Strength Training Challenge



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :sad: I fell on Tuesday morning while walking the dogs and landed on my seat on the asphalt......I hit hard but there were no sounds of crunching or snapping or popping and no sharp pains.......I got up and walked home. Jake made an appointment for me to see the chiropractor later in the day. He confirmed my suspicion that it was all muscles......they hurt a lot from the bottom of my glutes to the bottom of my ribs on the back.....He said that walking and dancing would assist the healing but I hurt too much to overdo. I made it to all three of my dance classes including the one where I teach half the class.

    :flowerforyou: On Tuesday I watched my recordings of Skate Canada and saw a lot of skaters hit the ice harder than I had hit the street and the get right up and do more spins and triple jumps.......Jake reminded me that they were in their teens and twenties and would bounce back faster than I would.:laugh:

    :bigsmile: On Friday when I taught the dance class, I felt like the skaters....during my teaching part I was light on my feet and didn't miss a step or need to stop and stretch.....then I came home and headed for bed and the ice pack.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: except for some yoga inspired stretching and squats, there's not much I can do..... I'll get back to strength training as soon as I feel better.

    :bigsmile: Barbie from rainy NW Washington
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    :sad: I fell on Tuesday morning while walking the dogs and landed on my seat on the asphalt......I hit hard but there were no sounds of crunching or snapping or popping and no sharp pains.......I got up and walked home. Jake made an appointment for me to see the chiropractor later in the day. He confirmed my suspicion that it was all muscles......they hurt a lot from the bottom of my glutes to the bottom of my ribs on the back.....He said that walking and dancing would assist the healing but I hurt too much to overdo. I made it to all three of my dance classes including the one where I teach half the class.

    :flowerforyou: On Tuesday I watched my recordings of Skate Canada and saw a lot of skaters hit the ice harder than I had hit the street and the get right up and do more spins and triple jumps.......Jake reminded me that they were in their teens and twenties and would bounce back faster than I would.:laugh:

    :bigsmile: On Friday when I taught the dance class, I felt like the skaters....during my teaching part I was light on my feet and didn't miss a step or need to stop and stretch.....then I came home and headed for bed and the ice pack.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: except for some yoga inspired stretching and squats, there's not much I can do..... I'll get back to strength training as soon as I feel better.

    :bigsmile: Barbie from rainy NW Washington

    Man, What a way to get injured. I almost did a forward faceplant at the gym yesterday and all I was doing was walking around the indoor tractk. I just didn't life my toe high enough and bam. I scrambled and saved my dignity and my face in front of all the people at the gym. Accidents happen. Get well soon!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I went into the gym yesterday and signed us back up. The PT there walked me though the machines and I discovered I'd been doing a few things incorrectly. :noway: No wonder I hurt myself! :grumble: I also left one of the machines out of my rotation for now. Now if I can only entice DH to go with me it will make this even better. I want to go at least twice a week and more if time and energy permits. I've done a couple of planks, and a minute and a half is still my limit. It will get better. What is a side plank? I've seen comments that some of you are doing this.

    Have a great day.

    Katla in damp NW Oregon
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Not an inspired day for me but I did get to the gym----worked my way around the weight machines and then attended a fitness class. Lots of work with tubes today. After class I did a plank challenge. A lady wanted to be timed to 45 seconds so the instructor asked if I wanted to join in. I did. The other lady quit at 45 seconds and the instructor stopped me at 66 seconds. Thought my form was deteriorating AND the next class was coming in to set up......

    Again, not at all pretty, but I did it.

    Be strong my friends. Heal up, get well, whatever your obstacles, I pray they will disappear.....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: cindylu, how fortunate that you were able to save yourself from a potentially bad and embarrassing fall.....I am usually able to do that....this thing last week was unusual for me but considering how much time I spend walking the dogs, the odds were that sooner or later something might happen.

