The men who made us fat



  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    I thought this was going to be about unsupportive or abusive husbands that kept us barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

    Me, too. Thought I was going to get to go and beat up my first husband or something. :grumble:

    Same here. :laugh:
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here. Industry and politicians are partially responsible for making people fat. When junk food is subsidized and healthy food is not, the price of the end product is often the factor why people reach for some food over the other. When people can't afford healthy food, they buy what's within their range. -- this documentary is worth watching.

    last time I checked, you can buy any kind of food with food stamps...but nice try, trying to absolve everyone of any kind of personal responsibility ...

    Suuuuuuure the politicians made me fat, because they made me eat big macs everyday...rolling eyez...

    I don't think you actually checked. I can pick any number of food deserts, drop you there, give you transport options typical for someone close to federal poverty levels, and you will have to choose between eating real food and going to work.

    If I make you a single mom it gets twice as hard.

    What makes you assume the things you take for granted are even known to you? What kind of "checking" do you actually do?

    Have you any idea how ignorant that post makes you sound? It doesn't look good on you, because you are obviously more intelligent and better than that.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It's no one's fault but us for how we gained weight. Don't blame corporations or anyone but yourself. Those corporations adding sugar to things is not what made us fat... sugar alone did not make us fat... we made ourselves fat because we ate too much and were too lazy.

    That's only partially true. If people are "educated" to believe that diets high in simple carbs and low in fat are the best way to lose weight (which is what we were told throughout the 80's and 90's), then part of the blame goes on the corporations spreading misinformation.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here. Industry and politicians are partially responsible for making people fat. When junk food is subsidized and healthy food is not, the price of the end product is often the factor why people reach for some food over the other. When people can't afford healthy food, they buy what's within their range. -- this documentary is worth watching.

    last time I checked, you can buy any kind of food with food stamps...but nice try, trying to absolve everyone of any kind of personal responsibility ...

    Suuuuuuure the politicians made me fat, because they made me eat big macs everyday...rolling eyez...

    I don't think you actually checked. I can pick any number of food deserts, drop you there, give you transport options typical for someone close to federal poverty levels, and you will have to choose between eating real food and going to work.

    If I make you a single mom it gets twice as hard.

    What makes you assume the things you take for granted are even known to you? What kind of "checking" do you actually do?

    Have you any idea how ignorant that post makes you sound? It doesn't look good on you, because you are obviously more intelligent and better than that.

    If you need government aid to be able to afford food, then you shouldn't complain when you get so much of it that it makes you fat.
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    If the sugar in today's foods is responsible for obesity, then why can some people eat those foods and stay thin?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here. Industry and politicians are partially responsible for making people fat. When junk food is subsidized and healthy food is not, the price of the end product is often the factor why people reach for some food over the other. When people can't afford healthy food, they buy what's within their range. -- this documentary is worth watching.

    last time I checked, you can buy any kind of food with food stamps...but nice try, trying to absolve everyone of any kind of personal responsibility ...

    Suuuuuuure the politicians made me fat, because they made me eat big macs everyday...rolling eyez...

    I don't think you actually checked. I can pick any number of food deserts, drop you there, give you transport options typical for someone close to federal poverty levels, and you will have to choose between eating real food and going to work.

    If I make you a single mom it gets twice as hard.

    What makes you assume the things you take for granted are even known to you? What kind of "checking" do you actually do?

    Have you any idea how ignorant that post makes you sound? It doesn't look good on you, because you are obviously more intelligent and better than that.
    and it makes you sound even smarter to say that "the government makes us fat" ....please...

    Eat too much = fat
    eat at maintenance = no gain
    eat at under maintenance = lose weight

    its not hard, and its not a government conspiracy...
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here. Industry and politicians are partially responsible for making people fat. When junk food is subsidized and healthy food is not, the price of the end product is often the factor why people reach for some food over the other. When people can't afford healthy food, they buy what's within their range. -- this documentary is worth watching.

    last time I checked, you can buy any kind of food with food stamps...but nice try, trying to absolve everyone of any kind of personal responsibility ...

    Suuuuuuure the politicians made me fat, because they made me eat big macs everyday...rolling eyez...

    I don't think you actually checked. I can pick any number of food deserts, drop you there, give you transport options typical for someone close to federal poverty levels, and you will have to choose between eating real food and going to work.

    If I make you a single mom it gets twice as hard.

    What makes you assume the things you take for granted are even known to you? What kind of "checking" do you actually do?

    Have you any idea how ignorant that post makes you sound? It doesn't look good on you, because you are obviously more intelligent and better than that.

    If you need government aid to be able to afford food, then you shouldn't complain when you get so much of it that it makes you fat.

