The men who made us fat



  • claudialenz711
    If I know how to read (which I'm ALMOST positive that I do) I'm taking a stab in the dark here that the OP's original post didn't say that sugar MADE her or anyone else fat. I THINK she may have been simply stating that she was unaware just how much sugar is in EVERYTHING. But again... what do I know... maybe I should join in the fun and jump to conclusions because it's amusing everyone else. :)

    Lol some comments do make me chuckle. It's the title of the documentary (there's also the men who made us thin now on BBC iplayer!) I've chosen for the thread. As my main intention was to recommend watching it.
    At the end of the day it's all about choice. I was just curious about other peoples discovery when it comes to unnecessarily added sugars/sweeteners (not the obvious ones) in their favourite foods.
    So thanks for actually reading my post ;)
  • claudialenz711
    If I know how to read (which I'm ALMOST positive that I do) I'm taking a stab in the dark here that the OP's original post didn't say that sugar MADE her or anyone else fat. I THINK she may have been simply stating that she was unaware just how much sugar is in EVERYTHING. But again... what do I know... maybe I should join in the fun and jump to conclusions because it's amusing everyone else. :)

    the title of the thread is "The men who made us fat."


    It's the title of the documentary! That's all ;)
  • claudialenz711
    If I know how to read (which I'm ALMOST positive that I do) I'm taking a stab in the dark here that the OP's original post didn't say that sugar MADE her or anyone else fat. I THINK she may have been simply stating that she was unaware just how much sugar is in EVERYTHING. But again... what do I know... maybe I should join in the fun and jump to conclusions because it's amusing everyone else. :)

    Yeah, thank you.

    Also, let me add to the mix (just for fun lol) that the same people in the US who are supposed to make sure that the food is of sufficient quality are also in charge of the drugs that they get rich off of when people get sick from inferior food......the Food and Drug Administration. Now who's bright idea was THAT???

    So, yes there really is hidden sugar, fat, and salt in unexpected places. We are not absolved of our responsibility and need to educate ourselves and pay attention and take care of ourselves because they do this, but it is wrong....and it's not an accident.

    My point exactly ;)
  • claudialenz711
    I thought this was gonna be about *kitten* ex's who made us eat ice cream out of misery.

    And now we are totally teaching them a lesson by being the hottest level of hot we can be.

    I thought the same thing when I saw the title. Thought I was the only one :blushing:

    Pmsl ... Love it! ;) now I'm curious about responses on this one ;)
  • SadFaerie
    SadFaerie Posts: 243 Member
    I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here. Industry and politicians are partially responsible for making people fat. When junk food is subsidized and healthy food is not, the price of the end product is often the factor why people reach for some food over the other. When people can't afford healthy food, they buy what's within their range. -- this documentary is worth watching.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    Bump! I only can blame myself
  • claudialenz711
    How is it possible that, with a straight face, you can blame someone else for your own overeating??

    "You jerk! The food you make tastes TOO GOOD and you're making me fat!" Seriously? That's like something from The Onion.

    Well, see, there's this whole crazy concept called "nuance".

    Check it out, it actually possible for groups and individuals to operate on a different set of rules!

    Crazy! Things aren't super simple, black and white, cut and dry. Complexity exists! Small particles don't behave as predicted by the physics we use to understand larger ones! CRAZY!

    The thread title is "the men who made us fat."

    Only one man made me fat, and that's me. I'm not sure if other men made you fat, but I doubt it. So... us? We made ourselves fat.

    You keep wanting me to say its JUST the one thing or the other. Science doesn't work that way. Reality doesn't fit strict rationalistic definitions and theories.

    It's true that I made myself fat and I made myself unfat.

    But as a larger group of humans, we actually invest resources, and lots of them, researching ways to make each other fatter for the benefit of a very small group at the top.

    I know this is really tough, but it is possible to have a healthy amount of freedom along with a healthy amount of security, and you don't have to pick only one or the other.

    You replied to me. I never said anything to you :laugh: I'm not Casey and BeachIron (as interesting as that would be)

    I don't care what you say. All I said was that the thread title is a pathetic cop-out; an attempt to blame someone else for your own actions. It would be comical if it weren't serious

    The thread title is the friggin title of the documentary I was watching! Am wondering if the BBC producers are aware of how people respond to this title (never mind the content) ;)
  • claudialenz711
    There is an app for the iphone that will scan upc codes and let you know if the item has ingredients that you are trying to avoid. Shocked me when I found out coke and diet cake have wheat in it. Its a free app and kind of fun to use.

    Uuhhh intrigued ... What's it called?
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm gonna be the devil's advocate here. Industry and politicians are partially responsible for making people fat. When junk food is subsidized and healthy food is not, the price of the end product is often the factor why people reach for some food over the other. When people can't afford healthy food, they buy what's within their range. -- this documentary is worth watching.

    Socialist! Hitler was a vegetarian!
  • claudialenz711
    Wait til you see The Men Who Made us THIN

    I thought I'd move this to its own thread. I realised I was derailing this one.


    Not at all ... Only spotted this one after I posted the thread with the docu title. Have recorded it to watch later. It's all good stuff along the same line ;)
    Am curious what kind of responses this thread title would get ;) lol
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Nothing like absolving yourself of personal responsibility!


    I was just thinking "um, no, WE made ourselves 'fat'?"...
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    I actually made myself fat.. One donut at a time :laugh:..
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I think people got way off on a tangent.

    The OP asked what foods were your surprised that they had added sugar.

    So far, here in Australia, sugar isn't added to everything and it isn't promoted as a health food.

    I was comparing labels on bread for the US and here and was surprised sugar is added to plain white bread in the USA.