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: Katla, congrats on getting back to the would be great if your DH would go with you, but I know that if I waited for my DH to be my workout partner, I'd be home watching TV instead of working out too much.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: LIn, if you're getting to the gym, you're way ahead of all the people who are home thinking about it.....congrats on your plank.

    :brokenheart: I have had to let go of the idea that somehow I should heal faster than everybody else and realize that this injury will take a long time to heal even if I do all the right things. So I'll be doing more yoga stretches and a lot less walking and no strength training at all for awhile:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :cry: :cry:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie from non-rainy cold NW Washington

  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Question for Barbiecat:
    I have been gaining and losing 2 pounds for the past month BUT my body fat has gone down by about 2 %. Since you've lost much more weight than me, please tell me if this has happened to you and what you did about it. For some reason that scale number means so much to me. I have been working out 6 days per week using a variety of cardio, strength, HIIT, and yoga. I drink 8-9 glasses of water per day. I am usually very close to my calorie allowance. I am just stuck and I still have about 20 pounds to go.3376659k2qp1kb5pz.gif
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DH has promised to go into the fitness center with me and I’m hoping today will be the day he does it. My regular yoga teacher is taking some time off so I’m planning to go to another one this morning, and the fitness center later.

    Barbie: I think that yoga could be very good for your healing and strength since you’re temporarily unable to do your usual activities. It is worth considering.:flowerforyou:

    Cindylu: Barbie will undoubtedly be better at giving you an answer but I can’t resist making a comment. There are many reasons for a woman’s weight to bounce up a pound or two other than putting on fat. One of them is TOM, which is not a part of my life anymore. In addition, muscle building can create a little temporary water weight and muscle itself is heavier than fat, but takes up less space. If your body fat is down 2% you are doing a great job.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    DH has promised to go into the fitness center with me and I’m hoping today will be the day he does it. My regular yoga teacher is taking some time off so I’m planning to go to another one this morning, and the fitness center later.

    Barbie: I think that yoga could be very good for your healing and strength since you’re temporarily unable to do your usual activities. It is worth considering.:flowerforyou:

    Cindylu: Barbie will undoubtedly be better at giving you an answer but I can’t resist making a comment. There are many reasons for a woman’s weight to bounce up a pound or two other than putting on fat. One of them is TOM, which is not a part of my life anymore. In addition, muscle building can create a little temporary water weight and muscle itself is heavier than fat, but takes up less space. If your body fat is down 2% you are doing a great job.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Katia49, Thanks for the words of encouragement. TOM, if I know what you are talking about, is still part of my life. Off to yoga and meditation.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    November goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink 3 or more glasses of water daily
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cindylu, I never had access to checking my body fat but observation told me that my body was getting firmer so I guess I was losing fat.....weight loss is not linear and the scale is often the worst measure of success.......keep doing what you're doing, but pay daily attention to your food diary, noting the foods that have too much sodium (exchange them for something else), looking for foods that are entertaining without sufficient nutrition (dessert, bread, sauces, salad dressings, chips) and add more lean meat and veggies.....and never, never, never give up.

    :flowerforyou: If your clothes fit better then it doesn't matter what the scale says.

    :heart: :bigsmile: Barbie

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I love how supportive this group is! :love:

    My back is still very sore so I'm sticking with yoga and pilates for the time being. I was feeling better today so did a cardio fusion version of pilates and still feeling okay. Still I think I might skip strength training this week until I feel a bit better…while frustrating I think this is actually good for me. I'm so tight and really need this slow down and stretching

    Katia - are you still looking for exercises to do with a band? If so there was an article I saw yesterday on the Huffington Post website with Jessica Smith demonstrating a number of exercises using a band. It said she developed it for Shape magazine so it might be on their website as well. If you are interested and can't find it I can probably pull it back up and send you the link :bigsmile:

    Barbie - hope you are feeling better…remember not to push to much (saying this to myself as well - not easy!) :laugh:

    Cindy - agree with everyone else on the scale!