    That sounds like a great reason to ignore evidence and use assistance programs to increase the burden on society for the sake of corporate profits. Great point.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here. Industry and politicians are partially responsible for making people fat. When junk food is subsidized and healthy food is not, the price of the end product is often the factor why people reach for some food over the other. When people can't afford healthy food, they buy what's within their range. -- this documentary is worth watching.

    last time I checked, you can buy any kind of food with food stamps...but nice try, trying to absolve everyone of any kind of personal responsibility ...

    Suuuuuuure the politicians made me fat, because they made me eat big macs everyday...rolling eyez...

    I don't think you actually checked. I can pick any number of food deserts, drop you there, give you transport options typical for someone close to federal poverty levels, and you will have to choose between eating real food and going to work.

    If I make you a single mom it gets twice as hard.

    What makes you assume the things you take for granted are even known to you? What kind of "checking" do you actually do?

    Have you any idea how ignorant that post makes you sound? It doesn't look good on you, because you are obviously more intelligent and better than that.
    and it makes you sound even smarter to say that "the government makes us fat" ....please...

    Eat too much = fat
    eat at maintenance = no gain
    eat at under maintenance = lose weight

    its not hard, and its not a government conspiracy...


    I'm not going to go back and rehash the points I've already argued, sorry.

    Summary: individual responsibility is not the opposite of smart social policy. The two work well together.

    Government intervention is a given unless you are demagoguing for campaign cash. You can make it effective or make it counter productive.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    If the sugar in today's foods is responsible for obesity, then why can some people eat those foods and stay thin?

  • I thought this was going to be about unsupportive or abusive husbands that kept us barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

    Me, too. Thought I was going to get to go and beat up my first husband or something. :grumble:

    Same here. :laugh:

    Pmsl ... Im sure there's a lot to say about that one too ... But unless they've force fed any of you against your will (in which case they should be imprisoned anyway) one can hardly put the blame for excess flab on them (it's too easy and doesn't get us (women) anywhere! ;) x
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I thought this was going to be about unsupportive or abusive husbands that kept us barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

    Me, too. Thought I was going to get to go and beat up my first husband or something. :grumble:

    Same here. :laugh:

    Pmsl ... Im sure there's a lot to say about that one too ... But unless they've force fed any of you against your will (in which case they should be imprisoned anyway) one can hardly put the blame for excess flab on them (it's too easy and doesn't get us (women) anywhere! ;) x

    I guess we forgot to turn the <sarcasm mode> on.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    The BBC's modus operandi is to blame the big corporations.

    If you don't want corn syrup in your products don't buy products with corn syrup in them.
    Hmm I'm not sure it isn't quite as easy as personal responsibility, as don't know about in America, but in uk it's hard enough to get manufacturers to label products ingredients honestly, a lot of food producers just passed off horse for beef earlier this year, they weren't honest! Is up to the food producers to give us all the info so we can make an informed choice!

    No, that was a disreputable abbatoir. The "food producers" trusted that when they ordered beef, they actually GOT beef.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm beginning to change my mind about these conspiracies. I am very much anti-business and government from the aspect that there is something to the fact that they lie and use ingredients that are not necessarily healthful for human consumption. Whether that is fact or not, I don't know. But there seems to be research that suggests that HFCS, in general, is not healthful for humans.

    But, my point is, with all the information that is available now, there doesn't seem to be as big a blame as there used to be. And, there are enough alternative products available. You can very easily never eat HFCS again for the rest of your life. Very easily. So, to blame the government, corporations, and anyone but yourself doesn't fly. Is it an evil empire? yes, I believe it is. But, does it matter? Not really.

    In my case, yes it's my fault.

    But I come from a privileged class. Had a rough patch a little while back and saw the other half of the coin. It's eye opening if hard to believe.
  • I see this thread has gone from moronic to idiotic over night...

    I don't think it's the thread that has ;)
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    How's about no...

    I will be damned if I am going to blame any poor decision that I have made on anybody else. Also, sugar is not evil and don't talk bad about bacon. Geez.

    Screw that. Aint my fault i keep buying gallons of ice cream and eating it. ITS YOURS DAMMIT!
  • swaymyway
    swaymyway Posts: 428 Member
    Have it recorded ready to watch when I get the chance :)
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member

    Summary: individual responsibility is not the opposite of smart social policy. The two work well together.

    You win.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Nothing like absolving yourself of personal responsibility!

  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    In America it is almost near impossible to avoid corn by products in foods, from corn starch, corn syrup, corn meal, its not health, the most recent thing I found it in and know it was not in it prior (at least not on the label) is tea bags, Lipton especially now lists modified corn starch on its label as an ingredient in its tea, why? there should be nothing but tea.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    seen it. Typical scare mongering based on correlation studies.

    Obesity problem is caused by people eating more and moving less. Pretty simple :smile:

    That's not true! Sitting around all day eating chinese food, drinking beer and fragging n00bs on the interwebz is what made me fat!

    Oh... wait. NVM

    (Dear God, I love chinese food more than you. Sorrai)