnant. I picked out a wall colour, flooring and some of the furniture. Then I asked him something along the lines of "What's that wood stuff that goes on top of the floor and at the ceiling called? Should we have that too?" I know what it's called but me asking him gave him the opportunity to feel like he had some control, some knowledge that I didn't and really empowered him to make a decision and then even afterwards, helped me pick out a wardrobe and a matching chair with footstool. I'm not patronizing him because I know it's difficult for him to make a choice but I also know how helpful he likes to be when I need it so playing to his strengths is improving areas where he might not be so strong. It showed when we went to remodel the bathroom and he had already picked out the bathtub, wallboard and yes, more molding. =) Then we were able to sit and pick out together the sink and cabinets after a tiling disaster. I wanted river stones, river stones wouldn't work so we had to make a split decision on what to do and I don't make them that quickly either. Now we're working on the kitchen, we've got tentative plans on a 3-D modeler and he has said that it looks nice but that since I never let him cook the kitchen was really my domain. I appreciate it because I really do love cooking and playing house wife, so next I'm going to make him a "man cave" in one of the spare rooms in the house.

    My point is that if he says he "doesn't care," give him a reason to care. If you are doing everything and dominating everything it can really make a man feel emasculated. It might be acting if you walk into a room and sigh and say in a wispy voice "Honey I just don't know what colour to paint this room... I know you like this piece of furniture, light fixture, big painting, could you help me pick some colours that you think would tie it all together?" Then when he makes a choice, don't disregard them, get some paint swatches in the colours he said, shades you like so he can hold them in his hands and tell him "Here are the colours YOU picked out. Which one do you like best?" Let him be dominate and manly and in charge.

    You could always put on some lingerie in the colour you want, go into the room to be redone and ask him if the colour looks good in there. He won't soon forget that moment when he walks in and sees the walls each day.

    Enough rambling! Best of luck!

    point about giving him a hook in taken. otherwise,

    Sorry, I like to give a lot of examples.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    killing is bad
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    My husband is the complete opposite. I make a selection and he will either agree or make a different suggestion. If your husband doesn't care, you make the selection and he can't bi$&h about it later!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Wait until you start choosing cushions and curtains - then you will discover how much he really, really, really doesn't care....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    but then, if he doesn't like what I pick, once its done he complaints soooo much that I have to start all over again (of course without know WTF he wants...)

    Or maybe he can't quite picture what it would look like from a tiny swatch, but then sees what it looks like on a whole wall, it's a different story.

    I normally have the ability to imagine what it will look like finished but there have been times (ok, maybe only once or twice, out of dozens of paint jobs) when I thought a color would look good, and when it was finished it made the room look cold, small or like the walls were covered in moldy cheese.
  • Boy am I glad I don't have that problem with my husband as we like a lot of the same things it makes my decisions easy :smile:
  • ssm_1972
    ssm_1972 Posts: 396 Member
    Boy am I glad I don't have that problem with my husband as we like a lot of the same things it makes my decisions easy :smile:
    Guess, your hubby is a member of MFP as well else you will appreciate that hubby is Hubby having lots of other problems to tackle with instead of arguing with his wife on every silly front :tongue: