Beach Beauties II



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I just want to report in and say that I'm eating better this week than I have in a LONG time and I'm not even hungry. Awesome. How's everyone else?
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Beach Beauties, I have had an up and down week with food, some good days and some bad!!!! very bad.... but have managed to lose half a pound so it could have been a lot worse :smile:

    start Weight with MFP on 1/12/10 and heaviest ever weight.....164.5
    Weight on Monday 7/12/10...............................................................124
    Weight on Thursday 7/15/10 (start of new challenge).................123.5
    Weight on Monday.. 7/19/10 ............................................................123
    Weight on Monday.. 7/26/10.............................................................122
    Weight on Monday.. 8/2/10................................................................121
    Todays Weight 8/9/10.........................................................................120.5

    Final Goal Weight 8/31/10.................................................................119

    Good Luck to you all
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Well, no gain or loss this week 128.00 again. That's ok. I am going to really do it this week. I will stick with a 1200 a day and not eat back my exercise calories - just for this week and see where that gets me. Still following the South Beach phase two with one fruit and one good carb a day. I am doing the Master Series now with Power 90 - so I will continue that with the extra gym classes and the walking. Hopefully I will see a loss next week.

    I still have two months and one day until the BIG day so hopefully I can do it. I just can't give up when I am soo close. It's frustrating though!!!

    But today is a new dau I will do this. After everyone weighs-in I will post results. I hope everyone is doing goood!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Mornign Beauties,

    Did well with my goals yesterday but didn't get in my extra walk. So my goals for today!!

    1.) Power 90
    2.) Spin/ab clas
    3.) 1200 calories
    3.) 80 ounces of water
    4.) No snacking after 8:30

    Come on Beauties - just megoo and barty checked in..where is everyone. This is not the time to give up...we have to work together. August 31 will be here soon!!! I have 20 more days of Power 90 and I need motivation and support from the Beauties -Come on girls - it is so much easier if we do this together!!!

    I won't fuss at anyone if you just come back - just to say hello!!! LOL

    Am I going to have to tell one of my Stories again????
  • amandadidier
    I'm back! had a slip up and stopped recording what I was eating, struggling to keep up with exercising but I want to get back on track....My current weight in 124 ...i'm really go focus on the goal date!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Great job checking in and refocusing Amanda!!! I am going to keep after you... you are so close to your can't give up!!!!
  • amandadidier
    Thanks lobster! please do keep after me I need it! and wow you're doing great!! keep it up the good work!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Friday the 13th Beauties!!!!

    Well I was able to get in my step class last night and eat a really good salad for dinner. Got all my water in and only one snack at 8:30. I also got up this morning and did a Power 90 Master series Day 73!!! (Go me!!) Feeling a little down today....just a little ... I know my hard work is paying off but I want the number on the scale to move. I know I am stuck with a number in my head ... So, maybe on Monday it will show something...


    I will keep trying with my goals for today
    1.) Drink 80 ounces of water
    2.) Make a healthy choice for Friday lunch at work
    3.) No snacking after 8:30 tonight.

    Maybe if the Beauties checked in today I would feel better....let's see if guilt works ....LOL
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    Ive decided to weigh myself everyday to motivate myself a bit more, so far its working. I've lost about 4 lbs since Monday I've been watching my sodium a lot more and I think that's why I've lost anything but I'm excited! We will see how it turns out Monday which is still my official weigh in day.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Ok Beauties, I am down today!! My weigh-in was 129.00 - I gained a pound - how did that happen? OK Maybe it has something to do with TOM - I 'm in tha phase of life when it just shows up whenever it wants too. Once every few months - twice a month. Ok so I will give it a day or two to see if TOM is the reason - if not ... I may not be responsiable for what I do - like eat a whole chocolate cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Beauties, not a bad week as i have lost another pound :happy: ...... but i am not being anything like as good as i was for the first six months !!!!!

