JUST GIVE ME 10 Days - Round 49



  • jerier
    jerier Posts: 384 Member
    Round 4
    OW 230
    Round 46 SW 178 EW 172.6 (-5.4)
    Round 47 SW 172.6 EW 170.8 (-1.8)
    Round 48 SW 170.8 EW 168 (-2.8)

    Total loss 10 pounds!!

    Round 49
    SW 168
    GW 165
    UGW 125

    8/12-- 169 THE SABOTEUR HAS STRUCK AGAIN so last night my sister in law comes by with homemade sushi and chocolate (yes all home made) it was a little gift for me and my hubby because of our recent flooding. If she had purchased them from the store I would have turned them down but because it was all homemade I felt rude for saying no (well at least that's what I am rationalizing to myself) I wish it had stopped there. I have this terrible mentality that whispers to me "well you already messed up your day, so who cares about trying for the rest if it" so for dinner we went out for burgers and fries to top off my horrible day. I always do this! The minute a loss hits, I do something to sabotage it. I am grateful I stayed within the 60s though. But don't count me down and out just yet!!! I know I only have three days left but I am going to fight for those three days to undo this damage. I noticed a pattern of at least one day during the 10 day challenge where I go off the rails. I want to fix this!!! I'm tired of taking 5 days to loose three pounds and one day to gain it all back. It isn't fair to me and the effort I put in everyday. This slow trickle effect is killing me too. Everytime I have a little bit of a gain, my mind starts calculating the losses I don't experience everytime I undo my work. Between the gain from going off the rails and the days it takes to re loose, it's just so many days of wasted effort where I could have been decreasing my weight rather then fighting the maintenance. Anyway sorry for the rant. I am obviously feeling ashamed of myself. I don't even know if anyone reads these but I needed to write this journal log for more myself then anyone else. Lol

    @abowersgirl I read everyone's posts. Any and all effort is not wasted. Sure the ups and downs are frustrating, it beats the heck out of all ups. Isn't that how we all got to our highest weight, not making the effort?

    As for home made chocolate, should there be a next time maybe you can wrap it up tightly and place it in the back of the freezer. Too bad it wouldn't work for the sushi.