    Yes people, usually Americans raised on Ayn Rand, will go on and on about personal responsibility. The world is black and white, and terms are always absolute and determined before the conversation started. Other cultures are strange and arbitrary, ours is rational.

    Because, you know, taking high fructose corn syrup off the GRAS list would be COMMUNISM

    I think you'll find a totallitarian body imposing rules on the free market is fascism.

    Every individual making the same decision to not buy products with corn syrup to bring the capitalists down is communism.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    Im more pissed off at my ex who used to bring me takeaway food home to eat together, while he happily maintained him his weight, telling me its ok love, we will be together forever - more to love. So now 6 stone heavier and he is with some *kitten* and Im battling weight loss. As the lady said in an earlier post, gonna get gorgeous and show the *kitten*.

    Anyway thanks for letting me get that off my chest lol.

    And sugar, yeah too much in foods ;)
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I think people got way off on a tangent.

    The OP asked what foods were your surprised that they had added sugar.

    So far, here in Australia, sugar isn't added to everything and it isn't promoted as a health food.

    I was comparing labels on bread for the US and here and was surprised sugar is added to plain white bread in the USA.

    Yes people, usually Americans raised on Ayn Rand, will go on and on about personal responsibility. The world is black and white, and terms are always absolute and determined before the conversation started. Other cultures are strange and arbitrary, ours is rational.

    Because, you know, taking high fructose corn syrup off the GRAS list would be COMMUNISM

    I think you'll find a totallitarian body imposing rules on the free market is fascism.

    Every individual making the same decision to not buy products with corn syrup to bring the capitalists down is communism.

    Right. But what about when a democratic body imposes rules on the free market. What do you call that? America.

    Why do you hate America?

    Huzzah for straw man logic!

    One more. What do you call it when agricultural subsidies are shifted away from corn syrup towards products that tend to create fewer problems on a systemic scale?

    Keep yer guvmint hands off my freedom to choose from a set of pre-determined options!

    You don't live in an unregulated market place, sorry to burst your bubble. That exists nowhere. This debate is about where we invest our intervention dollars, not whether or not we live in a fantasy novel for adolescents.
  • CloudyMao
    CloudyMao Posts: 258 Member
    Nothing like absolving yourself of personal responsibility!


    I was just thinking "um, no, WE made ourselves 'fat'?"...

    I take it you also missed the fact that it's the title of the program the OP was watching, not to mention that several people have mentioned that already, and it was rather obvious in the first place. Not that the sentiment is untrue, we should all know what's going into our bodies - however it's not as black and white as this, companies lie about what's in their food (there's been far to many scandals in the UK here, including the afore mentioned horsemeat scandal), so if companies are lying to us about what's in our food how are we supposed to know? Not everyone can afford to eat clean also - that's a big problem here. Both the individual and the food manufacturers are at fault when it comes to bad health.

    I don't know about anywhere else but the lack of nutritional education and decent physical education in England is horrendous.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I think people got way off on a tangent.

    The OP asked what foods were your surprised that they had added sugar.

    So far, here in Australia, sugar isn't added to everything and it isn't promoted as a health food.

    I was comparing labels on bread for the US and here and was surprised sugar is added to plain white bread in the USA.

    Yes people, usually Americans raised on Ayn Rand, will go on and on about personal responsibility. The world is black and white, and terms are always absolute and determined before the conversation started. Other cultures are strange and arbitrary, ours is rational.

    Because, you know, taking high fructose corn syrup off the GRAS list would be COMMUNISM

    I think you'll find a totallitarian body imposing rules on the free market is fascism.

    Every individual making the same decision to not buy products with corn syrup to bring the capitalists down is communism.

    Right. But what about when a democratic body imposes rules on the free market. What do you call that? America.

    Why do you hate America?

    Huzzah for straw man logic!

    One more. What do you call it when agricultural subsidies are shifted away from corn syrup towards products that tend to create fewer problems on a systemic scale?

    It's interesting how you read my ineresting I mean sensationalist and reactionary. Not to mention the presumptions you make about my personal opinions.

    You have also failed to contradict my statement.

    Also, why is America your only reference as a democratic body? It makes you come across narrow minded and naive.

    What systemic scale would that be?
  • claudialenz711
    Im more pissed off at my ex who used to bring me takeaway food home to eat together, while he happily maintained him his weight, telling me its ok love, we will be together forever - more to love. So now 6 stone heavier and he is with some *kitten* and Im battling weight loss. As the lady said in an earlier post, gonna get gorgeous and show the *kitten*.

    Anyway thanks for letting me get that off my chest lol.

    And sugar, yeah too much in foods ;)

    I hear ya ... and you're welcome ;) and for the future (and the new you) stay clear of guys who bring you junk food! Lol x
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nothing like absolving yourself of personal responsibility!


    I was just thinking "um, no, WE made ourselves 'fat'?"...

    I take it you also missed the fact that it's the title of the program the OP was watching, not to mention that several people have mentioned that already, and it was rather obvious in the first place. Not that the sentiment is untrue, we should all know what's going into our bodies - however it's not as black and white as this, companies lie about what's in their food (there's been far to many scandals in the UK here, including the afore mentioned horsemeat scandal), so if companies are lying to us about what's in our food how are we supposed to know? Not everyone can afford to eat clean also - that's a big problem here. Both the individual and the food manufacturers are at fault when it comes to bad health.

    I don't know about anywhere else but the lack of nutritional education and decent physical education in England is horrendous.

    Wait, even people who make profits should be prevented from engaging in coercion through deception? That sounds like REGULATION. Which is fascism. Or socialism. Or something like that. All I know is, I believe in freedom and other people obviously don't understand what I'm saying because they aren't as übermenschy as I am.
  • Tigermum9
    Tigermum9 Posts: 546 Member
    I can do better than that, just stay away from guys!!