    start Weight with MFP on 1/12/10 and heaviest ever weight.....164.5
    Weight on Monday 7/12/10...............................................................124
    Weight on Thursday 7/15/10 (start of new challenge).................123.5
    Weight on Monday.. 7/19/10 ............................................................123
    Weight on Monday.. 7/26/10.............................................................122
    Weight on Monday.. 8/2/10................................................................121
    Weight on Monday...8/9/10................................................................120.5
    Todays Weight 8/16/10.......................................................................119.5

    Final Goal Weight 8/31/10.................................................................119

    Good Luck to you all
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good morning Beauties,

    So where is everyone - only Barty and I are left???? barty - doing very good almost at goal. I am now 4 pounds away instead of 3 yipes!!! I will do it!!!!

    I need my beauties for support. I still have two weeks left on this goal - and I will need another one.... So come on girls check in with me!!!

    My goal for today

    1.) 80 ounces of water
    2.) spin /ab class tonight
    3.) no snacking after 8:30

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello Beauties, had a really good day yesterday and met all my goals. Started today off right with Power 90 day 78.

    My goals for today

    1.) Drink 80 ounces of water
    2.) No snacking after 8:30
    3.) Try to get in another little exercise tonight.
    4.) Only one snack today! (afternoon snack - I get hungry around 3:00- I am cutting out my morning snack.)

    I am trying to stay positive and focus. I need to focus on being healthy, eating right, and exercising. Just three more pounds.!!! (I cheated and weighted myself again and I am back down to 128) These are the toughest to take off but they will come with time...I know it.

    Hope everyone is doing great and not giving up. If you have slipped a little come back and join me. Let's stay on this journey....together we can do it.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello My Beauties, weigh-in is in 2 days. I started the day off great - Power 90 Interval cardio (from Matser Series) It's the longest I have done so far. Great workout!!! Now off to run errands - then the Saints preseason game - Yeah Saints!!! So my goals is to keep track of calories and cut back during the day so I can enjoy a beer or two tonight!!!!!

    Good luck to my beauties and check in when you can!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Monday Beauties,

    Well weigh-in was about the same 127.8 - .02 loss. That was the same weigh in as Friday... Still trying for the those last three pounds - I have about 6 weeks until the wedding - at this rate I won't make it. so I am going to try to change things up again. After I finish Power 90 - in 7 days !!!!! I may add running back to my exercise routine. I am going to eat back my exercise calories this week and see if that makes a change.... I will keep at it - but I feel good so that what really counts.

    Hope everyone has a great day !!!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Beauties, I'm down another half a pound !!! so I have now reached my goal for 8/31/10 just hope I can stay here:wink:

    start Weight with MFP on 1/12/10 and heaviest ever weight.....164.5
    Weight on Monday 7/12/10...............................................................124
    Weight on Thursday 7/15/10 (start of new challenge).................123.5
    Weight on Monday.. 7/19/10 ............................................................123
    Weight on Monday.. 7/26/10.............................................................122
    Weight on Monday.. 8/2/10................................................................121
    Weight on Monday...8/9/10................................................................120.5
    weight on Monday...8/16/10...............................................................119.5
    Todays Weight 8/23/10.......................................................................119

    Final Goal Weight 8/31/10.................................................................119

    Good Luck to you all
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Congrats Barty - Way to go!!! I know you can maintain it!!! Thanks for checking in and keeping me company all this challenge - I will miss you!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello Beauties - I think this thread has run it's course. My weigh-in on Friday was 126.2 - Missed my goal by 1.2 pounds - not bad - I am happy with that. Today I finished day 90 of Power 90!!! So I will move on to another goal - I have to maintain what I have gained from Power 90 - strenght and muscle and - keep off the weight!!! I will take a few days off , then start something else until my boot camp starts on September 13th!!!

    Good luck to everyone!!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Beauties, Just to let you know - I have started a Maintenance thread for check-ins, just to keep me motivated and accountable. So if anyone wants to join please do. Barty - you may be interested or anyone really close to their goal. I am actually a pound away - but.... I know it will goes up and down anyway!!