    Have a great day, Jodios
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jodios, I have rejoined the fitness center, but I am also interested in the bands and exercises with them. It seems like they would make a great addition to the "health toolbox" for times we are traveling or can't do our usual activities.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member

    Katia - are you still looking for exercises to do with a band? If so there was an article I saw yesterday on the Huffington Post website with Jessica Smith demonstrating a number of exercises using a band.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: when I first read this I was imagining exercising to Stars and Stripes Forever and 76 Trombones........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I was feeling better today so did some easy circuit training. It was weird. I haven't done this DVD for awhile because while it seemed hard when I first started doing it, over time it became too easy. Given my sore back it was perfect for me at this point in time. I was very careful not to over do it and then followed up with 20 minutes of yoga stretches. so far so good :flowerforyou:

    Barbie - LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Katia - so did you find the "band" link or do you need me to? I think I might try it while I'm out of town next week :bigsmile:

    Stay strong

    Jodios:smile::love: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Holy moley! I googled resistance bands and came up with a whole LOT of products. I was thinking of buying some from my fitness center but that is as far as I've gotten. I might just get a John Phillips Sousa DVD instead. :laugh: Advice welcome, both in product choices and uses.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    My strength training continues with far better discipline than my posting to this community. :laugh:

    Except for last week when I had to nurse a pulled groin muscle, I've kept up with 3 strength workouts per week, even when travelling. In fact, I now intentionally book myself into one of the large chain hotels where I know there will be a well equipped gym.

    Early this morning I got in another hour with my personal trainer. She has introduced me to the large stability ball, which I absolutely love. We also did combinations of planks, squats with steps, standing with weights, and lifts with the medicine ball. I can never remember what any of these exercises are called, but I'm just happy to have her putting me through paces and correcting my form. I felt it all through my arms, hamstrings and glutes. :tongue:

    Jodios, may I also get a copy of the article with band exercises? I need some more variety using bands that are a little shorter than the tubes we have at the community center.

    I'm inspired by everyone's efforts and candid sharing. Stay strong. :heart:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,354 Member
    Go-go-go!!! Wow, what a lot of great energy and suggestions are being shared on this thread. I am so pleased to be a part of it. :bigsmile:

    Just typing a short note tonight on my iPad to let you know I got to the weight room today and it was pretty much mine all mine while I did the weight machines. I loved up 10 lbs on the hamstring curl. Yippee!! The fitness class afterwards was a mix of kickboxing, Zumba, yoga, and compound moves with weights. Loved it!!

    Be strong my friends.

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Here is the link for the resistance band article;

    let me know if you try it out and what you think

    Also, I found this free DVD on the Jessica Smith TV youtube channel. It is intermediate level. I'm sure if you search you can find other levels as well:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jodios: Thanks for the links. I understand why these bands are so valuable for someone who has to travel regularly. I'll likely get some one of these days--before I go on a trip. :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I am proud of myself for this week. I exercised 5 days so far, and three of them were at the gym doing strength training. The other two days were yoga. I do not have a sore back and am hoping to tighten up skin while gaining strength. I even bullied DH into going to the fitness center twice. I hope some day that he'll start going voluntarily and not because I'm nagging.:laugh:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Out in Boston for work. My hotel has a very nice fitness center so I've been getting in a nice long workout every morning. I did a mix of strength training and cardio this morning for about an hour. I worked lower, upper and the dreaded abs so got it all in. I ran a little and did some elliptical. Because I'm doing ethnographies (interview people in their own homes) vs. meetings I'm more in control of my own food. I brought my pumpkin scones with for breakfast and have a ton of fruit, some nuts and protein bars. Yesterday we stopped at a grocery store so I had yogurt, nuts and an apple for dinner. the woman I'm working with wants to eat the same way so until the guys start showing up on thursday I think I'll be in good shape…I don't think the men will want to eat like us :laugh: :laugh:

    Stay strong!
